Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 321: True sage hunts down mobile phone pits

The strange object of the mobile phone was found to be of a different kind, and was chased and chopped, making it extremely dissatisfied, and scolding the boy with the axe for being sick.

The boy's face was full of madness, but after hearing it, he was startled and said, "How do you know that I am sick?"

"You're really sick!" Even the cell phone wonders felt unreasonable.

"Then you help me cure it!" The young man went crazy, swung the giant axe, opened the sky, and killed him directly.

Wang Xuan was terrified. In fact, he ran away before the boy did anything. Because, he recognized who this person was, and once he went crazy, it was unimaginable.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to go away as soon as possible, otherwise, when the young man came with an axe, it would definitely be too late, and it would not be faster than this person anyway.

Now Wang Xuan can be regarded as a creature who can cross the Star Sea with his flesh, but he can be seen in deep space, and he naturally possesses extreme speed, and he can reach the horizon with a flick of his finger.

But even so, he felt that his body was about to burst. This was the result of the boy not targeting him, but the result of his breath, which was so terrifying that it couldn't be added.

As a last resort, Wang Xuan took out the Yudao flag and wrapped it around his body, but he didn't wake it up, just temporarily used the flag as a stomach.

Even if he fled to the horizon, far away from the center of the battlefield, if there was no filling, he would not be able to hold on. True immortals and supernatural beings will not have suspense here, and both the primordial spirit and the flesh are bound to burst.

In fact, the strange object of the mobile phone was choked, and the young man chopped it off with an axe and blasted it into the screen, as if he had chopped into a dark abyss.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then his whole body glowed, and the texture of the royal road was intertwined, and the heaven and earth burst into pieces. "Are you sick? The person is over there. He has already run away. Why don't you chase him and cut me down?!" In the dazzling light, the strange object on the phone shouted. Wang Xuan wondered: "?" Then, he got angry and realized that Gouyue's mobile phone was trying to entice the young man to chase him! It's really unreasonable, this pit has no quality at all.

Whoosh whoosh, he stretched out his long legs and completely disappeared from the horizon. The transcendent light sea is vast and boundless, and he definitely dare not go deep into the sea, so he can only fly along the coast.

Of course, the flag didn't leave his body, and he kept wrapping it around him, just in case. It was not until a long time later that Wang Xuan stopped at a coast. The sea of ​​​​light was vast, and the place had no end. He sat on a sea cliff to rest.

He had seen the boy before, but he did not expect to appear here again.

Back then, he and Wu Tian strayed into the chaotic space-time sea and boarded the floating boat pure land, where the people who lived there were suspected to be the descendants of a fallen supreme being. Later, with the help of those people, he and Wu Tian went to Zhensheng's backyard to search their home.

At the last moment, the people on the floating boat blew the bone flute and summoned a young man from a broken giant axe, and he went mad and destroyed the backyard of the true saint.

"He's so strong, and he came running from the extraordinary light sea. What state is he in, a super-banned item, or a questionable true saint?" Wang Xuan pondered.

Obviously, this teenager is not normal, it should have happened a long time ago, but why does it want to cut mobile phone strange objects?

"Could it be that there was an intersection and a photo was taken?" He doubted. He didn't sympathize with the strange mobile phone at all, but was very happy to see it being chased and chopped. The strange things on mobile phones are too pitiful, and this time I finally encountered a stubborn one.

To this end, he deliberately placed the roasted whole lamb out again, took out a pot of self-brewed medicinal wine, and poured and drank it by himself on the coast, listening to the movement in the distance. Unfortunately, it is too far away to see it with your own eyes.

"I have seen your body." The crazy young man actually said such a sentence. This is the sound of the Dao, which can be heard under the sky and above the sea of ​​​​supernatural light. Wang Xuan put down the wine glass instantly, he was afraid of missing something, so he listened carefully, this is a big secret, and the strange things on mobile phones really have other forms!

"Who are you, I haven't seen it!" The mobile phone strange thing responded. "You are sick, you have clearly seen me and spied on me!" The young man was certain that they had encountered each other. In the distance, Wang Xuan was speechless when he heard that the true saint boy, who seemed to have a problem, said that the strange object on his mobile phone was sick. This is really strange, is it the other way around?

"I don't have an impression of you," the mobile phone strange object denied.

