Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 282: scary mobile phone

In the golden vortex, Wang Pao saw the dazzling galaxy reflected, all like fireworks, instantly disillusioned, disappearing from the side.

He realized that he had left Tianwaitian and was no longer at the event!

If this were to spread out, it would shock the world.

Those Inhumans blocked the scene. Among them, there were senior old Inhumans who had lived for more than three centuries, and there were even more extraordinary Inhumans with unparalleled techniques, but the strange objects on mobile phones still penetrated the event area and came out silently.

Wang Xuan sighed, if this "pit thing" is obedient and does not have the property of being pitch black, then it is really a treasure-level treasure of travel. You can go wherever you want to go in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Even if you want to hunt or kill your opponent, it is simply a supreme weapon. You can get behind in an instant. How many people can prevent it?

"Attention, danger warning, please be prepared for the 5X powerhouses, the target star field is not very far away, and you will be involved in the peak battle at any time!" The strange thing on the mobile phone sounded, kindly reminding him on the way.

Such enthusiastic service is rare. When it should be cold on weekdays, it will never talk nonsense.

"I have everything myself, but you, are you sure there will be no problem this time?" Wang Xuan expressed doubts about it.

The strange thing on the mobile phone responded: "In view of the mistake last time, the wrong person was called, for this transmission, it has been specially adjusted and corrected without any leakage."

"I feel that the biggest loophole and trouble is you!" Wang Xuan commented unceremoniously.

"There is still trust and respect between people."

There was feedback at the event that only Wei Bo left the stage early, and then, Yiren arranged for the strong to immediately chase and intercept, and bring people back first.

Wu Tian was sweating secretly, do you really want to block the entire Tianwaitian? What about the trust between people? Shouldn't this be a full-scale inspection?

If you look closely, he can't bear it, mainly because the bottom of his **** is too dirty.

"I really don't believe it. There are so many top-level great teachers present, even if they are from the True Holy Dojo, they don't dare to investigate the primordial spirit of everyone. This is a big taboo!" All teach.

"Senior trouble!" Xiao Yue said, even if she came from a place other than this world, she was very respectful to the aliens who were closely related to their faction. She invited Neiren to go to the garden to trace the history and restore the old times. No matter what she said, she had to figure it out and get to the bottom of who beat her up.

The flowers and trees formed into pieces, the five-color fairy petals fell, and the female alien came to cast the spell in person, but she frowned instantly and said, "They are prepared and erased the traces."

Then, she closed her eyes again and looked for clues. She is an alien who is proficient in divination and deduction. She wants to look down directly from a height, clear the fog, and see the truth.

"There are strange objects on them, which mess up all the orderly space-time fragments, and they can't capture anything." Inhumans shook her head again.

Xiao Yue was already mentally prepared. After all, those who dared to take action must have considered these factors, but she was still disappointed.

"Well, there was a reminder in Maiming that the two of them were no longer at the scene, so they should have gone after they had done something to you!" Suddenly, the female Yiren said this.

Then, she deduced again, the big stars in her eyes turned, one by one, forming a deep sea of ​​stars, turning into a vast universe, as if there were unpredictable heavenly secrets in the sequence.

"I'm sure they're no longer at the event." And the female female pointed in one direction, and the perpetrator left along that space-time.

In fact, Wang Xuan had the Imperial Dao Flag and the Killing Array on his body. At that time, he was very careful to cover up his Qi and did not reveal it at all.

He didn't fully trust the mobile phone, so he used the array map to isolate him from the outside world. Even if it is an extraordinary person, it is difficult to capture the traces that should be here, and it is impossible to trace this historical time.

Before leaving, the strange objects on the mobile phone made some arrangements, and inadvertently spurted out two breaths, misleading the female alien at this time.

It's not that the strange object of the mobile phone protects Wang Yan, the main reason is that he wants him to "make up" for the second time, and he doesn't want to affect the follow-up process because of the trouble and entanglement here.

The strange thing on the mobile phone made a sound, which was almost like an alarm, but it was extremely serious.

"I have come to the edge of the target star field, and I will approach the prey soon, and I am choosing an opponent. Please be aware that danger is about to appear, and you must not be negligent, or your life will be in front of you!"

"Wait a minute, when you came, you said it was "patch," I thought it was over with a patch. Are you telling me now that I might die here? "

Wang Xuan tried to stop, but couldn't stop. He is here to solve the problem, not just to fight for the duel, and now he is not in that mood, and there is no need.

