Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Sweep 4 enemies

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After the catastrophe, the earth was broken, not to mention the vegetation nearby, even the mountain peaks were flattened, devastated and charred everywhere.

Wang Xuan stood there, facing the group of enemies, his voice was penetrating and calm, and he was fearless.

The 12 city-level prowlers in **** are all 5-time limit-breakers. What a terrifying force, they all approached silently.

Normally, no real immortal can face such a team. More than a dozen people who have broken the limit 5 times joined forces to block and kill the gods and Buddhas!

Just imagine, how many 5 limit-breakers are there in the True Holy Dojo? This is the background of hell, the accumulation of long years, it is impossible to speculate.

In an instant, murderous aura surged, rushing up into the sky in a vortex, causing the clouds in the sky to explode in an instant!

12 terrifying figures are like 12 immortal black mountains, standing there, giving people the feeling of being unattainable and invincible, besieging Wang Xuan.

Their energy fluctuations distorted time and space, and the tens of thousands of kilograms of rocks on the ground, as well as the broken mountain tops in the distance, all floated up, and then violently rotated around this place, forming a huge vortex as high as the sky.

Then, those broken mountains, rocks, etc., all burst into the vortex!

Extraordinary history, the last 17th century can be traced back, and it cannot be verified further forward. It may be longer and longer, and there are too many strong men in hell!

Not only them, but also a large number of extraordinary people from various dojos in the distance, all eyeing them and killing them at any time.

Because, the tall knight headed by the 12 city masters has already sent a voice transmission to several True Saint Dojos to hunt for Kong Xuan.

"Fortunately, the calamity was only interrupted. He didn't die, and he was a false alarm." Li Xu of Yuesheng Lake whispered and breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "Otherwise, I feel bad in my heart, and I can't explain it to my aunt."

Wang Xuan was safe, naturally alarmed the four fields, Qingkong, Wu Lindao and others were completely relieved.

"Could you be the body of the mayfly that I killed?" Wang Xuan looked at the tall knight at the head.

Even in the face of the group of enemies, his face was calm and unafraid. His body glowed and flowed with rhythm, but the wounds on his body were indeed terrifying.

The last 36 Chaos Thunders carrying wonders almost knocked him out. The transcendent source in the dark is very vengeful and punishes him to the limit, but he failed to kill him.

"Master Confucius, hurry up and heal your wounds, I'll block them for a while!" Fu Daoniu secretly transmitted his voice.

"It doesn't matter." Wang Xuan said, if he really let him stand in front of him, he would definitely be killed by 12 city masters quickly.

In the sky, a graceful figure descended, with a slender and long body, wrapped in a black robe, covering more beautiful curves.

The moment she approached, she took action, bringing in a splendid real fire with traces of chaotic matter, covering the digital city lords.

Leng Mei is here. Usually, her charm tends to be cold, but now, in order to hide her identity, she uses the real fire of Hunyuan that she has never displayed in front of acquaintances. Wait, extreme horror.

"Kill!" Some city lord shouted loudly, fell down and smashed the piece

The earth and the sky were blown apart by his fist light, and he killed him in an instant, attacking Leng Mei.

There are three people behind him, participating in the hunt at the same time!

Now, Leng Mei's cold temperament, with flaming firelight, is fighting among the four city lords, and the charm is refined, she is half ice and snow, half flame.

The war broke out! Browsing *browser* search*: @…fastest update…

Wang Xuan really wanted to say that he didn't have to fight so hard, it wouldn't be a big deal if he dragged his body to fight.

However, he had to take the hearts of others. On such occasions, those who dared to leave the field were invaluable in the face of 12 great enemies who had broken the limit 5 times.

"I got it, let's go back and do one less piece of laundry." He said.

Fu Dao Niu seems to be stimulated, the calf can't do laundry, only to kill the enemy, it rushes over with a moo.

The tall knight at the head did not come off in person, his brows furrowed, he looked at the flawless Time Crow on his shoulder, and said, "Go, call all the city lords you can find in the giant city in the outer area, and take a look again. Where are the people of the county master!"

spectators outside the incident

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Very shocking, Kong Xuan can interrupt the catastrophe and reappear alive, it is no longer in line with common sense, and now he is going to fight the **** department?

