Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Strong enough to have no friends

The latest website: "Every crack in the universe has a big problem." Wang Xuan was on guard.

The few cracks discovered so far, if you look at it this way, are all suspected to be the passages of the past, which were opened up by man!

However, in the passing years, several roads have been completely closed, and it is difficult to open them again.

This universe was not closed back then, nor was it "remote", and it was closely connected with the outside world.

In the current "scene", those spaceships are densely packed, carrying a large amount of extraordinary supplies, going in and out, and going back and forth in that channel.

"Let's go take a look." The imperial spear glowed, it was no stranger to that heavy land, and there was still a flag there now.

Obviously, the age when the plane cracks opened should be extremely ancient, and no records were left long before many extraordinary civilizations in this universe.

Xiaoyaozhou radiated ripples, Wang Xuan and the others soared into the sky, avoiding some spaceships, entering the secret realm of outer space, and approaching the cracks in the universe.

"The 'scenario' this time is too magnificent. From Yuncheng to here, the black wooden box is really terrifying!" Wang Xuan sighed, seriously doubting, is the Yudao Spear an opponent?

"Looking at the grandeur, some scenes are real, but some are illusory. The black wooden box has insufficient super-material. No matter what, if it dares to come out, I will dare to shake it." Yu Dao gun said.

This passage is very busy, with various spaceships appearing and going back and forth between the two universes. The route is stable, and it seems that it was quite prosperous in the past.

"The old land, in the unverifiable era, has also been brilliant, and it is close to the center of the extraordinary world. It seems that as the extraordinary light goes away, the most splendid extraordinary stage shifts, and this place gradually declines."

Wang Xuan and the two treasures are restless, can they use such a "scenario" to break through and enter the extraordinary universe?

Even Yudao Spear admitted that ancient and modern are very special, with super-strong abilities, and their performance is unpredictable. Of course, it still does not think that its combat power is inferior to ancient and modern.

This kind of method that involves time and draws people and treasures into the real scene at will is really amazing. If it is in the extraordinary universe, it is estimated that ancient and modern can mobilize the entire space and time for their own use.

"Does it mean that it wants us to enter another universe?"

Wang Xuan really had an urge to go and see what happened to the extraordinary universe, but if it was in the past, it might be back to the most ancient times?

"I don't think it will pass. I don't believe it is so powerful that it can open the channel on its own." Yu Dao gun refused to accept it.

They pondered, what are they going to do in the past and present?

In this scene today, there are no traces left by Yudao Banner's civilization. The time spanned is too long, and this place is still prehistoric.

"I'll try it in the past!" Finally, the Yudao spear moved, turned into a streamer, flew out and broke into the cosmic channel.

On the waterway, the fairy light is transpiring, and there are billions of Ruixia in the cracks of the plane, which set off the incomparable sacredness of this place. One spaceship passed by in an orderly manner, entering and leaving the two realms.


When the Imperial Dao Spear approached, it was struck by lightning, chaotic lightning, and dense blooms covered it, causing it to suffer a heavy blow.

"I knew that if you were strong enough to open the passage between the two realms, this would not be the case. You are stealing our super-substance."

The Imperial Dao Spear sent out a wave of consciousness, undisguised there, exuding the supreme coercion, and the ancient and modern hands, the projection of a black wooden box is really incomparable, ups and downs in the passage.

With a thud, the Yudao Spear went against the power of time, pierced through time and space, pierced the scene between the cracks in the universe, and penetrated the black wooden box.

There was a terrifying explosion, and the entire magnificent scene was like a burning picture scroll, collapsing and melting, revealing the real world.

Now, where is there any spaceship, it is desolate, the ancient waterway of the extraordinary prosperous age has long become a cloud of history, this universe has long been unpopulated, and all kinds of extraordinary trade do not know how long the suspension has been.

"Come out!" Yudao Spear sent out terrifying fluctuations, strands of red material, and the dazzling beam illuminated this secret place, and murderous aura was everywhere!

Wang Xuan was moved. He had never seen such a side of it. This murderous aura was enough to make all things wither. If he hadn't stood on the Xiaoyao boat, he would have suffered a terrible impact.

Obviously, the breath of the treasure's recovery is extremely terrifying, and it can easily tear apart the starry sky!

In the distance, a pitch-black box appeared silently, ancient and modern really came out, this time it was not a projection.


The Yudao Spear is not like a long spear now, but like a scorching sun, extremely bright, and the starry sky appears around it, like a universe, driving the boundless might to impact the opponent.

The black box was filled with a special aura, and in an instant, it crossed the ancient and modern time and space, and then, before the imperial spear slammed into it, it banished it and made it disappear.


The vortex of time and space exploded, and the ocean of time appeared. The Imperial Dao Spear tore through all obstacles with brute force and quickly returned to the world.

However, the transcendent factor it emits was borrowed and absorbed by the black wooden box, and it really lacks super substance.

"Want? I'll give it to you!" The front end of the Yudao spear is extremely sharp, splitting the void of the universe and stabbing it straight, it wants to collide with ancient and modern to see who is stronger.


Violent energy exploded, time and space were penetrated, the river of time seemed to be disordered, there was chaos, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Until the black wooden box appeared, it opened a gap, and the divine light flowed out, and then the lid of the box was lifted, and the rune of the supreme rule poured out.

In the distance, Xiaoyaozhou carried Wang Xuan decisively...running away, or retreating, hiding far enough, it was almost considered to have left this secret realm outside outer space.