With a bang, in that area, boundless light bloomed, the world overturned, the chaotic fog expanded, the entire sea of ​​extraordinary light was violently turbulent, and the rhythm was stained. A large area of ​​Guanghai has actually evaporated to dryness. After the tide goes out, looking around, it is a crack in the universe, it is a flood plain, and it is a desolate remnant of the universe.

However, in just a moment, the sea of ​​​​supernatural light reappeared, and no one could do anything about it, and they could only make the area near the shore evaporate for a short time. In the deeper place of the transcendent light sea, there is no movement from beginning to end, as if even a true saint can be swallowed!

"You're crazy, you've touched the sea many times, no wonder you've ended up like this, and you're destined to be removed from the list." The mobile phone strange thing said, extremely serious.

"I live by the extraordinary aquatic plants, is it wrong, I want to explore the secrets in the sea, why do you treat me like this?!" The boy seemed to be stimulated and went crazy again. In an instant, the axe light in that area was terrifying, sweeping the sky and the ground, and even the star bucket shattered and fell. "There's something wrong with your state. I don't have the same knowledge as you. Let's go!"

Finally, it turned into a golden vortex and disappeared from the void.

"Where to go, in the past, you spied on me, why?!" The young man chased after him, opened the sky, and disappeared from here, as if he followed. Wang Xuan was in a daze, he was left here, how can he go back?

Is this still the main world? Is it at the edge of the super-center big universe? He has no concept at all.

He sat on the sea cliff and watched the ebb and flow of the tide. For him, the Transcendent Central Great World still had many mysteries waiting to be explored. However, his current strength is not in place, and many places cannot penetrate deeply.

"The boy mentioned that he was born from extraordinary aquatic plants, which is consistent with some of my previous thoughts. Unfortunately, he only mentioned it briefly. Is there a deeper meaning? He seems to have been in danger because of this."

Wang Xuan ate roasted whole lamb and drank a little wine, and finally felt a little more comfortable. The only regret is that he didn't see the boy holding a giant axe and chasing the strange objects on the mobile phone all the way.

The latest chapter of "The Other Side of Deep Space" debuts on the whole network: domain name

“Is the roast lamb delicious?”

"Okay!" Wang Xuanhan's hair stood upright, and he rushed out with a swoosh, he didn't dare to look back at all. It was so sudden that a mysterious creature appeared behind him.

"It's alright, don't run away." The voice sounded in his ears, and there was even an icy airflow blowing, touching the back of his neck, indicating that the two were too close. He suddenly got goosebumps all over. With his strong sense of perception, he didn't realize in advance that he was bullied into such a close distance, which was a bit terrifying.


Finally, he stopped, turned slowly, and saw a big furry face, the size of a house, just behind him.

This creature is very tall, with eyes as big as grinding discs, incomparably deep, with a sturdy physique, it looks like a humanoid, and its facial features are generally human, but it is covered with black hair all over its body, even its face.

Above this person's head, there is a black pot, from which chaotic energy flows outwards, and a kitchen knife hangs above his shoulders, the length of the house. Chef in Heavenly Dining Hall

Wang Xuan's hair stood on end suddenly, this is really what people have stolen and got, and he was caught by roasting sheep here. "It's alright, what does it mean for my family to eat a sheep?" The murderous man covered in black hair said gently, without killing intent.

Wang Xuan was a little stunned, he didn't know what was going on, how could he become his own family?

He looked at the strong man, not to mention his image, his pot alone was amazing, it was as dark as ink, and it was astonishing that chaotic matter came out from the inside out. The huge kitchen knife is not ordinary, and there is a mysterious and unpredictable rhyme on it, which is somewhat similar to the halo in the extraordinary sea of ​​light.

He believes that there is absolutely no problem with using this kitchen knife to chop a real dragon, deboning a Dapeng, etc. It is extremely sharp.

"Senior, who are you? I was wrong. I was brought here by a monster who tricked me into roasting whole sheep." Wang Xuan explained, he realized that this person was unfathomable, and he would definitely not be able to deal with it on his own. "Just call me the cook." The strong-looking man said, but his words were not fierce, but very peaceful.

Wang Xuan couldn't figure out his depth, what his attitude was, and always felt that this person was unfathomable, and the creatures that appeared near the Transcendent Guanghai were terrible. The cook said, "Don't be nervous, let's just chat at will, whatever you want to say, you don't need to care about yourself."

