Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 335: stunned mobile phone

The sky and the earth hang upside down, like a mirror world, Wang Xuan is at the bottom of a different sea, and above his head is the deep space.

It's been 15 years, it's too quiet here, only the mechanical bear is tirelessly fishing and practicing, always in high spirits.

Wang Xuan sat cross-legged most of the time, occasionally flipping through the scriptures, and then began to comprehend the Dharma again, and now he is finally ready to act.

"Looking for Chen Yongjie, Aoki and the others? Well, Xiong misses them too!" The mechanical bear was very happy after hearing this.

Soon it sighed again: \"More than 200 years have passed, Aoki's child, Lao Chen's granddaughter, I took them all back then, but they are all gone.\"

Wang Xuan was silent. If he looked back, he would have too many regrets. Now he can only look forward. The mechanical bear seemed to realize something and stopped talking about this topic.

Where are those people? But it is expected that the distance is countless light-years away, the deep space is endless, and the universe is too large. It is difficult to find some people.

Wang Xuan doesn't know whether the karma fishing rod is effective or not. After all, the journey this time is destined to be long and endless.

You can't inject your primordial spirit into the mermaid line and follow along, just like the scriptures of catching a different person from the west. The road is too far, he is afraid that his mind will be exhausted, and the fish hook has not yet reached the ground.

Visualize them in his mind, and then use the karma fishing rod to go to the anchor? Wang Xuan shook his head, let alone, this operation is too dangerous!

Fifteen years ago, he was caught on a battleship by the people who returned to the dojo. Later, when he made a mistake, he killed several geniuses who broke the limit.

We should have seen each other happily. If a tragedy happens because of this, it is better to do nothing and leave it to the future.

We should have seen each other happily. If a tragedy happens because of this, it is better to do nothing and leave it to the future. "It's definitely not possible to fish people, then take a hook, and then use this to determine where they are." Wang Xuan thought about a few treasures in his heart.

The sky mirror, the immortal umbrella, the palace of gods, the health furnace, and several treasures, he has all approached, so of course there is no problem.

The only thing I worry about is that they are all very strong, and they may "break the line and run fish" at that time.

Among them, the health stove has the deepest cause and effect with him. It has followed him for a long time, placed it in the life soil, and even took it to the world after the life soil.

However, it doesn't belong to him.

In the past, Jiang Siyuan's imprint was left on the health stove, which was later used by Qi Tian and almost killed him.

\"Is Fairy Sword recovered?\" After he regained the health care furnace, he sent it out again and put the dying Jiang Qingyao in it to save his life. In addition, the semi-mature treasure Zixiao Hedao Sword and Time and Space Mace are also good choices. \"Or, go to the Fishing King Yusheng?\" He suddenly thought of this.

\"Forget it, if he doesn't come out by himself, maybe he is in retreat, don't be surprised that he is a fire escape.\" Wang Xuan shook his head.

In fact, he was afraid that Wang Yusheng would be infinitely close to the true saint, or even become a true saint, and he would just slap him with a backhand and kill him directly. The existence of that series is too dangerous.

Moreover, after thinking about it a little bit, it becomes clear that if there is a detachment, the current karma fishing rod is useless, and it will definitely not be able to find the other party.

Wang Xuan got up, and there was a fishing platform under his feet. The six fishing rods were all set up, and the corresponding colors were: black, white, red, yellow, blue, and blue.

The last blue fishing rod was seized from the people of the Guixu Dojo.

Everything just now was still fantasy. The most difficult thing was how to integrate the fishing rods together to become the only causal fishing rod. This requires asking the strange things on the mobile phone. \"It is nothing more than a large number of extraordinary factors, as well as a powerful spirit, supplemented by the scriptures of controlling things, and continuous sacrifice and refining. Not good enough?

It's really not that easy to make a karma fishing rod. I don't know how it was in the early days, but the previous holder was an extraordinary person.

Wang Xuan is very sincere and serious, please ask the mobile phone for help.

"I'm not affected by cause and effect."

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "I just asked you to start, what cause and effect did you get? Speaking of which, being by my side is the biggest cause and effect.

The mobile phone strange object retorted: \"What to do, with the few elements I said, you can also find a scripture to control objects, right? The first two are not for me to do.