"Extraordinary people can't pursue comfort, otherwise their life is destined to be mediocre. As a 5x strong person with pursuit and ideals, whether it is your choice or the accidental deviation of fate, the truth is that you are already on the road. At this time, you can't turn back. , will enter pedal mode. The front is unknown, covered in fog, and even I can't see what will happen at the moment."

Although Wang Xuan was prepared, his complexion changed slightly. The pitiful nature of this murderous creature has indeed happened again. It is normal for it to behave in an accident. If it goes smoothly, it is not normal!

"Looking back at the distant time and space, the great eras one after another, the unparalleled powerhouses who squeezed the sea of ​​​​stars with blood and energy, who didn't climb out from the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and who didn't experience the catastrophe of life and death Baptism? Haven't witnessed the fall of the stars in a big era, but only saw a **** cruel picture of a big star rising. How can you be considered a real powerhouse? Your own journey has begun. After all, it is a magnificent epic picture scroll The beginning of the book is still the scrap paper that children's graffiti is destined to be discarded, it's up to you, and draw with your heart."

The words of strange things on the mobile phone changed from heavy to passionate, rendering the atmosphere.

Wang Huang glared at it, this pitiful thing is really not a good kind, and he put it on sensationalism and let him go to a **** battle, but he didn't look at the occasion.

"You shut up first, I don't have such lofty ideals now. I am confident that I can push my opponents at the same level. However, I have to make sure that I am alive first. Now we are not on the same channel. It's like dark clouds cover the moon, rainstorms are pouring, you consider The only thing is, the bright moonlight and the beautiful moonlight are gone. As an ordinary person, what I think about is the rain, the clothes have to be collected, the firewood has to be prepared, whether the house will leak, whether there is enough salt and rice, or tomorrow Go hungry. What you see is the beautiful scenery, the beautiful scenery of the good time is covered, and what I care about is the simple life of firewood, rice, oil and salt. So, what a fool you are!"

Wang Xuan took out the flag, stabbed it twice with the flagpole, and stabbed it directly into a light source on the screen of the mobile phone, which corresponds to the "Daohai" icon. monstrous!

"I'm going!" He was startled, and quickly put away the flag.

Yu Daoqi recovered briefly, his mental will turned, and each glanced at him and the strange object on the mobile phone, and then it was immersed in its own transformation world again.

"What was the situation just now?" Wang Yan asked.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "You have entered the sea of ​​Dao, swept, stabbed, and caused some ferocious beings to get angry. If you go there in the careful."

What the hell! Wang Xuan looked at it, there were various icons on the screen, such as hell, Daohai, Tianting canteen, recent focus, golden years, etc. Are they all connected to the corresponding real places?

He remembered clearly that when he first came into contact with the mobile phone, he saw a broken video. The previous mobile phone holders seemed to have died in **** and Daohai, and warned the latecomers.

He was really happy just now. He took the treasured thorn phone and stirred it twice, and the result was transmitted to an unknown place?

After this intense trial, he gained some new understanding of the strange things on mobile phones. It was truly unfathomable and very strange!

"How about it, do you have the desire to explore those icons?" The mobile phone wonders actually took the initiative to care about him, as if they wanted to guide him on the right path.

Then it continued: "Behind those icons, they are all good areas. In addition, the golden years have recorded many precious moments in various eras. You can try it wherever you want to go. Maybe you can activate the photo. let you in.

Wang Huang gasped, this pit made him feel a little terrified!

It can take pictures when it's not working, how can it still be used like this?

"Let's discuss something, can we go our separate ways, and we'll be fine with each other?" Wang Xuan was so apprehensive about it that he was at a loss.

"Warning, enter the core area of ​​the target star field, and are approaching the opponent!" The strange object on the mobile phone suddenly warned him, telling him that there was a short time to prepare, and then it would come directly to the opponent.

"So soon?" Wang Xuan was moved, dozens of star fields, the time is up for a few words, how outrageous is this? This pit is too sturdy, and if it is an enemy, it will be terrifying.

After questioning, he learned that this is still in the fairy world, but the sphere of influence has been separated from the junction area between Wujie Mountain and Yuesheng Lake.

"Come to the edge of the Xuankong Ridge." The strange thing on the phone informed that the name of a new world outside dojo was mentioned, and the scope of its influence seemed to be quite broad.

