Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Lili from the original spectrum

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The star waterfall hangs down and the moonlight is like a river. Wang Xuan walks on a quiet star road, feeling the grandeur of the universe and the beauty of the starry sky. It is quiet here, there is no noise of the red dust, only he is advancing alone, the white smoke is transpiring on the star road, like a dream, quiet and peaceful.

Gradually, a hazy outline appeared in the distance. It was a golden book and a jade book. It was very huge. It stood there, with the front connected to the world and the back to the fairy world.

Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eyes and could see clearly that only one page of gold paper and one page of jade paper in the golden book and jade album were entities, and the other pages were constructed by rules.

No one dares to underestimate, even if only one page of the golden book and jade book appears in a certain place, it can communicate with Zhengmu and mobilize boundless might. Wang Xuan walked through the gate and walked all the way, standing in front of the golden book and jade book, a little ecstatic, it can evolve the world and manage the immortal world. \"It's done this time. Jinshuyushu detained him and transported him. Everyone, who wants to go, we should go.

\"Come along, can't wait, let me see how holy this Lu Renjia is, so arrogant."

A group of people are on the same road, and some people are gearing up and preparing to end in person, such as Heihe, Dapeng, etc. They are all sufferers.

Zhuo Yanran, the master of Yu Zheng, fluttered in the night sky in a black dress, and rushed up to meet the starlight. She couldn't wait to find that person to settle the account.

Others were also emotional. After all, they were all "exploded" at that time. Of course, many people would not end up. In the past, it was mainly to watch the game and join in the fun. "Brother, come to the battlefield of the golden book and jade book corresponding to the starry sky where Yihai is located. Heihe, Dapeng and others are going to take action. Let me tell you, this time, "Tianwu, there is news that you are interested in, Zhuo Yanran is furious, and will soon be with you. People fight! "

In a short while, many people sent out messages, calling friends and friends, telling them that people in this circle would find a way to rush to the scene of the duel. In this area, the descendants of the aliens have risen to the sky, and a portal has appeared in the starry sky, and everyone has entered.

The golden book and jade album are embodied, forming a huge and boundless outline, flowing with high-level textures, with awe-inspiring coercion, and forming a world of its own. Zhuo Yanran was the first to arrive, standing in the vast battlefield of golden books and jade books, looking for the opponent.

\"Don't worry." Ye Lin advised, her friend was so anxious this time that she couldn't calm down. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

A group of people have arrived, but the people have not found it?

"Outside the golden book and jade book, there is a figure standing on the edge of the hazy area. Could it be him? Strange, he didn't really enter the battlefield." "Hey, are you Lu Renjia?" Someone shouted. Wang Xuan looked forward, the distance was a little far, but he could still roughly see that there were a group of creatures of all races, humans, rocs, mechanical monsters, etc., and a dog? Maybe a wolf.

A very good-looking girl with a pure face and clear eyes, but after seeing him, her eyes spewed fire, and her eyes were gouged out like knives.

It may not be appropriate to say that she is pure, because Wang Xuan noticed that when she was angry, she was short of breath, and her curves were very undulating. I didn't realize that her figure under the black dress was actually very hot.

When Wang melted his head and admitted his identity, the girl blew up immediately after learning about it, and the sky burst into flames, and immediately pointed at him and demanded a decisive battle.

Mainly, there is a layer of light curtain between the two, which separates them, otherwise she would have killed them long ago, that is the area divided by the rules. "Is he Lu Renjia?\" The others also looked bad, and finally saw the righteous master. This guy has harmed them all.

In the starry sky, outside the battlefield of the golden book and jade book, Wang Xuan stood there quietly, facing a group of young men and women with great backgrounds, and he looked at it indifferently.

\"Interesting, the golden book and the jade book are the rules of the body and it is fair to deal with things, without the co-existence of both sides,

I mean, we won't be together, we won't be able to fight.

Wang Xuan nodded, he was most afraid of problems with the golden book and jade album.

\"Lu Renjia, you despicable and shameless slave, Fairy Zhuo intends to rescue you, but you revenge and provoke everyone." This is a bitter master, who was in the sea at the time, stained with stench, and wanted to end in person.

"Have pity on my pot of fresh soup, with all kinds of big medicines added, and the rare main medicine divine fish, all of them are babies!" Heihe also sighed, expressing regret and dissatisfaction.

\"The bottle flew past my eyes. There was a fishy smell!" Dapeng was angry.

\"It's a pity, I was exploring the cracks of the void under the sea, and the moment I returned to the surface, the bronze bottle fell and splashed my face, the whole sky was gray Lu Renjia, you come here, I have to peel yours Impossible!"

A group of people are emotional.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "It really was a very interesting night." Is this a provocation? In front of so many people, he has been calm and reckless, and finally made such a conclusion. "I heard it, everything was caused by the girls around you throwing things around." Wang Xuan spoke again, and then justified his name. He continued: "I have to explain that I am not a slave, I am a human race, I came from the starry sky, and I did not serve the sea clan, so I can let the golden book and jade book verify it."

In an instant, the golden book and jade book glowed, and stars appeared nearby, surrounding Wang Xuan, making him a splendid brilliance, which made him look extremely sacred.

