Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 203: 1 Everything is for the future

The latest website: Luofu Star Territory, vast and magnificent, with top teachers sitting in town, Luofu Mountain is famous, there are aliens in the mountains, and there is also the treasure of town education - Luofu Sword, which blooms day and night with brilliant sword light, shocking the ten directions.

"This sect reached out in the sea of ​​meteorites and wanted to intervene in the battle of the outer civilizations in the holy temple. The mysterious man broke the Luofu sword with a prohibited item, and killed the second elder of the sect who was carrying the sword. The Luofu Mountain was attacked last night, which is not very bad. Accident."

Luofu Mountain lost the brainchild of its own civilization, the Luofu Sword, and it was destined that the road ahead would be very difficult.

"That's the Luofu sword. It was broken in a very short period of time that day. What a terrifying power. The rumor is that..." A master of the Black Peacock Clan at the late stage of Heaven rank sighed.

"Silence!" An old peacock stared sharply, telling him not to say more, this matter is not something that extraordinary people at their level can talk about.

Mentioning it like this could be a big disaster!

According to rumors, it was very likely that a true saint who could only appear in legends came with a super treasure that day, smashing the Luofu sword and the second elder.

There is a battle between civilizations in the Holy Temple, and behind each of them, there may be a true saint who is transcendent in the transcendent central world.

The late-stage master of the Black Peacock Clan sighed, "However, not long after that, someone attacked Luofu Mountain at night.

This looks terrible.

That is an extraterrestrial civilization, which has survived the first century. In this great era, it has almost declared its decline before it has reached the later stage.

"Even if the forbidden item - Luofu sword is lost, there is still a powerful alien on Luofu Mountain, and the result is still quickly invaded."

The Black Peacock Clan, from the true immortals to the heaven-level masters, are all shaken. The rise and fall of great religions, the splendor and bleakness of civilization, may change overnight, which is very cruel.

"The aliens in Luofu Mountain are not necessarily dead. The ones killed may just be clones. After losing the supreme treasure Luofu sword, he should have been psychologically prepared."

A great teacher is suddenly weak, and some hunters will naturally not miss the opportunity, and they should know each other.

Luofu Mountain was breached, and the loss should not be as big as people imagined. Since there is a hunch, many important transfers must have been completed ahead of schedule.

"The Luofu Star Territory has a large population, which is very important for the aliens who follow the imperial Taoism. If they are transformed into the same clan, it can help them transform and improve their Taoism. In addition, there are various immortals full of radiant energy in this star field. Mine, such fat will definitely be missed by people."

Many people are talking about that even if the foreigner is not dead and the direct line is transferred away, it should be difficult for this Dao line to cheer up.

Historically, there have been more than one or two cases of these fallen great teachers.

Wang Yan pondered, the strange thing on the mobile phone is not blind, but the Tianting canteen sent him a medicinal meal, which really spanned many star fields, which was a bit terrifying.

In any case, the channel corresponding to those icons on the mobile phone has no doubts about its transmission ability, super strong!

"Newcomer, come here." Someone shouted.

Chen Yu led Wang Yan and Wolverine over, and Little Sirius was also carried by Wu Xingtian.

This is the area near the center of the city on the top of the mountain. It can be said that every inch of land is expensive. There are several courtyards here, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach.

Not only Wang Yan and Wolverine, but also some newcomers, who are very extraordinary, there are humans, the innately powerful Dapeng, and the natural sword immortals - the long-mouthed silver crane clan.

In addition, there are some so-called "old people" who have received training a few years ago, and they are all creatures that are valued by the Black Peacock Holy Mountain.

This compound really lives up to its great name, it is too vast, and only after I really came in did I know that this is a place of cultivation, a super-large "blessed land".

Overall, the compound is actually a reddish-brown plain.

There were several old peacocks standing in front of them, some of them disfigured, and some of them remained in the state of Wu Yu's real body. They looked very mysterious and beautiful, but they were also extremely dangerous.

The peacock "instructors" here are different from the enthusiastic peacocks outside. They have a strong evil spirit and a **** smell. Don't think about it, they have killed many opponents.

"Old rules, in order to let the newcomers guard against arrogance and impatience, the 'old people' go up to a few and discuss with them. After all, who is not a genius, and who is not temperamental? Otherwise, there is no chance to come here to learn the secrets of the highest scriptures. See Zhenzhang under your hands, so as not to be the boss of the sky, the second oldest, or your third, fight it, so that you can

better position yourself.

An old peacock said, "It's pretty dull. First, I moved a maza and sat on a higher place to watch the show."

"Behave well, there is no need to hide in this kind of place." Chen Yu walked over and said in a low voice.