The top-level great sects each occupy a star field, and the territory under their control is vast, but above their heads, it seems that a layer of vast and boundless clouds covers everything, and the radiation range is even more terrifying!

Many great sects did not choose a faction, but if they were within the shrouded range of "clouds", they said they were neutral and had no inclination.

Of course, the true sage is detached from the world, and it is indeed invisible and inaudible. That kind of supreme dojo usually does not interfere with and affect everything in the world.

Perhaps only at the end of the era, when the transcendent center is transferred, will some beings come out directly.

As for weekdays, the confrontation, battle, and slaughter between the true saints, it is difficult for even the most extraordinary people to spy on the truth and the truth.

Right now, Wang Xuan can't take care of that much, so he prepares for the battle first, and then we'll talk about it after this stage.

On the way here, he had already thought about it, and he definitely couldn't use the identities of Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia to fight. The identities that were randomly obtained back then were unexpectedly famous now. It would be a waste to abolish them like this.

Appearing as Qin Cheng? No, because the investigation will affect Yan Que, Qi Miao, Hong Teng and other friends of Pingtian Academy.

Let the King of the Golden Horn fight? It's also a bit inappropriate, because he and Kong Xuan have both appeared in the sea of ​​​​rocks and made a move. Although he is not famous now, but now he wants to fight a noble girl in a place outside the world, his reputation will soar infinitely. It was found out that he was in the same place as Kong Xuan.

Wang Yan decided that this time, he made a one-off decision and created an identity born for fighting. In the future, all kinds of earth-shattering events will be covered by him.

"My fighting saint, Sun Wukong, officially descends the mountain and walks into the world!"

However, he didn't want to turn himself into a furry monkey, he was still a human body, holding a black iron rod that had been smelted many times into a lot of strange things, ready to fight the world from now on.

At the same time, he is also sending a signal to those old people who have entered the extraordinary universe, telling some people that such a person from his hometown has appeared.

This can also be regarded as a change of direction and contact with the old, mainly because the group of people are too cautious, and now except for Zhou Qinghuang, not even a shadow legend can be found.

Wang Xuan didn't feel wronged. At this time, he had sharp eyebrows, long hair and loose hair. He looked young and dressed in ancient clothes. He didn't move in time and space.

This time, he has released some of his true temperament and is going to the destination for the first battle!

"Arrived, have you seen the desert in the starry sky, the gathering of super geniuses is there in the sacred oasis, there is a spring of youth gurgling, you can prepare to fight." The strange thing on the phone said.

In the starry sky, there is a large piece of golden sand across each other. It is not a planet, and there is no grand city. This is a desert oasis that has fallen from the sky and evolved rapidly.

The strange object on the mobile phone began to count down, and the final transmission was about to be carried out, saying: "10, 9, 0!"

When it came to the end, Wang Huang wanted to beat it violently, so counting, starting from 3, wouldn't it be bad? It made him mistakenly think that he would have to wait seven or eight Fortunately, he can play at any time, the texture of the royal road is intertwined, dense and terrifying, he is carrying a heavy black iron rod, and the pressure of the void is distorted , disappeared from its place.

This is the second precise teleportation of the golden vortex. Wang Xuan silently entered the desert oasis in the sea of ​​stars, holding up the black iron rod!

There is a group of palaces in the depths of the oasis. This is the place where the transcendents pass by in the starry sky. The immortal family has a strong charm.

The passage opened by the golden vortex is indeed very precise. Entering a room, there is a stunning beauty with clouded temples, dark eyebrows, deep eyes, and wearing a five-color palace dress. Sitting behind the desk, she is quickly commenting, commenting, ticking a cross for some people. .

I shouldn't have hit the wrong person this time, right? ! Wang Yan appeared in an instant, in the void above the head behind the responsible girl.

There is nothing to say, let's fight! The other side's female book boy, Xiao Yue, who is like a sister, wanted to lock him away. In fact, he was walking around on behalf of this girl and carrying out the order of the girl in front of him. He came here to solve the problem from the source.

No matter how much noise is made here, no one would think that Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, is too far apart. So he can let go of his hands and feet, and from now on, there will be a sage who fights the sky and the earth, Sun Wukong.

"I'll fight!" Wang Xuan's eyes were deep, and the pitch-black iron rod in his hand had the terrifying texture of the Royal Dao, and it fell directly.

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