\"I'm not a slave, I didn't serve the sea clan, what I said is true.\" There was an emotionless voice from the golden book and jade book, and the result was announced in public.

Many people were stunned. From the source, they wrongly blamed this person? \"I, Lu Renjia, attach great importance to reputation and cannot be slandered. You should all apologize to me." Wang Xuan said.

Many people were speechless, and they had been retching for a long time, and they had to apologize to him?

"Of course, I know you don't agree. Some people feel resentful. It doesn't matter. I'm generous. Sometimes the truth of the matter is so unacceptable. Today, I'm here to meet friends with martial arts and learn from each other. After the end of the fight, the matter will be turned over."

Wang Pao was calm and didn't care much, which made a group of people feel like they clenched their fists and hit the cotton. They came aggressively, but it turned out that they blamed each other first? "No, right or wrong, it's a matter between you and Zhuo Yanran. I didn't provoke you, but I stinked all over. Who should I go to?!"

Wang Xuan nodded.

"I'll fight you first!" Zhuo Yanran said, wanting to be the first to end and let him open up a fair battlefield.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's up to you, you hurt me, let me fight you, first."

He almost said the words to pay the first fee, but fortunately he stopped at the critical moment, otherwise it would be the same as Kong Pao, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

He changed his mouth and said: \"There is a problem with the scripture you gave me earlier, and you want me to forgive and discuss with you, and you will complete the scripture for me." He was still asking for scriptures, but he found an objective The reason for its existence, he said that there were some problems with his body practicing this scripture. "What scriptures did you give him?" someone asked.

"Xinghe washes his body." Zhuo Yanran whispered. "Hey!" A group of people gasped, this scripture is difficult to practice, and there will be disasters if you don't practice a complete scripture.

Zhuo Yanran has a complete first chapter, which is made into the second chapter. It belongs to the legend, and the great aliens have not obtained it, and it has long been lost. However, practicing the first part of the full version can also solve the hidden problem, and it has been able to self-consistently circulate. The next chapter is the sublimated version, and the method of fighting.

It is reported that this is a scripture left by a fallen true saint. Unfortunately, all parties fought for it, and only the first chapter was found in his dilapidated cave. Zhuo Yanran didn't want to give it to him. Although she had wronged him earlier, this person was too abhorrent, so I couldn't explain it, so she just gave her a bottle of "extreme substances".

\"Without the scriptures to solve the hidden danger, I can't get off the court because my body is not suitable for using force." Wang Xuan said firmly.

\"Give it to him, although he said what he said was very reasonable, but I still really want to go off the field to educate him very much, and meet his scripture requirements first!" The huge golden roc bird like a mountain said.

Heihe nodded and said: \"Well, the first few layers of this scripture can still be practiced, but the last three layers are more difficult than the first layer, and they are as difficult as going to the sky, and normal beings can't practice it at all. Even if the people in this sutra are geniuses, they are forced to do so in the end. Only by abolishing all the wonders that this sutra has cultivated, and by damaging some of the Taoist practices, can they break free.”

Xinghe's body wash scriptures, some of the top alien races are included, but facing it, they have a complicated mood, both yearning and fear, because it is almost impossible to fully practice. "Here, since you are not a slave, this time I will tell you in advance that this scripture is not small," Zhuo Yanran informed the situation, and then wrote it on the Xingsha paper, which was confirmed by the golden book and jade book. scriptures.

The ripples were rippling, and the star sandpaper penetrated the light curtain and reached Wang Yan's hand. He looked and looked at it, and remembered it in his heart. He was very satisfied, and he received the appearance fee.

\"Okay, I only have one request, a fair duel!" Wang Xuan said, and he allowed the creatures in the same realm to end.

After all, it is the descendants of the aliens, who knows if there are extremely special existences, such as the young sons of aliens, direct disciples, etc. If he doesn't want to come up, he will directly raise and fight with the heaven-level creatures. Let's start with the true immortals. This time, it is to find out the bottom line and see what the level of the disciples of these top ethnic groups in the sea of ​​​​stars is. The moment he finished speaking, the golden book and jade book opened up a battlefield for him, and he was within the range shrouded in light.

Zhuo Yanran's head was full of blue silk flying, and she smiled slightly. Her beautiful face was full of brilliance. She really had the resources to win the city.

At this time, she was born with a graceful and dazzling appearance, and then with a bang, she was blocked by a sudden appearance of light, and Mingpin could see that the rune of light was flowing, carrying her terrifying impact force.

In an instant, she covered her face with one hand and hugged her chest with one arm, very weak, and slowly squatted on the ground in great pain, tears were about to fall.

Everyone was stunned, what happened? That Lu Renjia obviously didn't do anything.

Ye Lin came out of the dust, found the clue, and said: "In order to maintain fairness and justice in the battlefield, the golden book and the jade book are protecting that Lu Renjia!"

After speaking, she hurried over to help Zhuo Yanran.

"Why?" Many people were puzzled and felt incredible.

Then, some people woke up.

