Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 25: royal road

Remember [] for a second,!

Wang Xuan's eyes changed, Yu Dao Spear was lost in the outside world, it turned out to be the key, without it, we couldn't enter the highest secret land of this civilization!

Ruixia rushed into the sky, chaotic light flowed, and the void at the end of the stone forest was blurred, torn apart, and a strange little world emerged.

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, where is the flag of the Royal Road Flag?

After thinking about it, he took out the Imperial Dao Spear. If this thing left his palm, he would feel insecure. After all, his soul was gone now.

The small world opened, but did not close for a while, Wang Xuan gritted his teeth, jumped out of the stone forest, and rushed in quickly.

In the middle, he was fortunate to carry the Imperial Dao Spear. The energy components here are too complicated. There is terrifying nuclear radiation on the top of the mountain. Diffuse, as for the void, the chaotic energy fluctuates, flows, and is not peaceful for a moment.

Wang Xuan calmed down and had nothing to be excited about. Maybe the flag of the Imperial Dao Banner was destroyed, and if there were, he wouldn't be able to escape.

He looked at this place, and various unknown energies permeated the mountains in the distance, corroding the mountains.

It's a priceless treasure there!

In the sky, the heat was amazing, and it turned out to be a cloud formed by the sun's fire essence, drifting into the distance.

This also resulted in the ground being very clean, with no ancient trees and herbs, not even living creatures in the lake, and the underwater silence.

There was a pool in the distance, bright red, terrifying heat, not magma, but some kind of metal melted, entangled with strange energy.

Wang Xuan walked over, some guesses, but not sure, until he saw the copper block cooling next to the pool, he was immediately shocked, the fine and natural patterns were densely covered on the metal block. .

This is actually the legendary Daluo bronze mother!

It was exactly the same as what was recorded in the ancient book, which made him a little dazed. It is reported that it is extremely hard. Those natural textures are the most suitable for the extension and expansion of the law. This is an auxiliary material for refining the treasure.

He used to suspect that the iron drill on his body, as well as the flagpole of the flag, were all mixed with Daluo copper mother, but now he is sure, there is absolutely, the civilization of Yudao Banner really does not lack this kind of material.

Although the pool is not big, with a diameter of only two meters, the Daluo copper mother mixed in it is enough for refining. Wang Xuan felt that if there was a chance to refine the first killing array, a large number of priceless artifacts could be found here.

He walked all the way to the mountain, and saw various metal bumps at the foot of the mountain, many of which were rare materials.

In this small world, there are all kinds of strange things.

"It's not that the products here are rich, but that the civilization of Yudao Banner collected a large number of sacred objects from other places and transported them here." He guessed so.

But what about the flag? He was gone for a long time without seeing him.

Later, he saw a few buildings farther away. After so many years, after endless years, even the extraordinary civilization passed away, and they have not collapsed.

When he got closer, he realized that these were all houses made of exotic materials, there were flaming gold secret rooms, and there were strange buildings of pure sun gold.

The heritage of a civilization is really too extravagant, which is more eye-catching than the embers of the fire he saw at the beginning. After blowing away the dust, these buildings still have brilliance.

He walked into a building and saw some divine gold jars, as well as some jade fragments and ashes, etc. Ordinary bottles and jars were destroyed.

Opening a jar, he saw an elixir, but it turned into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye and dissipated cleanly.

They have existed for a very long time. Even if they were sealed back then, and even the laws were used, they were also classified as rotten under the impact of the long river of time.

The people of the past seemed to have already anticipated all of this, and left behind some manuscripts, all of which were made of sun gold. After brushing off the dust, they were still bright and radiant.

This kind of divine gold can resist the erosion of time and has extremely high stability. Each page is very thin, but together, it is a stack of several feet high and thick.

Wang Xuan flipped through the pages, and he didn't know a word. He had a headache. This was the brainchild of a highly developed extraordinary civilization. He stared blankly and had no choice.

"Is there an immortal imprint left?" He touched it with his fingers, however, it was useless. He looked at these golden books of the sun with fiery eyes, and these manuscripts were still at his icy temperature.

With a move in his heart, he touched these metal manuscripts with his thumb-length imperial spear. It was actually... effective, they glowed, and many imprints appeared, surging towards his heart.

In the end, like a torrent, countless words, many words, poured in one after another, giving him a splitting headache.

After a long time, these words were no longer a secret in his eyes. He could understand them and read them without obstacles. In fact, the records in the manuscript had been put into his mind.

"If you are in doubt, ask Yudao Spear. This is... the key. All the secrets of Yudao Banner civilization need to be revealed!" Wang Xuan looked complicated.

This is not an exaggeration. The Imperial Dao Spear is placed in the outside world. It is not only a treasure, but also a token and a key. Without it, you can't get here, and you can't get these things.

These stacks of manuscripts are all related to refining medicine, but they are not only conventional medicine pills for improving cultivation, but also research on biological evolution in the most cutting-edge fields.