Wang Xuan stood on the fishing platform, looked at the fog-shrouded Yihai, and said, "The transcendent factor, I provide it myself, I will give it up, even if I get sucked dry this time, I don't ask you, as for the scriptures on controlling things, it's up to me. .

He turned around, looked at the strange object on the mobile phone, and said: \"Speaking of which, you are also responsible for spiritual guidance. If this does not work, let's break up. Don't always push me to hell, if you don't pay, you always let me I'm going to fight for my life, what is this?\"

Dissatisfied with the strange things on the mobile phone\"Imagine, along the way, the Taoism has risen on you, how can it be my intention to backtest?\"

"However, if it's up to you, then it's okay for me to give you a shot." It's rare for a mobile phone to compromise once. The main thing is that this has little effect on it. Especially when I heard that I might go fishing for treasures, it really became interested.

\"Ready, refine the treasure!\" Wang Xuan said.

As a result, the mechanical bear was the most diligent and reliable, and it became the real striker.


On the bottom of the sea, more than a dozen extraordinary factors, such as the surging river, rush to the sea, which is incomparably magnificent, and injected into the karma fishing rod and fishing platform, endless.

Wang Xuan mobilized the super-substances behind the life soil. They were colorful, and there were no duplicate mythological factors. One was more violent than the other. It was like in the habitat of herbivores.

The strange object on the mobile phone reminds \"Take it easy, don't drain yourself, you will hurt the source.\"

It has seen Wang Xuan use a strange transcendent factor, but it doesn't know how long he can support it, because he has not seen his limit value yet.

This time, it actually intends to find out.

\"Come on, I won't be able to last long, so don't waste your time.\" Wang Xuan urged, as for the scriptures on controlling things, he is indeed not short of scriptures, and he has obtained too many scriptures.

For a time, the bottom of the sea was gorgeous, more than a dozen kinds of super substances were transpiring, and the dense factors were lingering, forming a colorful fog.

At the end, the haze in this area is surging into the sky, forming a super-material storm, beautiful and dangerous, more and more magnificent.

\"If you work so hard, it will be difficult to do after your body is dry.\" The strange thing on the phone said.

"Come on, I'm going to die." Wang Xuan said solemnly, the river was surging, and more than a dozen extraordinary factors condensed together, forming a splendid nebula, surrounding him, and continuing to inject into the karma fishing rod.

The strange thing on the phone nodded and said: \"Okay, than a pervert I encountered before, there are more extraordinary factors in the body, of course, I am talking about when I am in the real immortal realm.

\"Are you trying to drain me to death, I'm almost at the bottom, hurry up and make spiritual sacrifices!\" Wang Xuan said.

"It's in progress. As the karma fishing rod is being sacrificed, the old world of red dust is suddenly drawn closer to my eyes. Many people's faces are so lifelike that they seem to be alive. It was just yesterday. It's a pity."

Wang Xuan wanted to beat it, but if he changed it, he would be consumed to death. This is a treasure refining process. Who wants to hear you nostalgic about the ancients, and hang people to death!

\"Do you really want to send me away and don't want to fight, just say it\"

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: \"I'm doing business, don't worry, I'm refining in a rudimentary manner, didn't you see that the six fishing rods are all blurred? This is a blur, a fusion for a while, and then the truth. Maybe , the only causal fishing rod, is its original appearance.

Then, its screen flickered continuously, as if the face of a person was changing color, he said: \"Strange, how can you support it?\"

If it wasn't for Wang Xuan's strong foundation, he would really be mad at him. Obviously, he is not concerned about the treasure refining itself, but is looking at where his limits are. \"Strange, why hasn't it dried up yet?\ "The mobile phone wonders realized something was wrong.

The karma fishing rod in front of me is at least an alien-level strange object. If you want to sacrifice and refine, how can a true immortal do it? It's not enough to vomit blood.

\"Are you a serious treasure refiner\" Wang Xuan questioned.

\"Uncle Machine, hurry up.\"Mechanical Bear also urged.

\"Your spirit still has life and soil connected to the space pool with supernatural power?\"What did the strange thing on the mobile phone guess?

It has lived for a long time, and naturally has a wide range of knowledge. In the super-center big universe, there is never a lack of super-matter, so it didn't think much about it earlier and didn't explore it.

Now, it immediately understood.

