Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 399: old holy day illustration

The study room recovered and became clearer, but there was also a very dangerous air movement. The two vague figures opened their eyes and looked out.

Wang Xuan ran the "True Classic" for the first time. Facing this mysterious study, he attached great importance to it, which could be regarded as exceeding the standard.

It was very quiet and hazy, the pen, ink, paper, inkstone, etc. on the desk were all chaotic, and the dim bookshelves were faintly visible.

During this process, Wang Xuan gave Fu Dao Niu a kick, afraid that it would take the opportunity to escape.

"Moo!" Fu Dao Niu growled, unable to resist, exhausted, after urging this sky map, the Dao rhyme it carried was nearly drained, the two people in the study, the people sitting were unfathomable, even if it was just a tattoo In the picture, the whole body is now split, still giving people the feeling of the abyss.

His whole body is dim, only those eyes have a little light, he runs (First), trying to let himself fall into a state of love, because he is extremely vigilant about this study, there are many objects in ancient repairs, he is afraid of inferior skills Looking at the world, looking at the world.

He was a little dazed, and after an unknown amount of time, he saw that he was thinking silently about something now.

This is a monster, Wang Xuan is extremely serious, and more and more solemn, obviously it is just a tattoo, but it is the person in the painting, can he still be conscious?

He ran the "True One Classic" and tried to get himself into a state of enlightenment, because he was extremely vigilant about this study, there were many strange objects, and he was afraid of being beaten by the group again.

At this time, there was a slight wave in the void, the blood mist flowed, the spiritual imprint reappeared, and Mu Qingyun walked out slowly. In fact, he was not at all the mysterious laws of **** intertwined everywhere, and the moment he died, he turned into a wanderer.

Wang Xuan was not surprised, because he didn't use his trump card, and he didn't want to **** people from hell. It would be better if Mu Qingyun turned into a wanderer and defended the city here.

The most important thing is that he wants to study the tattoo palace through this "novice". After many confrontations, he should be able to understand more deeply.

He and this True Saint Dojo are destined to become enemies. His sister, who has never met before, died in the hands of the sect, so it is necessary to analyze and study it in advance.

All of this happened in a flash.

"Qingyun!" The super peerless tattoo palace, after seeing his reappearance, his heart was blocked, and the successor that the dojo cultivated with his heart turned into a wanderer.

The 5-time limit-breaker, a good seed cherished by the True Sage Dojo, was killed and will never come back.

Chao Pei Shi outside the city was filled with murderous aura. Looking at Kong Xuan in the city, he could not wait to rush into the city immediately to obliterate this scorpion.

No one would have imagined that in an instant, the character at the end of the true immortal, Mu Qingyun, died and turned into a monster from hell.

The true saint disciples outside the city were all cold, and looked at the figure in the city with complex expressions.

Before this, when the disciples of the true saints heard the title of quality inspector for the first time, some were very dissatisfied, some ignored it, and some disdained.

Many people felt that it was an exaggeration. If they really wanted to see him, they would just suppress him directly.

Now, many disciples from outside the world are a little silent, this person is really unmoved.

The 5 time limit breakers faced Kong Xuan and all died in battle. This was undoubtedly a huge storm that violently impacted their minds.

A group of explorers and photographers could only hold back at this time, and they had already shouted loudly in another place to express the violent ups and downs in their hearts.

In their opinion, there is no need to blow it up, just record it truthfully, Kong Xuan has been promoted, and he has become a quality inspector who has broken the limit 5 times!

"Actually, you didn't break the limit five times." Wang Xuan opened his mouth and looked at the new prowler.

Outside the city, after hearing the extraordinary words of the tattoo palace, he felt resentful.

"Why do you dare to come alone?" Wang Xuan whispered, and took a final look at Mu Qingyun, and then ignored the disciples of the various dojos. After hearing this, they all fell silent, feeling quite uncomfortable in their hearts. He said it so naturally, let him People really want to overthrow him, but unfortunately they are not opponents.

The prowler Kong Xuan, or the living Kong Xuan? Many people think that it should be the latter!

This is a bit shocking. Earlier, everyone thought that he was piled to death here by monsters. Now it seems that he has conquered a city of gods alone!

It should be noted that none of the avenues have been successful, and they have gone to the gates one after another, but they have all failed. Now, Wang Xuan's heart is calm, he runs the "True One Classic" and enters a special state, so he just opened his mouth. "Stay honest, don't dare to run around again, eat everything, fry, fry and fry, there will always be one that suits you!" Wang Xuan threatened Fu Dao Niu. Then, he kicked its feet again, causing the auspicious beast flowing with chaotic substances to be covered with cracks again, and it was about to explode.

