Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Break Arcana's 1 leg

"Sweet... ah! What a dark heart, kill this exotic madman." Life Pool shouted, and after returning to the battlefield, although he saw that the stinky Yudao Spear did not have the advantage, he was able to fight to the death. Emboldened.


Now, with their three great treasures here, and the first killing formation map, they still can't beat a forbidden item that transforms? Even if you can't kill it, you have to crippling this beast!


In addition, there is also a big red sky sword smelted in the array!


"Xiaoyao, are you alright?" Shengchi asked, caring about Xiaoyaozhou.


It is very clear that if Wang Xuan and Xiaoyaozhou were not prepared to attract firepower from the beginning and let it escape to deliver the letter, then it is now injured, with cracks, and even broken.


"I can't die, but I need to sleep and cultivate for a long time." Xiao Yaozhou said.


There is very little communication between the treasures on weekdays, and they all know each other's existence, but they come from different super civilizations, and there is a somewhat competitive relationship.


But today the relationship between the treasures is quite friendly, and they share the same hatred.


Wang Xuan said: "It's okay, after breaking the broken black seal of this lame leg, I will take you to the transcendent source, and float up and down in the sea of ​​mythological substances, so that you can recover from your injuries."


"Old Hei, are you ready? I'm going to break your leg!" The Yudao flag shone with rays of light, and the whole body was bright.


The vague figure had already had a gloomy expression on his face. After the three treasures in the remote place were gathered together, they dared to despise him like this. In his opinion, they all owed a lesson.


"Don't say here, in the transcendent central world, I can even destroy several prohibited items in one battle." He said coldly, the big seal on his head glowed, pouring down the silk-like magic chain of rules, He guards it.


As soon as he thought about it, all kinds of visions, such as the towering holy mountain nearby, the magnificent Tiangong, the beautiful scenery of the fairy pond, and endless lightning, all appeared.


He interprets a giant palace in the sky, intertwined with chaotic thunder and light, he stands in the middle, as if he is in charge of a big world, the exit is the law, and the whole world is for him.


Hundreds of millions of thunderbolts slashed towards the God-killing flag.


"Such a technique? Little Doyle!" The Zhanshen Banner erupted, its power surged, and it fell ten times with one force.


"The world is ten thousand knives!" Wang Xuan has nothing else, the mythical factor is enough, and it has already flowed out like a river to meet the needs of the first killing formation.


He personally took charge of the killing formation, and used the forbidden item, the Dachitian Dao, as the formation flag.




Thousands of celestial knives have all slashed past. This is not the killing formation of the past, but the Imperial Dao level, and even more so, it uses the supreme treasure as the front, and its attack power is terrifying.


In an instant, no matter how strong and self-confident Dark Sky Heart was, it was splashed with sparks by the sword light, and the big seal on his head shook violently.


At the same time, the Yudao flag was entangled with the vague figure, fighting at close range. The flag surface continued to vibrate, and the tip of the spear shot out immeasurable divine light.


Ever since they found out how strong each other was, the Imperial Dao Spear pulled on it and shook it hard. As for the rules and so on, it was a random bloom.


It has absorbed the rules of more than one civilization. It is not much slower than Xiaoyaozhou in speed. It is stronger than the sword of the world in killing power. It is not weaker than the light curtain of the burning road lamp in defense. It has been observed the internal texture.


This time, the collision is different from the past. The flames are surging. It seems to be shrouded in time. The whole body is burning with Dao rules, dazzling, and the sharp energy is indestructible.


Yu Dao Spear stuck to the heart of the dark sky, and they shook violently at the same time, in a posture of burning jade and stone, fighting to the end.


"Govern the world!" Seeing this, Wang Xuan stopped using the sword, but let the whole killing array bloom with the light of the Tao, directly smelting the heart of darkness.


"The past is empty, the world does not exist for you, and the future will also cut your name!" Xiaoyaozhou used the killing formation to bless himself, magnified and improved his own time rules, and then cut it out to remove the enemy from the entire space and time. .


The first killing formation map is very effective, making the time rule increase significantly. The time weapon used by Xiaoyaozhou in the past was difficult to pose a threat to the vague figure, but it is different now.


This time, the rules of time have been transformed into the divine sword of the Imperial Dao level. From the past to the present, there is a sword light, all of which are killing the dark heart.


The blurred figure was swayed by the split, and sometimes the sword of time pierced his body, which caused a huge shock to him, making his complexion change.


That sword of rules just pierced into a crack in his body, shaking one after another, causing the other leg to almost fall for a short time.


"Okay, the second leg was almost broken!" Yudaoqi shouted, with it standing at the front, it collided with Dark Sky Heart to make the attack from the rear smoother.


Of course, it is also "becoming a demon", with the flag fluttering, hunting loudly, and becoming more and more powerful, as if it is really pressing the opponent and slapping the face.


Regardless of whether it can be suppressed and hit, its arrogant attitude and domineering arrogance really made the vague figure angry.


In the central world, Dark Sky Heart is a king and overlord among the prohibited items. He is followed by the top treasures of other great universes. As a result, when he arrives in this remote and remote place, even a treasure dares to bury him and bully him before he is injured?


"Although my body is ill, I can resist suppression in the depleted universe, extract the power of chaos, and kill you!" He said coldly.


His murderous aura soared, causing the entire universe to roar, his voice vibrating like a great avenue: "In the past, after my body was torn apart, I even destroyed two prohibited items in a row, let alone now!"

