Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 170: questionable identity

Who is the boy? Just one palm, destroying the secret realm, erasing the footprints of the true saint, there is no trace left in the floating boat pure land, in the garden with flowers and trees and snow, Wu Tian and Wang Xuan are both staring at the picture in the Kaichi water. Kaishi was shocked and shivered.

In the chaos of the sea of ​​time and space, the young man raised his head, his face was covered in blood, and there was a terrifying punch hole on his forehead, which was completely shattered and pierced! His frontal bone was missing a lot, and he didn't know what era it was left in. The gray-white brains flowed on the part of his face.

He has no eyes, no light of primordial spirit in his head, only part of the supreme texture intertwined, such a powerful person? Who was punched like this back then? Wang Xuan believes that this is most likely a person who dares to fight with the true saint.

Looking at Kai like a teenager, with delicate eyebrows, he is actually a supreme creature.

Wu Tian was even more suspicious. Could this be the ancestors of Bai Hong, Jin Yao, and Ruonan? An apex being that was defeated in an old age.

"He is not our ancestor, he is related to the iron axe, he was accidentally discovered in the whirlpool channel when we traveled far in the sea of ​​time and space\"

The floating boat pure land is made from the heart of the world tree. This kind of material itself is equivalent to the treasure level, and it can transcend the world and travel through the chaotic sea of ​​time and space.

During a voyage, they found a broken iron axe and a bone flute. After refining, the rusty giant axe could be directly controlled by the heart of the World Tree.

What they didn't expect was that after the white bone flute was blown, the broken axe could resonate, and a mysterious boy covered in blood could be summoned from the vortex of time.

He is extremely dangerous. When the flute is soft, he can be calm, but when it is intense, he will be restless and explode with devastating attack power.

For the first time, the floating boat was almost destroyed by him, but fortunately, the dark soul-calling banner appeared, which could withstand his palm, otherwise it would be completely over.

"What era he was and how strong we can't assess. i."

Bai Hong said.

After all, in order to avoid misfortune, they escaped from the world, one after another great era passed away, missed many splendid civilizations, and did not understand the extraordinary history of today.

"It shouldn't be a person from this era, I've never heard of it." Wu Tian said, he has a wide range of knowledge and is very familiar with today's extraordinary central world. . Returning to Wang Xuan's trance, the transcendent center was constantly shifting. One era passed by, and seventeen great universes were changed. Some ethnic groups, or to be precise, some civilizations, survived several epochs.

Against this background, civilizations compete for hegemony, races rise and fall, and too many things have happened.

"The waters of the Yangtze River are rolling in the east, and the waves are sweeping away the heroes. Wang Xuan can only sigh like this. The young man must have been a powerful civilization when it rolled up the monstrous waves, standing at the highest point, and was already in the imperial way. A creature that has gone far away from the realm.

"Old sage, new sage, true sage, what do they have to do with each other? Over the past dynasties, century after century, detached from the world,

How to shake the war between ancient and modern broke out, people yearn for it. When Bao Dang Wang Xuan thought of this series of creatures fighting for the front, his blood was restless, and he wished he could stand in this field immediately and go to such a world.

Obviously, this series of confrontation and hegemony has never stopped since ancient times. revealed the unstoppable general trend of ELLh Workers, Three Workers and Daredevil Center Shijie TT Mu, there is still some unknown and terrible internal cause, probably only people at the true holy level know about it.

The boy whose forehead was pierced by a punch is also a creature at this level. At this height, he still has to be divided into life and death, can't they work together? Wang Xuan was looking forward to it and his heart was throbbing. The powerhouses of the imperial way, the true saints, and the like may also be killed in the process of changing the transcendent center. There is a big problem.

He really wanted to blow away the fog and see it for real.

One century after another, the great world has brightened and extinguished. Are there any creatures that have lived from ancient times to today, and have all the saints in the earliest times been wiped out? "Come on, this unprecedented success should be celebrated without getting drunk."

Bai Hong was very happy that all the problems encountered by the floating boat could be solved.

For a long time, they don't have to worry about this piece of pure land falling, and the gradually decaying magic circle can start to repair.

In the snow and ice, the garden is full of divine flowers, the fairy lotus is swaying in the cold, and the red plum spit out Ruixia.

This time it is indeed worth celebrating. Wang Xuan and Wu Tian were warmly entertained, and two scriptures were brought up. One of them was very thin, and it contained prescriptions. Huge help.

In addition, there was also a volume of Qigong, which Wang Xuan immediately judged that it was in the same vein as the Four-Page Sword Sutra that he had obtained in the secret realm.

However, this volume is about practice, which helps to improve Taoism, not specific sword scriptures, supernatural powers, etc.

Both Wang Xuan and Wu Tian were satisfied. The harvest this time was too great. The scriptures, strange objects, etc. added together, were a solid staircase leading to a higher level. By building a road, it seemed that the light of immortality was already flowing. .

As for what the two of them got in the secret realm, Bai Hong, Jin Yao and the others were very smart and didn't ask, can any amount be compared to what they get from black fishing nets? Back then, this big net claimed to be able to capture all the worlds and cover the entire transcendent universe. .

"Go! Even Jin Yao, this young and beautiful girl, became heroic, swaying, and came over to clink glasses with the two of them and toast.

Bag! \"

"I'm not drunk today! Ruonan, a woman with short hair in Keqier's ears, also said.

"I just wanted to ask, what is the composition of the soothing soup you gave me? After Wu Tian drank a cup of pale golden liquor, he couldn't hold back and wanted to find out.

It was all right, but he really encountered a million-year-old zombie in the secret realm. After his skull was broken by him, the gray-white liquid splashed on his face, and the smell made him stunned. The bag "does put in a small amount of brain flower."

