Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 441: The world behind the twilight wonder

Darkness, emptiness, dead silence, unknown... This is the first feeling Wang Xuan felt after crossing the "Twilight Wonders".

He can't see anything, his spiritual eyes are disabled, there is no sound, no scenery, darkness is everywhere, and there is no life.

Of course, this is just a momentary experience after coming to a "remote place" for the first time.

His brain thoughts seemed to be submerged in black, and all perception was lost.

Suddenly, Scarlet appeared, his double

The eyes were the first to recover and saw something, what was that? A huge red glow, as if suddenly passing through the dark abyss

Is that blood flowing? It seems that the rules are intertwined, the rhythm of the Tao is presented, and the moment is eternity. He seems to have fallen into the strange circle of time and cannot be freed.

Wang Xuan has rich fighting experience, and he still reacted immediately. On both sides of the dark and empty space, even more rash blood appeared, extremely huge, like two red planets in the dead sky, crossing a line. Dao blood light

Is that an eyeball? It's unbelievably big!

The landslide and tsunami, in the entire silent black space, suddenly there was a sound, and the huge blood-colored circles collided with each other at high speed.

And Wang Xuan is in between the two

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They don't look like **** eyes anymore, they're like hammers, their front ends are flattened, and they're more like two iron vertebrae, the tops colliding with each other, and they are boundless.

When they are not in contact, there are already dense blood-colored textures intertwined with each other, like lightning, and like cutting the world with rules

All of this, when the spark of the superhuman's thinking was too late to burst out, suddenly appeared and completed, and it was almost too late to react.

Wang Xuan made a move at the first time, but it was just out of an instinct, and the follow-up reaction could not keep up, and the change was unbelievable.

Outside his body, the texture of the Imperial Way spreads all over, and a piece of sacred light rises from the whole body. In addition, the grass and vines are also suspended, which is caused by the initial intuitive defense.

Later, his thinking was almost stagnant and extremely passive. The big environment here affects everything, like suppressing outsiders indefinitely, that is, to obliterate Bang Long!

Killing until the severe pain appeared, Wang Xuan's mentality did not reset.

He realized that his body was distorted, his primordial spirit was "collapsed" in an inexplicable force field, and both his body and spirit were threatened with death.

What the **** is this place, is it the end of the game?

He saw the grass vines hanging on the side of his shoulders. Even if the flowers were in full bloom, there were dense cracks.

It's shattering, it's "photochemical", it seems to be "passing" in a special vicious circle

The current situation is completely devastating. Everything seems to be over. After Wang Xuan's mentality has recovered, all actions are a bit late.

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Sacrifice the holy relic, it may be too late, even if the other two are successfully exposed, most of them will be damaged, disintegrated here, and then "photochemical"

For a split second, out of primitive instinct, he

He chose nothing, and everything around him was blurred as a whole, and then he gave birth to "being" from "nothing". In this desperate crisis, he played beyond the outline, from nothing to existence, in one go, he disappeared from the place, no Into the fog, because it's too late, but cast at the end of darkness

In this space, two scarlet round spots, extremely huge, rushed together at high speed, and between each other, red light, chaotic lightning, densely packed, like a net intertwined

Then, with a bang, the two giants banged against each other, like two iron vertebrae that fell from the sky and fell into the world, colliding with each other fiercely.

At the end of the darkness, Wang Xuan turned around and saw this scene, where the rich mythological factors he left behind melted away, and the rules he played were also blurred.

It can be said that the area is extremely terrifying, everything melts, the rules are blurred, and the rhythm dissipates. If he really stays in place, his spirit and body will be broken.

At this moment, even the strange things on the mobile phone are silent, this is just coming in, and it is almost dying? It was carried by Wang Xuan, and even it felt the crisis

At that moment it was almost about to fully recover!

Wang Xuan stared, under the avenue of balance, even he experienced a fatal threat, this place is indeed too terrifying, almost beyond the red line area at the end of the true immortal

"Under the avenue of balance, to fight in the same realm, is this the ultimate power of a true immortal?" He pondered

The experience of death, the death of the body is almost imminent, making him put away all his ego and become extremely serious

He has killed many 5 limit-breakers in hell, driven monsters and prowlers from more than a dozen giant cities to chase them all the way, and defeated many in the Twilight Exchange.

The wizards who have left a illustrious name in history are hard to beat

Now, he calms down, in the realm at the end of the real fairy, he can still be threatened, and there will be moments of near death

Wang Xuan looked into the distance, pondered it carefully, and "reviewed" in his heart. If he didn't play "super-class" just now, escaped the desperate situation, and chose to take it hard, what would the outcome be?

Three holy relics, at most I can only sacrifice the second one, and my own spirit and flesh and blood have climbed to the limit in a hurry, there is no escape, only life and death confrontation

"Probably won't die, but it will be severely injured. From the body to the spirit, to the sacred object, it will all be smashed, and then reappear with a serious injury." This is the general conclusion that Wang Xuan came to after careful evaluation, which made him highly Take it seriously, the ultimate realm of the true immortal is very dangerous. If he is careless, he will die here.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Under the Avenue of Balance, the forefront of the true immortal has just appeared, which is the commanding height field that has broken the limit five times."

Wang Xuan nodded, one generation after another, there are too many people who have left names in the extraordinary history, and those who have no names, whether they are from the sky or the ascetic.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to overlook the true immortals of so many epochs. All the splendor and splendor are the result of all the extraordinary people shining together.

