Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 85: legend becomes reality

Seeing that the big red sword was broken into two pieces, Huo No. 63 got up, and it was difficult to accept the result. The shards of fire in his body were as dazzling as the sun, boiling with different forces, and his dark abyss black gold body was illuminated with crystal clear and transparent .


Everything was arranged by a few people, including the tomb and the middle-aged man, and it was going on as planned, but the knife suddenly broke.


The crimson long sword with hundreds of millions of strands of Chixia originally illuminated the icy universe, but now it falls into the dark abyss like a candle in the wind!


This made the plan less than perfect, unpredictable incidents occurred, and No. 63 suffered heavy losses. It was the weapon for his future rise in the transcendent central world, the sword of the Conferred God War!


"Tomb, act quickly, you'd better do it yourself and lead the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword!" The middle-aged man on the screen urged anxiously.


When he heard his words, No. 63 poured cold water on his head. The restless and angry heart suddenly calmed down. His eyes became deep, and he re-examined the situation and himself.


The Great Scarlet Sky Saber is extremely important to him, it will be his conferred **** in the future, and the second piece of fire is also invaluable, which can improve the essence of his life!


However, he held back, if he dispatched himself now, he might be involved in himself.


"I can't get close, I can only leave the spiritual light behind and communicate with it." In the deep space, a cloud of light was left, and No. 63 started the giant ship and left from here.


Outside, all parties are shocked, immortals, gods, but all creatures who have experienced the age of myths are now stunned!


Even in the extraordinary prosperous world, the most glorious period, there is no such terrifying incident. A treasure was broken, like a dream.


Although there are legends, such as the self-destruction of the sky mirror and the shattering of the lanterns, they have nothing to do with this civilization, and I don't know which era it is.


Right now, they have witnessed the most terrifying legend become a reality, the Battle of the Treasures, one of which was destroyed!


The experiencers, the fallen, and the mechanic were all shocked. Even if they came from the extraordinary universe, this kind of thing was just a terrible record.


At the very least, they haven't experienced it personally before, they are just listening to the story.


Especially, that is the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword, one of the top prohibited items, just broken like this?


The destruction of the imperial treasures is comparable to the incident of piercing the myth!


"It is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and Wang Xuan will also live as a celebrity in the long history of mythology. Even if this civilization passes away, it is as extraordinary as the eternal night of silence. Once the next mythical age arrives, he and Yudao will Guns will still be mentioned." This is the idea of ​​​​the gods and gods.


"The Great Chitian Saber is destroyed. Once it spreads to the Transcendent Central World, that gun and that person will also become famous." This is the heart of the experiencer and the mechanic.


Not only people from the major camps are discussing, but even the treasures are communicating.


The red substance flowing in the pool of life was a little dull, and he sighed helplessly, that gun will be fussing for a long time again!


Xiaoyaozhou glowed, as if nodding, that tough-mouthed gun really didn't blow off the cannon, breaking the forbidden item in the outer universe.


"It is estimated that it will blow up a few more mythical ages."


"I really don't want to see its ghostly appearance after returning from victory!"




"Hehe..." In the depths of the universe, the Imperial Dao Spear was smiling, very satisfied. At this time, the spear body hundreds of meters away were glowing, and the Dao Dao's texture was flickering.


It got its wish, all the lines are flickering, and it is about to float.


"Don't relax, take it down!" Wang Xuan's current dharma has shrunk a little, five hundred meters high, holding a long spear with gold and silver light flowing, continuing to inject endless red substances, and use the supreme scripture - Dao Slashing Sword through.


He used the long spear as a flying sword, and he walked with the sword, chasing and killing two cutting knives, to get it in his hand.


Although the Great Scarlet Sky Saber was broken and fell into the depths of the dark universe, it did not stop, it was still conscious, had powerful powers, and wanted to escape.


"Stay here, and there is still fire, let me put it down too!" Yu Dao spear chased, blazing the spear, tearing apart the starry sky, and smashing this asteroid group.


One shot at a time, flowing red material, dyeing the starry sky red, and chasing at extreme speed.


"I didn't expect that one day, I would be in such a state of desperation, my old injuries would break out, and I would be pursued by a long spear on the wild list in a remote place." Da Chitian Dao refused to accept it, and ran away with grievances.


Yu Dao gun sneered, and the wave of consciousness sent out was only two words: Broken knife!


Brief and concise, it is enough to explain its achievements.


In the distance, a light of primordial spirit was waiting on the road that must be passed, and it took the initiative and quickly to meet the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword. That was No. 63 who wanted to communicate with Broken Sword.


With a roll of knife light, it absorbed this consciousness.


The two severing knives roared, shook violently, and the bright red light flowed like blood dripping. From the heart, it did not want to accept the tomb's suggestion.


However, in the face of the Imperial Dao Spear that was chasing and killing it, it was extremely resentful. There was no other way at the moment. Maybe it had to fight again to open the plane channel.


That was the only chance to get rid of the Imperial Dao Spear, open the passage, let the masters of the extraordinary universe come over with non-destructive prohibited items, and deal with that person and one shot.


The edge of the Yuntuo Star Territory is the crack zone in the universe, and the Da Chitian Dao has come back after a circle.


During this period, it was bombarded one after another, "read" to the highest texture, the Imperial Dao Spear glowed, and every time it hit it, it was purposefully exploring its Dao patterns.


"Steal my Dao!" The big scarlet sword glowed, trembled slightly, fled all the way, panicked and angry, the long spear was analyzing its origin secret.


