Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 327: ?land gods

In Ancheng, there is a drizzle of rain. In this early summer season, the trees on both sides of the road are growing, and the leaves are washed green and fresh.

Wang Xuan walked in the light rain and came to the famous scenic spot in the city - Yunhu Lake, his thoughts drifted away with the rain and fog.

In the past, he once kicked Wu Yin into the lake here. But today he is not here for nostalgia, but to kill immortals!

Hengjun is indeed peerless and powerful. He was the first to get the treasure, but the people he sent were too arrogant.

Up to now, some people have not changed their mentality, they are still looking down on the world, and they do not regard people in the world as the same kind.

Some of them think that they have become immortals in the past, that they are detached, and their life level has long been different.

"Old Chen killed two people at the manor outside Ancheng, and he also hunted secretly one after another in Pingcheng. Maybe he was too secretive. You don't know that some of your companions are dead? Think they are still walking around."

People from this camp have stepped over the red line again and again. After the last time, another person came to Ancheng and was still looking for Wang Xuan, wanting to ask for the flag of the God of Slaying.

Wang Xuan decided to take action and came in person.

The misty rain is misty, and there are still many tourists by the Yunhu Lake in the evening. They are all holding umbrellas and strolling in the rain. They have a poetic beauty.

He saw a person, which should be one of his goals.

That person was swimming in the lake, rented a bamboo boat, stood on the bow, and was quite immortal in the rain.

"It's you!"

A long way away, that person sensed Wang Xuan's arrival. In the foggy lake, he stood still, but the bamboo boat broke through the lake automatically and came.

There are many retro-style buildings on the shore, which seem to reproduce the time of the old times, and return to some ancient dynasties, which is why this person came here.

Wang Xuan took the initiative to show up, just waiting for him to come.

The rain began to get heavier, and the sky and the earth became dark. The raindrops fell on the lake, splashing a large area of ​​thin smoke, and the number of people swimming in the lake suddenly decreased.

"The black clouds overturned the ink but did not cover the mountains, and the white rain jumped into the boat." The man arrived, looking good-looking, about forty years old, like an ancient scribe who lived in this era.

"Wang Xuan, right? We've been looking for you for a long time, and let's take advantage of the Slashing God Flag." He was on the bamboo boat under the rain curtain with his hands on his back, calm and confident.

As the rain got heavier and heavier, the misty and rainy poetic realm couldn't keep the people swimming in the lake, and they all ran to the city.

The hustle and bustle here disappeared instantly, and the red dust was gone. Wang Xuan looked at him and said, "What if I don't borrow it?"

"Then I'll use your head for the first time!" The man pointed out, and with a bang, a thunderbolt appeared, extremely dazzling, and slammed towards Wang Xuan.

He does have the qualifications to be conceited. This method is "exceeding the standard" and is enough to deal with all kinds of top extraordinary people. He is borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

This is not the lightning released by the superhuman body, but the thunder in the rain that he attracted. If he really wants to be hit, Wang Xuan will have to die and turn into coke.

After all, he has not yet reached the level where he can fight against the mighty power of nature.

But Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes, as well as his unimaginable divine sense, had already understood his intentions and disappeared from the spot before he raised his hand.

"In ancient times, this lake was called Thunder Lake, leaving traces of peerless powerhouses fighting against thunder tribulation, you can't escape!" The man in the lake said coldly.

He was interfering with Wang Xuan's thoughts. Every word he uttered was a powerful mental shock, and at the same time, it was also leveraging the natural power of heaven and earth.

He practiced the Dafa of Tribulation, which is most suitable for fighting in rainy days, and Leihu is the ideal place for him to shoot. He appeared here not just to enjoy the lake view.

Between heaven and earth, beams of light fell one after another, hitting the lake, like burning meteors one after another, falling from the sky.

Wang Xuan was moved. This was a very outrageous opponent he had encountered. He displayed an extremely exquisite and almost flawless transcendental posture, which attracted thunder, and ordinary people really couldn't stop it.

In an instant, the lake surface exploded, beams formed into pieces, and fell from the clouds, as if ancient alchemists were summoning countless meteorites to attack the earth.

On the lake, lightning was dense, falling like the sun.