A few people roughly guessed the identity of the beautiful woman under the black robe, but there was no evidence.

"Kill!" The dozen or so city lords shouted together, and they all moved. They roared and shattered the sky, and the clouds in the extremely distant sky burst into pieces. This kind of scene is a bit scary.

At the same time, in the major real saint dojos, someone came out, and there were 5 people who broke the limit and officially followed.

With a chirp, Wu Mingxiu, dressed in white as snow, appeared suddenly, kicked a city lord into the air, and with a bang, the sky shattered.

Before Wang Xuan could make a move, the number of 5-time limit-breakers on his side was increasing.

On the earth, in addition to the approaching of the strongest disciples of the True Saint Dojo, there were also helpers of the same level who rushed over. Li Xu of Moon Saint Lake rushed over.

With a swipe, he disappeared out of thin air, and instantly blocked Ye Jingxu, the 5-time limit-breaker of the Guixu Dojo, from going to the battlefield, preventing him from approaching the battlefield.

In the distance, giant cities rioted one after another, making terrifying roars.

Time Crow, with fragments of time, flew over city after city to summon helpers on this land.

"Go and report to the people of the county master, and tell them not to enjoy the scenery on the road, come quickly!" At the same time, it also ordered other divine birds to help deliver the letter.

A bigger showdown is brewing.

Wang Xuan's whole body was full of blood, and thunder flew out from between his eyebrows and from his transparent chest. His whole body was covered in dense runes.

Naturally, the city lord made a move to him and did not want to give him time to recover.

A man with disheveled hair had a single golden horn on his head, surrounded by terrifying fragments of rules.

Wang Xuan looked at it indifferently, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed it against the terrifying beam of light that slashed the world, leaving no scar on his palm. And, his hand grew bigger,

Breaking through the shackles of time and space, he suddenly appeared in front of the city lord and grabbed his head.

Those who have broken the limit 5 times are naturally the resources of the sky. The city owner of the Golden Horn clan has awakened his consciousness, and his reaction is faster and more sensitive than before.

In an instant, he used his family's strongest innate magical power to split space and time with a golden horn, disappearing from the same place, as if he had left this world and went away very quickly.

However, a big hand followed, grabbed him from behind, followed all the way, and with a click, grabbed his horn, and it was immediately twisted!

In fact, the head of the Golden Horn strong man was also the target of the big hand, and it was shattered by half on the spot!

"Ah..." In the end, relying on his life's supernatural powers, he left a coat of fur and a whole golden horn on the spot, as if a golden cicada escaped from its shell and escaped his life.

In an instant, he came to the tall knight's side, gasping for breath, his face pale, and he was just a face to face. As the owner of the giant city, he was almost killed by someone who had broken the limit five times.

Many extraordinary people couldn't believe their eyes. Wang Xuan's casual blow caused a heavy injury to a **** city lord.

A horn appeared in Wang Xuan's hand, he looked at it, dropped it, and slammed into the ground with a puff. The most important horn of the Golden Horn clan was surrounded by divine patterns, but in front of him it was like a weed.

All parties shake!

"Moo!" Immediately, Fu Dao Niu saw this, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, much stronger than before.

On the fierce battlefield, Wang Xuan's whole body made thunder, his bones crackled, his five internal organs mingled, and his flesh and blood were baptized by Dao rhyme, crystal clear and lustrous.

His broken bones have grown back, and he has been baptized by the calamity. His flesh, viscera, and primordial spirit are naturally extremely tough. After the body and spirit have been reshaped, he has been promoted to the current peak state.

He goes straight off!

Leng Mei was besieged by several city lords, and she had to use the primordial spirit technique that she was best at. In the firelight, to show the spiritual realm, she was almost exposed to the holy artifact.

Wang Xuan shot and punched the city lord who besieged her. It was simple and direct, without any tricks. In an instant, the light of Huanghuang's fist illuminated the sky and the ground.

"Kill!" The city lord turned around and held a heavy and thick demon-subduing pestle, and smashed it towards Wang Xuan.

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

New Chapter 424 Sweeping the Quartet Enemies Read for free: https://,!

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Exhausting all the Taoism, every inch of flesh and blood in the whole person is shining, and the runes of natal life are flowing.