"Bai Hong said with a smile.

Wu Tian's face suddenly changed.

"But don't worry, it's not the kind of brain fluid you want Bai Hong to explain, but it comes from the fine powder of the borneol in the skull of a real dragon that has been ground into spar, and put a little in the soothing soup. , Wu Tian's complexion is much better.

Jin Yao showed a charming and bright sweet smile, and said, "You two, are you considering staying in the floating boat pure land? Although this place is isolated from the world, there is no shortage of extraordinary Ziwutian who has improved Taoism and shook his head. Although the environment here is good, but Restrain the transcendent, and stay here unless you give up the existing path, or practice outside the island.

Even if he can practice, Wang Xuan will not stay. Although there are many flowers here, it is guaranteed that one day the true saint will fall from the sky, and he will be defeated by turning his hand.

"Then we agreed on future cooperation, Bai Hong said: We must not take risks in the short term, and there may be opportunities in three thousand years. Of course, the greatest good fortune should be the end of this era, the most chaotic era. When the transcendent center changes again, the false saint When we are busy dealing with the big changes and confronting our opponents, we can hollow out their supreme core secret realm.

They actually have such a long-term plan. After three thousand years, Wang Xuan can't be sure of where he is, let alone when this era ends.

But the two still nodded, long-term planning, cross-epoch goals, just leave expectations.

"After the two of us leave, we will definitely have to travel for three thousand years. I hope we will have a reunion period. Take care of Jin Yao and a few people to toast to the two of them.

Wu Tian was very drunk, and Wang Xuan also lay on the table. When they opened their eyes again, they were naturally not on the floating boat, but in a flash, they had already appeared on the top of the world mountain.

"Almost hit.

Wu Tian wiped off the bright red lip print on his face, and then he looked at Wang Xuan. . Back to "Huh? Someone touched me... flesh?"

?" Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eyes and saw "Qin Cheng" in the distance, his bones and tendons were broken.

After all, it was not completely destroyed. This body was made from the body of Ziyu, a wizard who had broken the limit three times.

Wang Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, someone smashed "Qin Cheng"

's head, crushed his heart with an immortal sword, and destroyed "You are two-faced.

Wu Tian said.

For this strategic partner, Wang Xuan did not lie to Kai. Maybe there will be opportunities to join forces in the future. They copied the backyard of the true saint with each other, which is a very special "friendship".

At the same time, Wang Xuan had doubts about Wu Tian's identity as a heavenly creature, and his hidden strength was amazing.

Even, he was a little suspicious of the origin of the white parietal bone on the other side.

"People haven't left yet, hiding in the distance, waiting for us.

Wu Tian opened his mouth, and his perception was indeed sharp.

Naturally, Wang Xuan also noticed that the eyes of the sky were so illusory that he saw several figures in the distance.

Among them, there are the strong people of the Golden Horn Monster Race and the people taught by Time. There is no doubt that they are all heaven-level creatures.

The Golden Horned Fairy Jin Xin used to be envious, jealous, and hateful. When she saw other people's uncles coming, she also expected her own uncle to enter the venue. But this time, Jin Xin and the mutated two-headed man were not there, leaving a shadow on his mind. run away. "Four heaven-level creatures, two per person." Wang Xuan said.

"It's still worth it??" Wu Tian glanced at him.

The most powerful among them is the woman taught by Time. After all, she stands behind a behemoth with a reputation in the entire universe.

"Interesting, where did you go? Suddenly Yuan appeared. There seems to be a tulle on the mountain of the world, and there is another world?" The woman taught by Time was indeed unusual, and she also found something unusual, but she didn't dare to go in.

"You, come here and kill my disciple Nian Mo...

She is beautiful, but also has a bad attitude, cold and arrogant with Kai killing intent.

puff! The blood light rushed up, her head flew up, and then let her time flow, and the nine years broke out, but none of them could play any role.

In the end, her eyes dimmed, her body collapsed, and her primordial spirit was executed.

"A lot of nonsense."

The snow-white parietal bone in Wu Tian's hand was shining brightly, and the rune it showed slashed the woman, not caring about her identity from the Time Sect.

"You are... Jiuyou Black Crow?!" Someone stepped back in horror. In fact, he regretted saying this sentence and felt that he was dizzy. ? .

The golden horned demon next to him was much more decisive and smarter than him. Without saying a word, he turned his head and ran away, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

"Hey, my identity is exposed, and I have to change another star field, so I have to silence it."

Wu Tian sighed, the parietal bones in his hands intertwined with horror textures.

¥ The person who recognized his identity was annihilated by the shining body and spirit, and the golden horned demon and another demon cultivator who fled one after another also screamed, and were smashed by the head. In the light, it exploded in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the four heavenly masters were beheaded, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

?? "Should I call you Senior Wu? Wang Xuan didn't do anything from beginning to end, the one in front of him closed his mouth,

The author is truly extraordinary. .

"Sorry, what are you talking about, senior Wu Tianxiao: There is something about you that makes me very uneasy. We are equals. Haha, our identities don't seem to be in the light of the light, let's go." Hui Wang Xuan said "Qin Cheng" The body adjusted, quickly reshaped the broken bones, etc., and then "three people" flew out quickly together.

"Only two sticks of incense have passed?"

Come to the outside world "Qin Cheng"

After seeing the Chinchilla, I was shocked when I learned the speed of the passage of time.

Wu Tian was also in a trance, clearly feeling that many days had passed, and the whole night had passed just drinking in the ice and snow garden, especially when searching for a secret realm, rushing through the chaos of time and space, which took longer.

Wang Xuan looked at him, it was really evil there, wasn't it? Deserving of its name, confusing enough!

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