Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Destroyed

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As for that crack in the universe, there shouldn't be any danger in the short term, and it would be difficult to break through it again.

"How many strange people are there in this era of exhaustion? Even if there are, I have no conflict with them." Wang Xuan traveled in the sea of ​​stars.

There should be masters among the terrifying spirits, with extremely strong roots and feet. One of the terrifying spirits possessing Qitian can cause such great harm. I don’t know if there are any super terrifying terrifying spirits left.

The rotten person in the heart of the old earth is also a destabilizing factor. Unfortunately, this person has never been found since he left. Normally, he would not come back to die.

What concerned Wang Xuan the most was Shang Yi. After the tragic death of the "first person", the sword madman was vaguely the first person in Immortal Dao, and only Fang Yuzhu, who rose up later, could compare with him.

"His two bodies can be called the real body, have they all left this universe?" Wang Xuan pondered, most worried about this person.

Even, the ancient chaos and the murder of the first person have something to do with him. It is suspected that he and Da Lingling jointly directed those **** massacres.

A few days ago, Wang Xuan beheaded Mu Qing, hacked Zhen Chao, nailed Gou Chao to death, and destroyed two fleets with a single gun. There were heated discussions all over the starry sky. If Shang Yi was still in this universe, he should have heard the news.

Wang Xuan is now in deep space, walking on some of the more famous mythical planets. If the sword madman is still there and desperately wants to kill him, he will probably intercept him along the way.

Wang Xuan wants to take the initiative and detonate this "disaster" ahead of time, and wait for Shang Yi to appear and hunt in the opposite direction.

The most important thing is that he wants to get the feathering banner, and hopes to integrate into the first killing formation map!

Wang Xuan was a little dazed. In this era, he could come to strangle Shang Yi, but in the battle nine years ago, he was so miserable that he almost died.

A few days later, he frowned, appeared on some planets, and revealed his next itinerary, he did not attract Shang Yi, but a lot of unrelated people who wanted to meet him.

Wang Xuan set off on the road again and took out a business card. It was bright and bright. It was made of pure solar gold, a very luxurious material, with contact information on it.

"It's been so many years, I don't know if I can still get in touch." Finally, he activated the number and sent the signal with the spaceship.

"Which one?" A slightly hoarse voice came from the opposite side, as if he hadn't had a good rest.

"Wang Xuan."

"Ah?!" There was an exclamation first, and then the other party looked very excited and said, "You finally figured it out, are you going to take the path of blood?"

Wang Xuan quickly corrected and said, "What are you thinking, I'm not married yet. I came to the starry sky where you are, have you moved in this dead place?"

"No, where are you, I'll pick you up." Zhang Qifan said enthusiastically.

"Report your planetary coordinates, I'll go there myself." Wang Xuan said.

Then, on the other end of the communication, there were some messy voices, as if someone was talking to Zhang Qifan.

"Who is it?" a middle-aged man asked.

"Wang Xuan, a person with an abnormal mental spectrum, has enormous potential."

"Who? A few days ago, he killed Mu Qing who was holding the treasure, and killed the originator of the Gouchen Emperor Palace who was carrying Xiaoyaozhou. You won't mess with him. I heard that he was coming over, shouldn't he kill us? Is it gone?!"

"Ah, I just stayed in the laboratory for half a month, and the sky has changed outside. His killing streak is unparalleled?!"


In the end, Zhang Qifan didn't dare to send his coordinates and was "educated" by the people who died. He chose an unrelated planet and asked Wang Xuan to meet.

This is a planet that has not been over-exploited, it retains its original features, and the scenery is quite beautiful, with vast mountains and ancient trees.

In the evening, in the clear lake, swarms of butterflyfish flew out of the water without lighting a bonfire, and the elf hut by the lake was dimly reflected.

Wang Xuan drank the elf's specialty wine, his lips and teeth were fragrant, and he could enjoy the graceful dancing of the elf girls on the grass outside the window.

Opposite the cedar wood table, Zhang Qifan expressed his apology and said, "Your record is too terrifying, the old guys in our dead place are all scared."

Wang Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The two met at the Time and Space Bar and had a great conversation. Zhang Qifan once told him that he came from the place where Mingyuan passed away, where technology and mythology coexisted, and they believed that the extraordinary was destined to end. Cultivate new human beings.

"I mainly want to know something about your passing places. Is Shang Yi still in this universe?" Wang Xuan asked.

The eight dead lands are very special. They communicate with each other, they communicate with each other, and they are very powerful. Some of them have something to do with science and technology, and some of them evolved from the extinct fairyland. They are all relatively special sources.

"Shang Yi, he was seriously injured back then. He was chased and killed by several mysterious old men, who blew up his interior scene, severely injured his vitality, and was close to death."

Sure enough, Zhang Qifan knew some valuable news.

"He once went in and out of several dead places with a feathered flag to ask for magical medicine, and finally went to the land of technological life. His life and death became a mystery, and there was no news."

"It's possible that he died?" Wang Xuan was surprised, but he felt that the sword madman couldn't die so easily. He was also exposed to the interior scene back then, and he is still alive and well.

"According to Shang Yi's words back then, he was either recovering from his injury or entering the highest spiritual world." Zhang Qifan said.

