Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 354: Beheading the Demon King

There are a large number of extraordinary people nearby, and they all lost their voices when they saw this scene.

Qi Chengdao's face was very cold, and he couldn't hold that face down. If the three of them went up together, he would feel embarrassed and panic. He agreed to fight fairly, and what would be the matter of killing the opponent together?

"What kind of atmosphere is blowing, I like to kill geniuses. It must be interesting to take your head off in a while and use it as a bubble!" The Blood God Ape said.

His speed was too fast, and when he was speaking, he actually turned into a red light, and when he came to Wang Xuan, he moved his big hands together, and the dazzling light was dazzling.

His six hands had a total of thirty fingers, each of which shot out a red glow, turned into a chain of demon gods, intertwined into a net, turned into Tian Luo, and wanted to capture Wang Xuan alive.

"I think your idea is good. You have three heads, one by one will be pulled down and smashed." Wang Xuan said calmly.

When he was talking, his right hand turned pale gold, squeezed the sword, and cast the Dao Slashing Sword!

It wasn't as simple as a sword light flying out. Accompanied by his pale golden palm, the light beam poured out, turning into a dense rain of swords, whistling, and slashing towards the Blood God Ape.

This way of the two people was shocked, and many people gasped. If they went up, they would be tortured and killed in one encounter, and there would be no suspense.

The golden sword rain collided with the red net of heaven and earth, sparks splattered, and many fine sword rains penetrated the mesh and hit the opponent directly.

"Hey!" At this time, Qilian Dao also moved, and when he flipped his palms and fingers, there was a rumbling sound, like countless meteors from the sky falling from his palms, that was the magical power of the demon clan, and it was said that turning his hands could release energy. Mountain", suppressing the immortals.

This method is naturally a technique created by the peerless powerhouse, the demon ancestor.

Wang Xuan is fearless, his whole body is crystal clear, and a soft light curtain rises up outside his body, as if forming a field, and he is quite invincible.

But this is not for defense, but for better offense. The light curtain is based on a certain magic concept in the golden bamboo slips of the pre-Qin alchemist. He builds an energy reservoir, which is like a mirror light.

It has to be said that the methods of Yaozu's parents are quite astonishing. There are countless energy meteorites that gather into mountains and fly towards Wang Xuan to suppress him.

bang bang bang!

Like the sound of drums on the battlefield of ancient innate gods and demons, the light curtain outside Wang Xuan's body resisted the energy meteorites and began to absorb them.

The light curtain is a mirror, which absorbs super-substances and devours it to the fullest. In an instant, it becomes incomparably vigorous, the sound of screaming is incessant, there is lightning running on the light curtain, and fire is burning.

Then, the light curtain compressed at an extreme speed, from the surface of Wang Xuan's body, it concentrated in front of his left hand in an instant, turning into a soft mirror light.

Qilian Dao's magic technique, the energy magic mountain, all rushed into the soft mirror light and disappeared.

At the same time, Wang Xuan's right hand slashing sword light rain also collided and collided with the demon net constructed by the blood **** ape's 30 fingers.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan moved his body away, slashed at Qilian Dao with the Dao-Chopping Sword, and then pointed at the Blood God Ape with the mirror light in his right hand.

In the sound of chirp, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the sword rain was dense, which made Qi Liandao, who had just used the magic technique and had not yet come out with the new attack method, a little embarrassed. He responded quickly and almost hit the sword.

Wang Xuan's left hand, with a soft mirror light like water waves, glowed with pale golden brilliance, flowing with brilliance, and then piles of energy meteorites flew out of it, all of them smashed into the blood **** ape, turning into a huge energy mountain, Press him down.

"Monkey, suppress you for five hundred years!" Wang Xuan laughed.

The Blood God Ape wrapped around Fashan with a big net, but Wang Xuan was also urging his own strength to gather on the Fashan of Qilian Road, which was brought in, and buried the red-skinned monkey with a bang.

The whole body of the Blood God Ape glowed, wanting to burst the mountain of energy. Wang Xuan abandoned Qilian Dao, his pale golden right hand danced with light and rain, and the Dao Chopping Sword fell to the monkey's head.

The Blood God Ape burrowed into the energy law mountain with extreme speed, dodging a sword, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

However, the Zhan Dao Sword still rubbed one of his heads and chopped it down, and with a puff, blood splashed there, the monkey's head was cold, and a cold sweat broke out.