At this moment, his voice spread throughout the starry sky, spreading in the form of fluctuations in consciousness. Even the people from Nova heard it, and all their hearts were trembling, and they were about to go limp.


The shape of the dark heart is a little different, and the **** seal on the head has become more magnificent, like a mountain of the world is ups and downs.


Such a black mountain seal seems to be able to directly suppress a large universe, so that all the surrounding rules are dimmed, and all kinds of attack runes are quickly extinguished.


At the same time, his figure became more solid.


Opposite such a powerful Dark Sky Heart, several attackers... not at all worried, you say that the number one in the world is the number one? Just break it!


Wang Xuan had no choice but to provide the mythical factor, and then lifted the ban on all kinds of killing styles in the array, so that it could be fully resurrected to suppress powerful opponents.


Sure enough, the dim rule runes were shining again.


"Heizi, you will blow the air. That's how you blew yourself up back then, right?" Yudao flag soared, his body reached a thousand feet long, and it continued to grow, and the end was blended with the killing formation.


"I'll make you stubborn!" It actually scolded the opponent for being stubborn, and the banner exuded a trace of chaos, but the end was still absorbing the five-color mythological factors in an endless stream.


Its supermatter is a little richer than Dark Sky Heart. With a bang, the big seal like a mountain in the central world smashed violently, making a crackling sound, and the original cracks reappeared and expanded!


"What is the broken seal, one corner is missing, and you dare to regard yourself as the Lord of Destiny?" The life pool is like a treasure bottle.


"Be careful, leave the soft supernatural factor behind, don't shoot it out!" Wang Xuan shouted, some of his accumulated wealth was in the pool.


He himself doesn't need that kind of super material, but the relatives around him can only absorb that kind of mythological factor.


"Okay!" The pool of life is extremely sacred, and the whole body is textured, like the stars shining in the sky, the mouth of the bottle is full of fiery, and the five-color divine light condenses into its rules, as if firing indefinitely.


The immeasurable divine light at the mouth of the bottle covered the heart of darkness, constantly spewing the runes of the Great Dao, and continued to kill.


At this moment, the Life Pond is more like a "sprayer" than the Yudao Spear. Its body is sacred and detached, and its whole body is bright and bright, and it can be sprayed endlessly.


Xiao Yaozhou was attacking in anger to avenge himself, his whole body glowed, and the five cracks were clearly visible, but now that he was protected by the killing formation, don't worry.


The Time Divine Sword appeared in the form of hundreds of thousands of mouths, drowning the dark figure, and the main body of Xiaoyaozhou also had the material of the chaotic tree. Thunder Wang Yang from outside the world was summoned, silver snakes fluttering, black pythons flying, golden dragons swimming in the sky... all thunder and lightning.


"Behead him!" Wang Xuan also had a bad anger in his heart. If he wasn't afraid of burning himself into ashes, he would have wanted to summon the sixth mythical factor.


Now, his flesh and blood essence is returning, the interior scene is also appearing, the primordial spirit resonates, and his endurance has surged. It is obvious that he can carry five super substances.


The big red sword is like his arm. It moves extremely fast with his belief in controlling the formation, constantly slashing the light of the sword. The red sword light inscribes the rules, driving the power of killing calamity. Every blow makes the dark sky heart ugly. Incomparable.


Naturally, the first killing formation map has more than just such a little power. There are several treasures blessing, plus Wang Xuan's unlimited supply of mythical factors, it becomes extremely terrifying.


When the wind disaster appeared, it was at the Imperial Dao level. The black gale blew through, and the void of the universe was blown to pieces, causing the painful feet of the dark heart to tremble.


The fire appeared, the fire of the yin, the fire of the sun, the fire of the nine secluded earth... All kinds of fire lights converged, merged into a chaotic fire, and burned the painful feet of the dark heart.


The earth disaster appeared, condensing the power of earth and stone in the world, turning it into a majestic mountain, not knowing how many feet high, and the stars were insignificant in front of it.


It is like a big smashing towards the big seal on the heart of Dark Sky, which has grown enormously.


This is a tit-for-tat confrontation with Maimang, as if two "mountains in the world" collided, the fairy light surging, the fog exploded, and the energy was like a storm hitting the shore.


Nova, as well as other places in deep space, who are watching this battle are dumbfounded, the situation has been reversed so quickly?


Earlier, Wang Xuan was about to die, and Xiaoyaozhou was also being hunted down, and there were signs of collapse. Now it's completely reversed. Are they going to kill that mysterious powerhouse?

"None of you want to leave, you will all be destroyed!" Dark Tianxin was enraged, very embarrassed, the blurred figure staggered backwards, the old cracks on the body continued to emerge, and the dark big print on the head even fell off a piece, but it was very It was soon regrouped by him.

"Say you are a good girl!" Yudao's muzzle spit fragrant fragrance. After seeing the fusion killing formation, the improvement effect was obvious. It directly entered the killing formation and used it to attack the opponent.

Once it launched a violent attack, it would be endless, with thunder and storms all the way, like a hurricane. one place.


Fuzzy figure, Dark Tianxin's leg was broken, because a large piece of its body fell off.

"How about it, I will do what I say. First of all, I will break one of your legs!" Yu Daoqi shouted, and then he said, "We will continue to work hard to demolish him, and we will also take a look at his transformation method."

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