Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 216: The whole world is turned upside down

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A bronze bottle can be four inches high, with a round belly, a cross-sectional diameter of two inches, and a slender neck with speckled patina.

It drifted across the black sea dozens of miles away, and someone else wouldn't notice it at all, but Wang Yan's spiritual eye could see clearly and could observe the fine textures on the bottle.

The fiery red really fish disappeared in a flash and was gone.

In that case, grab the bottle first. He threw the line, and with a swoosh, he flew through the light mist and flew out for dozens of miles. He wrapped the bottle with precision and fished it back.

It's because of fishing, don't worry, when he knew that there were still real fish in this sea area, Wang Yan was completely relieved, and when he looked back, he would try his best to fish for such rare and rare treasures.

The bronze vase is not big, but it is very beautiful. There are animal face patterns under the spotted copper rust, and there are also fairies walking on the waves, which are quite vivid and beautiful, and the vortex of the galaxy, which seems to be connected to another world, flowing with rhythm. 1

"These days, I have encountered drift bottles everywhere, even in different seas. I don't know who voted." He was quite curious.

Wang turned it over and looked around, but didn't find anything special. Then he looked at the mouth of the bottle. It was a copper stopper, engraved with some dense text, which seemed to be some kind of seal texture.

He frowned and prepared the killing array diagram, who knows what is in this bottle.

Using the imperial flag as a crowbar, he tapped the bronze stopper first, then tried to pry it out with the tip of the gun.

It can be said that the use of prohibited items in this way is really the most simple way to return to the state of use of the original tools. Of course, if outsiders see it, it is estimated that they will be dumbfounded.

Without destroying the bronze plug, Lu Hai pried it out with a bang.

In an instant, a green mist rushed out and erupted violently. Rune hurriedly stepped back, and was on guard, not some kind of poison, right?

The zero air is very strong, and a green-haired old man is condensed and formed in an instant, and the energy fluctuations are very strong, at least it should be a mid-to-late heavenly creature.

"Daoist friend, have you rescued me?" He opened his mouth and asked, looking very excited, looked up at the sky, and sighed: "Finally back in the world, Daoist friend, I must repay you well.

"Senior, I just accidentally found a bronze bottle in the water. The cork was about to fall off, so I didn't dare to take credit." Rune said.

"Is that so, you are a true immortal?" the green-haired old man asked, moving his muscles and bones, and the flames of the demon king all over his body. 1

"Yes, I have seen senior."

Then, the green-haired old man attacked directly. After sloppily sensing and confirming his realm, he did not have any firmness. He stretched out a large green hand and grabbed it towards his head.

"The real fairy of the human race, let me like the smell, come here, let me see how Yihai is doing after so many years."

The green-haired old man avenged his revenge and attacked the rune, which was obviously a direct soul search.

He laughed loudly and said, "Old Ancestor, I finally got out of trouble, haha... Lu Haizi is immortal, wait for the sages to lead me to counterattack!"

All of this is a matter of lightning bolts. When he speaks, he refers to weak mental fluctuations, which can be expressed in an instant. Bao's big hand is close to Rune's scalp. There is no doubt that this was born as a very fierce old demon, not a kind of good!


To his astonishment, the young man on the opposite side was holding a small broken flag. There was no violent energy fluctuation. He just flicked the flag, and his arm was gone.

Then, he was slapped in the face by the other party's flag, and half of his head was tattered on the spot, and the blood mixed with broken bones and teeth blew out, which was extremely terrifying.

He was approaching the late Heaven Rank, a big monster in the sea, but he was unable to move due to the pressure of the flag, which shocked and terrified him, which had never happened before.

"Tell me, who are you, what is the origin of the Fishbone Hall, and what is the situation in Yihai?" Lu Hai looked at him blankly and asked directly.

The green-haired old man swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, feeling that his body was trembling, and his soul trembled as the flag that had not recovered was suppressed.

This is completely different from what he expected. Isn't the big demon getting out of trouble and the king returning? How did he become a prisoner in an instant, and was knocked down from the human world into the eighteenth hell.

"I am a celestial demon in the Fishbone Palace. When I was fishing for people, I was accidentally caught by someone. As a result, the other party couldn't see my flesh and blood, and felt that there was no medicinal power, so they sealed me and threw me back into the different sea." He lost half of his head, but he still spoke quickly, looking a bit miserable.

Rune wanted to hit him as soon as he heard it, another fish who hated fishing?

He was a little suspicious, what's the situation in this strange sea, the strange fish here seem to be catching people?

"Yihai, what's going on?" Lu Hai asked him, smearing his eyes here, he knew everything, and the tricky mobile phone did not appear all the time.

The green-haired old man said some things. In his words, Yihai is almost the whole of heaven and earth, a vast and boundless world.

Soon, Rune got an amazing news, this group of powerful monsters, fish, etc., hate to fish for creatures in the bright starry sky in the sea.

Everything is reversed, this is a group of fish for people!

But what about the brilliant sea of ​​stars? Rune looked up, but he had never seen a star at all, nor had he seen it when he flew high in the sky.

In fact, he found the wisps of chaos, no sun, moon and stars.

Moreover, he fell from the highest point, opened up a chaotic vortex channel, and was directly caught by a fish.

"Of course, those creatures in the starry sky, those outsiders, are also fishing for us, similar to each other." The green-haired old man informed the situation.

Those outsiders who came to fish are suspected of being foreigners and their ethnic descendants!