However, Wang Xuan has a spiritual eye, and he has an innate advantage in understanding and using magic techniques, and he can clearly see his various contexts and backhands.

Wang Xuan was like a divine light, flashing in the thunder, dodging several times, crossing at extreme speed, stepping on the screen, surrounded by silver substances, appeared beside the bamboo boat, and stood on the stern of the boat.

"It's not easy to use a technique beyond your own strength to break through the ceiling, right?" Wang Xuan asked.

"You don't understand, leveraging the power of heaven and earth at a small price doesn't consume much." The man said, with a bang, a curtain of light fell, and the whole bamboo boat shattered, leaving no residue, becoming a ash.

"I have read this Dafa of Causing Tribulation. Thank you for your interpretation. It gave me a thorough insight into its true meaning."

Wang Xuan opened his mouth, this kind of gratitude is sincere. After understanding the essence of this technique, it can indeed leverage higher-level power.

The opponent was very strong, but after attracting high-level thunders one after another, his own spellcasting speed was fundamentally improved, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger, making it difficult to stop Wang Xuan's approach.

On the lake, the electric light splashed, and the two came into contact and fought close to each other. During the thunderstorm, in the light and rain, the fog on the lake was turbulent with the wind and rain, and they fought fiercely.

Wang Xuan didn't use any secret treasures, and fought with the 9th dan powerhouse with his bare hands.


After the last flash of electric light, the place became quiet. There was only Wang Xuan on the lake. The super-material transpired. He landed on an empty boat, and the tourists on the boat had long since left.

That person was not only killed, but also smashed to ashes by lightning, and everything ended quickly.

The movement here was noticed by a person in the distance, appeared by the Yunhu Lake, and then submerged in the water.

Standing on the boat in the lake, Wang Xuan looked back abruptly. A terrifying black shadow appeared under the water. It was a gigantic creature coming at high speed.

He pointed like a knife and slashed towards the lake. The surface of the lake was cut open, revealing the back of a large black snake, which was so hideous in the water.

It was so thick that the four of them couldn't hug it. Its scales were as big as a palm fan, its head was raised, its huge blood-colored mouth was open, and accompanied by red flames, it bit Wang Xuan.

It was another 9-dan-level creature. It was said to be a big snake, but it was already a scorpion. It had horns on its head, and it splashed monstrous waves in the fog.

With a swipe, Wang Xuan disappeared from the boat and appeared on the lake forty meters away, punching the side of its head with a punch.

Compared with the black serpent, he looked very small, but his domineering power was not weak at all, and the giant serpent hit the lake with a bang.

And, scales and blood fell between the lakes.

The big snake hissed and screamed, rushing up from the lake, and the part just above the water surface was dozens of meters high, filled with super-material, and the spells swept over.

Wang Xuan raised his hand and pointed at it. In an instant, it was like a meteorite falling from the sky, with a long tail light, rushing into the Yunhu Lake.


It was a ball of lightning. He used the great trick of robbery to attract the terrifying power that existed in nature, blast away the various spells of the serpent, and hit it on its body.

In an instant, the flesh and blood on its body exploded, revealing white bones, and the bones were broken in some places.

Wang Xuan teleported, disappeared from dozens of meters away, appeared on its head, crouched down slightly, and punched its head.

With a shrill scream, its thick skull was shattered and penetrated, and the blood mixed with the rainwater fell into the lake.

The big snake shrank abruptly, turned into a woman, got rid of Wang Xuan, and was about to run away.

"If you were the white snake in the fairy tale, I could stop it, but if you weren't, you still wanted to kill me with my God-killing flag."

Wang Xuan raised his right hand, leveraging the natural power of heaven and earth, and a thunderous light fell, covering the woman with a bang.

The woman exploded, turned into ashes, and disappeared from the lake. She couldn't believe it until she died. How could someone in the mortal world of 6th dan kill her, a master of 9th dan, with her bare hands?

You know, she is not an ordinary creature!

Moreover, in such a short period of time, the other party actually mastered and mastered the extremely special scripture of the Great Law of Tribulation.

Wang Xuan stepped across the lake and stood silently on the shore for a long time. He glanced around in spirit and saw some extraordinary creatures. They all quickly retreated, expressing no hostility.

Zhou Shiqian and a few women were in a retro building not far away, and they were all the bloodline of a family with some background behind the scenes.