Wang Xuan didn't dare to call him the cook, and asked him cautiously, is he a true saint?

The strong man was dumbfounded, shook his head, and said, "You underestimate the true sage. How could a supreme being be a cook? Never before." Wang Xuan found that he seemed to be really peaceful and did not pursue it. What he meant, he landed on the sea cliff and talked to him in a measured way.

"Is the boy with the giant axe a real saint?" He couldn't hold back and mentioned this question.

The cook said: "It should have been a long time ago, but it's not now. He died, but he didn't know it yet. It's just that his soul blood was immersed in the broken and prohibited items." Wang Xuan was shocked. Judging by the young man's current performance, it was not a real thing. Really holy?

The cook seemed to see his doubts and said, "He should have been dead for several centuries. Naturally, his current state cannot be compared to that of the True Saint period."

"The strange object on the mobile phone is being hunted down, will it be okay?" Wang Xuan asked. "It's funny how you call it that. Don't worry, it'll be fine." The cook said in a positive tone, obviously, he knew more about cellphone wonders.

"It's a pity!" Wang Xuan sighed in his heart. He really wanted to see it being hunted down and educated to the end. "What does the senior call it?" Wang Xuan asked.

The cook said, "Since it doesn't mind you calling it that, then this Ji must be this name." "Senior is very familiar with it," Wang Xuan asked.

"Yeah, I can exist in the world because of its help." The cook nodded, and then said, "Actually, I'm already dead, and I've long since lost my heart." As he spoke, he first covered his heart, there was no heart there. He jumped, and then he pointed to his head again, and there was no primordial spirit fluctuation there. The cook said, "I just survived. With its help, I took some Dao rhyme from old photos, injected it into my body, and managed to maintain it."

Wang Xuan was greatly touched, who is he, and what is the real body of the strange thing on the phone?

"Usually it brings people here. After a good meal, it is estimated that there will be a big test of life and death. Most of the time, it is considered a dead meal. If you want to eat, I will help you to do it." The cook said gently from beginning to end. Moderate and consistent.

Wang Xuan thinks that he really can't speak!

"Different meal, true holy tea, do you offer it here?" Although he was cautious, he still asked. Since the other party said it was so ominous and unpleasant, he didn't mind ordering it directly, and he had a bigger appetite.

The cook shook his head: "It's out of line, you're in the realm of real immortals, those are definitely not available and can't be provided." In this case, Wang Xuan is not interested.

"Next, where does it suggest you to sharpen yourself?" the cook asked. "Hell." Wang Xuan told the truth.

"It's actually that place!" The cook was a little dazed, and finally sighed: "Back then, a young girl whom she was very optimistic about ended up dying in hell, leaving her in a trance for a long time, not to mention other people. At that time, it is reported that The people who came out of the True Saint Dojo were all destroyed, and in the end no one left alive." "I'm going!" Wang Xuan was shocked, is **** so terrifying? Li Dapu is completely different from the information he learned!

The cook said: "That time was quite special. It should have been a rare event for many years that suddenly broke out. No one could stop it and break through. Naturally, all of them would be killed and destroyed."

Wang Xuan's expression, just like the strange thing on the mobile phone, and every time he took the initiative to find trouble for him, this time to hell, wouldn't it be another kind of sudden event? "I'm a bit square" Wang Xuan was horrified.

He pondered, the strange object on his mobile phone urged him to go on the road again and again, wouldn't this time be really going to relive the nightmarish old incident?

"What's the root of it, what's its origin, what is it going to do when it comes to me like this, and what is its purpose?" Wang Xuan asked casually, not expecting the cook to really solve the puzzle.

"Hey, I've brought you here for dinner, and I guess I have a premonition that you won't live long. You're going to die, and you won't leak any secrets, and there are some things you can't say. Wang Xuan is really speechless, this cook. How can it be better to speak than a strange thing on a mobile phone? I can't speak!

"Ren Chaofan's central big world has changed, and it has changed from one big universe to another, and there is always a must-kill list in the world. Of course, the names of the people and things on the list change with the era, and the names of life and death have changed.

The latest chapter of "The Other Side of Deep Space" debuts on the whole network: domain name

And it's always been there, and of course, from another angle, it seems to have been removed as well"

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