Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Baptism of blood and fire

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What the heck is a mobile phone? Wang Pao Sifu, the place where it is connected is very complicated. The last time the Tianting Canteen gave him a bowl of rice, it actually crossed many star fields.


A suffocating aura rose from the field, disturbing Wang Xuan who was in deep thought, and made him regain his senses in an instant.

Yuan Sheng was gone. He was no different from a human except that his arms were over his knees. He had thick golden hair, which could be over one meter long, and his skin was slightly golden.

His pupils were as cold as two knives, and the cold light flashed between the opening and closing. There was a tornado outside his body, composed of regular fragments and evil spirits, which directly tore the void.

As he stepped, the storm outside his body became even bigger, making a terrifying explosion, like a thunderous explosion, and the surrounding void was blurred. In a storm outside his body.

He is indeed very strong, standing in the arena of its own. Although he has a big bow on his back, he has not taken it off, facing Heng Cheng who walked into the arena with his bare hands.

When Heng Cheng arrived, he was very ethereal, very different from Yuan Sheng's temperament, and even had a somewhat illusory feeling. He was also a descendant of aliens. He was returning to his ancestors. It seemed he was about to fade away.

Different aliens correspond to different paths. Heng Cheng’s ancestors are very strong, and until now, some fragments of the Tao can still be reproduced in his blood.


Yuan Sheng disappeared from the place, too fast, the power of the flesh alone was very impressive, running through the void, causing a terrible roar in place.

Before many people could react, he appeared in front of Heng Cheng, his palms and fingers as big as dustpans, with clear texture, blasting the void, covering the opponent's head.

In an instant disillusionment, Heng Cheng disappeared, turned reality into emptiness, and silently appeared behind Yuan Sheng, with fine sand flowing from his fingertips, as if it could melt space.

Those were regular particles, which turned into sand between his palms, and fell silently towards Yuan Sheng's back.

These two are two extremes!

Of course, they also have something in common, that is, the speed is too fast, which makes many people dizzy, and they complete the offense and defense in a flash of lightning, and they all appear behind the opponent in an instant.

Although Yuan Sheng's physical body could directly explode the void, but he didn't mean to resist, he disappeared again, teleported to the top of Heng Cheng's head, above his head and feet, fell in a diving posture, and slapped the opponent's Tianling cover with one palm.

Being so domineering, he went up to the opponent's head, which made the wolf wonder if this person had any bad hobbies in common with the second king.

With a swipe, Heng Cheng disappeared again.

Everyone was dazzled, and the eyes of some extraordinary people couldn't keep up with the afterimages they left behind. It was too fast.

Are these two showing off their extreme speed?

So far, they haven't had a hard feeling, they're all teleporting, even if the void of the arena is penetrated several times, but they haven't touched each other.

Yuan Sheng let out a loud roar, and the suffocating energy from his body formed a storm that swept across the arena, driving clouds all over the sky, and resonating with the regular fragments, forming an abnormal scene, the entire void was covered, and then locked.

This method is very terrifying, like imprisoning this small world and turning it into a static picture.

Then, he yanked the rules, causing a big explosion here.

It was extremely terrifying. It was like he was trying to kill his opponent by tearing up the painting after solidifying the void as a painting.

Everyone was shocked to see that this fierce ape had amazing power and wanted to bury the opponent in this small world of the arena.

At a critical moment, Heng Cheng became blurred, strange light flowing in his flesh and blood, and a special scene emerged. At the moment when the Void picture scroll was torn apart, he floated out.

Then, there was a thunderous sound in his blood, and various scene fragments flowed through the flesh and blood, displayed in the void, and then entangled towards the opponent.

It was Dao Yun, a spectacle, and when it approached Yuan Sheng, it suddenly disappeared, gathering and dispersing invisible and silent, penetrating into the opponent's body.

