Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Zhenxian stirs **** stick to clear the field

The plateau, very magnificent, is located in an out-of-world place, with chaotic mist flowing, belonging to a wild place, usually uninhabited. Now, the people of the True Holy Dojo are confronting each other. 1 Wang Xuan stood there still, holding a pitch-black iron rod, facing the superhuman in Silent Hill. 2 There was a brief silence, and the expressions of some people in Silent Hill changed.

They are not like the Chongxiao Palace, which is half-hidden and thus blocked. The base camp of the Taoism is in the center of the world.

The people of Kuji Hill have not only heard of Sun Wukong, but also studied him, because this person is too noisy and caused a lot of trouble. 1 In front, the woman who was beaten by Wang Xuan with a stick slowly condensed her flesh and reappeared, which made everyone in Silent Hill breathe a sigh of relief.

The woman's face was pale and her heart was shaking. The pitch-black iron rod was too oppressive. If she really wanted to smash it down again, she still couldn't escape. 2 A few people teleported on the side of Kujiling and appeared in front of her, blocking the murderer of Huaguo Mountain. This person was registered at the True Saint Dojo. He sneaked up on Ling Qingxuan, who had attacked Xuankong Mountain, and is still wanted. He even killed Chang Ming from Yaotian Temple, causing a blood-colored storm. He dealt with all the disciples of the True Saint Dojo. 1

However, this time he seemed to keep his hand and didn't kill anyone.

Wang Xuan didn't kill him, mainly because he was walking with the people from Chongxiao Palace and couldn't act according to his own preferences. 1 After all, the people behind the Chongxiao Palace have to end the game. If Ku Silent Hill adjusts the candidates for the end, and also directly kills, it will not be good. Unless there is a life-and-death confrontation between the true holy dojos, the other party must be destroyed, otherwise, the human feelings that should be talked about must be maintained. 1

At this moment, after knowing his identity and his past, the restlessness and anger of the group of people in Silent Hill subsided bizarrely. 9Because this person is too fierce, according to the previous style, he may beat the person to death.

After all, he caused such a big storm in the Liuxia Star Region and killed many demon generals, causing the foreigner Xitian to kill him in person. In the end, that battle led the True Sage of Huaguo Mountain to come to the Liuxia Star Region, shocking all parts of the deep space. So far in the starry sky there are still five

Walking in the mountains, pressing down on Wu Dao, the first super peer in the Liuxia Star Region, became an internet celebrity check-in place. There were still people who went to see Silent Hill in person, and they were fascinated at the scene. 2

At present, some disciples of the True Saint Dojo are discussing privately, calling Sun Wukong, who plays cards unreasonably and is wild, as a villain. The main reason is that he is famous for his fierceness, and he uses a black iron rod without authorization.

There are also a small number of people who are full of malice, calling him a **** stirrer. 7

"It turned out to be the holy grandson of Huaguo Mountain, no wonder... I have admired it for a long time." Someone on the opposite side said. 2

Whether he wanted to say that it was no wonder he was so strong, or whether he wanted to say that he was so vicious, was unknown. 1 However, his tone was obviously softened than before, and he didn't drink too much. 1

Even the master himself felt strange, just because the famous Monkey King did not kill, so he felt that the other party was not that hateful. 4 Wang Xuan corrected and said: "I am Sun Wukong, a disciple of Huaguo Mountain, and the true saint. There is no blood relationship."

The woman who was bombed spent the rest of her life after the catastrophe, and was afraid for a while, but being blocked by the five masters behind her, she felt a lot at peace, and she couldn't help but grit her teeth. If she knew it was him, she must have put on a helmet, and she would have heard it long ago that this murderer is the most ruthless, hitting people in the head every time.

Not everyone cares about the name of Sun Wukong. This is outside the world, not the Xinghai in the real world. All the disciples present are the disciples of the true holy dojo. Whose identity is different?

"Monkey King, put away your madness and restrain your wildness, no one here cares about your identity, and will not be used to you!" Sure enough, someone spoke coldly,

Not at all frightened. 1

As a disciple of Kujiling Mountain, with so many people coming here to discuss Taoism, how could they be afraid of the newly rising Huaguoshan disciples?

"Are you ruining the game for the sake of Chong Xiao?" Someone else looked at it indifferently. At this moment, the confidence of the disciples of the True Saint Dojo was reflected. 1 If it were in the outside world, many core disciples of the great sect would definitely be extremely afraid when they heard that it was Sun Wukong, but it is not the same here. Sun Wukong is very famous, but in the world outside the world, he can't scare the people of the true holy dojo. Even some senior disciples disdain him, believing that his wild way of doing things in the present world, there is something wrong with him.

Losing the face of the True Holy Dojo is not in line with his identity. However, Wang Xuan is just a grassroots, not a real worldly master.

Wang Xuan said: "It's the meeting, I can't help itching my hands. Don't you have people from the Guixu Dojo who traveled here too?" "Brother Sun, stand back, let me come." Zheng Sijian said, and walked away came out. 1

As the core disciple of Chongxue Hall, he broke the limit four times when he was in the real immortal realm.

