Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 78: The first battle between different universes

The latest website: This is the consensus of the transcendent central universe. Only the banned items that have emerged on the big stage of the central world and obtained the ranking can be regarded as real treasures.

Zhuo Kong said in a deep voice: "A lot of the powerhouses who fought with him died, and he was overturned every time. Sometimes, even I felt that his opponents had a great chance of winning, but in the end they were harvested."

No. 7 said: "I won't be careless, but if I don't have the corresponding confidence in holding the top-level prohibited item, the Dachitian Dao, then don't go to war, just hide."

The dragon hunter, who was covered in black robes, said, "Let's start preparing, it's time to act, let out some wind noise first, to attract the attention of the giant whale, see if he dares to approach, and if necessary, throw bait and make a nest. "

Soon, the direction of the wind was wrong. In the starry sky, in the area where Wang Xuan passed by and collected information on the enemy's tracks, the wind picked up. There were rumors that the saint came to the world and wanted to kill the earth immortal!

The wind was very sudden and terrifying, making the fallen superhumans doubt life. Has the myth really died out? Someone was speaking, and they wanted to hunt down Wang Xuan.

"After the extraordinary darkest moment comes, can you still stage a splendid battle of gods and demons?"

Many people can't believe it.

In the next few days, there were rumors of wind, even pointing to some related star fields, and the battlefield was selected.

In the depths of the universe, Wang Xuan was sitting on the Red Skull. This was not the ship he robbed. A well-known interstellar pirate leader took the initiative to give gifts.

No way, when he knew who it was, especially when he saw Wang Xuan walking under the cosmic stars, the notorious head of the interstellar pirate was terrified.

In the end, this group of pirates vowed to change their minds and put them into action, donating 90% of the money to sell the spaceship, and also use it as a charity.

After persuading people to take care of the queen, Wang Xuan felt that the name Red Skull was ugly, so he changed his name to Red Rose.

At this time, his face was full of smiles, his black hair was crystal clear, and his young face had the divine brilliance of a Virgin, and he was extremely loving.

Because he is making a video with his home, and he has been out for a few days. No matter whether he hears any rumors at home, he must avoid their worries.

Now Wang Xuan, facing a pair of lovely children, naturally has to show the kind smile of his old father. He is very kind from beginning to end, and his face is shining.

Zhao Qinghan has recovered very well. He has been exercising, practicing old techniques, and exercising his mental strength. He has fully improved to the level of a great master.

Now she is holding two children in one hand. It has been a long time since the video. In the camera, there are two cute little faces with long eyelashes and big eyes like black gems. As if to come.

"Okay, I'll go back after a while, um, I'll bring you gifts, star destroyers, treasures, everything is possible." Wang Xuan ended the call with a smile.

In fact, he really wanted to fight hunting. He was passively bombarded last time. Although he killed most of the ships, he was still very upset.

He was already on a par with the health care master, and some people dispatched battleships to hunt him down.

Passive shots are not his style.

In particular, the mechanical bear is very sad. The car that has been rebuilt many times is gone, and the giant star destroyer has not been fished. This time, the spoils cannot be let go.

"Ahead is the Amu Star Territory. After passing here, you will almost arrive at the Land of Wind."

Wang Xuan and the mechanical bear took the spaceship, enjoying the exotic scenery along the way, and hurrying on their way.

"I'm going to watch the battle, but stay far enough away." Origin 6 spoke in a spaceship, also in the starry sky.

His whole body is made of abyss black gold as the main material, which is slightly taller than ordinary humans. The fire in his body is uncertain, and there is a very powerful force flowing.

At his feet, lay a monster—a giant beast, a semi-mature treasure from Blue Lake, one of the Eight Great Dead Lands.

"The Fallen are very confident, can they capture the giant whale?" asked a dark brown robot in the spaceship.

No. 6 was very calm and said, "You don't need to jump to conclusions too early, just wait quietly. If I get another piece of origin fire that I am more concerned about, if I get it, when I return to the transcendent central world, the essence of my life will be further transformed and sublimated. In addition, with the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword in hand, it is enough to rule the roost."