This is the laboratory. In the past, various biological experiments were carried out, the analysis was extraordinary, the research on the great realm of the Royal Dao above the peerless, and the speculation on how the human body could break through.

At the same time, these manuscripts also mention how when the myth decays, how the strong can survive and maintain themselves in that era of exhaustion.

That's kind of amazing!

The experiments here have various ideas and various aspects of research, but unfortunately, there is no major breakthrough in reshaping the extraordinary universe. Even if they can maintain the strength of the strong for a period of time, they will eventually become mortals.

However, these studies, especially in some branches, are still worthy of attention. If there are latecomers to continue their work, there may be further results.

After Wang Xuan left, he entered another building, where the harvest was even greater. The stacks of divine gold paper were quite heavy and arranged in a large row.

These are actually all cultivation methods, scriptures, and the essence of Yudaoqi's civilization!

Wang Xuan naturally attached great importance to it, and his heart was uplifted. After a long time, he raised his head, and there were piles of scriptures branding in his heart.

This civilization is very strong, especially good at refining treasures. At first, they learned from the refining methods of the treasures of previous civilizations, and wanted to forge their own treasures, but in the end they found that the cracks and strange places in the universe have natural textures and innate The strange thing that has been bred, with a little refining, the treasure of achievement is even more amazing, that is the Imperial Dao Spear!

This pile of practice scriptures also includes various methods of refining treasures. In the view of this civilization, the two are side by side, and refining tools and practice are equally important.

Not long after, Wang Xuan made an amazing discovery in another building. He mentioned the plan for the rebirth of the flag of the Imperial Dao Banner. As expected, he described that if he wanted it to absorb chaotic matter, he could transform various energy factors into own ideas.

It is a pity that this building was destroyed. This is a large laboratory. At the beginning, they sketched the magic circle here, and they studied how to guide and induce the natural texture inside the treasure, but it caused a big explosion.

Random sketches are rules, and simple descriptions are order textures. This laboratory is a bit scary. Unfortunately, at that time, it was already the end of the extraordinary years. After it was destroyed, it was not rebuilt, and many manuscripts were lost.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's admirable, but what about the flag?" Although Wang Xuan is very interested in those manuscripts and regards it as a great treasure, he cares more about the flag of the Yudao Flag, which is aimed at it. of.

Even if the scriptures, laboratories, etc. here no longer exist, it doesn't matter, as long as it can reshape the complete first most precious imperial road flag.

Wang Xuan searched for two days, but found nothing. He had already turned around the whole small world, and there was no sign of the flag.

In the end, he took out a piece of good fortune crystal, and he was really reluctant to use it, otherwise, he would not be able to leave here, and there would be no "resources" to urge the Yudao spear on the return journey.

After a piece of real crystal was burned, it only made the Imperial Dao Spear emit a faint light, but it vibrated on its own initiative again, the spear tip rushed down, recovered on its own, and with a bang, it penetrated the earth!

With a bang, the ground sank, and Wang Xuan followed and fell into a huge underground palace.

He bet that there should be a connection between the flagpole and the flag, so he activated the imperial spear, which really surprised him now.

In general, since stepping into the core of civilization where Yudao Banner is located, everything has gone smoothly.

The underground palace is very large, but it is empty, and there are no special relics left. Even the dead bones are only a few piles, and they are broken into powder with a little touch.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a few extremely powerful people who wanted to leave this universe back then, but suffered a fiasco, and survived by chance. They recuperate here, and as a result, even their bones have melted over time, and they have become fragile like this.

There are survivors here, there is a golden monument of the sun, which describes that this place is a place for raising treasures. It is arranged as a super magic circle, gathering all kinds of strange energies in the place where the two universes breeds the imperial flag 's flag.

"The flag is in the chaotic cave. With the help of various energies there, the natural patterns of the extraordinary universe are formed, which nurtures the flag and makes it naturally nirvana and reborn."

But there is one point, mentioned in the records, without the corresponding preparation, without a certain strength, it is best not to act rashly, because the moment when the Chaos Cave is opened, the flag may fly out in an instant, and it may not be able to stop it. Get away.

Even if it is super peerless, it may not be able to capture its trajectory and see no trace of it. It cuts off the gods and cuts the body. It is impossible to lock it with the primordial spirit, and it is impossible to subdue it with physical brute force, let alone delusion.

Whichever way you look at it, it's pretty tricky.

The inscription mentioned that even if you come here with a flagpole, there will be troubles. The two have been separated for too long, and the flag is new, so you may not recognize the imperial spear.

Of course, if the flag Nirvana fails and is abolished, then there is not much to say.

Wang Xuan frowned, which gave him a huge problem.

The inscription finally mentioned that if the flag is new, it means that the supreme and mysterious Chaos Cave has been "tamed" by it, and it may evolve into a good fortune that can nourish the soul.

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