They came to the old land and entered Ancheng. Naturally, they came with a purpose. They knew that Wang Xuan could lead people back, and they wanted to get close and make good friends.

Now, they turned away their perceptions and gazes, fearing to cause misunderstandings, several of them looked solemn, and felt the extraordinaryness of that young man.

"He is getting stronger and stronger, and he has reached the late stage of the sixth stage in such a short period of time. Is it related to his interior scene? He blocked the shock of the extraordinary aftermath."

"Special interior locations, it is estimated that it may be possible, and the God Slaying Banner is a peerless treasure, and it can also protect him comprehensively."

However, just now Wang Xuan killed the two 9-dan masters, which still shocked them. Several beautiful faces came together and looked at each other, unable to judge.

That's not an ordinary nine-stage creature!

"Is his true combat power approaching that of Xingyaoyou? In this era, is it possible that he will still become a land fairy?"

The rotten myth is rapidly disintegrating, and now everyone realizes that the ceiling is constantly pressing down, and it is impossible to create a fairy in the real world.

But the person in front of him, looking at his trend, seems to be breaking common sense!

"Impossible, when the last moment comes, no one can withstand the terrifying power of error correction in this world. He is not a peerless master, and he has no treasure, can he be an exception?"

Their origins are amazing, but they are also actively "transforming". In order to cope with the future, some have become singers and some have become painters.

In their opinion, in the future, only the peerless powerhouses can keep some of their power and protect their camp.

In the misty rain and fog, Wang Xuan's figure flashed and disappeared from the lake. He was walking in Ancheng, and the rain never wet his clothes.

The old earth's heavenly eyes and detectors are fully open, paying close attention to the whereabouts of the people from Hengjun's camp, there are traces to follow.

It was already dark, and the largest museum in Ancheng had been closed for a long time, but people still appeared, entering like a ghost, looking for dusty ancient treasures.

Wang Xuan also came and stared at that person.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan turned and left here.

On the street, fighting broke out abruptly, but soon everything calmed down again.

As for roadside surveillance, there will be audio and video left, and these will be handled by Aoki and Guan Lin.

In the evening, in a well-known bar, a woman found Wang Xuan and came to his side. She had a beautiful face, a devilish figure, and was quite coquettish.

"Someone wants to touch your parents. I can help you solve the trouble and introduce you to a very powerful camp. No one will dare to mess with you in the future."

The young woman said with a smile, exhaling like a blue orchid, quite charming, but she also told Wang Xuan that her organization needed to use the God Slaying Banner.

"Isn't it your faction that the people who want to move my parents will take away my God Slaying Banner in exchange for your uncertain high hand?"

In the bar, under the dim light, Wang Xuan didn't move the wine glass, looked at her and said, "You are too conceited."

"Broken board-level creatures, more than 20 people have come at one time, and there will be more in the future. There are even peerless powerhouses returning with treasures. Are you sure you want to go against the trend and become our enemy?"

"It was you who chose to be my Wang Xuan sighed, and then he started!

This is the last target in Ancheng, and he is here for this woman.

The final result was that he didn't make a big deal here, and quickly used Zheng Wu's top-level exotic treasure, the Primordial Spirit Chain, to lock this woman's Primordial Spirit and leave silently.

With a bang, a mass of light dissipated on the street.

At night, Wang Xuan left Ancheng and shot in succession from a distance, several times in the field, several times in other cities, and powerfully killed people from Hengjun's camp.

The next day, he came to Pingcheng and once again killed three people who were wandering in the city and wanted to force him to appear through his parents. So far, he had killed eleven people without mercy.

The masters Hengjun sent over now only have three people left. They are either exploring the center of the earth or searching for some old sites in the sea.

No matter how slow they were, they were horrified. They realized that something had happened. If a few people couldn't get in touch, it would be fine. Now they have almost all lost contact.

Wang Xuan saw his parents and saw the Dao Talisman in person. It was really amazing. It contained Dao rhyme, so he couldn't see it through. For the time being, he was relieved.

On that day, he set off directly and went to Daxing'anling to meet the female alchemist. It was time to face her and have a candid talk.

In the small spaceship, he looked at the business card in his hand. It was left by "Old Zhang", and it was time to contact him.

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