Originating tinder fragments, for mechanical beings, far surpass everything else, allowing them to achieve super evolution and greatly improve their strength.

"The second piece of fire fell into the hands of Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunter?" the dark brown robot asked in a low voice.

"Probably so." No. 6 tapped the table with metal fingers, a little lost.


"It's finally time to put it into action, Zhuo Kong, dragon hunters, I want to see what killers you have. According to the customs of this universe, I will burn paper for you in advance, I wish you a rollover!" Yuan Dao was not ready to approach, With malice, I want to watch the battle through space probes in the adjacent star field.

The gods, the immortals, and a group of extraordinary people after the curtain was over were also waiting, and some people heard the wind.

Even Old Tu, ***, Lao Zhong, Liu Huai'an and others also got the news, and their hearts are really...not nervous, because they are used to it.

They don't believe that there are still people who can threaten Wang Xuan in this era. As people around them, they even live together, and they know him too well.

Beyond the Earth Immortal, he obtained three treasures, and a large amount of red super-substance was born in his body. He was almost invincible.

Perhaps only Zhao Qinghan was nervous, no matter what, even knowing that he had never failed in this era, she was worried about Wang Xuan and hoped that he would go home soon.

Along the way, Wang Xuan took the mechanical bear, and occasionally descended on some living planets to see the beautiful scenery.

They have traveled to the mother planet of the Kunpeng tribe and saw the huge nest on the cliff in the sea. Unfortunately, not even a single bird feather was left. This kind of creature has long since become extinct.

During the period, they went to the wizarding world. On this planet, there are quite a few ancient castles and secret laboratories in the mountains, but unfortunately they are all dead.

Not long after, someone contacted him, Wang Xuan was not surprised, he did not cover up his whereabouts, and just approached the target star field all the way.

"Wang Xuan, don't go over and ignore their provocation. This time, the two giants of the fallen are going to deal with you."

A middle-aged woman with medium-length silver hair appeared on the big screen, and she seemed to have a hint of sadness, directly advising her.

Soon, Wang Xuan knew her identity. She was Mu Han, the mother of Ming Lun and Xian Yue.

"There is top-secret information inside the experiencer. Now, beside Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunter, there is a super mechanical life form, which is extremely powerful, and probably holds a treasure in his hand, which once illuminated the entire North Sea of ​​Yuanlan Star, the sky and the ground. A bright red, suspected to be the top prohibited item in the Transcendent Central World - the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword!"

Mu Han told him such a top-secret news, and repeatedly discouraged him not to accept the challenge lightly, that prohibited item was extremely dangerous.

Wang Xuan thanked her, knowing that she had lost three close relatives, and sighed comfortably, expressing that she wanted to do her part to avenge Minglun and Xianyue.

After finishing the call, he sat back on the recliner and pondered.

"It wasn't Shang Yi, it wasn't the birth of the Feather Banner and the Sword of the World. It's really... a pity!" Earlier, he thought that the opponent's cards might be the ominous Feather Banner.

In the end, I did not wait for the person and treasure that I wanted to hunt most.

"Listen to what she means, the Dachitian knife seems to be very strong?"

In fact, Mu Han quickly sent him a picture and text information. It was a scarlet-red long sword, illuminating the dark universe. It was extremely terrifying.

"The top-level prohibited items have never been defeated. There are many treasures that have been smashed, and they are all famous sacred objects on the Transcendent Central World Ranking."

After reading the information, he was speechless and said, "It's really fierce!"

"When you meet a ruthless scumbag, can you fight it?" Wang Xuan touched the long-fingered Yu Dao spear, which was bound to the Primordial Spirit chain on his wrist.

"What celestial knife, earth knife, dare to touch me hard, I will beat it to a broken knife!" Yu Dao Spear has never served anyone, no matter whether he has this kind of combat power or not, but it is estimated that he will definitely be the first in his life.

Wang Xuan's face was serious and he said, "Don't be too conceited. According to the data, this knife is invincible and invincible, and it is in a mess. No matter which big universe it is in, it can guarantee the top level!"

