Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 373: kill the world

After Zheng Yuantian spit out a mouthful of Yuanshen blood, he glanced at Wang Xuan in the distance, his eyes were a little cold, this is the leek and pork he raised, and he actually killed him?

In his heart, Wang Xuan has already been marked, and the heavenly medicine, the five-color soil of Buzhou Mountain, and the immortal jelly are all supplied one by one. What is the purpose?

One day, he wants to turn a fairy into a demon, and use that person with a special background to be reborn and come back stronger!

It's not only Zheng Wu who has mastered the magic womb, he is even better at it!

This kind of boss-level person has studied all kinds of classics, especially him, he has a deep understanding of several people with special backgrounds in history!

He is not like others, he just thinks that Wang Xuan is very good. In the early days of stepping into the supernatural realm, he opened up the realm of rare interior scenes.

He guessed that Wang Xuan might have already started when he was a mortal. This is the fundamental reason why he was eyeing this young man in the world.

He hides a fiery light like burning the sky in his heart, because, he deduces, this kind of person may still be able to do something after the myth is exhausted!

"Look, his eyes are so fierce, he's staring at us, which makes me deeply disturbed." Chen Yongjie said, his heart was heavy, that Zheng Yuantian was very human.

"It's okay, wait for the opportunity, I'll make up the knife again, give him a few more hits, and try to kill him! Even, I think I can fight him head-on!" Wang Xuan said.

In the spiritual world, the power of the God Slaying Banner in his hand has skyrocketed.

In fact, the pressure in his heart is also very high. It's okay here. There is Lao Zhang, Fang Yuzhu, and his most reliable knife-blocking partner, Zhan Shenqi, who can deal with the enemy. .

However, when it comes to the outside world, if Zhang Daoling and Fang Yuzhu leave, according to the existing five rules of the New Testament, Zheng Yuantian can hunt him down at that time!

At that time, who can protect him?

As long as the superhumans don't affect ordinary people in modern cities, they can hunt and shoot at will, and there are no restrictions, it will be terrifying.

"Fight, either kill him or make me stronger, otherwise, we might die after we go out!" Wang Xuan whispered.

Zheng Yuantian is definitely fierce and patient. He has been supporting Wang Xuan for a long time, and he was not ready to close the line until after the incarnation was born.

It has to be said that Fang Yuzhu is very powerful. He made a calm shot, but he was going to blow Zheng Yuantian up. Do you want him to be messed up behind?

Zheng Yuantian was horrified, but he knew very well that the female alchemist's various achievements were dignified, elegant, and decent, and she was the most prominent figure among the immortals, but once she had the intention to kill, she would be a peerless expert.

For more than 2,000 years, she alone overcame the pre-Qin alchemist turmoil, and she also went to appointments alone to destroy the strongest demon emperors who survived in ancient times. So far, she has not suffered a defeat!

Are you going to hit him hard? Zheng Yuantian immediately threw away the silver mask and covered his entire body with black armor, even covering his face, arming himself.

At the same time, a black Primordial Spirit chain appeared in his hand. It was stronger than the silver divine chain that was given to Zheng Wu.

He was really nervous. Although it was said to be an avatar, after being killed, the impact on him was not small, and the main body would also be damaged.

In this era, the myth is coming to an end, everyone is finding a way, and everyone is trying their best to preserve their own strength.

In front, the light and rain filled the air, Fang Yuzhu was extremely sacred, bathed in the brilliance of the moon, wading through a golden river, like a female **** of war. It seemed to have come from the pre-Qin era, and it has become completely different. Silver armor appeared on her body. With a clanging sound, she's wearing armor!

At this time, she was dazzling, her hair was raised, and it was streaked between the silver and white armor. In the beauty of beauty, there was more boundless extraordinary power surging, making her incomparably majestic.

Fang Yuzhu swiped her palm across, the sky was roaring and shaking, and her technique was unparalleled. She was simple and direct. Based on one of the four golden bamboo slips, she deduced her own alchemy field, with unparalleled attack power!


The black primordial spirit chain in front of Zheng Yuantian trembled violently, and the black galaxy roared, constantly blocking it, doing everything he could to fight against the white palm that crossed the sky.

However, his peerless treasure shook violently, collapsed straight, and was about to break.


Fang Yuzhu approached forward, his palm fell off, and the black Primordial Spirit chain was directly cut off. This made Zheng Yuantian's scalp numb and nervous for a while.