The Blood God Ape, who got out of trouble, stepped back. He touched one of the heads, and immediately saw the blood in his hand. The top was bald, and the scalp was cut off with a piece of red animal hair, almost revealing the skull.

His face was terrifyingly cold, this... so shameful, he was almost headed by someone, he glanced coldly at Qi Liandao, thinking that it was related to the disorderly intrusion of his techniques.

"Big monkey, take refuge in my Buddha!" ​​Chen Yongjie, with a demonic spirit, clasped his hands together, bursting into a ray of Buddha light, and looked at him with a smile.

Blood God Ape's eyes were cold, and he turned around and slaughtered it. He wanted to get rid of Old Chen's anger first, and then he would come back and settle with Wang Xuan.

However, the moment he turned around, Wang Xuan launched an offensive and said, "When you come to the battlefield, you still want to retreat? Every time you leave the field, you must leave a monkey head!"

He has already torn his face, what else can he care about, he is ready to educate the so-called descendants of the demon saint, and beheading is the most appropriate.


Wang Xuan used the transcendental formula, thunder and fire co-existed, this unusual energy substance, mixed with traces of red mist, was very terrifying.

Of course, this is not the pure red glow of the void, but it has been diluted. Otherwise, Wang Xuan himself would not be able to stand it and would be roasted.

The Blood God Ape turned around in an instant, and was naturally on guard. It was almost like a dragging knife-style counterattack. It suddenly turned around. The six big hands were all energy light knives.

For a time, the thunder and fire were like the sunset glow, and the demonic energy was like a sea of ​​clouds. The violent collision caused the nearby supernatural beings to stagger and flee to the distance.

The blood **** ape was terrifying, not because his six energy broadswords were blocked by Wang Xuan, but because the red misty silk was too high and turned into thunder and fire, which made him quite palpitated.

With a strange cry, he flipped out with a swoosh, leaving behind blood-colored afterimages, which were inconceivably fast, moving in Lei Ze.

Wherever he passed, the ground exploded, and light was everywhere in the void. Even so, he was not lightly impacted, and many parts of his body were covered by lightning, crackling.

The Blood God Ape's face was gloomy, because... he lost his hair again, some places were charred and blood was dripping and seeping out, making his face really dull.

It was only at this point that he restrained all his frivolity, believing that this human race was too strong, and he needed to do his best, otherwise he might be counter-killed.

He was in a very bad mood, the opponent's realm was lower than him, and he was forced to fight to the death to have a chance to win? He wanted to breathe the fragrance out of his mouth.

"Come on, go and kill him for me!" The Blood God Ape opened his mouth and ordered some demon cultivators to kill Chen Yongjie. He really didn't like that scoundrel boy.

"Who dares to move?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth and stared at the group of demons, causing many people to retreat and dare not look at him.

Then, Wang Xuan looked at the Blood God Ape and said, "Looks like I'll have to use you first!"

The red-haired monkey couldn't bear it any longer. He was in a situation again and again, but he never prevailed. He urgently needed to kill his opponent with a strong means to change the situation.

The aura of the Blood God Ape has completely changed, and his body has been raised a lot, from more than two meters high to more than ten feet high. There is no use of the same method.

At the same time, his Lei Gong mouth has deep-set eye sockets, which is more three-dimensional. The most amazing thing is that his blood-colored animal hair seems to be burning, becoming extremely dazzling.


The blood in his whole body faded away, and his golden fur suddenly rose out, turning into a powerful golden ape, and the divine ring behind his head became more and more splendid.

"The bloodline of the demon emperor is revived?!" A big demon exclaimed.

Nearby, all the supernatural beings have their hair standing on end, and they are all stunned. What is the situation? The Blood God Ape mutated and became stronger.

Only the demon clan understands and understands the blood **** ape lineage very well. In very ancient times, their ancestors had a demon emperor who unified the demon clan.

In ancient times, there were several demon emperors who once shook the fairy world and were invincible. One of them was a monkey, but they all passed away after all.

Now, the demon master and demon ancestor are respected!

"You really can, let me show my second real body!" The Blood God Ape was annoyed. Originally, he wanted to face the powerful Demon Four Seasons, and at the critical moment, he would kill the opponent by surprise.

Of course, in the face of Yaozu's parents and children, Qi Chengdao and others, if there is a chance, he doesn't mind throwing tricks on them and killing them.

Now he has no choice but to show his strongest posture, otherwise he won't be able to take down this human kid, making him resentful and helpless.

