Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 332: Unpredictable kill list

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The flow of purple air made the sea of ​​​​stars dark, as if it was covered by a huge cloud, and the stars were covered with dust and would soon be invisible.

This scene shocked Wang Xuan's heart. At first, he didn't care, thinking it was just a little strange scene caused by thinking about the strange things on the mobile phone.

But he didn't expect that the more and more intense, the purple mist was like dust and sand, and it expanded silently, making the starry sky seem to be extinguished.

"Where did I just say? Animals shed their fur and sit high, and people lose their minds and become cold...! Hey, did I just say this?"

The strange objects on the mobile phone were foggy and shimmering, as if thinking about life, and they didn't move in place. Wang Xuan really wanted to beat it, wasn't he counting the number of prohibited items transformed? Where did it go, looking like a forgetful person.

Moreover, it did say some of these outrageous words before, but at that time it immediately woke up and did not go further.

What's its state now? It doesn't seem to be pretending, it's really caught in reminiscence and thinking.

"Well, it's over." The strange thing on the mobile phone came back to his senses, and the stagnant purple energy gradually dissipated.

Wang Xuan knew that it was unreliable at the critical moment, and was waiting for it to reveal the truth, but this is the end?!

He had to remind him solemnly, "Is your mind, um, the chip broken? What's wrong, I'm asking you another question."

"You said it!" said the strange object on the phone. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

"The number of prohibited items in disguised form." Wang Xuan asked patiently.

"If this kind of existence really wants to appear, it is really terrifying one by one. It's just a preliminary transformation. If it is a full transformation, it will no longer "follow the rules", to be precise, no longer "deadly fight" and "hard to come" ', there is spirituality when attacking, and the wonderful hand of God appears, such as the antelope hanging its horns without a trace, then it is really scary, and it is quite difficult to check and balance.

The mobile phone wonders carefully commented and revealed the secrets, and did not directly ignore the earlier problems in the past.

"I won't say much about those who only take their shape. There are not many super-banned items that are fully transformed, much less than true saints. However, after this kind of creature has flesh and blood, it is best to pray not to encounter it, because it is true is not easy to deal with.

The mobile phone wonders further emphasized that once the prohibited items are completely transformed, they will be very ugly in terms of strength.

Then it said: "By the way, regarding the number of true saints, the results you saw in the soul search are too conservative, there must be more than a dozen."

Wang Xuan is not surprised. He has also had various speculations. The man in black is limited by his vision, life experience, etc., and it is impossible to know all.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "The years are vast. Although the eras are gone, the mysterious and unknown realms will always exist, and there will always be some traces to be found."

It concluded: "What do you want to do? As long as you are strong enough, the fog in the future will take the initiative to disperse for you, and it is not a problem to go to the Jurchen to drink tea."

It was rare that it had a good talk today, and it didn't pretend to be dead. Wang Xuan took the opportunity to ask a few more questions, such as the most difficult question, is Wujie Mountain destined to collapse?

What he really cares about is the Black Peacock Mountain. If the ancient true sage at the top dies, the lethality is too great for these Taoists who surround him.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "Almost, he is on the must-kill list. He should not be able to stand it this century."

Wang Xuan's complexion changed, and after losing the protection of the true saint, underwater predators appeared, **** hunting, Black Peacock Mountain, the black and white bamboo garden of the national treasure family, etc.

"Can't it change?" he asked with a heavy heart.

He was thinking, if Qingkong, Wolverine, Jin Ming, Luo Ying and others traveled far ahead of time, they would still be chased and killed, and would they be completely wiped out?

"It's not that there is absolutely no turning point, but once you get that kind of opportunity, no one will transfer it." The mobile phone strange thing said.

"Well, is there really a turnaround?" Wang Xuan was surprised, which exceeded his expectations.

"Didn't I tell you, go to **** and find that half of the list." The strange thing on the mobile phone calmly informed.

"Half a list, there is such an effect, can it bring vitality?" Wang Xuan was shocked and looked solemn.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "I didn't say that I can change my life, I can only say that if I can get it, there is a chance of survival. Even so, once the list is released, all parties will break their heads and fight for it."

Wang Xuan asked: "How can I use it after I get it, to turn around a glimmer of life?"

"Naturally, I want to distinguish and cross out the name on it, and it's more sinister, that is, change the name." The strange thing on the mobile phone said flatly.

"Can this work?" Wang Xuan was stunned, this is a bit outrageous, the disappearance of the name on the list means safety, and can even kill the opponent?