Yuan Sheng's special bloodline was activated, the regular runes flowed in the flesh and blood, the blood energy exploded, and the rays of light were bright, like the starry sky emerging, blocking those invading Dao rhymes.


This time, the two didn't avoid each other, and they really shook. This was the collision of spells, and it was also the embodiment of physical melee combat.

Yuan Sheng waved his long arms one after another and hit the other side's marvelous scene, causing the rules to roar, the sky collapsed, and the arena seemed to burst open.

Heng Cheng's body, the flow of fragments of mysterious wonders, and the congealing of flesh and blood, made his body incomparably stronger, and his fists collided with the opponent's big hands one after another, turning the virtual into reality, and he could not retreat.

Dragons and tigers fight, and the descendants of aliens fight fiercely!

Outside, the deepest impression many people have of the Gibbon Clan is that they are all sharpshooters, which somewhat obscures their ability to fight in close quarters.

Just because they have reached a certain stage, they will be able to pick the stars that month, and it can be seen that they are really top powerhouses who can attack people from afar and attack people from close range.

At this time, star buckets appeared on Yuan Sheng's arms. This was the power of the ancestors to pick up the stars and take the moon. It recovered in his body, and his long golden hairs rose out, manifesting his body, and his strength soared.

"After this monkey enters the Heaven Rank, is it really going to pick up the stars and get the moon?" The wolf cat was surprised.

With a pair of flowing starlight arms, Yuan Sheng once suppressed many masters of the same generation in the starry sky. Those people could not stop his terrifying power, and any magical powers were directly destroyed by him.

Accompanied by Dao Yun, Heng Cheng's gestures and gestures are all incoherent fragments of scenes. The techniques are shocking, and the paths of the two are indeed opposite.

In this area, they kept fighting, and the speed was unbelievable. In the end, it was difficult for many true immortals to see their movements.


In the end, Heng Cheng flew out upside down and was pierced by Yuan Sheng's terrifying arm, piercing the Dao Yun Wonder Shard and hitting his real body, causing him to almost explode on the spot.

At a critical moment, a new scene fragment was born in his flesh and blood, and the rhythm did not go out, helping him to defuse the devastating force. He vomited blood, his chest collapsed, stabilized his figure in the distance, and stopped.

However, Yuan Sheng was not feeling well either, the golden fur on both arms was torn apart, and the other side's spectacle fragments were more terrifying than the Heavenly Sword, hurting his body, and even cracks appeared on his left arm bone.

But it was obvious that Heng Cheng fell behind and lost to this fierce ape.

He was slightly silent, admitted defeat, disappeared directly, and withdrew from the arena.

Yuan Sheng felt a little regretful that he failed to kill his opponent. If he gave him some time, he should be able to kill the offspring of the aliens who had embarked on the road of returning to their ancestors.

"Who else?" He asked in a deep voice, looking at Chong Xiao, the core disciple of the Black Peacock Clan, and at Kong Deng, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

\"You rest for a while, and I will discuss with you!" said the sky-level master of the black peacock clan, not wanting to take advantage of him and be honest.

"No need, you come down!" Yuan Sheng is really conceited and proud, he doesn't care at all, of course he is not blind and arrogant, at this time, his whole body is glowing, the stars and rivers are shining, wrapped around his arms, reflecting a giant ape The picture of picking stars at will in the sea of ​​stars and throwing them out.

This is the future of him. Through his own blood energy and Taoism, he has been able to reveal his future achievements, and he can even borrow some of his power.

This is one of the reasons why this clan ranks among the first-rate strong clans in the universe.


His arm bones no longer had cracks, and his body instantly returned to its peak state, facing Zhongxiao, the core disciple of the Black Peacock Clan.

The battle was very fierce and terrifying. Peacock blood was spilled, dyeing the arena red. At the same time, the fur of the gibbons was torn off, causing the roar of the rash.

This is a close encounter, evenly matched battle, who is the hero? In this case, who does not have the courage to be fearless? All are warriors.

