Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Prohibited Items Kill Crazy

One after another, the flagpoles skyrocketed, the flags fluttered, the surrounding stars spun one after another, and the chaotic energy was surging, and the flags stood in the vast starry sky.

At this time, all kinds of visions of heaven and earth appeared one after another, the old scenery of the ancient universe, the galaxies and spaceships of this world, the hazy and unpredictable future, as well as thunder, auspicious beasts and ferocious birds, etc., the vast world, the infinite species, became the background, turned into a streamer, Spinning fast.

The real Royal Road Flag is taking shape, reappearing in the world, far stronger than that one.

"Exile." In the face of this change, calm fluctuations of consciousness came from the black wooden box, and suddenly, the vision in this sea of ​​stars exploded.

It rippled with golden ripples. At first, it was like a small pebble dropped on the surface of a calm lake. Then, it was like a great explosion in the universe, stirring up the waves of the avenues that submerged the past and present lives.

Centered on ancient and modern, the regular waves swept up and down in all directions, decomposing the entire space and time, and it actually prevented the final fusion of Yudao Banner.

It hit the flag to the ancient times, fixed the flagpole in the present world, and then sent it into the vortex of time and space, making it lost and unable to be unified.

Everyone is terrified, what kind of power is this?

Just now, the Imperial Dao Banner was about to be born, and the two treasures were combined into one. That kind of power was unparalleled, but it was forcibly stopped by ancient and modern.

The silver wolf emperor, the power of order with a huge body shining like a mountain, but compared with the two treasures now, it feels very small, and at this time it is excited and joyful.

The stronger the power of ancient and modern times, the more proving that it has a bright future. Today, it has left a deep impression in front of this strongest prohibited item.

"Yu Daoqi... was exiled, and the first treasure was defeated when it fought against the ancients and the present." The hearts of more than a thousand immortals and demons who came to take refuge were throbbing.

Then, some demons, some true immortals, and many gods were all excited. Following such a powerful existence, the expedition to the transcendent central world was naturally much more guaranteed.

In the distance, in the secret realm, more than 90% of the people are watching, and now they have lost their voices. The first treasure of this universe, the Royal Dao Banner, did not block the ancient and modern?

"I'm also leaving across the border. If there is a choice, who would want to leave home? But here, we can only slowly die of old age. It is better to take a desperate leap and fight against the strongest forbidden items in the opposite universe. Maybe we can fight one. Brilliant future!"

Someone was hesitating earlier, hesitating, and now finally making a decision.

This time, thousands of people rushed out together, and they were led by ancient and modern people to the spiritual world and came to the outside of the huge canyon.

Suddenly, a dull "Dao Yin", accompanied by a dazzling light, seemed to penetrate the past, from ancient times, has penetrated into the present world, and illuminated the sky of history.

Almost at the same time, in another space and time, there was a period of violent light burning the mythical period, crossing the era of annihilation, piercing the time trap in an instant, and came out.

A bang, this is the sound of tangible rules, resounding in the consciousness world of all races, and manifesting in the real world, there are flowing fires, extraordinary meteorites, sacred ripples, and the great cracks in the universe.

Both the flag and the imperial spear pierced through the vortex of time, rushed out of different time seas, and rushed together with an unstoppable momentum.

The Royal Road Flag is back!

This time the real reorganization was successful, the two were integrated, and the fine texture expanded to the vast universe, as if to be intertwined with the entire starry sky.

It wasn't until the flag shrank sharply, the supreme rules were restrained, the distorted space, the swirl of historical time that collapsed, and the immeasurable star visions slowly disappeared.

One person and one flag are condensed into one, covered by the supreme texture, and at the same time, the red haze is transpiring, and the super-material is rich to an extremely terrifying level.

The next moment, Wang Xuan waved the Imperial Dao flag and slashed towards the black wooden box. This was the first time he used the first treasure of complete unity. Needless to say, he already knew that the power of the treasure could rise significantly.

The banner spread out golden patterns and silver talismans, splitting the space and time in front of it for the first time.

"I don't want to make a move, I have no intention of creating new branches." A voice came from the black wooden box. It didn't want the Zhu Qiang in the Transcendent Central World to know that it was going to return.

It hangs in front of the crack in the plane, and behind it, all kinds of cracks are densely packed, divine light pours out, and another large universe is faintly visible, and a large number of extraordinary factors surge out from the cracks, shining over all kinds of rules.

It did not use the Imperial Dao Banner to disperse the final closing force, but was more cautious, preventing the fluctuation of the banner from impacting the past.

In an instant, in front of the black wooden box, there is a depth, which leaves one after another glowing "footprints" into the dark and boundless historical world.

The Imperial Road Flag also followed, with billions of rays of light, and the supreme texture spread.

After these two prohibited items fought, they directly opened a hole in the world, entered an inexplicable place, and the time was disordered, which was in the ancient universe.

"Bad box, come on!" Yu Daoqi's consciousness swept across, and it became stronger.

However, some simple "faces" remain unchanged, that is, evil mouths, which can't be closed in the war, and the true temperament is the same.

Its speed is too fast, beyond the limit, although it is not the treasure of time, but now, the ripples of time are emerging around it, and it leaves a shocking trajectory, as if it has crossed most of the dark universe, and it is extremely gorgeous. Ancient and modern.

