Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Teaching Feixian

The latest website: "Are you going to go out?" Zhao Qinghan has bright eyes and knows him too well. The child is only 100 days old. How could he travel far?

"I'm going to see if there are any special mythological factors to prepare for the two children." Wang Xuan said with a smile, knowing that she is smart, many times, he can guess some things through his words and deeds.

But now, in order to reassure her heart, he can only examine himself with a powerful soul, from his expression to his eyes, he is all right, and there are no flaws.

Of course, he could suggest spiritually and use extraordinary means to convince her, but he would never use the spell of confusion on his family.

"Come and see Dad, he's going to find myths and wonders for you, do you really want to embark on such a road in the future?" Zhao Qinghan smiled and picked up one.

Wang Xuan also picked up one, kissed it, and felt something... It's time to change the diaper.

"Earth Immortal's daily life is to hold the baby every day, and use the supernatural power to clean up the 'stains' left by the child." The mechanical bear took pictures and recorded the daily life.

The two children's eyes were big, dark and bright. When parting, they stretched out their little hands to touch Wang Xuan's face, as if they really knew that he was going to go far, and they cried.

The spacecraft broke through the sky, fell into outer space, accelerated continuously, and disappeared in the dark universe in an instant.

This time, Wang Xuan left Xiaoyaozhou and Life Pond behind to protect his family and only carried the imperial spear. He once asked the first treasure, is it comparable to Xiaoyaozhou in terms of speed?

"Each is good at it, and the treasure has a field of expertise..."

"That's not as good. If you don't lock it in advance, you won't be able to catch up with it." Wang Xuan summed it up directly.

"I focus on killing, running is not my style, even so, it's not much slower than it!" Yu Dao Spear has always been confident, and no one can compare it with his tough mouth.

It said that its extreme speed is driven by the power of killing, and it is the perfect combination of power and speed.

Euler Star, Wang Xuan finally came, and had contact in his early years. When he was exploring in Midi, he had confronted people from the three extraordinary planets of Euler, Yuhua, and Heluo.

He killed some spiritual bodies in the old land, chased them out of the realm, blew up four spaceships, carefully searched for souls, and learned some secrets.

The murderers communicated with each other, knowing that he shot and killed those people, the people in the headquarters will definitely withdraw, and will not wait for him to come to retaliate.

The secret discovered by Wang Xuan was excavated from the depths of a certain spiritual body. This person had a long trip and settled on the Euler star, and accidentally discovered that there are their high-level officials here.

A group of people walking in a gray area with very good confidentiality measures. If the person was not accidentally surprised by the trip, he would not have known that there was such an important stronghold.

"Some of the crumbs among the experiencers, although walking in the sun, are more disgusting than the fallen ones. Do you want to be my children, are you worthy?" Wang Xuan came.

Below, the landscape of mountains and rivers is quite good, quite magnificent, with a giant mountain in the form of a dragon head, soaring to the clouds, in the age of mythology, this is an extraordinary place.

There are also ice fields, which are icy cold all the year round, but full of vitality. In the white snow, there is a native plant - ice blue sandalwood.

Looking around, there is a large ice-blue forest in the world of ice and snow. If you walk in, you can smell its unique sandalwood, and the blue leaves are crystal clear.

Wang Xuan sat in the spaceship, and did not go out by himself. He was temporarily led by the mechanical bear, opened fire violently, and penetrated the ice field to see if he had found the right place.


The ice sheet collapsed.

"It was discovered, kill that spaceship!" In the base under the ice sheet, someone gave an order, and in an instant, they had already suffered heavy losses.

They have been operating here for hundreds of years, and the underground facilities are complete, from laboratories to spacecraft bases, etc., and a big explosion occurred.

In an instant, the energy beams shot into the sky, intertwined, and hit the spaceship in the sky to annihilate it.

Wang Xuan walked out of the spaceship, and did not let the mechanical bear waste any more energy.

In an instant, he used a method that was slightly beyond the level of the Earth Immortal. He waved his spear, and the large red haze spread, turning into one after another red lotus, rooted in the void, and then the flower buds bloomed, all over the sky, especially dazzling.

All the lotus flowers are rippling, bursting with endless light, falling towards the glacier, not only blocking the energy beam, but also releasing the power that seems to destroy the world.

Countless petals, terrifying red lotus, like a meteor shower, howling, falling from the sky, covering this ice field.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed some sects of Euler Star. Back then, this was a mythical planet, and they are still in the lead.

However, their Taoism has plummeted, and ninety-nine percent of the monks have become mortals.

"Void Daolian!" Some people looked at it in surprise. In this era, there are still people who can display such "magic powers", which is shocking.

This planet is not a world of pure cultivation, and it also has technology, combined with extraordinary civilization, to capture the picture here.

"What age is this, and there are people who can cast the magic of the Earth Immortal Extreme Peak, it's terrible!"


The central area of ​​the ice sheet was burned and melted, collapsed and destroyed a large area, the ice and snow evaporated, and the icy blue sandalwood trees turned into fly ash.

"Ah..." There was a scream from the ground.

"It's the giant whale Wang Xuan, how did he find it here?" Someone was shocked and angry, staring at the spaceship in the sky, but didn't realize it in advance.