Rune was stunned, no wonder it was called Yihai, the strange thing on the mobile phone had reminded and hinted at him, and it had something to do with the infested creatures.

Lu Haizi, the cave dwelling of a very powerful alien in the different seas, once fought with the aliens in the sea of ​​​​stars, and they both won and lost.

"Irregulars are also fishing in person?" Rune has some personalities in his heart, and this place is a bit unpredictable. In case of encounters with aliens carrying super prohibited items, he will be very safe.

"After many years of fighting, the aliens have rarely ended up unless there is a top-level good fortune, such as the collapse of the ruined Zhisheng palace, falling into the alien sea, or the birth of the sacred artifacts of the old era, or the remnants of the new saints from the sky. After flying down, there will be aliens appearing, vying to fish first, and **** battles, etc.”1

According to what he said, the different sea is extremely mysterious. When some sacred objects are born, some of them will fall into the sea, and even the foreign ancestors of the fishbone hall do not understand.

On weekdays, most of them are creatures in the sea, as well as descendants of the alien race, looking for opportunities in the alien sea.

"Where is the bright starry sky, where are the sun, moon and stars, why didn't I see one?" Rune asked, he didn't want to be trapped here.

"This is the bottom of the sea, there must be no stars and moons." The green-haired old man was surprised.

Lu Hai was in a daze, looking up at the sky, it was gray and chaotic, and there were islands and reefs under his feet, and there was an endless black ocean in the vicinity.

While he was in a trance and looked out into the sky, the green-haired old man was very angry. He was sure that the rune was a real immortal, and he was relying only on the flag that had not recovered.

He wants to kill this human race real immortal directly, but the control of the small flag has not been activated. It is estimated that it has not been refined, right? Afterwards, he was given to him to kill the rune, and he was covered in heavenly demons and seas.

With a puff, the rune conditioned reflex, the flag shook, and he was shaken to pieces, the blood of the demon splattered, the primordial spirit exploded, and then the body and spirit were destroyed.

"It's bad, I was beaten to death before I finished asking!" He stomped and sighed, regretting it.

"I...&!" The green-haired old man's last stray thoughts, after sensing the other party's remorse and mental fluctuations, was almost dead. He was a big demon of a generation, so he was stabbed to death at will?

His death is really trivial and silent, and he still thinks about the return of the king after breaking the seal. !

Rune sighed, and just lost the man. He still has many things to ask, such as what is the condition of the five fishing rods on the island reef?

Also, how to go back safely, he didn't want to bump into strangers.

In addition, what kind of silver fish is it? If he eats its flesh and blood directly, it is considered a waste of life. Are there really many red fish in this sea area?

He had a whole bunch of questions, and unfortunately, lost the solver.

"Hey, Tian Yao, it's gone, let's go all the way." Rune shook his head. 2

He was about to throw the bronze bottle into the sea, but after thinking about it, he picked up a silver fishbone, engraved some pictures and texts, put it into the bottle, and blocked the mouth of the bronze match. 1

Picking up a spray, he threw the bronze bottle back into the sea. To his expectations, the bottle glowed, rippled, and then sank with a swoosh.

Rune was stunned, and hurriedly followed with his spiritual eyes. However, since the killing array map showed his power, this sea area was obviously unpredictable, and his eyes could not see through.

He only traced a short distance, the bronze bottle was really glowing, the ripples flowed, and it drilled directly to the deepest part of the seabed.

"The old demon was caught by someone, then put it in a bottle and threw it back into the sea. It returned to the so-called seabed side. I'm throwing the bottle out now. Is it going to the side of the dim starry sky?" Rune was surprised.

Then he frowned again. The old demon had been drifting on the bottom of the sea for many years before he was picked up. The bronze bottle he threw out would be rediscovered in a few years.

In fact, there was some accident. On the other side of the sea, which is the so-called "sea surface", the starry sky, the silver wine like water, fell on the sea, sparkling, very angry.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of creatures fishing in the different seas. They are not only catching alien monsters, but also other rare and strange things.

Right now, there are some people in this sea area.

The so-called anglers here have all kinds of creatures, some have taken human form, and some have retained their true appearance, such as a golden roc bird who is counting the fish.

On the other side, a black crane quickly raised its rod, causing a cry of exclamation. It caught an ancient cave house, and there was an extremely mysterious Wang Yan left.

"Good luck, the cracks in the void that have appeared in the sea recently, some strange things appear from time to time, good luck Brother He, shouldn't this be the cave of the old saint period?"

Someone is so beautiful.

At this moment ripples rippled under the sea, and a streamer rushed out.

In an instant, the creatures present quickly threw their rods, threw off the regular fishing line, and went to catch the luminous object.

"Haha, my luck is better, this thing is the closest and belongs to me." A woman with a very hot body and undulating curves, but with a beautiful face, laughed and was extremely distressed. 2

"Hey, it's actually a bronze bottle, I don't know what's in it." She frowned, not the imaginary cave mansion, and other treasures of heaven and earth, slightly dissatisfied. 2

In the so-called "undersea" world, Rune is standing on the island reef, glowing all over the body, and the king of flesh and blood is densely packed. While practicing, he runs various commanding scriptures one by one, while fishing for fiery red true fish, improving Taoism and capturing good fortune Both are correct. 2

May is coming to an end, and book lovers who still have monthly tickets don’t forget to vote. Well, I wanted to write about it yesterday, but I forgot.

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