In the blink of an eye, the fog-filled area arrived, and it was quite mysterious.

"Villain, one day, sooner or later, I will cut you off and go!" The big red sword did not enter the crack.


However, Wang Xuan stopped, stood holding the imperial spear, opened his spiritual eyes, his complexion changed slightly, others could not see clearly, the lines in his eyes flowed, and he instantly captured that there was a thin transcendent factor seeping in the cracks in the universe. out.


One person and one shot also broke in, and the big scarlet sword made a sneak attack. The dazzling light of the sword was more dazzling than the endless thunder, illuminating the place and disturbing the opponent's sense of consciousness.


Wang Xuan immediately waved his spear, but he was very cautious. He didn't touch the crack, but only broke the knife.


"Be careful, don't shoot the spear light randomly, you must bombard the broken knife. Is this... to open the passage between the two realms?" His face was cold.


No. 63, the middle-aged man, and others, using information asymmetry, etc., to make a game, want to open a crack today, and let people from the super universe's own camp come over.


Although Wang Xuan didn't know that he needed two special keys to open the passage by simultaneously exerting force at both ends of the passage, but since the land of technological life was penetrated, he was particularly sensitive to this kind of place.


Earlier, when chasing and killing Da Chi Tian Dao passed by, he and Yu Dao Spear were quick to fight, and quickly knocked the red long sword out.


Now that he saw the abnormal scene, it was even more impossible for him to mess around.




He heard the vibration of Dao Ze, dull and scary, inside the crack of the universe, on the opposite bank, what is that? Are there heavy weapons bombarding?


His face sank, and it was really hard to prevent. This time, he was fighting against the strong mechanical clan holding a big scarlet sword. This was arranged and used.


"It's on my head." Wang Xuan's face was icy cold.


The Yu Dao Spear is also handling the rules of the gods, and the killing intent is like a sea. The broken house, a broken knife, is actually calculated on it.


The dim cosmic cracks were illuminated by the Imperial Dao Spear, centered on one person and one spear, forming tangible ripples, like the expansion of splendid ocean waves.


"Since I've been discovered, I won't hide it anymore. I want to go back to the supernatural world to recast my true body, and come back and kill you again!" Da Chi Tian Dao sent out a wave of consciousness.


It exploded, more dazzling than the sun, and it slashed toward the cracks in the universe, attacking with all its might, as if it was about to cut through the place.




The rules collided, and Wang Xuan blocked it with the imperial spear. Half of the smashed heavenly saber almost flew out of the passage, but the other half stabbed into the gap.


Obviously, someone is plotting all this, wanting to open this road, what the opponent wants to do, how could Wang Xuan let them do what they want?


Although he himself wanted to open up this road, but not today, there was a thumping sound on the opposite side, it was a powerful treasure bombarding. If an unknown enemy is really put in, in a short period of time, the other party may not be fully "corrected" to the valley by this big universe.


Don't let the enemy enter the gate indiscriminately, otherwise he and the imperial spear may not be able to stop him, he may be killed, and the so-called whaling will come true.


"The road can be opened, but the time is wrong." He must be stopped!


Wang Xuan took the spear and went to deal with the half of the Heavenly Dao inserted in the crack. It was shaking violently and wanted to penetrate the road.


In the distance, the other half of the celestial saber pierced through time and space at a very high speed, and when it got close, it slashed towards Wang Xuan.


At the same time, there were quite a few Star Destroyers near this cosmic crack, with full firepower, aiming to attack here frantically.


There is no doubt that this area is extremely important to those enemies. They must break through this ancient passage regardless of the cost.


This is to force Yu Dao Spear to break out the Dao rules, protect itself, protect Wang Xuan, and use its expansion power to open the universe channel.


"Control the power of the runes!" Wang Xuan restrained his body, and the imperial spear was shortened to two meters in length. The hazy runes of the avenue only wrapped the two of them, tearing apart the vortex of time and space and submerging them.


"Broken Sword!" The man and the gun were one, with murderous aura, they emerged from the vortex of time and space to capture Broken Sword.


In the clanging sound, the Imperial Dao Spear emitted Dao patterns, imprisoning the half of the Heavenly Sword with the handle, and there were shards of fire on it, which were rolled over.


This is the key thing. After getting the broken knife and depriving the tinder, even if the other half of the heavenly knife is submerged in the crack, it will become a rootless duckweed. How long will it take to recover?


One shot at a time with a broken knife into the vortex of time and space, disappeared from here, came to the outside of the fog, violently erupted the rune of order, and killed those warships.

In the process, the imperial spear peeled off the fire fragments and took them away.

And, with the fierce sound of the sword, this half of the Great Red Heaven Sword dimmed.

"I shook off the consciousness on the broken knife." Yu Dao gun informed.

"The consciousness of that heavenly saber was obliterated?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No, the other half of the knife still has its consciousness group, which is immortal and immortal. After a period of cultivation, it can fully recover."

Prohibited items of this level are truly indestructible. Only by capturing their Dao pattern awareness as a whole, and refining them with stronger treasures, can they be wiped out.

"Suppress the other half of the Heavenly Sabre as well!" Wang Xuan held the spear and rushed to the key place again.

At this moment, in the cracks of the universe, there is a faint glow, and the roar is from far to near, as if a sea of ​​​​the Great Dao is undulating, and splendid waves are about to slap.

"When the legend becomes reality, the road is opened again, and the fate will be rewritten..." A very dignified middle-aged man with short silver hair said, talking to No. 63.

Chen Yongjie, a deep-space fisherman, posted a picture of him on his birthday.

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