In the air, Wang Xuan turned into a ray of light, merged with the spear, and rushed towards the collapsing icefield, looking for some escape.

This place is almost destroyed, only the edge of the underground base, there are still people left.

"His spaceship, which should be considered a ship in the forefront of the field, was not discovered in advance. Today, he came to the door, opened fire, and tried to kill the spaceship and trap him on this planet!" Someone shouted .


The steel layer several meters thick was punctured by a gun, torn open, and the figure was killed directly, Wang Xuanyuan's spirit glowed, and all kinds of sophisticated electronic devices in this underground base exploded.

He is covered in red substances, releasing extraordinary radiation, destroying the technological communication equipment in this underground base, and so on, isolating him from the outside world.

Then, in the sound of puff, many people were suspended in mid-air, then exploded, and died instantly after being searched by the powerful Primordial Spirit.

Although some spiritual powers are supernormal and can be called relatively special people, it is still far from a spiritual confrontation with a person who can kill a health master in this era.

Not to mention, Wang Xuan came with the treasure in his hand, murderous and undisguised in an instant, his combat power exploded, and he didn't plan to give them a way to survive.

Wang Xuan swept across the ice field of the Euler star, and quickly killed all the experiencers who were wandering in the gray area, and there was not one left.

At the same time, he learned here that there are other bases of them in the starry sky.

With a swipe, he rushed into the sky, entered the spaceship, and said, "Go, I hope it's still too late, they didn't send the news."

On the same day, Wang Xuan entered Heluo Star, and this time it was more direct. Holding a long spear, he swooped down from the sky, targeting a majestic mountain.

The scenery here is pleasant, the vegetation is abundant, and the mountains are spiritual. The famous cultivation sect of Heluoxing, the Chengxian Sect, is located here.

The experiencers who wandered in the gray area, incarnated as indigenous people, managed this place, and never exposed it, and the entire Taoism belonged to them.

Sure enough, they hadn't gotten the news yet. They didn't wake up until a strange scene appeared in the sky.

"Oh my God, is that... a person? The myth is rotten, and there are earth immortal-level powerhouses born, going to the Immortal Religion!" Someone in the distance was shocked and exclaimed.

"Giant whale, Wang Xuan is here!" Many people in the Immortal Sect turned pale.

"Fire!" In the mountain gate, an "elder" shouted, tearing off the ancient clothes, giving orders, and rushing to the underground spaceship base.

However, it was too late, Wang Xuan's Primordial Spirit's light swooped in first, searched for his soul instantly, and then returned to his own body.

He was sure that he had not wronged them, and the body and spirit were one, and he stabbed with a long spear, like a flying fairy outside the sky, with a full sky "sunset: , bang, piercing the majestic mountain.


It exploded here, the smoke and dust were surging into the sky, there was light everywhere, the sky was crumbling and the earth was cracking. This Taoism and everything in the ground were all disintegrated and collapsed.

"The Immortal Religion, really...the teaching is flying to the immortal." In the distance, another Taoist voice trembled.

What era is this, and there are people who are close to immortals and saints in the flesh? Other people of Taoism trembled and were speechless.

"Dare to target my children and send all of you to hell!" Wang Xuanhan said, there are people with extremely powerful spirits here, but what else? Kill it with one shot!

He turned around, took Chixia up into the sky, entered the spaceship, and went away.

Then, he rushed to the next place by boat, expecting that the destruction would be more rapid this time, and they should be able to continue harvesting without giving them the opportunity to transmit information to the outside world.

"I have endured you for a long time, no matter if you are a depraved spirit or an experiencer, if you dare to peep at my family and start with my children, don't even think about living!"

It has been a long time since the two children were attacked at the full moon. He waited quietly for more than two months, until the two children were not suitable for each other to "take the house", and then he came out to kill.

Chongxingxing, an extraordinary planet, is said to be the ancestral land of Chongming birds, but for thousands of years, the divine birds have long been extinct, leaving only the sect of cultivation.

On that day, the Chongming Valley "ground collapsed" and was covered by red in an instant, it exploded and disappeared. The first religion of this planet, the Chongming Religion, became history.

Finally, the news could no longer be hidden, and it was spread. In just two days, all parties knew it. After a few years, Wang Dixian walked out of the old land again, and began to kill!

"What's the situation, the Raptors are out, is he going to wash the stars with blood?"

Everyone was startled. It was quiet for so long. As soon as Wang Xuanshi appeared, he immediately wiped out several places. Those wastelands were barren and lifeless. Not to mention people, even the ants and mice in the ground could not escape. one.

"Giant whale, this is provoked." The organization of the fallen understands the situation, and after a while, it is secretly grateful that it did not go to the old land to target the two children.

Even one of the strongest predators, Yuan Dao, the famous great spirit in this mythical age, felt a chill in his spine and a sense of horror.

"There is a high probability that the tomb was the one who subdued the tomb from the experiencer, and he was overturned by him like this. He went through several places in a day and slaughtered it cleanly." Yuan Dao's eyes were uncertain, and he said: "I don't know if the tomb will be. Overreact, go straight out of the mountain!"

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