For a moment, it was kicked again and again.

The study was revived, and it was quaint. Even the two of them became clearer. They were both looking at the world and looking at Wang Xuan. The objects on the table, Wang Xuan has seen the black seal and the Yin-Yang pen.

Back then, when Dark Tianxin was hunted down by Yudaoqi, Xiaoyaozhou, etc., and fled back to the great world of the transcendent center, Yin Yang Bi was responsible for the reception.

Wang Xuan looked complicated, how could he not pay attention? Those two people should be the old saints, at least the creatures before 17.

After a long period of evolution, some of the objects in the study have become super-transfiguration treasures, and some have become more powerful prohibited items.

Obviously, in those days, that Fang Heiyin and Yin-Yang Pen had not yet become a reality, and they survived in the endless time that followed.

Even, Wang Xuan believes that in terms of the later achievements of Dark Sky Heart, it is not necessarily weaker than the two people in the study.

Old Sage, if it is really strong enough, it will not be destroyed, and now there is not one left.

Of course, that was a mysterious period, very complicated, and now it can only be traced back to around the 17th century. It was a watershed. During this period, the old saints all died. Before that, in the more ancient years, how many eras existed, and what eras existed before the old saint, it is difficult to find out, and it is impossible to verify. Perhaps, the true saint knows something.

Wang Xuan didn't rush to take action, if he couldn't even deal with a tattoo, what else would he talk about.

In the study, there was finally a movement. The blurry figure sitting behind the desk moved. He stood up and locked Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan looked at him and looked at him fearlessly. What if it was the Dao Yun left by the old sage? It's not the original, it's just a tattoo. It's just a real immortal. Can it kill a super peerless person and kill an alien? The corresponding level is the realm at the end of the real fairy.

Of course, he didn't take it lightly, the two people he cared about the most.

Suddenly, the blurry figure who got up raised his hand and grabbed it towards the real world. The hand was dim, thick, and very oppressive.

Another person also shot, his eyes opened and closed, and an extremely dangerous breath flowed out. He used his eyes to build a time-space trap, and directly shot Wang Xuan into it, as if to pull back to the ancient world.

At the same time, the pen, ink, paper, inkstone, etc. on the desk, as well as the black seal, all floated up, flowing with a rich chaotic substance.

Wang Xuan was very courageous. He didn't do it earlier, but he just wanted to wait until now to see how powerful this tattoo has changed.

Now, he's moved!

At the moment, it is good to say that at the level of the true immortals, the two people in the study are the main ones, and the Dark Heaven Heart, Yin Yang Brush, etc. are not enough.

It is estimated that the main reason is that the senior brother in the tattoo palace is still low.

It is conceivable that if this tattoo of the sky is really interpreted to the extreme, how terrifying the two old saints will be, plus the prohibited items in disguise, plus other objects. Of course, it's not that easy to achieve!

Wang Xuan made a move. After seeing the secret of this picture, it was enough. He didn't want to be besieged by others. He killed the strongest first and disintegrated this picture!

He was not careless and treated it with high standards. By running "True One Classic", a thick fog appeared, but no one outside the city could see the fog.

I have to say that the two old saints performed by Dao Yun are very intimidating, their eyes are bright, they glanced in the void, and finally looked at the location of the mist.

Wang Xuan was moved, he believed that the tattoo palace must have a real picture, otherwise, their disciples would not be able to imagine this kind of rhyme.

"Old Sage...a little scary!" He sighed, but it was nothing, after all, it wasn't the original image here, and it wasn't the Old Sage himself.

The old sage's rough big hand grabbed into the mist, and the time-space trap constructed by the gaze was also transferred. "none!"

Wang Xuan was not frightened, looked at the people in the study, and directly used powerful means, no matter who he was, just behead him.

Without a word, he weakened part of the realism and rhythm of this picture.

Moreover, there is light around his body, covering the whole body, which is from the source in the depths of the mist.

He shook slightly, and in an instant, a ripple rippled out, illuminating the city of God, and with a puff, he chopped off one person in the study.

And he himself was extinguished here, falling into the darkness, his spirit was a little tired, and he couldn't evolve two ripples.

At the same time, cracks began to appear in the tattoo, and then the study collapsed, the desk, ink, paper, and the other person also dimmed, extinguished, and finally disappeared completely. "How is that possible?" The people in the tattoo palace lost their minds!

Who can beat the sky map? There can be no such coaxing.

"The Dao Yuntian map carried by Fu Dao Niu has some problems and cannot be restored." Tattoo

Palace's super peerless said. Many people are staring at the last afterimage of the highest sky map of the tattoo palace, and their minds are attracted!