Blood was everywhere, the two were covered in injuries, the peacock's feathers were all withered, and some black peacock's wings were broken and flew out.

The peacock folded its wings, the scene was quite tragic, and the eyes of the people were a mournful red.

At this time, Yuan Sheng had killed the madman, his momentum was strong, and he was also severely injured, but his fighting spirit was high, and his strength was even higher than when he fought against Heng Cheng!

This is because he uses his racial innate ability to visualize the future, and he really attracts some mysterious power.

Of course, some people think that this is not the power of the future, but the power that Xinghai bestowed upon the tribe.

This kind of thing reveals evil and terror!

"Brother Chongxiao, let me fight him!" The rough man Jin Ming's eyes were red, and he was about to end the game. He wanted to replace Chongxiao from the Black Peacock Clan, and he couldn't bear to see it.

Jin Ming's body is Jin Chan. He was taken to the Black Peacock Holy Mountain since he was a child and raised by the family. He has long regarded this place as his home, and he has a close relationship with Zhongxiao and regards it as his elder brother.

He couldn't help it now.

"No!" Black Peacock Chongxiao said, fighting to the death. "Pfft!" Chongxiao grabbed a piece of Yuan Sheng's scalp, leaving a few finger holes in his skull.

This battle was indeed terrifying and extremely bloody. Both sides had broken bones, and some broken bones were separated from the body and flew out. Both suffered heavy injuries.

In the end, they both lost, and each of them was caught out of the arena by the elders of the clan. They could no longer fight, otherwise they would both die here.

Wang Xuan was moved, he had already stood up, and he was also very touched when he saw the curtain ending like this. Both of them were indeed very strong, and they almost died together.

Luo Ying is the number one true immortal of the Black Peacock clan, while Chong Xiao is the person with the greatest potential in the current heaven-level domain of the clan.

"Who's going to fight me?" Six-eyed Jinchan came to an end, seeing Zhongxiao so miserable, with his wings broken and his chest cut open, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help but want to kill the murderous ape.

"Have your eyes entered the sand, what are your emotions? Under the vast starry sky, in the magnificent historical years, generation after generation, for the continuation of the race, the civilization will not be extinguished, and they have died in a hundred battles. The end of the first century, following the extraordinary migration of apprentices, in the process of fighting to cross, even if the whole family is wiped out, it is just a small wave in the magnificent picture of Daewoo."

The black peacock clan elder Qing Cang scolded and told Jin Ming that in the bright star sea, such a little blood and injury is nothing.

Wang Xuan was not at peace, he thought about a lot, the long-armed ape tribe challenged various religions, and the Black Peacock Holy Mountain happily fought, they were just tempered disciples, and the descendants who did not see blood would probably live in the future when the wind blows in the great universe. not come down.

Jin Ming nodded and adjusted his mood, but he ended up in the end. He said that he wanted to "harden" himself, and then he pierced a vicious ape of the Gibbon family and the two "foreign demons" of the Mountain Wai Department neatly.

The Gibbon God Clan is I just discovered that this is an eight-eyed golden cicada, a different species in the top demon clan, with eight eyes and eight wings, and its lethality is amazing.

Jin Ming shook the enemy's blood on Chan's wings and left the stage calmly. This rough man is very emotional. In the final analysis, he was going to take action for Zhongxiao.

At this time, some young men and women of the Gibbon God ape tribe came to a mysterious woman, and seemed to transmit voices in secret, with respect and some detention, and unanimously asked her to take action.

Today, they didn't get any advantage in the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain. If you count the achievements of the Wai Yao Kong Pao, they actually lost.

For the Gibbon Clan, who had already defeated four strong clans in a row, this time was a big blow.

In the end, the woman came out. It was indeed very mysterious. She was not from the Gibbon God Clan. She calmly looked at the talented black peacocks who were still able to play, and said, "All of you, let's go together. "

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