He was dressed in gray clothes, dressed very plainly, his eyes were bright, and he had no sword on his back, but his skin was shining with sword light, and even his black hair was flowing with sword light, and his whole person was like an unsheathed heavenly sword. 1

He usually doesn't like to laugh very much, and he is full of heroic spirit, but now he nods to Wang Xuan, and Roshow expresses his gratitude for daring to confront Kujiling on this occasion. He thinks that Sun Wukong is definitely enough friends.

"Zheng Sijian, you're back. It's not monotonous. Otherwise, I thought that there was something wrong with the core characters of your dojo. They didn't show up every time. Today is interesting."

There was a black-clothed man on the opposite side. Obviously, his identity was equivalent to Zheng Sijian, the core disciple of Kujian Mountain, and he had broken the limit four times.

His name is Gu Sheng, and his body has a faint golden light all over his body, which is immortal. 2Wang Xuan glanced at him a few times. This is a real master. If he goes to **** in the future, he may meet each other and even fight fiercely. 2 "Gu Sheng, come on, let's have a fight!" Zheng Sijian was very direct, with sword light flowing in his hair, splitting the void. The black-clothed man Gu Sheng said, "Don't worry, if I fight against each other, after the results are announced, the discussion should be over. It's meaningless." He was very confident, and no one refuted it, thinking that he did end this discussion. The qualifications of Tao have been broken four times

Limited, now in the late stage of Heaven, the combat power is terrifying. He and Zheng Sijian were in the True Saint Dojo, and that was the real name. As for Sun Wukong, apart from Chongxiao Hall, no one knows that he has broken the limit four times, so what he has now is only some fierce names. 1 In the eyes of the senior disciples of the True Holy Dojo, they think he is not good enough, and the senior disciples don’t care.

Of course, there are also some disciples of low realm who are quite afraid of him.

"How do you want to talk about the Tao?" Zheng Sijian's eyes were bright, he was hunting in gray clothes, and his sword light was walking around his body.

"Let's start with the true immortal." Gu Sheng said, then stepped back, swept over lightly, and glanced at Wang Xuan.

"Clear the field first." He added, his arrogance and indifference made people speechless, because few people in the field could compete with him. Wang Xuan looked back, obviously, he was also one of the targets to be cleared.

However, since he is here, he has no plans to end the game for Jiang Qingyao, who is not physically fit to use a sword. 3

"So it seems that you hurt our people, and you will stop if you don't see it."

Then, the man went straight off the stage, came over to Wang Xuan, and said, "I reminded you just now, this is not in the world, but in the real holy place, no one cares about you, and will not scare you. Here you are. If you don’t restrain yourself, don’t pay attention, you will only make fun of yourself!” The person came in modern attire, his skin was flowing with silver light, he had practiced some kind of extremely powerful physical technique, his body was surprisingly tough, and it distorted the void.

Wang Xuan said, "Come here if you want to fight. But just now, all the women of that level have been defeated. Are you sure you want to end?"

The man had short hair and didn't say much. The woman just now was mainly in a good position, the cousin of the core disciple Zhan Feng.

Qualified to speak here.

But he couldn't explain it. If he really wanted to mention it, he would offend Zhanfeng.

He was rather straightforward, attacked directly, twisted time and space with his fleshly body, and slashed towards Wang Xuan with one palm, as if descending from a starry sky, his mighty and astonishing might. 1 This is the field that the disciples of Silent Hill are good at. They are very strong in the flesh and have special scriptures to practice.

It is rumored that the true saint of this dojo is a zombie who was buried in Silent Hill and became enlightened. m

Later, he rose all the way, made rapid progress, became familiar with yin and yang, became an alien, and became more and more terrifying. Until the end, he went up against it and survived the true saint catastrophe, which is even more incredible. 4

The disciples he accepted were not zombies, they were mostly normal beings, but their bodies were extremely polished. Wang Xuan's right hand didn't move, and his left hand waved out and slammed the other's palm with silver light.

With a bang, the void exploded.

The short-haired man in modern attire felt a sharp pain in his palm, and blood was actually dripping. He stepped back and frowned.

He was taken very seriously by Silent Hill, because he broke the limit very strongly in his early years, and the dojo later used a lot of resources to help him, hoping that he could break the limit four times.


Unfortunately, the fourth time he failed, the road has come to an end, and he is preparing to enter the heaven level in the near future. He actually failed in the first hit, and his hands were covered in blood. He felt that something was wrong, and his heart was quite shocking.

Wang Xuan was thinking about how to drive him out. At the same time, he was also sending back a voice transmission to ask the people in Chongxiao Hall if they could accidentally kill the disciples of the True Saint Dojo here. Is it a bad influence?

Therefore, he was a little distracted.

In the process, the short-haired man in modern attire has a flowing body and glows.

come out. 1

His blood and energy surged into the sky, his body glowed with dazzling light, and his body was covered in runes, much stronger than before.