The female alchemist in this posture made him fearful. Could it be that she really wanted to fight him and kill him?

"I have no other intention to block you, just for the blue spar, not to cooperate with them, I quit!" He opened his mouth and stepped back.

However, Fang Yuzhu didn't hold back and glanced at the red-clothed banshee. Although the demon master fought one against three, there was no fear of his life, and he was still fighting and fighting fiercely.

Fang Yuzhu walked forward in the sky. There is a legend about her that once she wears armor, the silver-white armor will definitely be stained with the blood of the enemy, otherwise it will not end.

When Zheng Yuantian saw this, he burst out with all his strength.

There are thousands of techniques, and around Zheng Yuantian, all kinds of feathers floated with bloodstains, and they spun quickly. In an instant, Golden-winged Dapeng, Vermilion Bird, Golden Crow, White Peacock... all appeared!

This is a forbidden technique, the slaughter of all birds of immortality, which has been lost for a long time. The reappearances of the scriptures are all top-level creatures, all of which appear in an instant, and ten thousand kinds of fairy lights bloom, and they will drown the woman in front.

No matter what kind of divine bird, it has astonishing roots and feet, and any kind that grows to the extreme is a ferocious bird that even immortals should be afraid of.

For a time, various bird sounds shook the spiritual world, and countless wings spread out, slaughtered forward, and squeezed the void.

"I...!" Chen Yongjie was amazed and shocked. If he passed this scene, he would probably be killed in seconds, and he couldn't stop the power at all.

In the distance, Qi Chengdao, Qi Liandao, Zhou Qinghuang, Gu Mingxi and others all appeared, all discolored.

This is the gap between them and the peerless characters. Even if they are only three or four small realms in the human world, they still give people a sense of despair and are difficult to fight.

Chen Yongjie sighed, "It makes your scalp tingle!"

Wang Xuan said: "It's okay, it's not behind the scenes, do you think he can really control all kinds of birds and summon all kinds of immortal raptors? What are you thinking, most of them are just figurative!"

He can see clearly, in the eyes of the spirit, the seemingly inexplicable killing style, there are traces to follow, and there are ways to break, if he rushes up with the Slaying God Banner, he will not be too nervous.

Fang Yuzhu's eyebrows lit up, and a golden bamboo forest fell, like the root of the heaven and the earth, piercing everything, falling into the ten thousand birds, and immobilizing them all, the feathered light and rain danced in the bamboo forest, unilaterally slaughtered!

"Eathering Divine Bamboo, Fang Yuzhu!" From a distance, Mo Si also came, and after watching this scene, he gasped.

In the ancient books of the magic path, it is recorded that Fang Yuzhu sat cross-legged in the bamboo forest of the Ascension God to realize the Tao.

After several collisions, all the birds were strangled. The female alchemist was wearing silver armor, and the whole body armor was sonorous. She marched forward in the light and rain, with gorgeous techniques, blocking Zheng Yuantian in the limited space.

The peerless powerhouse does not necessarily have to fight for a long time, sometimes the moment they confront each other with the strongest attitude, the winner and loser will be divided.


Zheng Yuantian's black armor exploded, and was shattered by a light from the woman's eyebrows. She pushed forward, and her right hand slashed through the void. This time, it was actually a Dao Slashing Sword!

In an instant, countless light rains turned into fairy swords, flying forward from all around her, densely packed and very dazzling, all blooming with fairy lights.

Zheng Yuantian shouted loudly, all the tricks came out, the field opened, and the black light skyrocketed. He hoped to block the opponent's incomparable attack.

Around him, starlight shines, a black hole emerges, swallowing the fairy sword, and between his hands, a galaxy of radiance emerges and blasts forward.

Everyone was shocked. If these techniques are used in the big screen, they must be devastating. They have the attack power that can move the stars. That is the ultimate meaning.

It's just here, it's tangible, but it's not necessarily swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth. It's more to see the momentum it should have, and there is no real spread of the Xeon rules. This is caused by the decay of myths.


Zheng Yuantian approached, all kinds of light intertwined, the immortal sword pierced the starry sky, smashed the black hole, in the puff sound, in his shocked and frightened expression, the slashing sword penetrated him, and countless sword lights emerged from his body. out.

The sound of puff was incessant, and the blood of his primordial spirit rushed up, his whole body disintegrated, he was chopped to pieces, and his primordial spirit was chopped off in an instant.