Although Zhuo Yanran was supported, she still didn't get up. She squatted there softly, still covering her face. I can't see anyone anymore, I bruised myself, how could she be so unlucky recently? !

"What state are you in?" She asked painfully, hugging her chest and covering her face.

"True immortal realm." Wang Xuan replied.

"A real fairy?!" Zhuo Yanran suddenly wanted to cry, and then she burst into tears in pain. Nearby, many people can't believe their ears, just a little real fairy, dare to run here to challenge? People are stunned!

Most of the extraordinary people who come to Yihai to fish are heaven-level creatures, not to mention that there are no real immortals, but there are really very few. In terms of strength, it is not enough to come here.

As a result, this person who was hiding at the bottom of the sea and living all the time was just a true fairy, subverting their preconceived ideas and making people speechless by surprise.

The most pitiful one is Zhuo Yanran, she really cried, and this time she was embarrassed. She bumped into the rune light curtain that suddenly appeared in public, and it was too late to avoid it.

She is a little suspicious of life. She has a peerless beauty and a high morality. She is regarded as a genius of the sky and admired by her peers. After meeting this person, she has one after another of unfortunate misfortune. Where is the appearance of a goddess in the eyes of others, all kinds of inelegant , Ye Lin finally helped her up and saw that she was quickly treating her swollen and bleeding face with a subtle technique.

She wanted to laugh but was embarrassed, so she could only endure it.

Zhuo Yanran finally let go and fully recovered. She was angry, hated, and helpless, and said, "You are the real immortal?!" "What happened to the real immortal? Even the superhuman who can beat the sky! Wang Xuan responded calmly.

Then, he couldn't hold back and was happy, because he was right in front of the other party, and he could see what happened to Zhuo Yanran the most clearly.

Seeing his smile like that, Zhuo Yanran was so angry that she turned around and asked quickly, "Is there a real immortal here? Is my cousin here?" choked to death.

Naturally, this place has already exploded. I thought there would be a fierce battle, but it turned out that only a true immortal entered? "With such a low level, even a true immortal dares to come here? It's ridiculous, to actually enter the battlefield of the golden book and jade book!"

\"A group of experts from the sky came here in person, but it was a shame to accompany a true immortal."

At this time, someone came out and said, "I am a true immortal, and I would like to accompany him to fight!"

There is no need to think about it, there are very few true immortals here, and once they appear, they will all be outstanding, otherwise they are not qualified to travel together and come here with them.

"Fellow Daoist, please give a common name, tell me your ethnic group, and who is the alien from." Wang Yan smiled, everything was to take the opportunity to understand the powerful aliens in the starry sky.

What are the powerful aliens of .

\"No need, the battle will be over soon." This cool man in Tsing Yi \"No need, the battle will be over soon." The cool man in Tsing Yi said, attacking directly, his palms slid across the void,

Circulating Dao Rhyme, indeed said, attack directly, palm fingers across the void, circulation Dao Rhyme, really strong, rare among true immortals.

It is very strong and rare among true immortals.

The two confronted, Wang Deng observed his methods, and briefly and fiercely confronted the two, Wang Deng observed his methods, and briefly and fiercely fought, and he had a preliminary grasp of the level of true immortals in the offspring of foreigners. , and have a preliminary judgment and understanding of the level of the true immortals in the offspring of foreigners.

judgment and understanding. The man in Tsing Yi was unable to attack for a long time, so he directly rushed into the sky. When he dived again, the man in Tsing Yi couldn’t attack for a long time, so he directly rushed into the sky. When he dived again, he transformed into his main body. Void, culling Xiang Wang Xuan.

Birds of prey, tear the void, and slaughter Xiang Wang Xuan.

However, the next moment, a huge fist came in front of him, and the next moment, a huge fist came in front of him, with a bang, the blue feathers were flying in the sky, he coughed up blood, and the sound on his body, the blue feathers in the sky were flying. Feiwu, he coughed up blood, all the feathers on his body were gone, the body of the raptor was bare, all the feathers on his head were gone, the body of the raptor was bare, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

He fell to the ground and passed out.

"The realm of true immortals, why don't you reveal it?" Wang Xuan frowned, "Why don't you reveal the realm of true immortals?" Wang Xuan frowned, looking thoughtful.

A look of In the distance, the faces of a group of people have changed, this undersea real fairy is really far away, and the faces of a group of people have changed, this undersea real fairy really has some means, but its The words seemed too conceited.

Some means, however, appear too conceited in their discourse.

\"Cousin I'm here, just arrived, I'm from my family. Someone is outside \"Cousin I'm here, just arrived, I'm from my family. There are rumors outside that you vomited here in Yihai, and the more rumors it spreads, the more outrageous it is. Some people say that you vomited here in Yihai, and the more rumors it spreads, the more outrageous the rumors are. Some people say it was morning sickness. Uncle was shocked. I'll check. "Zhuo Yanran suffered from morning sickness, and my uncle was stunned. Let me check it out." Zhuo Yanran's cousin appeared, although it was a secret voice transmission, but the cousin who was bad when he opened his mouth appeared. She almost maddened her when she opened her mouth, it was really far from the original!

To make her mad at the point is really far from the original!

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