Behind him, there is a silent mountain looming, with a hint of dusk light, this is his own dojo that he imagined to bless his body. Wang Xuan came back to his senses and found that he passively threw his fists many times, but failed to hit the target. 3

"Go down!" 1

He didn't want to waste time, he swung the iron rod and exploded the void of the dojo imagined by the other party, causing Silent Hill to collapse at dusk and then collapse. Then, the iron rod fell, and the man's arm... exploded. puff!

The next moment, the man's head, like a tattered watermelon, disappeared, and his body also turned into a cloud of blood.

The people in the Dojo of the Lonely Hills are a little quiet. So far, this Monkey King has only performed a few perverted tricks, and he has knocked out a master in their real fairy field. 2

Some people can see it more clearly, Sun Wukong seems to be distracted just now, otherwise, the battle will end faster. However, the man was not killed, the primordial spirit was wrapped in blood mist, and immediately escaped after recovering. "He should have broken the limit three times!" A senior disciple reminded everyone.

The next moment, someone walked up directly, wearing retro, red armor, and a helmet. 3

Some people are speechless. Some rumors in the world have really affected the disciples of the True Holy Dojo? When fighting against Sun Wukong, you need to protect your head. Wang Xuan said, "It seems that you know something about me, so you came here wearing a helmet. If I were you, I wouldn't be on the field." "You bastard!"

Then came this sentence. 4

In an instant, Wang Xuan's face turned black, he couldn't bear it, he said coldly, "You are the way to die, wearing a helmet is useless!"

"It's enough to toss in the present world. In front of the True Saint Dojo, you dare to show off, especially if you are a newcomer to the True Saint Dojo, it is pure bad luck to have a disciple like you."

After the young man in the red armor came, he scolded him first.

Wang Xuan stopped talking, smashed it with a stick, and kept a blank face from beginning to end, seeing that many people in the dojos on both sides wanted to laugh.

However, the one who laughed the happiest was Sword Fairy, who was even more than the people in Kushi Hill. She didn't hide her laughter, so that everyone in the other camp could hear it. 4 Although Wang Xuan made up his mind to kill here, he still paid attention to his proportions and restrained a little to avoid being too shocking. But he didn't insist much. After twenty or so moves, he

This really is a limit-breaking wizard who has broken the limit more than three times, and blew his helmet with a puff. 3 "The quality of the helmet you're wearing is too bad. Next time you need a better one. Forget it, you won't have another time," Wang Xuan said. 2 This powerful real fairy, the moment the helmet shattered, cracks appeared in the body, spreading to the whole body.

With a puff, Wang Xuan's iron rod was as fast as lightning, poking directly into his flesh, and said, "The dung stick, is that so?" 7 He stirred a little and let the person explode, the light of the primordial spirit. It disintegrated without being able to escape. 1 However, in an instant, a resurrection paper appeared, which was the rhythm of resurrection.

Obviously, Wang Xuan didn't act like he did in the battle just now, but actually killed the opponent's primordial spirit with a killer, thus triggering this talisman.

However, he is very experienced, and has faced this kind of thing more than once, and then swung the big stick.

Even, as fast as lightning, he took away the charm

paper, and then completely killed the opponent. This time it was a real kill, which made the Silent Hill side quiet for a moment, and then many people showed cold killing intent. Until one person walked out, the commotion subsided, the wasteland was quiet, and the four-time limit-breaker Zhan Feng came out

He is very young, with a faint golden light flowing from his body, shining with runes one after another, and his strength is extremely tyrannical. In addition, his primordial spirit is abnormal, and the texture of his forehead is intertwined. 1 There is nothing to hide, as a special four-time limiter, he is so confident, looking at his opponent calmly and coldly.

"Four times," he asked.

"Good eyesight." Wang Xuan nodded. 1 The complexion of many people in Ku Silent Hill has changed. This person used to have a fierce reputation and was very tossed, but now it is rumored that he is a four-time limiter, and the meaning is completely different.

This kind of person needs to be named in the true holy should pay attention in the future.

"The Great Sage Monkey King, you are very courageous if you dare to use such a name!" Zhan Feng said, pressing forward, "I'll change your name for you today.

Wang Xuan didn't say a word, and rammed it with a stick.

In an instant, the void between the two collapsed, and the two figures were as fast as lightning, directly fighting. "Blood, is Sun Wukong going to be blown up?"

"No, that's... Junior Brother Zhanfeng's palm is bleeding, how could this be?"

Among the true saint dojos, it is easy for those who have broken the limit four times to fight against each other. Today, the collision of two super true immortals is bound to make a lot of noise, and the impact on other dojos is destined to be not small.

The people in Silent Hill are nervous, and they definitely don't want their super-spec limit breakers to lose and be compared by people from other dojos. 9 five stars, thank you for your support. I saw a brother who made me explode. I really can't explode recently.

will cross into the daytime. Let's wait until the time is right.


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