Because the light is too scary, the black wooden box is opened, and the prohibited items are rioting in ancient and modern times, and the majesty exudes is extremely intimidating.

Yudao Gun was hit by a mysterious beam and was thrown into a special scene.

Wang Xuan sucked in the cold air, shouldn't the Yudao Spear be defeated?

When he was on the moon, he had seen those old scenes. The black wooden box had been opened when the Transcendent Universe was besieged, and two prohibited items were smashed into pieces!

"This spear often pierces others, this time, shouldn't I be educated, or even cut off?" Wang Xuan felt bad, and the Yudao spear was slightly at a disadvantage.

"Want to trap me?" Yu Dao Spear struggled in a special scene, extremely fierce, tearing apart the time and space, so that the scene also showed signs of collapse.

The ancient and modern roared, the black box lid fell off, and it poured into the high rune to the fullest.

Then, the Imperial Dao Spear went mad and stabbed violently at... the big crack in the universe!

"Yu Dao, it was recruited and enslaved?" Xiao Yaozhou said softly.

Wang Xuan was stunned, how terrifying is ancient and modern, making the treasures go crazy?

"Boom!" The Yudao spear glowed, the tip of the spear pierced through the chaotic matter, sank into the cracks in the universe, and kept hitting, trying to destroy the place where the two universes merged.

It is doing its best to break the boundaries.

At the same time, the ancients and the present are shining, shining into the cracks of the universe, it also shot, and together with the imperial spear, to open the channel.

"Sure enough, it is borrowing strength. After being silent for many years, it wants to leave and return to the extraordinary universe." Xiao Yaozhou said.

Wang Xuan pondered, the most powerful prohibited items have their own mission, or simply want to go back, knowing too little to judge.

The black wooden box vibrated, and the light beams from ancient and modern suddenly reversed direction, not bombarding the cracks in the universe.

In the distance, in a sealed land, a flag emerged, constructed of light, not an entity, but a reflection of the supreme rule.

"If you don't come out, I'm fine, I'm paralyzing it!" Yu Dao Spear waved, I don't know if it was true or if it was stubborn.

With a bang, it broke free from the special scene, merged with the glowing flag, turned into a terrifying banner, and slashed toward the ancient and modern.

After several major collisions, the supermatter of ancient and modern seems to have bottomed out. It uses chaos for its own use. Although the power of chaos is not smooth, it can still be used!


It collided with the Imperial Road Flag head-on, not fearing the first treasure.

In the distance, outside the secret world, Wang Xuan was moved. In this universe, he only knew that the Imperial Dao Spear could turn chaotic matter into super power.

Right now, he saw another one, "Ancient and Modern" is really scary!


In the end, the ancient and the present seem to have evaporated, disappearing with the sea of ​​time, leaving no trace.

The supreme rules projected on the flag dissipated, leaving only the Yudao Spear floating up and down, smashing everywhere, looking like the whole world was looking for someone to fight for a decisive battle.

Xiaoyaozhou regretted, secretly sighed, what did the flag jump out of? We should let the flagpole of ancient and modern education be a good treasure.

"I don't need you to come out, I don't have to lose myself! What, how am I enslaved, will I lose? I deliberately approached it, ready to pierce! Otherwise, it would be better than Xiaoyaozhou and run away. "Yu Dao gun was not angry, and seemed to be arguing with the flag in the sealed land.

"It just lacks education!" Xiaoyaozhou was secretly dissatisfied.

The fog dissipated and the scene disappeared. This time, the world became clear and clear, and there were no more unexpected waves.

And they are really standing here in the secret realm of old outer space.

"The past and present are really scary." Wang Xuan sighed.

It's not very far from the moon. Soon after, they appeared on the ground of the moon and met Ming Lun and Crescent Moon.

The brothers and sisters have been waiting. Earlier, Wang Xuan disappeared from the scene, causing them to have all kinds of speculations. Was he obliterated by Gu Jin, or did he come into contact with the prohibited item?

"You came back from outer space?" Ming Lun was surprised.

"The black wooden box is very scary. Next time there will be clues about it...don't look for me." Wang Xuan said, this time it is very dangerous, and the ancient and modern are so strong that they have no friends.

He made up his mind, when the Yudao flags were unified and when to explore again, he thought that the Yudao spear alone was too boring and could not stop the past and the present.

The brother and sister kept asking Wang Xuan just mentioned it briefly, saying that he saw the black wooden box from a distance, but he couldn't approach and face it. That prohibited item was too terrifying.

Time flies, five years have passed, and it has been fifteen years since the extraordinary decay and the end of the myth, and the whole world has changed too much!

Up to now, there are few extraordinary people to be found, and only a very small number of people are still exploring, pursuing the mysterious world that is becoming more and more ethereal.

In the past five years, Ming Lun's parents have been very anxious.

Moreover, day after day, they struggled even to maintain their mental energy, not to mention the potential in their bodies, and their own strength continued to decline.

"If this goes on like this, we will die of old age in this universe! However, there are clearly ancient and modern here, and there are the strongest forbidden items that can change the fate of our hometown, but we can't find it and send it back." They were anxious.

Five years have passed, Wang Xuan's Taoism has become more and more diligent, and he is actively looking for a soft and extraordinary factor, and at the same time, after discussing with Zhao Qinghan, he is ready to have a child.

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