"However, there are times when the pond bottoms out. Besides, you are more than a dozen extraordinary factors..." The strange thing on the phone was really stunned.

\"You're not connecting to a pond, but a lake.\" It pondered.

It asked again: \"That flag, which is more vengeful than the mechanical tengu, is hiding in the lake and sleeping?\"You are a spiritual guide, you are fighting, understand?!\" Wang Xuan said.

Mobile phone strange object said: \"In your pool, there should be more than a dozen kinds of original substances precipitated, so the colorful transcendent lake has been dissolved, but it is almost time to cool down.

Wang Xuan said: "Yeah; I'm almost exhausted, my body is exhausted, and you're still asking the bottom line, making sarcastic words, what do you want to do? Hurry up and refine the treasure!" It should be true. \" said the strange thing on the phone, and with a click, took two pictures of him.

\"What do you mean\"Wang Xuan stared at it.

"It's not a posthumous photo, I'm just recording the time to see how long you can support it." The strange thing on the phone explained.

"Father Wang is a miracle!" The mechanical bear said with a wink, and cooperated cutely, it naturally knew the details of Wang Xuan.

\"Your pool hasn't bottomed yet?\" A pair of eyes appeared on the screen of the mobile phone's strange object, very deep, flowing with the light of the Imperial Way, staring at those super-materials.

This startled Wang Xuan and said, "What kind of monster are you?"

\"You are the monster!\" The strange objects on the mobile phone swirled around him, saying: \"Let me go to the back of your life and take a look.


\"Connected to the Alien Space Pool, wrong, you are a big lake, but it is very abnormal. With so many substances, there may be an accident!" said the strange thing on the phone. Wang Xuan said, "I am not a lake, I am the cause of all worlds, the fruit of ten thousand eons, after you enter, you will be entangled in cause and effect.

"Damn it, why hasn't it dried up yet?!" Some old photos appeared on the screen of the strange object of the mobile phone, either yellowed or black and white, all of which were dead. There is no doubt that those people are those who have a different force space pool, which is comparing and confirming something.

\"Is the treasure refining ready?" Wang Xuan asked.

The causal fishing rod is unified, and the falsehood is turned into reality, which is reproduced, and the fishing platform is also more simple and has the charm of the road, and the overall level is improved. \"Isn't it okay? My supernatural factor is very precious. If it goes on like this, it will really dry up.

\"What's dry, I think you can practice the fishing rod a few more times!\"The wonders of the mobile phone are fascinated, and I am indeed a little dazed. Today is too unexpected. The mechanical bear said: "Uncle Ji, the days ahead are still long, so let's help find someone first." Wang Xuan stopped wasting money, he knew it was okay.

He spat out a mouthful of colorful substances, and after that, more than a dozen extraordinary factors returned to the life soil, and the nearby extraordinary clouds and energy storms soon disappeared.

The strange thing on the phone looked at him, as if he was looking at a monster, he felt lost, he wanted to say something, and even more wanted to go into his life and explore it, but it followed certain principles and would not force it.

In the end, it took a few pictures around Wang Xuan and Ka I'm ready to catch a treasure, any precautions?" Wang Xuan asked.

\"No, just fishing.\" said the strange thing on the phone.

It regained its senses. It was also very interested in the treasure and the fishing this time, and wanted to see if the karma fishing rod could find clues in this way.

If successful, it believes that the fishing rod is not necessarily what it is.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath and was very nervous, because he wanted to catch something related to the people who crossed the sea. Will there be any results? At this moment, he was actually very uneasy, afraid that something would happen to those people, and it would be empty in the end.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: \"Go fishing, as long as they are alive, as long as those objects are still there, no matter what, the karma fishing rod will have some reaction.\" It said that, making Wang Xuan's heartstrings even tighter.

I'm not afraid of seeing each other late, but I'm afraid that the causal fishing rod will not react at all, and all the causal lines will be broken forever.

That means that the group of people failed to cross the sea and died on the way, and they will never meet in this life.

The sea of ​​​​supernatural light has swallowed up too many outstanding people, peerless powerhouses, and those who dare to cross the sea are the true elites of a certain universe, but it is precisely this kind of people who die in the sea.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath, stood on the karma fishing platform, and swung the karma fishing rod vigorously! Thanks: Vera 0205, thanks for the support of the Silver Alliance!

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