The two prohibited items were separated from the world and fought decisively in this pitch-black world.

In the process, Wang Xuan separated from it and stayed in the distance, but there was a magnificent and dazzling red river connecting the two.

Wang Xuan's scalp exploded, and the red substance surging outwards from himself, like a long river, linked to the Yudao flag in the endless distance. This murderous soldier is crazy and needs to provide a large amount of extraordinary factors.

At the same time, he was strongly disturbed that the Imperial Dao Banner had shaken him down, and it had collided with Gu Jin and his real body, fearing that he would be shaken to death in the near future.

Even if he is guarded by the armor of the supreme talisman culture, if the current Wang Xuan and the Imperial Dao Banner are united, he will surely die.

The red material beam in front of him is like a chain, connected to the flag, no matter how far away, you can clearly "see" the real scene there.

The real death battle, the big collision, the Imperial Dao flag swept across the dead star sea, killed it, and touched the incomparable prohibited items.

This time, the black wooden box did not hide, fulfilling Yudaoqi's wish for a decisive battle, and the real struggle occurred between the two.


The sky of history was shaken. In the depleted universe that passed away, two prohibited items were dazzling and intimidating, and they suddenly illuminated the entire dark world, which was too terrifying.

The dense texture and the boundless light of the rules poured out, making the universe without starlight suddenly shine.

This is like opening the sky, bringing infinite life to the dead universe.

It seems that countless stars were born because of this, rolling rumblingly, accompanied by rules, thundering across, giving birth to new vitality.

This is an unreliable era. The universe was once dead, but this was not enough to shock Wang Xuan. After all, the past is the past.

What made him want to curse was that Yu Dao Qi killed Ma, did he forget him? The ripples formed by the supreme rules, impacted up and down in all directions, even if they were infinitely far apart, they all hit him.

If there is no backhand, he will simply disappear in this world, and will be destroyed and annihilated, leaving no trace. Even the most powerful health care master in the past is far from enough to be seen in front of the two famous banned items, and he is not even qualified to be a younger brother.

Fortunately, he was prepared to take out the life pool immediately, instead of holding it in his hand, but as a steel helmet, a bronze bell, and buckled himself in it.

Moreover, under his feet, the pond's Dao ripples emerged, taking him away from the land of destruction, letting the two great collision treasures erupt.

As for the red super-material river that Yudao Banner needs, just cut it off. He can't serve on the battlefield. Yudao Banner is too fierce, killing a madman, and even forgetting him.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan sighed secretly. Fortunately, he was careful enough this time, knowing that it was Gu Jin who opened the gate of heaven here, and he brought an extra treasure with him.

If it wasn't for a special period when Xiaoyaozhou needed to watch the house and protect his relatives, he might have brought everything with him.

Because, from Da Langlingyandao and Mu Han, he really understood how terrible the past and present were.

Wearing the "big bell", Wang Xuan rushed out of the world behind him and returned to the world.

Then, he went over to the thousands of immortals and demons, stepping on the rippling light of the supreme treasure under his feet, and deduced a golden avenue of light and rain.

Along the way, the gods and immortals changed their expressions. Many people regained their peak strength and waited for the ancient and modern to win. Now that they saw Wang Xuan coming, their hearts trembled.

The fluctuation of the treasure is too terrifying, even if it is a feather-level powerhouse, it cannot be stopped at all.

With a swoosh, Wang Xuan stepped on the rainbow, directly pierced through the heavens and the earth, came to the immortals and demons, and locked the huge silver Sirius in the distance.

He wanted to kill Bai Ye, and this incident was mainly because the famous demon, the Wolf King, detonated it, causing a big fight, how could he let it go.

Bai Ye roared, frightened and frightened. The person on the opposite side was nothing. With his realm, he could be shot with a single paw. However, the other side came with a treasure.

He has gone through the ancient times and is the only ancient emperor alive today. After being beheaded by Fang Yuzhu, he returned to the sun. How could he be willing to die in the hands of an earth immortal or a descendant of a health master?

Sirius Xiaoyue, a huge silver beast body like a mountain, thunder flowing, and its fur covered with snow-white crystals, it jumped vigorously and fled to the gap between the portals of the two realms.


Its hind limbs exploded, and in the sacred glow flowing from the life pool, it exploded into blood mist, which could not stop the brainchild of an extraordinary civilization.

"No!" Bai Ye shouted, it is a generation of demon emperor, but it will die in the hands of later generations, can't even such a powerful ancient and modern shelter it?

Xiaguang swept over, most of its body... gone!

Seeing that the last demon emperor is about to be completely destroyed.


The time and space gates are intertwined, and the black wooden box suddenly appears, with a halo, spreading the wolf emperor to the distance.

Behind the black wooden box left a lot of "footprints" and a lot of afterimages.

Just now, they have been shaken many times in the dark world.

At this time, the red substance on the Imperial Road flag faded.

In front of the passage between the two realms, the gate-closing rules were originally torn apart by ancient and modern, revealing many huge gaps.

An incomparably huge palm was digging hard at the crack of the passage, and a mental wave came over, saying: "Is there an accident, do you want us to take action?"

"Want a group battle? Who is afraid of who!" The Yudao flag was like a big sun, and the runes were like flames. It was extremely dazzling. It greeted there: "The first killing formation map, born, ready to cross the border to kill the enemy!"

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