Soon after, the spaceship passed through the wormhole and entered the Yuntuo Star Territory, where the battle began.

"This star field is not far from a cosmic crack. When the myth was not extinguished, the Zhong family retreated here to live in seclusion. There are their resource stars here. Forget it, change the place, cross that cosmic channel and go to the desolation. Here, we will fight in the star field where there is a legend of the supreme god." Wang Xuan is no stranger to this star field.

In fact, before he could act, someone took the initiative to look for trouble.

Zhuo Kong, Dragon Hunter, No. 7, they haven't arrived yet, they are very calm, but they have already sent battleships over.

"Find him something to do, don't let him go on a leisurely journey, blow up his spaceship, and let him fly over by himself!" Zhuo Kong said with a sneer.

No. 7, holding a knife, sat in the giant ship, and smiled indifferently.

The dazzling light broke out, and the Fallen attacked. Although he knew that Wang Xuan could not be killed, he just wanted to destroy his spaceship and force him to rush on the road in embarrassment.

The Red Rose disintegrated and exploded.

The mechanical bear was angry and lost the spaceship again.

Wang Xuan also had a gloomy expression on his face, and he had a sense of advance warning. He had already gone one step further, but the opponent was so provocative, it was too much!

"Haha..." In the other side of the star field, Zhuo Kong and No. 7 smiled, filled with coldness.

Outside, all parties were also shocked, and at the same time, they were a little confused. Before the war started, the Star Destroyer opened fire first, destroying Wang Xuan's car.

If it's another person, it's over here, and if you talk about a duel, you'll be beaten up.

However, the smiles of Zhuo Kong, No. 7, and the dragon hunters did not last long. This time Wang Xuan disappeared without a sound, and when he reappeared, he did not pierce the battleship with a domineering spear, but a gentle invasion. Going in, the battleship tried to self-destruct without success.

"This Star Destroyer is a little small. When you come back, you can send me a giant ship and wash your necks at the same time. If you dare to come over, none of you will be able to escape." Wang Xuan issued a death threat.

Then, he added coldly, saying: "By the way, the location has changed, and we will go to the barren land for a decisive battle. If you dare not go there, leave. It's not that you will start the war wherever you say, and it will start in five hours. No time to wait."

A few hours later, Wang Xuan stood in the cosmic void of the barren land, holding the Imperial Dao Spear in one hand, ready to meet the enemy.

Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunter's giant ship did not come. No. 7 appeared in a large spaceship, the hatch opened, and he stepped into the starry sky.

Everyone can feel the horror of No. 7, the black and blue icy metal body, the eyes are like thunder, the beam is terrifying, and the red light drowns the void on the back of the big red sword!

He just walked in the starry sky, and his body was full of fire energy, and he was not afraid at all.

"Although there have been many conflicts, in a strict sense, today is the first battle of powerhouses between you and me in two different universes." No. 7 said, the mental fluctuations spread far away, and he could see Visible ripples are Although he is a mechanical lifeform, his spiritual energy is amazing. No. 7 stared at the Yudao spear in Wang Xuan's hand and said, "Is it the so-called first treasure in this universe? "

His mental fluctuations were calm and indifferent with a sense of detachment, and he looked down.

"That's right, Lord is the number one treasure, don't you agree? You pretend to be a cosmos-level powerhouse, you're self-proclaimed, and if you break the demon knife today, it will pierce you even more!"

Before Wang Xuan could speak, Yu Dao Spear lost his temper first, feeling the other party's slights.

"The temple is small, the devil is strong, the water is shallow, and the king is too many. It is a meaningless number one. It is just a wild list in a remote place. I don't know how far away from the extraordinary central world. Since it is the enemy of the Great Red Heaven Sword, it is natural to cut it off." No. 7 said coldly.

"I haven't destroyed the treasure for many years. I decided to sacrifice this metal lump and that broken knife to the sky!" Yu Dao Spear exuded a cold breath. (To be continued)

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