Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 309: The Great Sage Attacks

^_^, Deep Space Beyond

The stars and moon are reflected in Liuhua River, and there are many fairy boats drifting. The silk and bamboo on the painting boats are melodious. It is from the masterpiece of "Zhong Shishen", which is sung every night.

Wang Xuan came back, his body covered with a black cloak, and his steps were steady and powerful. He didn't rush to find the righteous master, Chang Ming, but the sturdy woman holding a strange immortal bow.

The threat of the big bow in the woman's hand is too great, and he has to deal with it. Of course, it is a better choice if he can get it.

It doesn't even open its eyes, it doesn't even have no eyes at all, it can't see anything, and it doesn't like anyone! "The woman in red in the feathering banner said with two lines of blood and tears on her face. In the past, her heart was pure and pure, but what happened to her?

"That's his own cultivation, an accompanying miracle, not a gift from God!" The woman in red said, looking at the first person who was deeply silent in the darkness, she seemed to see her past, and was quite touched, and then It broke out again, against the feathered flags.

Under the life soil, the purple light group wrapped a little true spirit, rushed up at a high speed, and gathered with the rich purple mist coming from the outside world, with the breath of the avenue permeating.

Shang Yi was indignant and said, "It's worthy of him? It's been abandoned for thousands of years, and the remnants of the spirit are still alive in the world. What can I do to fight with me? He's Daoguo, all of this should belong to me now. Think of me, Shang Yi, who has crossed the world and entered this big universe alone. Who can compare? It is a miracle that has never been seen in the ages! It can be sacrificed and paved to become the hardest cornerstone on my road to the aliens!"

The sword light split, cut open the purple energy, and moved towards the true spirit in the purple light. The chaotic fog followed, and it has to be said that Shang Yi is indeed a powerful person.

However, he did not move, the purple light turned solid, and evolved into a layer of primordial spirit armor, which covered him and resisted Shang Yi's sword qi.

However, the first person seems to have some problems. The real spirit is not so agile. He submerged in the flesh and blood, and attracted the spiritual light that can start a prairie fire and gathered towards him.

"Huh? For thousands of years, you haven't completely exhausted the past. Extreme Yin, Extreme Yang, the two rumored scriptures have been practiced to the highest level by you."

Right now, flesh and blood is being transformed into spirit, constantly submerging into that true spirit, reorganizing the primordial spirit of the first person.

"It's still not good, you can't compete with me today!" Shang Yi went mad, and kept shooting, while stimulating the first person with words.

At this time, Shang Yi has a sword in his hand, like a madman, his primordial spirit is swept in all directions, and he wants to harvest those spiritual seeds, not allowing the first person to truly reproduce.

Although he is conceited and crazy, whenever he thinks of the ancient years, the deepest part of his heart is moving, extremely fearful, and even a little frustrated.

When he challenged the first person by himself, he thought it was only a little worse, but when he was really besieged, he realized the difference, which made him terrified, and that person usually showed mercy to him.

The sword light is like a rainbow, with the sound of thunder, although the flesh and blood of the first person is filled with the true rhythm of the Dao, and there is purple energy everywhere, but in the face of this terrible killing sword light, some parts of him are still unavoidable. The sword light pierced through and came out through the body.

At this moment, the true spirit swept all over the body, absorbing a lot of spiritual seeds, but still not all of them were reorganized, and a powerful primordial spirit was constructed.

At this time, the black light of this body skyrocketed, and the golden light bloomed. Those are two completely different scriptures, running alternately. At the end of yin and yang, miracles are being staged. god.

In the distance, Wang Xuan was moved. It turns out that the physical body can really achieve this step. It is really difficult to be killed when entering this special field.


Shang Yi showed his might, and the sword qi resonated with the starry sky. That was the expansion and evolution of the true meaning of kendo. He wanted to completely destroy this true spirit and a large amount of spiritual light.

However, at this moment, he encountered the first person's counterattack, and it was also the first time that the other party showed the power that made him a little scary and heart-wrenching.

And that kind of divine light did not come from the primordial spirit that was gradually reorganized, but from the arms of the flesh and some bones in other parts.

It is those parts of the Yu Dao bones that gave birth to complex textures. Now they resonate, resonate, and emit light, releasing divine ripples, blocking the destructive sword light and sword intent from Shang Yi.

"How is it possible, this is my Dao Yugu bone!" Shang Yi exclaimed.

"That's his!" The woman in red, who was still resisting and fighting, seemed to be constantly watching the battle in this body.

Shang Yi, Ji Lingling shivered, he thought of some things in the past, the first person said, found strange scriptures, groped for some ways, and is trying.

However, at that time, Shang Yi already had the murderous intention. Before the first person could get out completely, he joined a group of the most powerful spirits to ambush and kill the first person.

In the years to come, Shang Yi

Constantly accumulating Taoism and practicing hard, I always feel that there are a few bones that are different and very hard. Especially after coming to this universe, I learned about the road of aliens, and when he officially set foot in, those bones were the first to be transformed by him. It can be said to do more with less.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help frowning. Could it be that the bizarre scriptures that were discovered by the first person in the past were scriptures that took the road of imperialization? And it has already started trying.

