Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 368: The truth about the origin of the myth

In the spiritual universe, the golden chariot was broken, and the blood on it had long since lost its activity, leaving no more clues.

A mythical civilization that made a great leap and wanted to survive the extraordinary dark and cold night as a whole was ill-fated and seemed to have been injured on the way.

"Let's go." The red-clothed banshee fluttered her dress and flew away. Seeing the remnants of the road, her white face was full of seriousness.

The status quo of this mythical civilization is their future. It's less than a year away. If they can't find a way out, they will fall from the gorgeous sky, gradually decline, and be buried in the icy permafrost.

The six people are heavy-headed, and there is no Taoism to speak of now. Some are just exploring and searching for survival. They have all gathered together to look down on the world in their respective eras. If they are destined to die, they must choose vigorous and vigorous.

"This spiritual universe has boundaries, it's not vast, it's not the same as imagined." Fang Yuzhu frowned, her perception was far beyond ordinary people, and she discovered something in advance.

"In the edge area, the Qi of Absolute Beginning flows, is it the chaotic matter of the Kaitian era?" The red-clothed banshee stared, her beautiful eyes shining brightly, staring into the depths of the darkness.

Zheng Yuantian frowned and said, "That kind of primordial energy, chaotic matter, is also related to... mental power. There are quite a few problems in this deep space, it's really weird."

They traveled outside the realm and traveled far away in the state of their primordial spirits. This was a veritable imaginary wandering, like a few streaks of light, they disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the darkness.

When they arrived at their destination, they saw the place where the extremely splendid extraordinary civilization had an accident. The chariots and huge warships were all broken and smashed.

There are flesh and blood, as well as spiritual wreckage, floating in the silent void, without any vitality, as if telling their bleak past, there is no living thing.

Whether it is a strong body, or an old **** in the state of primordial spirit, they are all dead.

"There is no enemy, so it shouldn't be a massacre, but the hull and chariot seem to have been crushed by a huge force." Demon Ancestor said, holding the pitch-black magic knife on alert, his thick eyebrows furrowed.

This sight chilled their hearts. The powerful civilization that refined the Imperial Dao Banner finally failed, and did not find a way out.

"There." The ancestor of the underworld blood opened his mouth, and he released three more incarnations, but they all died. In the high places in the deep space, there were remnants of the chaotic matter.

Several people lifted off into the sky, and on the way they saw various fragments, pieces of flesh and blood, and depleted heads. It was very tragic and miserable.

A civilization as a whole has come to an end. It may be the most powerful mythical civilization in history. It can be seen from the ten layers of spiritual relics they left behind and the refining of imperial flags.

Here, it is all the breath of the beginning, with chaotic primordial matter, a dead silence, shrouded in mist, and at the end, there is no way out.

"They tore apart the sky and entered this spiritual universe, thinking that they had gained a new life in mythology, but they found that there was still no light and no immortality. They have to tear apart this deep space again, break free, and crash with warships. Attack together, all the mythical characters shot together, but they can't break this place." Fang Yuzhu said.

The six people saw the blood in the chaotic matter, the broken bow, etc. The civilization as a whole was attacking, trying to kill from here, but failed.

There are more spiritual remains here, and there are many broken bodies. There is still terrifying energy radiation, killing the incarnation of the ancestor of the underworld blood.

The six masters resisted, approached the chaos, carefully observed, in the fog, there was a substance similar to rock and frozen soil, cold and dead.

Naturally, this is not a real rock or permafrost. It looks similar. It is a chaotic state before the beginning of everything, disordered and chaotic, cold and cold.

After the primordial spirit was touched, it felt cold to the bone marrow, and the inside was very solid.

"They were too strong, they couldn't find a way out, so they went to death so decisively, and in the end they collided violently and died as a whole." Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, said.

Zheng Yuantian said: "Because they have no more time, they have come to the end of the collapse of the extraordinary world, and they can only wait to die when they turn back."

They have complicated feelings, they empathize with them, and they can fully understand the last thoughts of the group of people.

The six of them set off again to explore in this spiritual universe. Sure enough, they found a dark planet full of holes.

Not very big, densely packed, with honeycomb-like holes everywhere, and wisps of near-real material sprouting out.

"Is there such a place?" The six were surprised.

They rushed over quickly, stood on top, and nourished themselves, but they frowned again and left the asteroid.

With a little touch, the star body will rot and shatter, and those near-real energy substances that emerge, mixed with the rotten breath of spiritual wreckage, are polluted.

The diameter of the asteroid is only more than a hundred miles. It is indeed very small, but it is very strange, and it contains energy substances that are close to reality. This is what Li Xian is pursuing.

"In a sense, they were also successful. They found this place and found such a special planet, which has continued the life of the myth for many years, but in the end, the place was almost consumed, and only the aftertaste was left."

Back then, some people were very stubborn, and a large number of strong men rode warships to bombard the border area of ​​this spiritual universe, and died heroically.

There were also a group of people who were left behind to become the seed of life, trying to make them use this "extraordinary beehive" to survive the cold winter, but they still failed. It was full of dead corpses and spiritual remains.

"Although there are still a lot of energy substances that are close to the real thing, they don't take good care of themselves and their minds. They are of high rank and have enough attack power, but it is difficult to sustain their lives for a long time."

