Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 269: and creation

A big turmoil was quickly settled by the Wei family, and there was no trouble, and all parties were satisfied.

Of course, with the exception of a few families, the disciples were blocked in the garden and detained, and the system has not been released.

"Where is Kong Xuan, why haven't you come back?" asked the elder Qingkong in the cave residence of the inn.

"Elder, please rest assured, my brother is the most responsible." Wolverine directly packed the ticket.

A group of people showed strange expressions, you can just say something else, do you mean his duty is serious? The battle of the Bronze Arena just ended.

The current Kong Xuan, whether it is a fierce reputation or an extremely good reputation, is well known in all directions, and is one of the current big thorns, even people who don't know it have heard of it!

"I'm worried about this time." Elder Qingkong knows Kong Xuan too well, and has a long history of blackness. Can he really be calm this time?

Wolverine sighed, saying that the entire city could not withstand the investigation this time, and only the second king of the Five Elements Mountains was the most pure and flawless, and he really did not participate in this matter.

He regretted that his brother was in retreat in the bronze chamber and missed a great opportunity. This action had nothing to do with Kong Xuan's dime.

Everyone else nodded, even though Kong Xuan was very fierce, and now he is famous for the city in the sky, but this time, he was the quietest and purest in the city, and he did not get involved in this matter.

"Brother Kong is a pity, I even left a message for him and asked him to form a group to come quickly." Six-eyed Jinchan commented, and when it came time, everyone gathered some strange things together and gave them to Kong Xuan.

Even the most obedient and beautiful immortal in the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, Luo Ying, spoke for Wang Xuan, saying, "Kong Xuan is not involved in cause and effect this time, and he really did not participate.

Moreover, the latest news came back. Currently, Kong Xuan is in the Fortune Casino, gambling on happiness, and was definitely not detained in the Fortune Garden.

Elder Qingkong nodded and said: "Actually, I am most worried about him this time, and I am very courageous. Fortunately, he retreated this time. Otherwise, I am really afraid that he will plunge into the Garden of Fortune and not come out."

"Anyway, Kong Xuan is the most reassuring and worry-free this time, haha!" The Great Elder Qingcang came and praised him generously.

A group of people are speechless, thorns do not make mistakes, is it a good performance?

Naturally, the ones who suffered the most from this incident were the families who jointly managed the Fortune Garden, but they couldn't investigate it in depth, and it spread too far.

For the high-ranking Inhumans, this part of the loss can be tolerated. Instead, simply turn the page to the end.

Of course, the candle dragon clan, and the last group of people who entered, were named by the Wei family, and asked the super peers of each family to lead them, which was a light beating.

The Fortune Casino is adjacent to the giant bronze palace, but there are no tall buildings on the ground. It is a garden, and its essence is underground, with a total of twelve floors.

The interior is quite particular, there are gaming halls full of technology, as well as antique, completely retro gaming tables, etc., all kinds of gambling equipment are available.

Even the gambling stone is a small type of it.

This made Wang Xuan stunned. Is this also one of the casino games?

"Of course, the reason why strange things are strange things is that they are too special. Some of the minerals are buried deep in them, and even special eyes can't see them. Compared with other gambling games, it is more risky and more gambling."

Yao Xiaoqian personally took him through the major gambling halls and tried all kinds of new ways of playing. There are really many types of gambling.

Wang Xuan is just trying it out, just trying it out. To him, although many strange things on the gambling table are amazing, he is not interested in gambling.

This kind of place, a moment of luck, the abyss of a lifetime. Some extraordinary people face the real medicine and the legendary Tao medicine, and even their eyes are red, unable to extricate themselves.

Wang Xuan watched for a while in a large area where gambling stones, strange objects, and luck were blocked. With his spiritual eyes, he could vaguely see some things of extremely amazing value.

In fact, in a piece of strange metal ore weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, he faintly found a cloud of hazy liquid, very little, can be swallowed in one bite, suspected of some kind of "real" very useful to the super peerless. medicine".

