Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 154: There are no weaklings

The ground is full of blood, and there is not a single weak person. They are all geniuses who have come in with the co-lord, and some are even disciples of the co-lord's descendants.

It can be said that the limit-breakers who appear here are all famous geniuses in each star field, and their roots are amazing. Otherwise, Hong Teng, Cai Wei, and the others wouldn't be all stained with blood, and they would all be injured.

In a confrontation here, it is not uncommon to encounter evenly matched opponents.

Here, there are no top wizards in various fields, and when they meet on a narrow road, anything can happen.

The handsome and gentle Chengtian threw down his broad sword at this moment, frowned for his bones, and connected his broken arm, the light of immortality flowed, the five internal organs resonated, and gradually recovered.

Cai Wei pulled out a pitch-black spear from her shoulder, and blood spurted out with a puff, but the immortal blood flowed back in the void, and her wounds healed as the rules flowed.

Wang Xuan also wiped a handful of blood. No one knows yet that the powerful character he killed was actually the strongest in the enemy team.

An Hong had a big blood hole on his body and his intestines were broken. He stroked the abdomen that was cut open by Jianguang with his hand, and his body regenerated. He smiled and grinned, and said, "Three imperial chess pieces were harvested from their hands, Even if you can't find a scripture that can set foot on the imperial Taoism, if you sell it like this, other teams will definitely be willing to pay a sky-high price to buy it." Yan Que spat out a mouthful of blood foam, drank a mouthful of ground milk, recovered her energy, nodded, and nodded. Said: "The swallow bird knows An Hong's ambition,

You have to pay off the debt.

An Hong:

"You two are a perfect match!" Qi Miao said, the mechanical armor on her body was shattered in large pieces, there was a huge punch hole in the back, and there were arrow holes in the abdomen. .

The others smiled, all meditating on the spot, recovering their vitality, because they may soon be caught in the next life-and-death battle.

In this vast immortal land, there may be scriptures leading to the supreme realm, who is not interested? Even in danger, people want to fight.

"Come on!" Chengtian got up, the door-like broad knife was floating in front of him, and the immortal light was splendid, and the splendid knife light split the void.

The leader is a two-headed man, looking towards this side, with a few people approaching in a hurry, separated by a long distance, it has already brought a terrible sense of oppression.

At this level, in the open space where the mountain peaks dissipate like quicksand, it is difficult to make a sneak attack. This group of people is covered in blood, and the evil spirit is very strong.

At the end of the horizon, behind the place where they fought, there is a strong aftertaste of the rules, and there are some tattered heads of prodigies who break the limit are placed together.

"This is a person from the heavy star field. The people who come here are very strong. There are people who have broken the limit three times.

When Yan Que was wandering outside, he had passed the star field. Overall, the people in the star field were very aggressive. The two-headed strong man has been immortal for many years, and he has been stuck in the world and has a great reputation.

"His double head corresponds to Yin and Yang?" Wang Xuan said.

Yan Que nodded and said: "He is a mutant. Although he looks uglier than me, from the perspective of individual evolution, it is a perfect mutation." The double-headed person has strong strong and strong characters on each head. If you look carefully, you will find that Yin and Yang complement each other and blend together. His double-headed beard is unshaven, and his appearance is rough. He has achieved a perfect combination of yin and yang. From the perspective of strength, his mutation in the process of becoming an immortal is indeed incredible.

In his hand, he was carrying a heavy iron rod, engraved with immortal runes, and it was covered in blood.

The people around him are also extraordinary. There is a person covered in cyan scales, with a frightening suffocating aura, suspected of being a pure-blooded dragon.

On the other side of his body, followed by a mechanical beast, the body of a tiger and a leopard, dragging a heavy snake-shaped tail, with a ferocious wolf head, the tail swung back and forth, cracking the void and the ground.

"Hard stubble, is this going to kill them or be killed by them?" Even Hong Tengdu, who had a tough and violent temper, showed a dignified expression, and his black and strong body tensed. Hand over the pieces and leave by yourself! "The mutant two-headed man said,

The immortal iron rod in his hand was flowing with immortal clouds, the weight was unimaginable, and the pressure was distorted.

"This guy is a little invincible." An Hong felt a lot of pressure for the first time, and always felt that this mutant was too perverted.

"What are the proletarians afraid of!" Yanque said, ready to fight.

"You still understand me!" A silver spear appeared in An Hong's hand. When they met in a narrow way, there was no way to avoid it. If he retreated directly, if he didn't have any energy or momentum, he might be taken advantage of by the other party, and he would be directly chased and beaten. destroy them all.

Wang Xuan was evaluating the two-headed man on the opposite side. The other side's realm was quite high, and such yin and yang autonomy was really abnormal.

Qi Miao secretly said, "We will exile this person first, and then try to solve the other limit breakers in the shortest possible time, and when he returns, we will do our best to target him!

The red lotus imprint on her eyebrows emerged, and the reality materialized, falling into her snow-white right hand, the red glow flowing,

Delicate petals.

"Okay, let's kick him out of the land of sacrifice to the sky first, it's better to let him get lost for a long time." Yan Que nodded, and on his fingertips, grains of sand appeared, all brilliant, and the moment they rose, they looked like stars. shining.

A sand world contains the power of space. He suddenly spilled out, and the gorgeous sand particles were turbulent, bursting forward, no longer soft. Those sand grains turned into a storm in the sky, like a small world opening up one after another,

in birth and death.

The two-headed man was extremely sharp, and he smashed over with a single stick, directly causing some caves to explode, annihilating some star sand, and those spaces were being crushed by the immortal iron stick.

It is like the divine iron before the opening of the sky, which has been refined into an extremely heavy immortal weapon.