"The premise is that you can do it. It's too difficult. You need to strictly follow certain procedures and rules. Those conditions are almost impossible to complete."

Even so, it was enough to shock Wang Xuan. Around this half list, various variables could actually be generated, which was quite shocking.

No wonder all parties want to get the gun in their hands, the stakes are too big.

"From the time of the old saints to this era, the legends have only

There is a successful case, but there is no credible evidence left, which cannot be verified. "

"Aren't you the kind of creature that successfully avoided robbery? Wang Xuan asked.

"Do you think I look like me?" The strange thing on the mobile phone talked a lot today and didn't go silent too soon.

"You are too mysterious to say." Wang Xuan shook his head.

"Actually, even if the change of life is successful, it does not mean that the robbery is completely avoided, and you may still be on the list next time.

Such words were like cold water, which calmed Wang Xuan down.

Soon, he asked again: "How did this list come about?\"

The kill list is really too mysterious, where did it come from, who made it, or does it involve some kind of code mechanism, etc.

"The water is very deep. I advise you not to ask. You can't grasp it. Uh, what did I say?"

How could Wang Xuan care about the depth of the water, he just wanted to understand urgently, and said, "Could it be a place outside the world, a group of true saints discussed together, and then wrote the name?"

If this is the case, the water is not only deep, but also muddy, which is too terrifying.

"If we discuss it together and then formulate it, it will be a game of the highest standard, combining vertical and horizontal, conspiracy and blood..." Although it's just speculation, let alone participating, just thinking about it makes Wang Xuan feel pain. People and terrible, that is definitely a group of the most high-end players.

However, he also felt that there was no reason, why should it be like this?

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Don't guess, the water is far deeper than you think. Stop this topic. Talking more is easy to cause problems, and there may be a feeling somewhere."

Wang Xuan nodded. Not long ago, a purple mist with dust appeared from the strange object on the mobile phone.

But he asked another question, saying: "That list seems to be tangible, a fixed piece of paper, and every time you write on it, you can't destroy it?"

"Some people have tried it before, but unfortunately it can't be destroyed. Even if a fierce person tore it at the time, it will recover and reappear afterwards."

When the mobile phone wonders finished saying this, the nearby starry sky seemed to be dusty again!

Wang Xuan didn't ask. At present, it seems that he will definitely go to hell. In the near future, he will need to cultivate hard. First, he will improve his Taoism to the end of the true immortal, so that it will be more secure.

"I'm going to see Lu Renjia and Little Bear." He got up from the meteorite.

One person and one bear have been traveling for 20 years, and traveled all the way in the direction where the mechanical tengu and the mothership of Taichu left.

Not long ago, when Wang Xuan was searching for his soul, he also learned some other things.

The purple-haired woman's name is Ziying. This is what Wang Xuan learned when he was searching for the broken Yuanshen of the black-clothed man. She was indeed a direct descendant of the Guixu Dojo, with great potential.

This time, Ziying was out to investigate the matter of the mechanical tengu and Tinder. Of course, it was impossible for her to approach and contact her at this level, and she was only responsible for collecting information.

According to the information held by the Guixu Dojo, the fire has really appeared, and the most cutting-edge area has been fighting, and there have been fierce conflicts.

Wang Xuan said to himself: "For so long, the mothership and the mechanical tengu have been chasing after him. Even the true saints of Xuankong Mountain will go to investigate. I don't know what the final result will be."

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "The true saint of Xuankong Ling has returned, and he did not participate. That fire is not so attractive to flesh and blood creatures.\"

In fact, the most desired ones are the Mechanical Tengu and the Taichu Mothership, which have special meaning to them.

In the past, the ancestor of machinery was extremely powerful. Even if it disappeared, it was likely to perish, and it also left a deep impression on the world.

Now, it is suspected that it is its Nirvana fire, or another complete supreme fire appears, which is naturally particularly eye-catching.

Even if they don't need this kind of fire, other dojos are also paying attention to this matter.

"Some of the prohibited items may also be of interest, right?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Yeah!" The strange thing on the phone only spit out a word.

"Let's take a look at it too. I have a karma hook here, is there any chance?" Wang Xuan asked.

He is not for himself, Tinder is useless to him, but it is of great significance to the mechanical bear.

During the Muyu trial, he got a very small fragment and gave it to the mechanical bear, so that after the myth had decayed, it would no longer be rigid and become agile again.

