Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 320: Shocked again!

The smile on Wang Xuan's face was indeed a coincidence, but he would never think it had something to do with him, it wasn't so outrageous at all.

Now, the environment is the same every day, and even a few treasures have come out. Who knows if it has something to do with them?

"Old Chen, stand up!" Wang Xuan encouraged him, and then said, "I'll wait for you in the next realm!"

Then he hung up the phone decisively and was ready to go to practice.

Aoki looked at him and wanted to ask, are you really inspiring? Then, he packed up and went to his master.

Chen Yongjie held the phone, his eyebrows jumped, and his eyes were swooning.

"Can the immortal life of the golden elixir and the essence of the relic Buddha's nature be combined to create a new transcendent substance? The Taoist unity of heaven and man, and the Buddhist Alaya consciousness, can the unity of the original, the spiritual resonance, produce an amazing qualitative change ?"

Chen Yongjie was so excited that he was not satisfied and only continued to climb in the realm. He also wanted to step on a feasible path. After the era of exhaustion, he could continue to walk out of the path of mythology.

"Isn't there any energy material in the real world that I can use?" He walked out of the room and stared at the dazzling sun in the sky.

He also thought about nuclear radiation and so on. Now he has all kinds of thoughts surging. If he can use those energy substances that exist around him for his own use, the prospects will be vast.

Wang Xuan recharged his energy to achieve the most ideal state.

He was going to dig a celestial medicine plant, bring it into the void, and plant it on the edge of the silver pond to see the effect.

Most importantly, he has to bring a health care stove!

"I hope this treasure can help me!" His eyes were bright.

However, when he thinks of something, he has no bottom in his heart. Can he carry the stove at such a long distance?

Regarding this treasure, he was quite temperamental and heavy as a mountain. When he was in the dense land, he almost exhausted him to death, so he threw the cover out of the interior with difficulty.

However, the power of the health care stove is really terrifying. It is just a cover, and it smashes a group of experts in the realm of medicine collection... gone!

In the life soil, the fairy mist filled the air, the God-killing flag was planted on the ground, and the three celestial medicines each occupied a place.

The health care furnace is not big, and the mouth of the furnace can be stuffed with a fist. It is very simple, with a misty mist, and the furnace body is silent.

Wang Xuan's spiritual body was based on the life soil, and he used all his strength to move the health care furnace. With a bang, he moved away from the ground with difficulty. It was much stronger than in the past.

This was the first time he had lifted the main stove, but it was too heavy. He was so tired that his mental body was about to collapse, so he couldn't hold it for a long time.

He tried his best to put it down gently, but the whole piece of life still trembled, and the fairy mist expanded, becoming more and more hazy, like a fairyland.

"The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, I can't take it with me!" He was a bit clueless, the so-called treasure, even when it was lifted off the ground, people would vomit blood, how could he take it on the road?

He decided to try only with the cover, it was still as heavy as a mountain, and he was mentally exhausted. Not long after he fell into the ground, he stopped and returned along the way.

The lid can't be carried either. If you carry it forward, it will be really fast. What year and month will you be able to reach the misty land?

Wang Xuan stood on the spot and pondered, what is the condition of this treasure? Being so heavy by nature, he still needs to slowly sacrifice and refine it, but every time he comes in and refines it, there is no response.

"No matter what, I still have to travel to improve my realm, and my strength will continue to grow, and I will be able to use the health stove later."

He is not depressed. Generally speaking, nothing can be accomplished overnight, especially regarding cultivation, and it is even more impossible to create a new mythological system because of one treasure.

The road, he slowly waded out by himself, without the help of the treasure, he must continue to walk unswervingly, and he must succeed!

"This time, I'm going to bring the Zhanshen Qi and a celestial medicine..." Wang Xuan made various preparations, and soon his eyes fell on the silver animal skin book.

His heart was moved. The material was special. Like the flag of Zhanshenqi, it had a mysterious texture. He decided to bring it too.

At least it is very strong, and it can be wrapped around the body for defense at critical moments.