"This is the same bloodline as the Demon Emperor. Sure enough, the Blood God Ape has boundless potential!" Many people in the Demon Race were excited.

"Let's go, kill that anti-bone boy, and kill that demon-like guy!" Some of the demon clan moved, their confidence greatly increased, and the blood of the demon emperor reappeared, which greatly boosted morale.

"Come on, I am the demon emperor, I stand here, and I will destroy you all alone!" Chen Yongjie was not worried at all when he saw that someone was forced to come, and immediately made a group of people unhappy.

Especially the Blood God Ape, he is a demon queen, how dare that **** take advantage of him?

"Kill!" The Blood God Ape, whose body is full of golden light, has indeed improved a lot in strength. The second state of the real body makes him surging with demonic energy, like a long river rolling, like a turbulent river. Shattering fists.

For a time, the ground in the area of ​​Lei Ze collapsed, and all the electric light was swept away by his golden power.

Qi Liandao's pupils shrank. He was the descendant of the demon ancestor, so he naturally knew a lot about the ancient demon emperor, but now he has no expression. He made up his mind to take action together. He thought that this human race monster was very wrong. If he didn't kill it now, there would be no solution in the future.

He also attacked, moving instantly.

In an instant, the demonic energy was soaring to the sky, and the two powerful demon clans went crazy, making the light in Wang Xuan dim.

Puff puff!

Chen Yongjie struck, facing the demon cultivator of the eighth and ninth dan, the black long sword in his hand burst into a dazzling sword light, and he chopped off three heads in an instant, which was quite brave.

However, Qi Chengdao stared at him with a smile, paced slowly, and walked forward.

At the same time, Zhou Qinghuang also moved, because Gu Mingxi in her body was making trouble and wanted to regain her body.

In the battlefield, Wang Xuan's face changed slightly, he took a deep breath, originally some killers didn't want to be used in public, but now they are about to show their edge, and he needs to change the battle situation as soon as possible.

He ran the slate scriptures, the flesh and spirit resonated, the secret power roared, and the potential of the whole body was mobilized. At the same time, there was light and rain outside his body, and he visualized the spiritual sky map in the golden bamboo slips, which made the place burst into a splendid light.

He fought with the two strong men and fought fiercely. With a faint red light in the super substance, he released the super energy substance again, distracting the opponent's attention.


The void trembled lightly, the rain of light boiled, he took this opportunity to calmly display the newly acquired ability, the lines in the depths of his eyes intertwined and spread out quickly, locking the narrow space in front of him, imprisoning the golden ape .

The Blood God Ape was terrified, roaring and struggling violently, but there were mysterious lines intertwined, splitting his body and wanting to slaughter him unilaterally.

"Demon Emperor's Dharma Body!" He roared mentally, and the law followed his words, which was equivalent to the resonance of the spell, blessing the Demon Emperor's Dharma Body that was about to appear.

Otherwise, the powerful Demon Sovereign won't be able to do so, and he thinks that he might be strangled in this small space.

At the same time, Qi Liandao was also horrified, feeling wrong, without any hesitation, he went all out to attack Wang Xuan, preventing him from casting to destroy his current astonishing lines, to block it.

At this moment, Qi Chengdao accelerated, shrinking into an inch, like a comet rushing towards Chen Yongjie, he wanted to kill this person and seize Mingxi's body!

Wang Xuan went all out, the current lines were blocked, and the birth of the demon emperor's body, it really made it difficult for him to do his best.

However, he had no regrets. He used the last lines of his eyes to briefly imprison the Demon Emperor's body. He used the Dao Slashing Sword, burst out with all his strength, rushed over, and slashed directly.

Qilian Dao blocked, but in the dazzling sword light, a terrifying wound appeared on his shoulder, and his body stumbled.

The golden ape roared in the sky, and broke free from the shackles and strangulations in the narrow space. I have to say that he is extremely powerful, and he can escape the catastrophe.

However, with a puff, he was still headed by the owl, the Dao Slashing Sword fell, Wang Xuan rushed past, and a huge golden head rolled to the ground.

At the same time, Wang Xuan crossed the sky, as if flying, catching up with Qi Chengdao, and the sword light was like rain, covering him.

"The head of the demon emperor's body has fallen off?!" People were shocked, all the demon clan were a little scared, and there was fear in their hearts.

Zhou Qinghuang was also shocked and stopped abruptly.

"Come on, I said, I want to fight the three of you alone!" When Wang Xuan arrived, his sword cut his way, and Qi Chengdao was drowned by the endless sword energy.

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