Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 381: The ancients come

Wang Xuan came, but he didn't really get close to the blood moon. He used the Slaying God Banner to fight against the green light of the vine ladder, and fixed the void.

"There is no celestial medicine, no supreme scriptures, and no peerless treasure. You can just chop yourself up and throw it down." He simply and rudely provoked.

Up to now, how can you pay attention to any delicate techniques, Fang Yuzhu is not far away, and the "two strong men" are ready to enter the blood-colored blood ring at any time!

He is still far from the top and has a long way to go, but he thinks that if the two of them work together, they will still be worth the combined power of the other two powerhouses.

Life should be self-confidence, there is no need to belittle yourself, at least he thinks so now.

In the distance, Zhang Daoling and Ming Xue came. The two of them showed strange expressions. They saw the Pengdan in Wang Xuan's hand. There is really a good thing, a peerless delicacy!

"We're late, a pure-blooded Dapeng's egg can be thrown out. I haven't tasted that flavor for many years. It seems that the landlord still has surplus food, and the land will be lost in a while!"

The two of them made up their minds to enter the Moon Ring and loot this problematic place. It is not easy for a peerless true immortal to live in this world these days.

Even the young people of the Weasel family are working hard. As the godfather, they have no reason to slack off. Seeing people and superpowers that they don't deal with, they really feel sorry for themselves if they don't take action. .

Wang Xuan did not go to the moon, he stood outside and called the formation, very close to the red sphere like a giant eyeball, constantly swaying and provoking.

"Come on, Tianyuan Wang Xuan is here, and the anti-fishing battle begins here! Come on, if you have the ability to find me, do you have the ability to catch me?"

He was fearless, and from time to time he used the Slaying God Banner to poke the bright red halo around the edge of the Blood Moon, which was quite daring.

Since he flew here, he can naturally be sure that this is not the real moon, and the real moon was covered with supermatter by the blood moon.


Suddenly, the **** full moon erupted, the tides surged, and a large area of ​​the red moon halo expanded, drowning Wang Xuan like red waves and fog.

The blood moon devoured the human, the fine blood-stained texture intertwined, and the red glow bloomed, pulling him into it, and the hunting and hunting of the God-killing flag did not stop it.

After all, this involves the high-end power of the dead land. Even if there is a problem now, it is not something that Wang Xuan at this stage can resist at close range.

If he's just on the surface, not near here, it's fine, now he's stabbing the red moon with a flagpole.

The vine ladder with green leaves was taken back. There is no material in the outside world. It's a little blurry here, and the ghostly moon ring is going to be hidden.

Finally, Wang Xuan came in completely. It was the first time he stepped into this kind of place. I don't know if the creature that caught him last time was here.

This moon is not very big, it has the power of radiation, it is light red everywhere, and it is dazzled by the faint red mist, giving people a hazy feeling.

There was a man wearing a mink robe and a hat, standing motionless, with his back to him, holding a fishing rod, silent.

"Xu..." Wang Xuan almost called out, looking at his robe, it looked a bit like Xu Fu's, but it was obviously not, the temperament didn't match.

"Who are you and why are you catching me?" Wang Xuan asked, frowning and saying, "Was it you last time?"

"Entrusted by others, doing things for others, it's the first time you and I met." The man spoke, but did not turn around, hearing the voice of a middle-aged man.

Moreover, he overflowed with traces of qi, so powerful that Wang Xuan wondered if he was also a peerless powerhouse?

When facing this person, Wang Xuan was no less stressed than when Zheng Yuantian's incarnation was intact. This person was flowing with a faint white light, and even his robes turned white and silver.

"It wasn't you last time, that's right, it was the creature on the oath moon, on the real moon. And this blood moon is just a place where the energy radiates in nothingness, and belongs to the lunar ring at the spiritual level. Are you under orders? What is the monster, what is your origin, do you know Xu Fu?"

Wang Xuan has a lot of questions, and even asking such a direct question doesn't frighten him at all.