However, at this moment, his demon-subduing pestle, which was made of various rare materials, shattered in front of that fist, and the blood energy and runes on his body were also blasted away.

"Ah..." He roared, struggled, and went all out, releasing more than a dozen of the strongest spells in a row. After awakening, he was indeed stronger.

However, despite all his supernatural powers, Wang Xuan's punch never changed. He continued to move forward. The punch light covered the entire void, and there were billions of rays of light, suppressing him.

In the sound of breaking spells one after another, the city lord's magical powers, spells, and more than a dozen layers of light curtains were pierced, and finally even himself was blown up with a bang.

His Primordial Spirit wanted to rush up and escape, but the fist light was everywhere, like an endless real fire burning, spreading out, turning his Primordial Spirit into ashes.

Now that Wang Xuan has taken action, he will naturally go all out and will not keep his hands. After all, this is a group of city lords who have broken the limit 5 times and cannot be underestimated.


His right hand pointed like a sword, slashing at another city lord, who came from the side and wanted to block him. Browsing *browser* search*: @…fastest update…

He is simple and domineering, directly attacking, and fiercely confronting him. With a puff, the second city lord was smashed by him!

The other city lord turned around and ran away, Leng Mei's pressure was greatly reduced, and she concentrated on dealing with the last city lord. The fire burned, and she covered her with the killer in her spiritual realm. With a bang, she also cut open the opponent's Yuanshen, imprisoned the area with Primordial True Fire, and burned it to death.

Wang Xuan crossed the sky, came to Wu Mingxiu, and attacked the city lord here.

One of the city lords was a big silver bat, which immediately flew into the sky and sent out a tangible "sound wave" towards Wang Xuan. "Roar!"

Wang Xuan did not evade, but instead roared and attacked in the field it was best at. He just rushed over like this, his tongue burst into a divine tone, and the violent rhythm expanded like golden ripples.

In the terrifying confrontation, the big silver bat that broke the limit 5 times, its original life supernatural power was broken by a similar method, it was severely impacted, and its whole body was cracked.

With a loud bang, Wang Xuan rushed past with the surging Dao rhyme, and the fist mark and the sword light came together to kill it!

Then, his holy artifact, the grass vine, flew out at a high speed, immobilizing another city lord. The "Daohua" was in full bloom, with countless light and rain, and there was no suspense. This holy artifact was unparalleled in lethality. Open to kill!

With a puff, the fourth city lord was killed.

Wu Mingxiu was freed from the state of being besieged, and suppressed the opponent very strongly, and a light wheel flew out of his finger, quickly killing the opponent.

When Wang Xuan turned around and looked at Fu Dao Niu, the city lords there dispersed.

"Don't run!" Fu Dao Niu killed the red eyes, sacrificed his holy relic, and locked the last city lord, but unfortunately it was not the flying centipede he wanted to kill the most.

It left one person, and the city lord obviously couldn't survive.

Not to mention the spectators outside the incident, even the tall knight in bronze armor in the field is unbelievable.

How long does it take? Kong Xuan killed four in a row, and after Leng Mei, Wu Mingxiu, and Fu Daoniu were freed, they also committed suicide one city lord each, and the 12 city lords were directly reduced to five people. Even with the supernatural beings of the True Holy Dojo in this situation, it is not enough to watch.

Sure enough, he was the first to turn around and run, tall figure, powerful aura, this moment contrasted his decisive... counseling.

"Where to escape!" Wang Xuan chased after him.

Suddenly, at the end of the horizon, several dazzling lights flew, all of them were sacred objects, shattering the sky, like four sky-shattering rainbows, distorting the time and space, extremely terrifying, and the rhythm of the Tao was boundless, all of them were heading towards Wang Xuan.

"Sir, are you here yet?!" the knight in bronze armor shouted.

Wang Xuan stood on the ground, fearless, the sacred objects suspended beside him, the vines swayed, the divine flowers bloomed, and the splendid rain of light sprinkled the entire space and time, making him look sacred and empty.

Baidu search for the other side of deep space@…seconds, masters remember for a second:!

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

New Chapter 424 Sweeping the Quartet Enemies Read for free: https://,!


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