Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 248: 1 cut from 50,000 years ago

Zhang Yuan blushed, held her breath, and glanced at the corpse. In fact, it could not be said that it was a rebel.

These grass-roots heroes think that their "choice" can save the entire civilization, but it is actually not the case ...

How easy is it to find a way out of thorns? A civilization needs real change. It must have a strong guiding ideology and a scientific way forward. Both are indispensable. Blindly patted his head and tried to "stand behind it", it was just a broken jar and a fall, there is a greater probability that the reality will become worse.

Numerous similar stories have happened on the earth. 99% of the so-called demonstrations and strikes are meaningless ...

Next, Zhang Yuan was rushed to the biochemical quarantine area for a comprehensive microbiological examination. The bionic manipulator on the left ate a bullet, but it didn't have much trouble, but Zhang Yuan himself had been exposed to the air of the planet and must have sucked in some microorganisms. Will he get sick or not?

However, the Glize people have specific drugs for treating microorganisms. In addition, humans also have a certain non-specific immune capacity. Such a microorganism, in theory, will not be a big problem.

"There is a little allergic reaction, not too bothersome. The survival rate of these microorganisms in an aerobic environment is very low ... the next symptoms are yet to be observed." Lin Xuanxuan is undergoing a comprehensive examination for him. "Ah, you should quarantine for a while, and then take a blood test. If it is not large, it should be fine."

Zhang Yuan nodded, and there was no way to do this. If he really got any infectious diseases and had a certain incubation period, maybe after returning to the spacecraft and infecting everyone in the Earth Age, then he would suffer.

At this moment, the door of the room rang, and a Glitzer wearing a space suit, the leader of the other civilization, came to apologize in person.

Zhang Yuan sat up and Lin Xuanxuan walked out of the room.

He solemnly said, "Honour Gan Yaduo, I think you need to give me an explanation. If the two parties want further cooperation, there seems to be many objections within your civilization ..."

Gan Yaduo also sighed. At this moment, it seemed that he was much older ...


Fifty thousand years ago, an alien space fleet passed by "Glitzer 581" by accident. When supplementing conventional material resources, it was found that this productive force is still in the Stone Age, but the civilization of art and culture is highly developed.

After some investigation, the interstellar civilization believes that the most valuable thing of Glitz civilization is their strange mathematical system and the art created ...

In particular, the latter's various artworks are more valuable in their eyes.

Under this series of conditions, I do not know if it was out of pity or other reasons. This interstellar civilization did not plunder, but instead completed a series of transactions with the Glitz civilization, and almost bought out this civilization. A work of art accumulated over 100,000 years.

Correspondingly, the price paid was ... helping Glizer civilization complete the initial electrification construction, and at the same time, 13 "automatic universal factories" were placed in 13 major cities.

These "universal factories" are equivalent to the creations of the second-level civilization at the peak. The volume and quality are very large. For this interstellar fleet, the creations of the second-level civilization are not very useful. They simply traded out, and both parties were very happy.

However, the Glitz civilization, which was stuck dead by this key node of electricity, simply got the legendary "God's care", got soaring, and produced a real qualitative change!

Gothic current governor Cassie Movin wrote ecstatically in his diary: "It's hard to imagine, really hard to imagine ... we have come into contact with a very friendly alien civilization! In absolute Under the power gap, the other party did not plunder us. "

"They tell us more truth. Some life planets in the universe even have a lot of oxygen in them !!!"

"... In another world, there is a burning phenomenon, chemical energy can be easily used, the development of technology is so simple and so easy for them ... this **** fact has stuck us for 100,000 years ... All scientists are painstakingly unable to see the way forward, just because of the lack of burning. "

"Now we don't need the burning phenomenon ..."

"Electricity, finally overdue!"

"Thanks for this friendly interstellar civilization ..."

"Thanks ... thanks ... thanks sincerely!"

"And what we paid for was just some trivial works of art."

Cassie Movin believes that it is possible to have such a cost-effective thing in the world if you sell the art accumulated over 100,000 years in exchange for a bright future.

Any other civilization will do the same.

"Do you still keep your own art and live a primitive life? Of course it is impossible."

"We will definitely seize this opportunity to become as great a shore as the Enlightened civilization!"

The Glitz civilization waited too long for this moment, and in the face of a large amount of ready-made knowledge, almost all its potential has exploded.

Many mathematicians worked hard again, pondering physics and chemistry that had been discarded for a long time, and devoting themselves to research. Workers would rather take less rest and overdraw their bodies, but also complete construction in this area.

Electricity is too precious for this civilization that does not have a burning phenomenon. It would not be too much to pay more attention to 10,000 times!

In this frantic construction, in a year and a half, preliminary electrification of 13 major cities was completed, nuclear power plants were able to generate electricity, smelting plants could use electrolysis to smelt various metals, and universal plants began small-scale production ... ...

After the deal was completed, the interstellar civilization soon left Glizer 581 and continued its long journey.

In the end, the people of Glitz didn't know the specific name of this civilization ... just blindly admiring this seemingly friendly civilization, which is still the case today.

The name is just a code name. For the Star Fleet roaming the universe, this deal is just a trivial matter. Moreover, there is a high probability that the two parties will never meet, and what is the meaning of telling the name. Update fastest computer :: /

Worshiping each other? Unwanted ~ ~ In short, in a year and a half, our civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes. The level of science and technology has jumped directly from the Stone Age to the age of electricity. The appearance of various metals such as steel, copper, aluminum, and performance has surpassed that of stones and wood. I do n’t know how many times, especially in the universal factory. , Ecstatic. "

There are so many weird things in the world ...

But this kind of social change completely exceeded the limits of their wisdom and the ability to withstand that era.

Without the constraints of alien civilization, the Glitz were quickly stunned by the huge productivity, and the first wave of civil strife between civilizations broke out!

"Yes, civil strife!"

When he heard this, Zhang Yuan was completely suffocated. This was completely different from what he imagined. It was an anti-intuitive taste.

After owning a universal factory, you should not take a big step forward. Why is there a sudden outbreak of civil unrest?

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