Moreover, she informed that the descendants of the aliens who came back from the second elders, and the top wizards brought back by the first elders, all performed very well in the first competition.

"Aren't they here now?" Wolverine looked around.

Chen Yu said: "They came half a month ago. They are very talented. They were put into the old Peacock land ten days ago, and they have already begun to accept inheritance."

Now these are the newcomers.

"Although it is said to be learning from each other, what should I do if I can't hold back and hurt the opponent?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Even if you give it a shot, you won't be held responsible." Chen Yu urged, be careful, most of these old people are heaven-level experts.

"I'm relieved when you say that." Wang Xuan nodded.

Several people nearby looked at him, and even an old peacock glared at him.

"Let's get started, one-on-one, quick battle." Someone shouted.

Then someone rushed up and started fighting.

"One sword breaks all methods!" The natural sword immortal, the man from the Long-mouthed Silver Crane Clan, directly manifested his body and launched a violent attack.

Its body is not large, but its mouth is very long, about one meter five, and it is extremely sharp. The body is no more than 1.8 meters, and the whole is transformed into a streamer, and the sword qi tore the void.

It swooped towards the opponent, did not spread its wings, but closed tightly on both sides of the body, becoming a real sword crane, and it was also a sky-level master.

The "old man" was in a hurry by it, and the strange treasure it urged was a bronze tripod. In the clanging sound, amid the splendid sparks, it was pecked into a sieve by the mouth of the silver crane, and it exploded with a bang. .


This "old man" felt ashamed, so he acted genuinely, holding a broad sword in his hand, and a treasure mirror hanging over his head, immortal light, full of firepower, and attacked the long-mouthed silver crane.

"One sword can break everything, if I break your sword, what will you do?!" The old man was so arrogant that he wanted to cut off Yinhe's long mouth.

However, Yin He was not at all frightened and said: "One sword can break all laws, but I don't understand it that way. Every feather of mine can be a sword, but I am the only sword, slash!"

This time it began to flap its wings, silver feathers all over its body glowing, and sword energy was released all over its body. As many feathers, there were as many sword lights rushing into the sky.


At the most critical moment, it came with a crane and bright wings, which was equivalent to two kendo galaxies, overwhelming the sky and drowning the old man.

With a puff, the old man was covered in sword holes, blood was flowing, and he almost died. He flew out of the sword light zone sideways, and was anti-educated.

"Silver Sword, victory!" An old peacock said happily and appreciatively.

There is no one with this name. The more you love kendo, the name of the sword will be. However, the strength of the silver sword is indeed extremely strong, even if one looks at a group of old people, it is considered a leader here.

Soon, someone came to Wang Yan, and when they came up, they wanted to give him an unforgettable memory. This turned out to be a very powerful alien, a lightning giant.

When he was in normal shape, he was ten meters high, but now it erupted, and it was directly raised to more than one hundred meters. His whole body was covered with golden blood energy, which was linked to the densely packed huge lightning in the sky.

He roared, causing cracks to appear in this plain area. There is no doubt that he is an extremely powerful figure in this group of "old people" who appeared.

This was the special care that the old peacock gave Wang Yan, and he felt that he was a thorn and needed to be beaten.

With a bang, when the lightning giant punched, the void exploded, the thunder was endless, the rays of light were dazzling, and the fist was as big as a house, hitting Wang Yan in front of him.

Wang Xuan didn't embarrass himself. He took the shot when he should, and took out the extremely heavy mace. Moreover, the demonic winds swirled around, flying sand and rocks, and the rocks the size of the house all flew into the high sky, and the black demon cloud drowned in the air. The weapon struck.

In an instant, lightning exploded here, and the sound of metal crashing was endless.

The Lightning Giant wore golden handguards, which belonged to a rare treasure, and did not pick up the mace with his bare hands, but later, the handguards exploded.

In the rolling demonic energy, in the dense lightning,

Blood splattered, and the lightning giant's fist was continuously shrunk, and his body-protecting techniques collapsed one after another.

At the end, he screamed and couldn't stand it. First, one of his fingers was broken, then three were lost, then his fist disappeared, and then his forearm was given to him by the demon king in the black mist holding a mace. It's gone, and if it goes on like this, it will spread to his head.

"Okay, the newcomer wins!" The old peacock waved his hand, knowing that the newcomer was so strong, he had to pull out the most powerful old men.

After two games in a row, the old man was educated.

Fortunately, the newcomers at the back were not so outrageous, except for one Dapeng, almost all lost.

Of course, when it was the Wolverine's turn, another accident happened.

He took the initiative to choose a limit-breaking "old man" at the level of a true immortal. With his heaven-level and limit-breaking means, the dragons and tigers fought and howled, and they fought vigorously. In the end, the Wolverine won.