Zheng Yuantian was pierced by countless immortal swords and beheaded? Everyone was shocked!

"That was Zheng Yuantian, the number one master behind the scenes of a certain movie, and was killed by Fairy Fang, whom I admire and admire!" Zhou Qinghuang covered her heart with her hands and exclaimed.

"It's too strong, Fairy Fang is worthy of being an invincible peerless powerhouse!" Even Mo Si, whose eyes were higher than the top, was whispering, showing a dignified expression. If he had the opportunity to grow up, would he be able to reach this point?

Fang Yuzhu put away a pile of Lan Yingying crystals of good fortune that fell in the void, looked ahead, and said, "I have come to this age, so I can do it myself."

The silver armor on her body disappeared, and she stepped on a rainbow accompanied by a rain of energy light, and walked out into the sky, landing in the place where the red-clothed banshee fought.

Yaozu, Qi Teng, and Mozu suddenly woke up, but when they saw the silver armor on her body was put away, they all let out a sigh of relief. They really didn't want to fight to the end, it was unnecessary.

"Sister, I haven't seen you wearing armor for a long time. You are still martial. Come on, we two will kill all three of them!" The red-clothed banshee spoke the most murderous words in the softest and sweetest voice. .

Her figure has an amazing curve, and the red dress can't cover it, which is extremely stunning, giving people a charming and natural beauty, but she is also exuding killing intent, and unites with the female alchemist to kill the three.

"Call me my sister in front of people, and when I'm not happy, I call that woman from behind..." The female alchemist smiled and didn't rush forward, she didn't have any intention to kill.

"Sister, kill them, behead the three of them!" The red-clothed banshee secretly united with her.

"It's not the real body. What's the point of killing it? It's almost enough to collect some blue spar."


On the other side, Zhang Daoling walked through the void with a solemn look on his face. He demonstrated the correct use of the rusty bronze mirror for everyone. He swung it with one hand and smashed it hard.

The Langling, which was originally invisible to ordinary people, but when Lao Zhang and the bronze mirror glowed together, the old astronaut was made visible, and it can be seen that the old Langling was killed in a fiasco.

I have to say that Lao Zhang was very fierce, he seemed to have entered a chaotic time and space, and smashed all the way to the **** king.

However, the old king still escaped and disappeared into an inexplicable time and space. This kind of creature is so special that it is difficult to touch and capture, and even more difficult to kill.

"Let me teach you a lesson, next time you dare to stand up in front of me and kill Wushe. These spar stones are your money to buy your life." He weighed a large number of crystals of good fortune in his hand and was satisfied.

"It's really strong!" Chen Yongjie sighed, he witnessed several fierce battles throughout the whole process, and he is really far behind at this stage.

"Huh?!" Wang Xuan was surprised. In the distance, there was light and rain transpiring. First, a few blue sapphire crystals appeared, and then Zheng Yuantian reappeared a vague figure.

"Didn't die?!" Many people were surprised and witnessed him being killed and countless immortal swords passed through him, disintegrated, and actually reappeared.

However, many people quickly woke up again, thinking of the last words of the female alchemist, indicating that she raised her hand.

"Fairy Fairy, do you think that Lao Zheng is not his real body, so you didn't kill him?" Zhang Daoling said with a smile, not so serious anymore, not like the ancestor of a sect.

"I'll kill him!" Wang Xuan whispered.

He was very nervous. Fang Yuzhu didn't care about Zheng Yuantian's incarnation, but he was afraid. After leaving the spiritual world and returning to the human world, if Lao Zheng is ruthless, he can kill him at any time and take his body.

"Put on a helmet, safety is important!" Chen Yongjie said, and put the Soul Lock Clock on Wang Xuan's head. Then, he ran away with the fishing line and rushed to Zhang Daoling to seek shelter.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was wearing a magnified silver animal skin book, wearing a silver lock soul bell shrouded in silver light on his head, holding a banner of God Slaying, surpassing the limit, as if shattering the void, he swung a big killer, rushed over, and slammed into Zheng Yuantian.

Everyone was surprised, Mo Si, Gu Mingxi, Qi Liandao, and Zhou Qinghuang all shrank their pupils. Is he going to kill a peerless master alone?

"White hair, silver cloak, it's like, there's that kind of aura that doesn't fear anything and dares to be the enemy of the whole world, Wang Jiaozu kills Zheng Yuantian!" Chen Yongjie shouted.

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