The chaffy roared, no longer peaceful, all the short hair on his head seemed to be on fire, with the power of the world surging, and the rules of space blazing, he went all out to make all the grains of sand that manifested together and turned into a small one. door to the world.

"Exile!" With his words and spells, the gatekeeper took the two-headed man in. Without any words, the mutated two-headed man was nothing but an iron rod, smashing the small gate of the world full of cracks, and one corner of it exploded.

"Too fierce!\" Even Hong Teng was awe-inspiring.

In the portal of the small world, there is a knife of space rules, which keeps slashing in front of the two-headed man, and the sparks splash around, but they don't even cut him.

A red lotus appeared, blocking the door, allowing the cracked door of light to recover, the red glow shone, constantly blasting into the door, resisting the fairy light of the iron rod.

That little world door is closed!

All of this happened in a flash, too fast for some people on the opposite side to support.

Both sides are limit-breakers with extremely rich combat experience, and they collided in an instant. In order to quickly solve the team without two-headed people in the battle of life and death, the other side was not only fighting back fiercely, but also wanted to avoid the presence of the strongest player. Come on, kill these people with full confidence.

Shuang Wan is a limit-breaker with extremely rich combat experience. The middle-aged children came together in an instant. In order to quickly solve the team without two-headed people, the other side was not only fighting back fiercely, but also wanted to fight without the strongest. In the presence of the attackers, killing these people is full of conviction.

It really was a pure-blooded dragon. The moment it showed its true shape, the dragon's body was rolled up, and Cai Wei was almost twisted.

She is really not good at close combat, and she is setting up a formation in the void. This real dragon is indeed very strong, breaking through the constraints of space, the shrunken real body swims, and it is more than 30 feet long, locking Cai Wei by the middle.

There was a crack in Cai Wei's body, and she was almost cut in half in disguise. She quickly used her primordial spirit to shine out the runes of the magic circle. The most important thing to protect is that one of the arrows is at a tricky angle. It shoots into an indecent place and disappears in the middle. The dragon scales explode a few pieces, and the male dragon is in pain. , Flicking his tail vigorously, the dragon's face was twisted.

This grandson... it is angry, it has never seen such a brazen person.

"Thank you!" Cai Wei thanked Wang Xuan, turned her head and ran away, fighting Zhenlong at close range.

She hid in the distance and quickly formed a formation to help her own camp. With a dragon roar, the real dragon killed Wang Xuan,

It has incredible speed, this is a dream dragon, the moment you visualize the position in your heart, you can instantly appear at the destination.

It came to Wang Xuan with murderous aura, and the dragon's face was full of anger and coldness. The chains of immortal order were wrapped around Wang Xuan, and the sharp dragon claws stuck out to tear him apart.

Then it saw that this young man kicked through the void blocked by it with one kick, holding a big bow in his hand, which was close at hand, and shot at the bottom of the dragon head. Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them! It was out of anger. This grand thief definitely did it on purpose. From such a close distance, it was no problem to shoot it anywhere, but it turned out to lift its inverse scales.

The dragon's blood splashed, the inverse scales loosened, and then it was "stimulated" when it took off its head and tail. It was furious, and it was absolutely impossible to let this person go. Visualizing it in an instant was more terrifying than teleporting. He was entangled with this person, and he was going to be crushed with the body of a real dragon.

The next moment, there were hundreds of thousands of strands of thunder, starting from the five-color thunder, Wang Xuan, who was entangled by the real dragon, continued to output, frantically pouring thunder into the dragon scales.

I have to say that this real dragon is really powerful, with amazing defense, and it can resist lightning at first.

"I'm exhausted, and Lei Dao's mana will be exhausted." Wang Xuan shouted, seemingly struggling.

Menglong's eyes were icy cold, and he became more and more forceful. He even wiped out the light outside his body with the order of immortality. , they just glanced at him lightly and didn't pay attention, quite understanding.

Six-color thunder appeared, and some of Menglong's scales were loosened.

When the seven-color thunder appeared, strands of dragon blood ooze out, and some scales fell off.

When the eight-color thunderfire centered on the young man, Menglong couldn't stand it, and the smell of flesh wafted out of his body, and the scales fell crackling. It was decisive, realized that it had been deceived, let go, and wanted to run away.


Nine-color thunder appeared, and half of its dragon tail exploded in place, Menglong screamed: "Grandson, you wait!

It uses a special view to locate the distance, and it is difficult for outsiders to stop it and escape every day.

"Who can eat such a little dragon's tail? Leave me another piece!" Wang Xuan's thunderbolt exploded violently attached to its body.

With a puff, Menglong broke off another part of his real body, and Zhang Long's face was wrinkled in pain, screaming in agony, like a gecko breaking its tail to escape, and instantly disappeared from the spot.

Although the two-headed man was exiled, this team is really strong, all of them are top-notch aliens, and a single one is a rare master.

Chengtian used a broad sword to deal with a natural sword fairy, the opponent was the mythical swordfish who was born in the form of Wang Yang, and the bright fairy sword shone through the void.

The two were like gods hammering iron, fighting fiercely in the sky, with blood splashing from time to time.

The mechanical beast was extremely difficult to deal with, and displayed the undisclosed secrets of the mechanical family, one-one-three masterpieces, and actually copied the dust on the fingertips of Yanque, and used this power to open up the world to deal with the people here.

However, after Yan Que and others got used to it, in the absence of two-headed people, they eventually dominated the battlefield and wanted to seize the time to destroy their opponents.

A paper knife flew in, splitting the void, and terrifyingly inserted into the ground, causing a big explosion, attracting everyone's attention.

"My master ordered to leave the chess pieces, and you all leave the field." A voice came from the paper knife.

Far in the sky, there was a woman with a robe fluttering, graceful and graceful, as if coming from a wave, entering this dojo.

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