But all parties looked drowsy, and they always felt like they were watching an exhibition match and almost called to stop in the middle. That is to say, a few old peacocks are getting old and have patience. They wandered there, spent time, and finally waited until the battle was over.

"Let's go!

The group was taken to the edge of the compound, which is at the end of the horizon of the plain, to a building, and then took the elevator to go underground, and actually stepped directly into the teleportation formation.

The next moment, they came to a vast world, full of vines with brilliant flower buds, and plants with flowers growing all over the mountains and plains.

Gorgeous outside.

This is the old land of the Peacock tribe, a world that looks very beautiful.

However, Wang Yan was frowning, because looking at the bright colors, it could become a new world called the sea of ​​​​flowers, but it made him feel a little gloomy and cold, filled with evil spirits, and flowing with forest cold.

"This is the interior of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, and it is also part of the old land of our clan." An old peacock was full of emotions and full of sadness.

At this moment, the super peerless clear sky appeared. In addition, there was a man and a woman, both of whom were middle-aged, and they were the first elder and the second elder.

Clear Sky took the shot personally, and with a flick of his hand, all the plants floated up and flew high in the sky, and then looking around, the ground was white and full of bone meal.

Among them, there are a large number of skeletons, many of which are not weathered, some are even golden bones, and some maintain a jade-like luster, exuding a faint coercion.

This is a world of death, with flowers blooming on its surface, and endless corpses inside. It goes without saying how tragic it was back then.

There are human bones, the remains of Dapeng, all ethnic groups, and of course more peacock bones, all of which belong to the high-end combat power of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain civilization.

"When the battle was over, the universe was full of blood, strong clans, and top civilizations. There were too many, and even my clan struggled to escape." An old peacock's eyes were dim, and too many creatures died in that battle.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain Civilization had a bumpy road, struggling to get rid of the fate of being enslaved, and later encountered a catastrophe.

Civilizations scrambled for their lives.

They use ordinary clansmen as fire, stay in the old central universe, and migrate as a whole for the extraordinary who are willing to go on the road.

"On the way, 90% of the people are dead!" Even the super peerless clear sky felt a little bit, and with a swipe of a finger, a tragic scene emerged in the sky.

It can be seen that a huge black peacock is carrying the holy mountain, and the two are condensed into one, blessing each other. When countless stars in the universe fall and blood stains the roads outside the territory, they are escaping. Next to it, there is a huge black peacock, responsible for clearing the way, responsible for guarding and so on.

Wang Pao was surprised, there are two aliens in the black peacock clan?

"The other person is my ancestor's Taoist companion." Qingkong said.

During the period, many terrifying creatures appeared, all races have them, all of them are competing for the difficult opening.

A few roads, the opportunity is fleeting, killing each other.

Outside the sky, there is light and shadow entangled, there is an unimaginable confrontation of existence, the sky is torn apart, the universe is dim, and then a fist light falls, and the two black peacocks are slightly affected, and they suffer heavy losses.

The fist light was too huge, drowning the Xinghai, and many people who were fighting to cross the border dissipated directly.

The ancestor of the black peacock was also on the run. In the end, the other black peacock of his Taoist companion was killed when he was fighting with a foreigner with a seriously injured body on the road, leaving only some remnants of the bones on the holy mountain.

At the same time, one after another terrifying arrow light fell and flew towards the holy mountain. The treasure of the black peacock was activated, and it was related to the holy mountain to fight against the forbidden arrow feathers.

The old peacock met the enemy and rushed out in a **** way. The holy mountain he carried glowed, but there was still

A large number of clansmen died tragically, and there were seven rays of light facing the sky. Those were seven black peacocks.

"Those are the seven holy sons of my clan, the seven descendants of my ancestors and the otherworldly companions, all of them died in battle." Qingkong said The middle-aged man-like elder also said: " This kind of tragic, this kind of struggle is not the end, and it will be staged in the future. Saying this, showing you the **** scars of the old days, is to warn you to wait. Work hard to practice, in the future, for the sake of your own survival, for the sake of struggle, and also You need to be strong enough.”

"Those with outstanding performance can go to that sacred place to learn for a few days." The second elder pointed to a mountain in the distance.

After the flowers were gone, it was a... wreckage,

To be precise, it was more than half of the head, which was enshrined on the magnificent altar.

On its bones, a mysterious and extremely powerful texture flows.

Don't think too much, this is another alien from the Black Peacock Clan, the Taoist companion of the first ancestor of the Clan, only this part of the corpse fell on the holy mountain and was carried away by the old peacock.

"Although it's still early, you must have a sense of urgency, otherwise, the next time you fight for the crossing, it is very likely that the end of the civilization will be extinguished." Super Peerless Clear Sky said.

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