After his spirit recovered, he left the land of life and became one with his body. He had to settle himself down. After all, he had to be ignorant for about half a day.

If there is a problem with his external body when his spirit goes to the void, the trouble will be big.

"Old Chen is cultivating, let him help me take care of my body by the way? Forget it, he is being targeted by people from the Xingyao realm."

He decided to follow the example of Fairy Sword and bury himself in the ground. He planted a self in a fixed path during the day, and harvested a self in a higher state at night.

"Would you like me to be a neighbor with Fairy Jian? Buried in that mountain together, if something big happens, she will probably wake up and help me be vigilant."

At this moment, Aoki suddenly called and told Wang Xuan that his master was crazy!

"It's so good, why did you suddenly go crazy?" Wang Xuan was taken aback.

"He wants to go to outer space in an extraordinary spaceship, gradually approaching the sun, saying that he wants to use the fire of the sun to calcine his primordial spirit, refine himself, and step out of the invincible path of his ancestor, Chen Jiaozu."

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded, Chen Yongjie was fighting hard and was looking for a way.

He comforted: "It's alright, don't go crazy, just watch it. If he sets himself on fire, don't forget to pour water on him."

Wang Xuan set off and went to the barren mountain to bury himself in the ground!

He thought about it for a while, then moved again in the soil, took out a piece of fairy bone, and used it to pry it open, revealing a rotten interior scene.

He didn't want to go in to practice, but used the Slaying God Banner as a bridge to frantically absorb the mysterious factors in the decaying interior scene, and then inject it into the life soil.

This is a big shift of supermatter. In the real world, in just a few minutes, the interior scene rots and collapses, and supermatter is exhausted.

In Wang Xuan's interior scene, the mysterious factor was boiling, and the richness could not be dissolved, and the three celestial medicines absorbed a large amount.

The remaining super-substances were continuously introduced into the "thick" depths of life soil by Wang Xuan.

The last time he went on a long trip, he almost exhausted himself, but this time he wanted to ensure that he had no worries.

"It's really mysterious!" He found that the silver animal skin scroll could actually store a large amount of mysterious factors.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuan chose to dig up the medicine of the Lotus of the Nine Tribulations and transplant it into a place of nothingness.

The Misty Land is very mysterious. He still doesn't know whether everyone has it, it belongs to him, or it can be reached by others.

On that day, there were five seeds in the lotus pod. After giving one to Ling Wei, Wang Xuan and Lao Chen shared it equally. If there is a problem with the lotus medicine in front of him, he still has a spare seed to bury and wait for it to germinate in the future.

He carefully dug out the tender seedlings, carrying a large amount of life soil, and then wrapped it in a silver animal skin book.

"Set off!"

Wang Xuan merged with the God Slaying Banner, and controlled it like a beam of light.

During the period, he occasionally stopped to replenish super-material, grasped the direction with spiritual eyes, and embarked on a boring and monotonous journey.

"My life has become thicker and more majestic than before!" His face changed slightly, which meant that he had to rush more roads and take longer.

He thinks that this problem must be solved, otherwise, as the realm improves, the life and soil will become more and more abundant, which is equivalent to blocking the road.

With the help of the God Slaying Banner, the speed was increased tenfold, and it took Wang Xuan fifteen months to leave the increasingly huge life soil area.

He was stunned, the time used was similar to the last time, and he said to himself: "It seems that after entering the realm of setting the road from the realm of medicine collection, the strength has been improved in all directions, and the speed has been greatly improved."

He did not leave in a hurry, but began to dig soil, cut off the special soil like a hill from the life soil area, and prepared to take it on the road to cultivate the medicinal use of heaven.

The God-killing flag rang out, and the flag was enlarged, covering a large amount of life soil.

"Where the life and earth go, and where the heavenly medicine goes, is it my footprint and my imprint, so it will be more convenient in the future?"

In this way, Wang Xuan carried the flag and set out on the road. This will be a journey of cultivation and a journey of experimentation.

The front is cold, dark, empty, and silent. It seems to have come to the depths of the universe, and it seems to have fallen into a huge abyss.