The man covered by the silver light turned around, the hat was so low that he couldn't see his face, he was cold and calm, and said, "You have so many questions!"

He stared at Wang Xuan, this young man who was designated to be taken away really made him dislike and have no consciousness. As a prisoner, he lacked the corresponding sense of awe.

"According to the rumors, your Daoism has grown rapidly, and you have a lot of problems. No wonder you are favored." He spoke again.

Although Wang Xuan was upset, he didn't want to turn his face right away. He wanted to make a cliché and said, "I was caught, so he caught me? How outrageous and ridiculous! Can't you please me? Who is he?"

Outside, Zhang Daoling showed a strange look and said, "He seems to know about recent events and has colluded with the people in the big screen? Otherwise, why did he come to Wang Xuan so coincidentally."

"I think... he's a bit familiar!" The ancestor of the Underworld Blood sect looked solemn and thought about it there. Compared with the person in his impression, he felt a little unbelievable.

"Who, why don't I feel familiar?" Zhang Daoling asked, the two were already close to the Blood Moon, hiding outside, and they could break in at any time.

The ancestor of Mingxue's face was calm and calm, and said: "At that time, there was no you."

"Me!" Zhang Daoling turned around, really wanting to give him some ruthlessness, and was finally pretended by this old demon, but this tone was too unpleasant.

"It's been a long time since we adults have experienced it." Ming Xue said softly, "If it was that person, it would be a little scary."

Lao Zhang can't stand him, this is because he wants to downgrade him, he doesn't speak, just stares at him like that, to see if he can hold back.

"This may be an ancient person, a peerless powerhouse!" The ancestor of the Underworld Blood sect whispered, but he was not sure, and was still staring.

Old Zhang was moved, the first time he became serious, he was actually the strongest in ancient mythology?

He knew that the last glory of the ancients was ended by Fang Yuzhu herself, not to mention earlier years, in the last battle, she alone killed two ancient demon emperors and two ancient repairers of the human race, buried that era, and started the follow-up myth since then. .

Is there an ancient giant here? What was going on, even Zhang Daoling was curious.

"You talk too much, you're annoying, and you don't live long. Someone is chasing you because they value you and are worthy of your pride." The man covered in silver said.

Wang Xuan saw that he didn't tell anyone's specific situation, and didn't want to compare the colors, and said: "I don't know whether that creature is a human or a ghost. However, what kind of thing is he, why should he take me with a hook? Really? I'm a little wild fish, I can put it in the tank he likes at will? Chop him sooner or later!"

"What's wrong with fishing a small wild fish? Lian Peng and Lian Long are still fishing, and they are tired of fishing." The middle-aged man covered in silver light said, and glanced at the Peng egg in Wang Xuan's hand.

Wang Xuan's face turned cold, it seems that the power of the dead land is beyond imagination, too terrifying, even pure-blooded dragons and peng can be regarded as prey?

He said coldly, "How is my future? You can't see it clearly, but it is you. I think my life is hanging by a thread, and you have no future!"

"Although you are really good and you have grown rapidly, but in this era, you are fighting for land, let alone you? You are destined to die early!"

The man in Minoyi walked forward, slowly raised his hand, grabbed it towards Wang Xuan, and was about to take the captives and leave, but he lost his patience.

The moment he raised his hand, a white light flew out, like a crescent moon, it seemed to cut through the space radiated by the blood moon, the void was distorted, blurred, and extremely terrifying.

This person just raised his hand and wanted to restrain Wang Xuan with a distorted space and put a void shackle on him.

Wang Xuan has a big head, and he is indeed an extremely powerful superpower.

Of course, due to the limitations of the supernatural collapse of the real world, it is impossible for this person to reproduce the peerless divine power he should have.

The banner in Wang Xuan's hand swayed, and with a bang, in this radiation field with high energy intensity, the God-killing banner was extremely powerful, blasting out a vast golden light, smashing forward like a big wave.

Another person shot, the blood-colored waves were stirred up, and the ancestor of the underworld blood appeared, killed him, and blocked the white light that flew from the man in the scorpion with one hand.