The strange thing on the mobile phone warns: "What are you thinking, that level is something you can mix? If you go there, you will die violently!"

Wang Xuan smiled warmly and kindly to it: "Isn't there still you?"

"I won't accompany you!" The strange thing on the phone refused, and soon it added, "You can go as well, I'm only in charge of photographing the remains.\"

Wang Xuan cursed, it was a little ominous to be talked about like this every day.

"Old Dao, Brother Qi, Brother Gun, are you awake?" He contacted Yudao Qi.

However, he got no response.

The strange objects on the mobile phone flowed with black light, and said, "You can never wake up a flag pretending to be asleep."

"Gouji's cell phone, I was going to sleep, you peeping at me again?" Yu Daoqi said, but he really didn't sleep.

Wang Xuan naturally helped Yu Daoqi to speak, and told the strange object on the mobile phone, it can't be like this, it's like being a thief

Taking pictures of Yu Daoqi's legacy is too outrageous.

Really not this time, it doesn't sleep on its own, just beware of me! "The strange thing on the phone explained, and then said: "In the mothership, I did that to wake it up to save people? A dedicated heart will pay off!"

Wang Xuan didn't believe it. When Yudaoqi was awakened, he had already killed his opponent and broke free. Originally, he could wake up Yudaoqi himself.

He slammed the first weapon in the mother universe and said, "Would you like to go around and take a look? I don't know how long you will sleep this time. It's really a pity to miss this super banned item battle. That big tengu It is very strong, and the mothership ranked seventh in the beginning, which is even more amazing. It has been through many ages, and it is still an evergreen tree. In addition, there must be other monsters appearing."

"Then go down and take a look." Yudao Banner is naturally interested, it is also a prohibited item, and naturally I want to know how strong the fellows of the Transcendent Central Great World are and how deep the pool is.

Whether it can be harvested is second, Wang Xuan is really thinking about the little mechanical ability, it came through the Daewoo trial with him, and has been recovering.

The injury was finally healed, but it was not appropriate to release it on the Black Peacock Mountain, so let it travel with Lu Renjia to the stars.

Not long after, Wang Xuan contacted Lu Renjia, and he was quickly connected. The other party's communicator was also sent by a mobile phone, and it also had extremely extraordinary characteristics.

"Where are you Wang Xuan, I miss you so much!" The voice of the mechanical bear came first.

"I'll go right now!" Wang Xuan responded.

The golden vortex opened, and he set off with the imperial flag and the strange object on his mobile phone.

Over the years, Lu Renjia has naturally been practicing, and his strength has steadily improved. Although he also encountered some crises, he was quickly resolved while walking in the starry sky wearing a killing formation.

Wang Xuan came to an unfamiliar starry sky, and the positioning was quite

Right, at a glance, I saw Lu Renjia in white clothed in dust on the meteorite in front, and the cute mechanical bear.

"Wang Xuan!" The little bear, whose big eyes were agile and whose mind was no longer dusty, let out a surprised cry and rushed over.

Wang Xuan rubbed its head, naturally full of affection for it, as his own son and nephew, especially thinking that Xiaoxiong had grown up with his three sons, Queen Ye, Wang Xin, and Wang Hui, he felt warm. At the same time, there is endless sourness and sadness. Some things can't be looked back and thought about, which is easy to make people sad.

"In recent years, there has been a lot of movement in the star field ahead, and I don't dare to chase after it." Lu Renjia informed.

"Is there really some failures?" The strange thing on the mobile phone opened the door to monitor and get the latest situation.

"It is indeed a fight. Outside the sky, there is an unavoidable battle that fire may be destroyed!" said the strange object of the mobile phone.

"I'm looking forward to it!" Yudaoqi said It wanted to see the fierce battle between prohibited items.

They followed all the way. Two months later, a dazzling meteor streaked across the universe, and a huge claw poked out, covering the vast star field.

"Mechanical Tengu! The fire really cracked, and it grabbed a piece. If you look at it this way, there are some opportunities that you can wait for."

Soon, the big big claw was withdrawn, the aura of depression and terror disappeared, and the giant giant covering the entire Xinghai.

The big shadow is gone, and the mechanical tengu is outside the sky. Wang Xuan carried six fishing rods and wiped them for a long time. Naturally, he didn't dare to start. The karma was too great, and he couldn't bear it.

Recently, he has been looking at the strange objects on the mobile phone and the Imperial Dao flag, and said, he wants to give his son and nephew the mechanical bear a gift, but he doesn't know what to give.

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