"Yuhuafan, shouldn't he not be in this universe?" Wang Xuan said to himself, there is nothing more suitable for smelting into the killing formation map than this ominous treasure.

He asked again: "The land of technological life, and your ancestors in the land of Mingyuan's death, are all eerie spirits from another universe?"

"I have to correct it, our ancestors were not evil spirits, only those 'experiencers' who are hard to see for ordinary people walking in chaotic time and space, and who have fallen, are considered evil spirits. My ancestors were flesh and blood, and they were In normal times, the timeline is not unusual."

Zhang Qifan revealed very unusual news, but it didn't stop there. These are the words recorded in the autobiography of his ancestors that he found in the ancient books of the dead.

"By the way, the Blue Lake was destroyed, and it was removed from the Eight Great Dead Lands." Zhang Qifan said in a low voice, his face turned slightly pale.

"Which is the blue lake? Could it be the one I've been to? There are ferrymen, and the eyes of giant beasts turned into the moon and looked down in the sky."

Zhang Qifan nodded solemnly and said, "It's there, it was destroyed three years ago, it was bare and it became a dead place."

Wang Xuan was moved, it was definitely not simple, and said, "Isn't that giant beast a weapon, a semi-mature treasure."

"Want to see it? Blue Lake was transferred to this planet before the myth decayed."

"You brought me here on purpose."

In the extraordinary era, the dead can travel through time and space, and can land on some planets with mythological attributes.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." That night, they set off and passed by, and they were three thousand miles away from the habitation of the elves.

Under the moonlight, there was no grass in front of it, exuding a rotten smell. At this time, the bright moon in the sky was naturally not the huge eyeball it used to be.

This is the normal moonlight falling. The small blue lake at the beginning was dry. In reality, it was actually very large, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

The bottom of the dried-up lake had a faint smell of rancidity, and the bottom was full of skeletons, from the remains of birds thousands of meters long, to the bones of gold-devouring snakes with fingers long.

Back then, Wang Xuan once swam the lake with the ferryman Xu Fu, but he never imagined that the water was full of corpses.

Now the lake is dry, revealing the truth beneath the water.

Wang Xuan was thinking, if the ferryman Xu Fu came back and saw this scene, how big would the psychological shadow be? What kind of terrifying land is he guarding?

"In the past, in the dark, when the lake was foggy, there were countless pairs of red eyes, some as big as mountains, some like blood-colored lanterns, densely packed, and all of them were frightening spirits, now it's understandable."

Wang Xuan nodded, this is not a good place.

"The people who died in this place all lived on the moon, or in the body and the body of the giant beast, hanging high above the sky, but they were all dead."

Zhang Qifan looked at this dead place and felt deeply. After all, he was also a member of the Eight Great Dead Lands and was wiped out, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

"Have you made any important discoveries?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Qifan nodded.

Wang Xuan laughed. The other party chose to be on this planet and brought him here because he wanted to give him these clues.

Zhang Qifan embarrassed and said, "The myth is over, I don't have a treasure. Although I have discovered something, after witnessing some terrifying scenes, I don't dare to pursue it."

He took out a quaint slate and said, "This is a strange thing. It was buried in this dead land. At the beginning, it really recorded some horrible scenes."

He added: "Even the creatures like Lingling, which are invisible to ordinary people and difficult for practitioners to see, have been captured by it."

Wang Xuan took it and stimulated some extraordinary factors, and the entire slate was instantly reddened, which surprised Zhang Qifan, feeling that this super-material... is too domineering, but it must be destroyed.

Fortunately, the slate held it up, and silent but terrifying pictures emerged from it.

The moonlight is bright, the blue lake is surrounded by thin smoke, everything is soft and But suddenly, the bright moon in the sky began to bleed in a large area.

Then, it revealed its true face. It was a giant beast, with a snake head, a leopard body full of scales, huge Vermilion Bird wings, and sharp Peng claws under its four sturdy legs.

Its real body squeezed the sky, and many creatures rushed out of it. It seemed to be mourning in the night sky. The state was extremely painful, but no sound could be heard, and then they burst one after another.

The giant beast, belonging to a dead extraordinary civilization, was refined into a semi-ripe treasure. At this moment, it is shrinking, and the last group of creatures living on it also escaped. Under the moonlight of the real fiasco, they exploded one after another, and they died inexplicably.

The blue lake below was filled with thick fog, and countless pairs of blood-red eyes were wide open. They were densely packed with frightening spirits. They were trembling and wailing. However, through the pictures recorded on the slate, no sound could be heard.

Until the giant beast in the sky shrunk to a height of two meters, and landed on the ground with an upright body. All the dead creatures living on it died, and there was not a single residue left. The blood spilled and dyed the lake red and blue.

In the lake, the fog was thicker, and those terrifying spirits were shivering. Those bright red eyes were no longer scary, but were instead frightened.

Finally, there were footsteps and someone came, which made the place even more weird and terrifying.

The originally silent picture actually had a sound, which belonged only to the footsteps of one creature, the dead creatures, and the endless terrifying spirits. Their mourning was silent from beginning to end.

The giant beast weapon shrunk to the height of a person, originally standing upright, actually knelt down on one knee when facing the terrifying and mysterious creatures that approached from afar.

Wang Xuan's pupils contracted, staring at that creature!

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