Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 207: Cosmic 1st class powerhouse

In 11 years, the galaxy was brilliant, and Wang Xuan ended his retreat.

Leaving the old land of the Black Peacock tribe where dead bones and flowers coexisted, it was also far from that old era, and the remnants of the previous era were sealed underground.

Wang Yan returned to the surface and looked up at the starry sky. He knew that sooner or later the peace would be broken, and this place would eventually become the old world.

A giant tree hangs in the night sky, emitting a soft silver light, that is the moon on the holy mountain.

"Second Dad!" A wolf the size of a calf came running under the moonlight. It was usually very cold, but now it is extremely cheerful. Most of its fur is black with silver markings. 2

Wolf Sky, that's its name. Apparently, Wolverine is a bad name and lazy. 1

In fact, its body should be much larger than it is now. Under the moonlight, the silver stripes are shining, quite mysterious, and it is a remarkable alien at first glance.

"It grows very fast." Wang Xuan patted its head.

In the night sky, the five colors of divine light were splendid, streaking across the sky, like a rainbow descending, and the wolverine also came, put away its tail feathers, and said, "Half the size eats the poor old man."

Langtian filial piety didn't refute, but he didn't take it seriously. Isn't the food and drink all given by the Black Peacock Clan? Where did the wolf father worry about it?

"The person here is fierce?" Wang Xuan asked.

Wolverine raised its head, the three crown feathers were particularly eye-catching, glowing on the head, and said: "No matter how fierce it is, it can't be fiercer than my Five Elements Mountain."

"Just say it directly, the second father is more fierce." The young wolf Tian added.

Wang Xuan believes that what happened these days goes wrong as soon as it is spread. The rumors are so powerful that even a child has been affected. He has been silent under the stars for 11 years, and he is as quiet as flowers and bones. How can he still be famous?

He guessed that the person who came was probably a very good character, otherwise, it would be a little tricky to wake him up to do something.

Wolverine said: "The person here is indeed a little fierce, but what really makes people care is that the people who gave birth to him are fierce to the extreme, otherwise, if he is a god, he will be beaten to death with a stick.

Who will give him face! "

The young man beside him pondered, and felt that what the wolf father said made a lot of sense, but he thought about his own father, who was in charge of the colorful, beautiful and splendid. 1

The grand hall with a sense of age is not splendid, but it is also brightly lit, and the guests are not small, because the three elders have all appeared.

In the hall, the thick stone pillars are carved with the cosmic and starry sky wars of the old era, which have an epic thick and vicissitudes of life.

The atmosphere was warm, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and it seemed that nothing unharmonious happened.

The six-eyed Jin Cicada Jin Ming, the top alien of the demon clan, Heng Cheng, the descendant of the incarnation, Yuan Zhao, who planted the seed of the third primordial spirit, the long-mouthed sword fairy, the lightning giant, etc., are all here to accompany them, one long bar for each person. Jade table shore, somewhat retro.

On the other side of the hall, that is, on the opposite side, there are some young men and women with sharp eyes, all very strong, looking at their contemporaries.

In the main hall, there are people of the black peacock tribe dancing swords. The beauty contains sharpness. The movements are sometimes soft, sometimes strong, and pleasing to the eye.

The three elders sat opposite a middle-aged man and woman on the platform above the jade steps in the front, clinking glasses and drinking, talking about some anecdotes in the starry sky. In the sound of fairy music, laughter came from time to time.

"I came three days ago. As soon as I arrived, there were real immortals and heaven-level masters who wanted to challenge the people from the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain." .

Obviously, despite the fact that the two sides are talking happily now, the relationship is actually not that good.

On the way here, Wang Yan already knew that this time, the mountain worshiper was amazing. He came from the gibbon family and was one of the top races in the universe.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​stars and looking around all the ethnic groups, the gibbons are extremely powerful and extraordinary creatures. If there is a ranking, they must be first-class and famous.

If the old ape of this clan can go further, it will definitely lead the clan to a higher level!

They are born with divine power, and when they grow normally, they will become extraordinary people when they are young. If they exercise intentionally, guide breathing, etc., they will become stronger.

Their upper limit is extremely high, and the number of clan members is not small. The masters are like clouds, and they are considered to be a big clan with amazing heritage and potential in Yuhai.

According to legend, the old **** ape of this clan is a senior alien who has survived for three generations.

There are even rumors that he has already touched the threshold of the real holy realm, and has gone a long way on the road of Yu Dao Hua. 1

In private, a small number of people have called him the old holy ape, but they were all severely reprimanded by him.

"The treasure of this clan is a big silver bow, which is very lethal. It is said that the ancestor of the black peacock in my holy mountain, the left wing was killed and the sacred wing that covered the sky was shattered on the spot. "Wolverine secretly transmits a voice, with a very solemn expression.

The gibbons are all natural shooters, let alone the old ape? He actually fought against the first ancestor of the Black Peacock Clan, and he was even stronger.

This time, the two peerless gibbons took some younger generations to walk around the starry sky, worshiping the mountains all the way, and entering several homes.

"The juniors of the Gibbon God ape tribe, this time they have made a name for themselves, and they are indeed very powerful. They have performed dazzlingly in the four times they worshipped the mountain.

All quite remarkable. "Wolverine quickly informed a lot of things in the shortest words.

Along the way, a few clans were visited by them, and they overcame them all the way, making those clans very embarrassed.

Now, they have found the Black Peacock Holy Mountain again.