Zheng Yuantian took every trace of the contaminated substance close to the real thing, and said with a frown, but there is no way to come to the fire left by that civilization. If the supernatural subsides, is there any other choice?

"These people will not sleep for more than two thousand years at most, and they will all die in the end." The female alchemist came to this conclusion after careful exploration.

Compared with the cosmic night sky that is still as still as water, this time period is too short. Even if the time is extended ten times or a hundred times, it is far from waiting for the next extraordinary birth.

"This is a bit strange. I want to use an extraordinary meteor as a myth to continue my life. Are some legends true?" Qi Teng said with a thoughtful look, "A long time ago, a deceased ancestor said that the extraordinary was an accident. , there are real radiation, because there are meteorite fragments falling, bringing hope and nourishing the mythical world."

"After the meteorite disintegrates, the material close to the real can be accompanied by a large number of extraordinary factors!" Said the ancestor of the underworld blood.

Zheng Yuantian nodded and said, "There is indeed such a saying. Therefore, there was a despairing sigh of the former sages. The extraordinary meteor streaking across the silent night sky was just an accident, not a metaphor, but a real scene."

Everyone was fascinated, because this kind of close-to-real meteorite fell down and appeared all over the universe, so the mythical civilization was created? Unlimited thinking.

Regarding these, Fang Yuzhu, Zheng Yuantian, and Qi Teng have all tried to find the source of the meteor, but to no avail.

Not only them, but the few mythical civilizations that passed away, the few words left behind, all mentioned that they were exploring and looking for the source, but they were all disappointed.

"How did this civilization find the meteor here?" Several people were suspicious.

No matter how you look at it, this special asteroid was not brought in by those people, but more like it belongs to this spiritual universe, which made their hearts move slightly and thought of something.

"Could it be that all the supernatural born by accident are because of meteorites falling out of this spiritual universe, so there are mythical civilizations in different periods of history, right?"

"No wonder we can't find it. This kind of meteorite that is close to reality is not in the real world. Even if we search all the stars, we can't find it, but only in the spiritual universe?"

The six people discussed and seriously explored this issue, which involved the issue of the origin of mythology.

Over the past dynasties, many amazing and brilliant characters have been exploring and finding a way. Naturally, they left a lot of handwritten notes and wrote down their experiences.

The six people compared the notes of their predecessors, and then verified it with what they saw, felt, and knew now, and the more they felt that the truth was like this.

"The essence of the origin of the myth... A real substance that fell by accident!"

The six people pondered and learned part of the truth, but there are still many unanswered questions.

What happened to the spiritual universe? Why can such a close-to-real meteorite be born?

"Comparatively speaking, this asteroid is still too small, it hasn't grown up, it's not grand enough, and it's not enough to sustain the life of a mythical civilization."

Zheng Yuantian said: "I guess that in the early days of the birth of the real supernatural world, there will be a meteor shower, and meteorites of various colors and containing different real substances will fall, and different supernatural factors will be associated, and myths will be born because of this."

They looked and looked, an asteroid was too monotonous, it was very small, and the real substance it contained was far from being able to support a mythical civilization.

"This mythical civilization, how did they determine this spiritual universe, and why did they take the initiative to find a special asteroid? If they continue to look for it, they may really be able to prosper for a long time."

In a sense, that mythical civilization found its way, but it didn't finish the journey.

Several people entered the interior of this collapsed, decayed, and polluted asteroid. As they appeared, it became more and more unbearable, and it was torn apart.

In the end, a very strong spiritual imprint emerged, flowed out, turned into the final picture, interpreted the final words, and resonated with their spirit.

It was a big rough hand, with blood stains, writing the last words, depicting the old scene, and the resonance was reflected.

"Are we wrong? We hope that a whale will fall, myths will appear, and immortals will be born, but the reality is so cruel, it ends sadly, retribution."

The six people saw the rough big hand, holding the tattered Imperial Dao flag, and blasting it towards the boundary of the spiritual universe. Is that the remorse of the loser? The big hands disintegrated, and the blood splattered everywhere.

"He revealed some kind of truth. What was the whale he was referring to?"

"Why is there a retribution? He seems to have infinite remorse!"

The faces of the six people changed. It was the first time that they felt so terrified. What did this Xeon civilization do to come here?

There seems to be blood in There is cruelty, endless remorse, and some kind of sadness. The person who stretched out his rough hand has a very complicated mood. It is only an instant that makes people feel his feelings. mood.

The six people discussed that if they found that direction, they might still have a chance.

"Looking back at the old scene, we must find the truth and see the general trend."

The six people worked together to lock the darkened remnants of the rough and big hands, communicate those words, activate those marks, and they motivated them to resonate and resonate again.

Several people want to reproduce the process of finding the spiritual universe and searching for special meteorites.

"A whale falls..." When the lonely voice sounded, this time they vaguely saw a huge human head, sparks flashing, and sadness in his eyes, and finally he turned his head slowly.

"He is like the huge head built by the city of lightning, the clouds of thunder and lightning, and the ten layers of spiritual relics!"

Then, the Imperial Dao Flag appeared and flew across the sky. The flag covered the sky and spread to the outside world, as if covering the entire starry sky.

The overwhelming Yudao flag, after its vast flag surface swept through at high speed, blood spilled down.

The six people saw the firelight, heard the cry, and vaguely saw Tianyu being smashed by the flag...

It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

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