"Monster Emperor Baiye, it's actually you!" The ancestor of Mingxue was shocked and took a few steps back.

"I thought who was peeping from the outside, it turned out to be you, the little guy Mingxue." The man known as the White Night Demon Emperor spoke flatly.

Old Zhang originally paced in, with a calm air, like a peerless patriarch. However, after hearing this person's name for Mingxue, his indifferent expression couldn't hold back. If Mingxue can be considered a little guy, then his "rising star" will have to drop further.

Sure enough, the White Night Demon Emperor glanced at Zhang Daoling and said, "Who is this hairy boy? It's amazing, the top level among the peerless powerhouses."

Zhang Daoling secretly said that he was really downgraded. How many years have you not heard such a title? He was unhappy and said: "Don't rely on the old to sell the old, the old-fashioned peerless powerhouse, it's not that I haven't killed it!"

The man under the cloak took off his hat, revealing his true face, a handsome middle-aged man with silver hair, and his eyes were exceptionally sharp and charismatic.

However, it is obvious that he is not the real body, but only a part of the light of the primordial spirit. At that time, he was very famous and was one of the ancient demon emperors. His body was a huge silver wolf. A piece of fairyland behind the scenes has been a long time!

"Little Netherblood, are you going to block me?" Bai Ye Demon Emperor said.

The ancestor of Mingxue sighed: "It seems that although the senior demon emperor still has contact with the big screen, the news is not very well-informed, or someone is hiding bad intentions and sending you outdated information, wanting your life."

"What do you mean?" Bai Ye asked.


The blood moon almost exploded, and this strange piece of irradiated land shattered in large areas.

Fang Yuzhu's white shirt, tube trousers, slender figure, entering the Blood Moon, she has always been gentle, beautiful, and approachable, but now, she shows an extremely cold killing intent.

"Fang Yuzhu?!" The White Night Demon Emperor took two steps back, but he quickly stabilized his body again. A shocking beam of light shot out from his silver-white pupils, resentful and resentful, his silver hair fluttering all over his head!

For him, the girl from that year, that young latecomer, was simply his nightmare. The woman in armor in her memory, who covered the sky with one hand, killed the four peerless powerhouses by herself, and I saw it again today in such a situation.

"Back then, I shot the four of you successively. In the end, only your body was missing. You really survived and were taken away by the people who died? Do they want to die too and be buried with you!"

Fang Yuzhu said coldly, she is usually dignified and elegant, and she has never been so stern, but now, she is Wang Xuan is also shocked, one of the wars in which the ancient myth was ended. The person involved is still alive, and an ancient demon emperor reappears here? !

Fang Yuzhu was wearing armor all over, clanging and dazzling. As soon as she pointed forward, the void was blurred. Taking the white night as a guide, the old scene reappeared.

In the past, the scene of the end of the war in the late antiquity seemed to reappear, the earth was broken and devastated, and a huge silver wolf was nailed to the ground by four pillars.

Looking closely, the four pillars were actually formed by a broken hosta, as tall as a mountain, pierced through its head and soul, pierced through his heart, etc., pierced through the silver wolf, and made it corpse on the ground.

Next to it, there was a huge golden ape, another demon emperor, with only half of his head left, the golden light was dim, and the huge mountain-like body lost its vitality.

Wang Xuan was shocked, the two demon emperors were killed in the past, and across time and space, he could feel the aura of extreme power overwhelming the sky.

"Want to trace me back?!" The White Night Demon Emperor let out a low roar, and he took action, preventing Fang Yuzhu from watching the dead person save his past.

"Then die!" Fang Yuzhu walked forward, Yingbai's palm pressed down, making the space distorted and blurred.

The demon emperor of Baiye fought against him, but the body of the demon emperor who was actually suppressed, the primordial spirit quickly developed cracks, and the blood of the primordial spirit splashed. He is an ancient demon emperor, and it seems that he has been crushed by the sky, and he has the potential to be powerfully killed!

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