"Luo Ying is not here, she is practicing a special exercise in seclusion, and Yuan Sheng, the gibbon clan, has been ruined in the past two days. It is reported that when he was performing martial arts on the mountain where he lived, he stepped on the top of the mountain with one foot. Once when I was practicing arrows, I shot a mountain in the distance, which was a naked provocation.”

Then, Wolverine made a secret voice transmission and said, "I guess that the three elders didn't let anyone do anything with them earlier, mainly because they wanted to observe the temperament of the lower clansmen and see how we behaved, whether they dared to offend one of them. A powerful group with top-notch aliens."

Of course, the main reason, needless to say, was that the three elders were slightly worried, fearing that no one would be able to withstand the destructive offensive of the younger generation of the Gibbon Clan.

"That's Yuan Sheng, you really dare to name him, do you want to become a generation of ape saints?" Wolverine gestured, secretly pointing to a young man with arms over his knees, this man's face was pale gold, and his skin was slightly glowing.

"Although he is the fiercest dancer, he is not necessarily the first master among the rising stars."

In Wolverine Comments, when he was secretly pointing, Yuan Sheng turned his head and looked over. He was extremely sharp, his eyes were like thunder and lightning, and he was a very powerful character.

"Haha" Yuan Sheng smiled, tall, sitting cross-legged behind the jade table, toasting Wang Yan and Wolverine, and then drank it in one gulp.

His teeth were white and his smile was brilliant, but he also put a lot of pressure on the wolverine. Yuan Sheng poured his own drink, and his arms could be more than 1.5 meters long. once again.

"If you dare to fight, how about going back to arrange a match for you?" Transcendent Clear Sky Voice Transmission.

"No problem." Wang Xuan nodded, no matter whether it was the Black Peacock Holy Mountain who wanted to see their hearts, he would agree, the clan treated him well, and he was by no means a cool person.

"I have to ask, how far can you go if you take action? What if you can't hold back and injure or break a divine ape? Are you alright?" Wang Xuan asked cautiously.

What he means is, don't accidentally cause any trouble and disputes for the Black Peacock Holy Mountain.

"It's alright, you can just do it, these monkeys are very fierce, besides," the elder Qingkong said.

The first elder secretly sent a voice transmission to the elder Qingkong, saying: "Let him sit first and wait for the mysterious master of the other party to end. Otherwise, I think if you say this, his ferocity will come up immediately, don't make it here. Bloody murder scene."

The second elder also opened his mouth and said: "Well, Yuan Sheng is indeed very strong, and he is an extremely outstanding person among the descendants of the old ape, but, not to mention my clan, there are also descendants of Yiren who have returned to their ancestors. , can stop him, let Heng Cheng take action!"

Not only did the young wolf Tian know that his second father was fierce, but even the first and second elders of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain thought so.

"I drank the wine, and had a deep chat with the three old friends. Why don't you let the younger generation help you with the wine?" The middle-aged man of the gibbon family smiled.

He also has long arms over his knees, with a different appearance, raised a glass of wine, and toasted the three elders. His words were not unpleasant, but he hid his edge, and his essence was to bring the younger generation to fight.

This clan has always been strong, and the several Dao Lineages they have made friends with are also extremely terrifying.

Top sects and strong clans have their own allies, and their strength is naturally not weak.

The first elder nodded and said, "Okay, their generation is full of vigor. What will happen in the future will be written by them. It is really interesting to watch young people compare and learn, and it will give people a feeling of vitality and vitality."

"I couldn't help it for a long time. Although the peacock dance is very famous and has a glorious past, I've been tired of seeing it for so long. It's not practical. Come, come, come, who will fight me?"

A woman from the Gibbon Clan came off the stage. She was at the heaven level and spoke with thorns, because although the peacock dance was amazing, it was absolutely not related to the glory in the past. This clan was once kept in captivity.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is more confident and will not prohibit the preferences of the clansmen. It is normal to show dancing on weekdays, but this is so ridiculed in public, and the scars of the past are exposed with malice, and this is over.

The bad-tempered second elder was angry at the time. Originally, he didn't want to be too decisive and discuss it in a moderate way, but now he doesn't think so, and shouted: "Presumptuous!"

Even a junior dared to speak rudely on the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain. Even if she killed her on the spot, it was fine, she just stuck out a big fellow Daoist, to calm down her anger. "The woman from the Gibbon God Ape Clan said, and stopped her, saying: "Junior doesn't understand anything, you don't know anything about the past, don't think too much. "

Then, she laughed again: "Well, let the descendants of your clan die, and teach her a lesson, so that she won't be ashamed of me, and I don't know anything, don't know anything."

When the second elder heard this, his face became even more gloomy. If the disciples sent out were educated by the other party, wouldn't that make her even more blocked?

She has already seen that the thorny and poisonous Gibbon clan heaven-level woman in the field is indeed very strong, and she probably really wants to come up and kill the black peacock clan.

The second elder raised his hand, but did not move. She made such a move to kill, and she felt at ease in her heart, but the gibbon family would definitely be chattering afterward, looking for trouble,

Even the system will use the big to bully the small and hunt down their core disciples in the starry sky.

"Close the door, let the murderous Kong announce your end!" The second elder had murderous intentions, so she broke her promise and let him play in the first battle without leaving Wang Yan behind.

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, in the first battle, she released the fierce and famous Second King of the Five Elements Mountain, and let him make unlimited shots, depending on whether there will be a **** murder scene, this is not something she should consider. !

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