Wang Xuan said: "In history, in the realm of real immortals, someone has reached such a height, and more than one person has been remembered, so the rhythm here is presented, and it will be so terrifying when it cuts to me!"

"It should be extracted from the history, various eras, and the advantages of forcing the true immortals in this field, combined, and superimposed all the elements, to form the power of the ultimate true immortal just now."

"So, my current state is still extremely strong?" Wang Xuan said to himself

"You think you can do it again" said the strange thing on the phone

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According to it, each high-level true immortal has his own "extreme realm" that he is good at, either in the spiritual aspect or in the direction of magic and flesh. After all the "extremes" are extracted, comprehensive Together, it is the power that emerged from the crisis land just now

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "Whether it is called a high-level real immortal or an ultimate real immortal, it all means the same thing. They go further and break the window paper, which is the 6-time limit-breaking field you are after!"

"Is there?" Wang Xuan asked, his twisted body recovered, the "collapsed" primordial spirit returned to full strength, and the state returned to its peak.

In addition, the grass and vines suspended on his shoulders are also recovering, from broken to green, full of vitality, and alive, as long as he does not die, the sacred object will not be destroyed.

"I recovered a piece of memory. In the long history of supernatural, there really is no real immortal." The mobile phone told the strange object, and then it said: "This also indirectly confirms that it is indeed not true.

It exists because, if there was such a realm, it would have been revealed just now.”

Wang Xuan didn't say anything. It seems that the realm of the real immortal is indeed extremely difficult. However, he has gone through the road of "6 destruction" in his previous great realm, and naturally he also wants to cross the hurdle of the real immortal.

On the way here, it is still dark, mainly due to the special rhythm of Taoism. There is no light, like a place of extinction. If no outsiders break in, the area will always be lifeless, and looking at it will deprive people of perception.

"Where did we come to, shouldn't it be the outer universe?" Wang Xuan said.

I was almost robbed just now, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a depleted starry sky

However, when he turned around and looked towards the direction he was going to, he was stunned again. It was not the starry sky, but the land. It was vast and could not see the end.

On the road, in the dim starry sky, there are bloodstains left. I don't know what age it was, who dripped it, and there were even **** footprints that were not completely scattered.

"Someone came alive!" Wang Xuan said

He wakes up again, and must not underestimate those famous and unknown people in history. Obviously, there are high-level true immortals who have come over alive.

However, there are not many people, there should be only a few to the side

"Are there your own daughters among these bloodstains?" Wang Xuan asked

"I don't know, the spirituality has been wiped out, gathering but not dispersing. It's just the wonders preserved by the Dao of Balance, not the real rhythm of Dao." The most important thing is that it wants to analyze, identify, and even trace back , you need to recover first

It is dangerous to do that. Under the Avenue of Balance, its "resurrection" will directly lead to the "Holy War" in the ultimate realm!

From the perspective of mobile phone wonders, in "Balance", Wang Xuan should be able to do better than it in the battle of the same realm.

This is also the reason why it let Wang Xuan come in and help it see the truth

On the boundless land, there are also bloodstains, which belong to the condensation of wonders. The control has not dispersed. I don’t know if it is to commemorate the glory of some creatures at the end of the limit, or to warn the latecomers.

The land is very desolate, and no one has set foot on it for endless years. After walking far away, even those bloodstains are gone, and there is no sound between heaven and earth.

"It's snowing" Wang Xuan looked up at the sky

Ahead, there is no other scenery, some are just white, and there is an indescribable desolation and quietness, he is like a lonely traveler to the end of the world

Ahead, incomparably far away, deep, and incomprehensible

The strange thing on the mobile phone didn't make a sound. It can be sure that its "daughter" did come in, but if it doesn't recover now, it can't be traced.

It has obsessions because of heart disease

According to the chef of the Heavenly Court Dining Hall, people who are not as good as that woman have become true saints, and the mobile phone wonders are ashamed

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If it followed closely and recovered earlier, it might be able to save her, but it couldn't pass the hurdle in its heart for so many years.

In the past, that woman was at the end of the real immortal area of ​​hell. When facing the siege, she went crazy and cut off too many monsters and city lords. Finally, a strange and boundless scene appeared, engulfing everything.

Perhaps, just like Wang Xuan, she killed too many opponents to form a scene in line with blood sacrifices, inadvertently activated mysterious rituals, and disappeared.

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As Wang Xuan moved forward mobile phone wonders became more and more heavy, because it had a premonition that everything here might involve the old saint!

Wang Xuan didn't say a word. He walked through the barren land, letting the snow fall. He stared at the front. He felt the silence here, the mysterious and unknown everything, which attracted him to go forward and wanted to explore the truth. What is here, its essence What's the point?

An extremely weak sigh rang in his ears, but to him, it was tantamount to a thunder, so abrupt, the source of the sound was so close at hand

In fact, he felt that the hair on the back of his head was touched, and in the silence, a creature suddenly appeared and approached, which was no trivial matter.

A light wheel appeared in the back of Wang Xuan's head, and the dazzling rhythm flowed extremely fast, making him invulnerable to all methods, and the divine light expanded and spread outward, breaking the method invisibly and slashing at the opponent.

He disappeared out of thin air, appeared in another direction, and turned around! Thanks: Bai Xiaochun is pure, thank you for your support!

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