However, he didn't end up and simply ignored it.

He didn't want to show abnormality, but it was just a big medicine. There was no need to show his skills in the casino. If he really wanted to play, he would play big. One day he planned to go directly to the Luofu Starfield to gamble.

However, in the end, he still sent a message to Elder Clear Sky, secretly telling her that the metal ore in the Fortune Casino was worth gambling.

In general, this is the trust in the elders of the clear sky, and the rewards.

"Brother, you can really relax. You ran here alone to block the strange things." Xiong Shan appeared, and after being beaten by the second elder of the black and white bear clan, Xiong Meng, Xiaogao Yiqing came.

As soon as he saw Yao Xiaoqian next to Wang Xuan, he was shocked and said, "Hey, brother, it's alright, and you have invited such a handsome girl to guide you and accompany you to gamble. You know it too well."

Wang Xuan hurriedly interrupted him and introduced: "Don't talk nonsense, this is the descendant of Boss Yao of Fortune Casino, God.

"Yao Xiaoqian, the most beautiful fairy of the demon clan in the empty city.

"Misunderstanding, Fairy Yao forgive me!" Xiong Shan put his hands together and made a smile, so round and lovable, even if he said the wrong thing, it was easy to be forgiven.

"Brother Xiong has a good temperament, so you don't need to see outsiders." Yao Xiaoqian didn't care, and then called for a catwoman to accompany the black-and-white cat throughout the whole process, explaining the various ways of playing in the casino.

Xiong Shan was very satisfied, expressed his gratitude, and lowered his voice, saying, "Brother, I heard that the Candle Dragon Clan may have hired someone and might stop you at the grand event."

"Who's coming?" Wang Xuan changed to another gambling hall. The gambling here was very different. It was actually fighting worms. Zerg fighting was very fierce, stronger than many extraordinary people!

"Nie Qing!" Xiong Shan informed.

Yao Xiaoqian said: "Oh, it's him. He just completed a feat and went to various places one after another. After undefeated in four regions, he completed the record of winning streak in five regions, and has already left his name on the golden book and jade book."

"It's him." Wang Xuan remembered that the previous contact with the peerless Candle Sea just wanted Nie Qing to come to the Bronze Giant Palace to suppress him.

He didn't care, he didn't feel pressured.

"You are, the Taoism has improved again?" Wang Xuan looked at this round national treasure, black and white flowing all over his body, with the simple charm of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

You don't have to think about it to know that as one of the chiefs, he has received great benefits.

Soon, Wolverine and Six-Eyed Golden Cicada also came, meeting with Wang Xuan and Xiong Shan, and it became lively.

On that day, the candle dragon clan, who had been plagued by bad luck recently, did something wrong, and did not show up very much, walked out. Some people went out of the city and went to pick up someone in person.

"The candle dragons are unlucky enough. They originally closed their doors, but after receiving anonymous communication messages, they finally couldn't hold back and rushed to the Fortune Garden, but they didn't get many strange things, but they were caught."

Some people commented that they lamented that the tribe has been reciting words recently,

Who is this going to pick up now? There were such a group of young people who followed out.

Regarding what happened to the candle dragon clan, being detained in that garden, the great king of the Five Elements Mountain, Wolverine, had something to say. He sent the news, but he could only hold it in his heart for a while. , at least not in the near future.

"It should be to pick up the undefeated true immortal Nie Qing of the Five Regions. This person has a very close relationship with the niece of the super peerless candle sea." Someone knew the inside story.

Outside the city of the sky, Nie Qing is here. Now that he has swept the real immortals everywhere, he no longer suppresses himself, and directly rushes to the level to advance to the realm of heaven.

There is no doubt that he took the road of imperialization when he was a true immortal, and he is indeed extremely powerful.

But now, in the face of the enthusiasm of the candle dragon clan, he clearly told them that he could not take action for them, and he must maintain the best state, try to communicate with certain people, and not be injured recently.