Only the spiritual eye can see it, and the wisps of mist floated from afar, just trace it forward.

This time, the consumption was slightly faster than the last time, because Wang Xuan waved the God Slaying Flag, making the flag bigger and wrapped in a lot of life soil.

It was time to come. A few days later, the red mist in the distance filled the air, getting brighter and brighter, dispelling the darkness, and the red light like a sunset spread.

Wang Xuan took the Heavenly Medicine wrapped in the silver animal skin, and waved the flag of Zhanshen to wrap himself in it, protecting him.

The flag was swaying, and the golden patterns were intertwined, and Wang Xuan and the mountain-like life were entangled in the middle, and they were strictly guarded.

The red glow is terrifying. Once touched, it can burn consciousness and destroy people's spirits. It must not be exposed, or they will die.

Soon after, the red light faded away, the clouds evaporated, and disappeared in the depths of the pitch-black nothingness.

Wang Xuan set off on the road again, and in the next three months, he encountered red and bright rays of light many times, each time with a large cloud of mist surging.

It looks sacred and beautiful, it is the only splendid scenery in the dark, but it is extremely dangerous and can easily strangle the primordial spirit.

Wang Xuan was extremely cautious. When he was mentally exhausted, he finally reached the first destination. The fog ahead was thicker, and there was light shining through.

Finally arrived, there is a pool in the depths of the mist, the interior is dazzling silver and white, there is a large amount of sacred liquid, and it is filled with a strong vitality.

Wang Xuan called this place the Pond of Life. When he first arrived, it actually reshaped people's spirits and gave them a new life. It was a very miraculous place.

And the red glow is not close to here, it is very safe.

He was going to plant the heavenly medicine beside the pond to see if some of his conjectures could come true.

The flag shook, and the life soil fell rustling, forming a small mountain, next to the Pond of Life. There is another scene here.

Wang Xuan took out the animal skin book, and the Nine Tribulations Lotus inside was slightly dim, and it was still somewhat affected by leaving the thick life soil for too long.

However, when it was planted into the soil mountain, it immediately became watery. When Wang Xuan tried to water a little with the life fairy liquid in the pond, it suddenly burst into a little light rain, with amazing vitality, and a second tender Bud signs.

"It can take root and grow in this environment!" Wang Xuan was relieved now, he was worried that Tianyao might die here.

Adjacent to the Pond of Life, the Nine Tribulations Lotus itself can absorb the rich silver mist here to ensure what it needs. It is really an ideal place.

As for planting directly into the pond, he has no such idea for the time being. If this is a pond that concerns his own life, then things will easily happen.

"If it has nothing to do with me, and other people are strong enough to set foot here, I may lose a celestial medicine."

The current Wang Xuan's eyes are darkened, and he knows too little information to judge the real situation of the void.

"It's my turn." He was already exhausted from fighting against the red clouds all the way, and he entered the pool of life with a thud.

In the next instant, he almost cried out in comfort, his whole body glowed, he... cracked again, and took off a layer of spiritual Here, he was reborn again!

Wang Xuan was surprised. The effect of using the immortal liquid here was not obvious, but after a period of time, today came again, and he actually reborn his soul again?

This is a bit amazing, it can be called a treasure fairy pond, and the effect is extremely terrifying!

His eyes were shining brightly. He came in this time, not only because of that, but he also wanted to draw the attention of those red clouds.


Outside, Huang Ming, Kong Yun, Cao Qingyu, Zhou Shiqian and others just got off the spacecraft and came to the old land.

"Why is it shaken again?!" Huang Daxian's eyes widened, looking like a ghost!

In fact, there were also demons who smuggled in, and now it's also shocking, creepy, what the heck... shocked again!

Old Tu, the two groups of people sent by Hengjun were both in the early days of Xiaoyaoyou.

Now, their faces have also changed, what's the situation? Their hearts were palpitating, and their hearts were uneasy, and then... the way of doing things was not stable.

"Shocked again?!" They obviously knew the situation in the real world, and they made accurate judgments immediately.

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