Shang Yi said: "How can this be done? After all, I didn't become a strange person. Moreover, it is difficult to truly succeed if I don't change to a big universe, and I don't come to the transcendent central world. These are all things I did, and I used to be the first person. bone, but it's mine now!"

However, he was secretly startled. The more he recalled and thought about it, the more uneasy he became. There were some abnormalities in some bones in his early years.

Now, looking back at the past, the interweaving of those royal road textures all spread out from those bones!

Shang Yi attacked again, trying to kill the primordial spirit that was finally taking shape, and he couldn't control that much. Since there are some problems with the Yudao bone, he will kill this person from the source and wipe out the true spirit, and everything else will be belong to him.

At this time, those special bones glowed at the same time, illuminating an extremely sacred glow. Moreover, those textures seemed to be resurrected, swept towards Shang Yi like sharp swords one after another, and held him back forever. .

It should be noted that Shang Yi, who is crazy now, is extraordinarily powerful, and the sword of the primordial spirit in his hand can be said to be invincible, but he was forced to retreat.

If it wasn't for Shang Yi's primordial spirit, he might have been injured just now.

On those abnormal bones, the texture spread, and then expanded, and one after another Primordial Spirit fragments rushed out from those Imperial Dao lines.

At this moment, Shang Yi gasped and felt terrified. Those bones really had the imprint of the Imperial Dao long ago, hiding the origin of the first person and fragments of the primordial spirit.

"Back then, when you were completely strangled, your true spirit escaped into the soil of life, and some of your primordial spirits hid in the mark of the Imperial Dao. They were specific and subtle, and they lied down and actually deceived me."

Shang Yi's body was cold. He felt that he still didn't know enough about people born in the mainland, and he ended up making a big mistake.

He couldn't stop it at all. The light of the fragments of the primordial spirit rushed towards the true spirit at a high speed, and they were all transformed into the Dao, and a truly powerful and perfect primordial spirit was re-condensed. No more rigid.

At this time, the young man's face on the flesh also seemed to be revived, no longer dull, with expressions, his eyes shone brightly, and then became deep, his whole personality was restrained, determined and powerful.

In this body, the two primordial spirits were quiet, and neither of them spoke.

The first person didn't look at Shang Yi, and didn't even turn around to face him. He was silent, looking in one direction alone, lonely and disappointed.

"Mother universe." He sighed softly, only uttering these three words.

At the same time, his body turned, and so did his face, staring in one direction for a long time, his mind was immersed in the past, as if he was looking at his hometown.

Although he has endured silently in the dark for thousands of years and suffered hardships, he doesn't feel anything, and he doesn't care about his own situation. All he cares about is the group of people who used to be, the era that belonged to him, his close friends, his beauties, his relatives, these are destined to be gone.

There was some sadness deep in his eyes.

He didn't hurt for his own experience, he only regretted those people in his heart. As time goes by, he can't get close or touch.

At this time, it was difficult for outsiders to understand his state of mind.

As a peerless powerhouse, he doesn't care so much about becoming an alien or getting the supreme status. He would rather exchange for a chance to see those people again.

Obviously, that era can't come back, he can't change it.

It has been many years since the parent universe Supernatural ended, no one can survive, the myth has already decayed, and his acquaintances, relatives and friends, Hongyan, etc. are almost all killed by Shang Yi.

"You're still back, and you want to fight with me!" When Shang Yi saw the man's back clearly, his voice trembled slightly.

The dusty memory opened up. He challenged so many times back then, but he never beat this person once, so in the ancient times, he didn't expect to surpass it by himself.

Back then, the young man had a good heart and accepted Shang Yi's challenge time and time again, but he never killed him.

In the end, Shang Yi committed a poisonous attack, uniting with the tomb, Yuan Dao, etc.} Ling Fu to kill the first person.

"I will kill you one more time!" Shang Yi was ruthless, as if to cheer himself up.

"What's the point of you standing in front of me alone?" The young man turned his back to him and said calmly.

The simple words were unremarkable, but they made Shang Yi tremble.

The young man looked into the distance, as if looking through the void of the extraordinary universe, and saw his hometown, and the vivid faces of the ancient times seemed to be still in front of him.

"You, this is already dead, why didn't you become weak after recovery,

Why can you come back like this? "Shang Yi is very disturbed, he seems to be back in the past, standing in the ancient time and space, once again facing an invincible opponent.

"I have a bright heart and live towards death. I just want to come back to see those old people." The young man said.

"You won't be able to see them in Yang Shi, why don't I send you down to see them!" Shang Yi deliberately stimulated the first person, trying to make him feel heartache and disorder.

"Does it make sense for you to do this?" The young man turned around, moved away his sadness, looked at him with deep eyes, and said, "Whether it is in the past or now, if you are the only one, are you qualified to face me? "

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