"Who do you want to contact?" The younger generation of the candle dragon family felt uncomfortable, and their expressions were brought out.

"Maybe someone from outside the world wants to come." Nie Qing only secretly told Zhu Hong, the core figure of the candle dragon clan, and kept it secret from others.

"True saint... family?!" Zhu Hong was shocked, a little lost, although there were some rumors, but would that kind of person really come to this event?

"I'm not sure yet, but I want to maintain my best state." Nie Qing secretly talked to Zhu Hong a few words.

Obviously, he has ambitions and has his own life plan, and it is impossible for him to affect his own future for the candle dragon clan.

He wants to get close to some mysterious people. If he is appreciated and seen, he thinks that he may enter the world and rewrite his destiny!

"The heir of the true saint, the noble daughter, or a senior alien..." Zhu Hong asked secretly, his spirit was shaking, and it was obvious that he could not calm down.

"Silence, don't say it, the sound transmission of the divine sense is not safe, and besides, I really don't know."

Nie Qing shook his head and entered the city with them.

The other young people of the Candle Dragon Clan were very dissatisfied. The undefeated True Immortal from the Five Regions, who they were looking forward to, would not end up. They were unwilling to fight against Kong Xuan, and they were full of disappointment.

"Isn't he afraid of Kong Xuan? After all, that demon king is too fierce!" Someone from the candle dragon clan discussed privately, but Zhu Hong stopped him immediately.

Nie Qing's entry into the city has indeed caused a lot of discussion. He is very famous among the young groups of various religions. His record is based on actual combat.

"Brother, where have you been, why haven't you been here yet? The event will officially start in two days, and if it's too late, it will be too late." Xuantian contacted Lu Renjia and urged him to attend the meeting.

"Haha, Brother Xuantian, thank you for worrying, I'm already here, and it's not too far from the city of the sky. There's no way, the road is too long, and I almost went the wrong way." The mud tire responded, and it was another Wang Xuan!

"You're finally here, I'll pick you up, prepare a table of delicious wine and delicacies later, and we'll have a good time with the wine. Alas, I didn't say you, but I came a day late, and even said that it was half a day, and I missed a big day. chance.” Xuan Tian sighed.

"What chance?" Lu Renjia asked.

"The Garden of Fortune... But don't be too disappointed and regretful, there is still a great Fortune behind!" Xuan Tian gave a general description of the situation and offered words of comfort.

At this time, Wang Xuan, who was in the body of Hunyuan, showed a strange color. This body was born because of the Garden of Fortune, and Xuantian's statement really made him strange.

He regained his composure and asked, "What other opportunities are there in the future?"

"Great good fortune will not come. Maybe there will be. It can change the life of an extraordinary person like you and me. Once you are fancy, there is a high probability that you will become an alien in the future, leave the turbid world, and enter an incredible place." Xuan Tian said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? The gods are talking." Wang Xuan, who was in the body of Primordial Yuan, said.

"I can't say I can't say it, I will tell you when we meet. By the way, brother, are you unmarried? There must be some bonus points." Xuan Tian asked again.

Afterwards, he called on Hei He and Jin Yu, preparing to go out of the city to pick up Lu Renjia.

Yuan Sheng of the Gibbon Clan had a certain friendship with Xuan Tian and others, and the news was very well-informed, so he immediately followed after hearing the news.

Xuan Tian was a little tired and asked, what are you doing here? I haven't seen it before. Could it be that you want to invite Lu Renjia to punch holes? Xuantian knew that the monkeys and the black peacock clan were not on good terms, especially when they were beaten by Kong Xuan just six months ago.

"Hey, the person who beat you has entered the city." Jing Qi laughed at Zhuo Yanran when she heard the news.

Zhuo Yanran replied unceremoniously: "The person who hit you is in the city, and recently it is famous for the city of the sky, which is known by all ethnic groups."

"I've entered the city again." Wang Xuan said to himself after hearing the news, Lu Renjia finally entered the arena after the disturbance in the Fortune Garden subsided.

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