Wang Xuan pondered, he only killed one person's rhyme, and the whole picture collapsed, it should be because the rhyme presented by Fu Dao Niu was not enough.

This picture should be extremely difficult, especially if the original picture appeared, the power would be unimaginable.

If the Dao rhyme of this picture can be fully embodied, there must be a lot of weirdness in it! "You still want to escape?" Wang Xuan came out of the fog. "Moo!" Fu Dao Niu panicked. It was so badly wounded that it couldn't move its flexible hooves, and it ran too slowly. The main thing is that Wang Xuan just disappeared and came out again, there was hardly any interval, and he defeated the tattooed sky map and blocked its way in an instant.

"Kong Xuan, let's end today." The people in the tattoo palace couldn't sit still. One Mu Qingyun died, and they had to lose this cow. The loss was too great.

They wanted to take this cow away, and someone entered the city and wanted to talk to Wang Xuan. Fudao cattle are rare in the world, and the mutants in this auspicious beast are even rarer, and it is difficult for one to appear in many eras.

Not only is it a natural way, it can help people remotely sense the rhythm of the outer universe, etc., and its own upper limit is also extremely high, and it can grow with its owner.

If the owner is strong enough, and willing to spend all his efforts to help it sort out, etc., it may not be able to truly set foot in the 5-time limit-breaking field, and be at the same level as the original owner.

This is the reason why it has a high upper limit. If you tame it, you will have double the combat power.

Only now, it carries the strong Dao rhyme of the powerful senior brother of the Tattoo Palace, and together with Mu Qingyun, it is equivalent to a 5-time limit-breaker.

When it returns to its owner, if it goes on for a long time, it is really possible that there will be a splendid scene where one person and one ride are the 5 time limit breakers.

Wang Xuan didn't know this, but he felt that this cow was extraordinary, and the people from the tattoo palace wanted to go back, so naturally he couldn't give it. If it is obedient, then he will save it for travel first, if it is not obedient, then kill and eat meat.

"So far, of course, you can retreat." Wang Xuan responded.

"This cow... we're going to take it away." said the Heaven-level Extraordinary from the Tattoo Palace. "My cow, do you want to take it away?" How could Wang Xuan let them take the Fudao cow away. "Kong Xuan, you have to know that you blocked here by yourself today and offended a lot of people. Our tattoo palace..." After that, the heavenly superhuman couldn't talk anymore, because of this threat It was meaningless, Kong Xuan revealed murderous intent. "Hehe, you can, you really can, then I'll go." After he tried to no avail, he didn't want to say anything more. Since then, the Tattoo Palace will definitely surround and suppress Kong Xuan.

"Haha, your good girl." Wang Xuan didn't get used to him, he was destined to be the enemy, and even ran here to pretend to be a wolf with big tails, he volleyed over, and punched him out. The complexion of the Heaven-level Extraordinary changed, and he hurriedly responded.

Outside the city, the expressions of many people changed.

"Everyone, but don't worry, I've been watching. Anyone who enters the city has to put on the magic seal, which won't break the balance rules of hell." Huang Youcheng said.


In the city, the sky-level superhuman in the tattoo palace burst into pieces. He only received a punch, and the person was beaten. After a while, he reappeared and became a wanderer.

Many people looked at Lao Huang and were speechless.

The people in the tattoo palace were angry and murderous, but no one dared to enter the city.

Wang Xuan is fearless. The identity of Kong Xuan is likely to be used to the end. After leaving hell, it is definitely not easy to use it again.

As for now, he will try his best to use this identity as much as possible, he will take all the blame, and if he has any accounts, just keep it in mind. He is going to ride a bull to go to hell, there is nothing to care about!

Wang Xuan turned back and found that Fu Dao Niu was making a fuss again.

It is intertwined with Dao lines on its body, and the chaos is boiling. It even forcibly opens a time-space gate. Unfortunately, the portal is formed too slowly, otherwise it would have been able to take shape immediately. As for Fei Dun, don't even think about it, it is now seriously injured and can't move its soul dance steps.

Suddenly, the time-space gate actually took shape. Fu Dao Niu quickly drilled in, and it was even faintly visible. On the other side of the gate, there was a young man standing outside a giant city at the end of the horizon of hell, looking back.

Wang Xuan grabbed the ox's tail and pulled it out.

In the unknown land of hell, outside the giant city, the back of the young man glowed with the pattern of Zhang Fudao Niu, shining brightly, helping to guide the Fu Dao Niu in the city of God.

"You dare to rob my cow?" From a distance, the young man looked indifferently across time and space.

"Going to **** to herd the cows, and expecting the cows to return? Are you sick?" Wang Xuan grabbed the cow's tail, pulled it out vigorously, and pulled it out directly.

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