Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 315: ?Back to old soil

In front of the familiar gate, Wang Xuan came with the little girl and asked the robot to take a picture. Lele either sat on his shoulder or was held high, with a pure and happy smile on his face.

However, in the first few photos, she was smiling, but with tears, she couldn't control herself.

"Mom... died of illness. During the period when I was in a coma, she left and I will never see her again." The little girl told the past.

There is no cure for the five diseases of heaven and human beings. They are all aboriginal people, and sooner or later, there will be a sad situation that makes people helpless and powerless.

She was taken into an orphanage, not very far from here. She lost her parents and relatives at a young age, and she was the only one left.

During the time when she was in a coma, her snow-white kitten disappeared, and she probably became a stray cat.

In today's era, there are really very few orphans, with advanced technology and high medical level, few families abandon young children.

The orphanage is small, with only a few children and fewer people to take care of them, and the school is close to the school outside.

The little girl Lele will come here every time she misses her parents, looking at the familiar door, but she has never entered.

"Lele, do you want to change the environment, get out of here and go to a strange city?" Wang Xuan asked her.

If it is possible, he wants to take her to the old land. Anyway, his parents are very free now, and they will take care of them.

The little girl hesitated, her eyes were red, and said, "I can't bear to be here. Mom and Dad are both in the cemetery on the riverside outside the city. I want to visit them often."

Suddenly, a robot said, "She is very ill, and if she doesn't get special treatment, she won't be able to live for long."

Wang Xuanhuo looked up at them, the five robots were old and broken, with a sense of vicissitudes of time, like travelers who have traveled through most of the universe, they actually understand this, do they know the disease of immortality?

"Do you have a solution?" He asked proactively.

He has a "slow medicine" for the five diseases of the gods and human beings, and there is also an earth fairy spring, which should be able to prolong her life for a while, but it can't be cured.

A robot with a broken arm nodded and said: "Conservative treatment is possible, but it is more troublesome and requires years of treatment. It is estimated that it can be cured before adulthood."

Wang Xuan was moved. In this world, all kinds of medical methods are ineffective. These ancient robots of unknown age have the means to cure immortal diseases.

"We can treat and adopt her." Another robot with a large hole in the chest spoke, with a human body and metal hair, with wooden hairpins inserted, somewhat like a mechanical Taoist priest.

Wang Xuan looked at them. If they could be cured on the spot, then he would definitely agree. These robots came from the depths of the universe and their identities were unknown. They wanted to adopt Lele, which made him a little guilty.

The robot with the broken arm said: "Although we have metal bodies, our hearts are not cold. I waited for the weak call signal, recovered from the deep sleep, and embarked on the road of return, just to find the old days. ."

Another robot added: "There was a person who also had this disease and died a long time ago. When we saw this child, we thought of her."

"Who is that person?" Wang Xuan asked, still not very worried, how could he listen to their words?

"Our captain has been dead for many ages." A robot's chest glowed, and it projected directly here, and a woman appeared.

She looked very young, in her twenties, with beautiful long purple hair, spiritual eyes, a lack of blood on her face, and a morbidly pale beauty.

"Hundreds of years after she died, we found a solution to the disease."

The next few photos and images are not so beautiful. The five debilitating diseases of heaven and man have occurred, and the sense of agility and beauty has been lost. The body is deformed, and all kinds of pain.

"Astronaut!" Wang Xuan saw that in some photos, her clothes were very similar to the "like spirits" he had seen, and she also kept mythical creatures as pets.

He was a little puzzled. It was Lexian disease, and that astronaut died because of it?

"What era are you creatures from, and what are your origins?" Wang Xuan asked.

Several robots were silent and did not respond.

Until the end, a person said: "You just need to know that we have no threat or malice to you. Our people are gone, gone, and will never come back. And the few of us are left behind, The mothership was damaged on the way, and has been dormant till now. When we came back, we were just chasing those familiar traces and reliving an old memory.”

Wang Xuan frowned, the identity of this kind of mechanical life is definitely not simple, according to what he understands, they hunted innate gods and demons back then!

Robot No. 5 once defined Liexian as a congenital **** and demon!

In fact, Robot No. 5 knew the third-generation owner of the Soul Locking Bell, and the bell should be something from a very old age, not made by a living immortal.

The robot with the broken arm said: "We saw you purely by accident. Seeing that you have a strange energy substance on your body, we even felt that there was something on your body that could threaten us, so we silently followed for a while."

Seeing his hesitation, the robot like a Taoist said, "She was about to die, do you think we would plot something against her?"

"Lele, what do you think?" Wang Xuan looked at the little girl.

"I feel that they, like you, pity me, treat me well, and have no bad intentions," Lele said.

"Okay!" Wang Xuan nodded.

Under the setting sun, the little girl kept waving her hands, with tears on her face. She sat on the shoulder of a robot and looked at Wang Xuan's back, reluctant to take her eyes back for a long time.

In the distance, Wang Xuan finally looked back, smiled at her gently, and left Yuancheng.

In the setting sun, his mood was at peace, and he felt that the last regret in this city had disappeared, and before leaving Xin Xing, he actually met her again.

"Old Chen, how was the victory?" He contacted Chen Yongjie.

"It's okay, I got three more real bones. I think I can still gain something. Not to mention, I have to hurry up and accumulate some cultivation resources."

Wang Xuan is speechless. Old Chen has become stronger, holding the Soul Locking Bell and the Faluo. Does this mean he has become a fighting god? The demon slayer is addicted, chasing the real bones of the demon clan frantically.

In this battle, all parties were chasing down the last demon with all their might, and it continued for another night, and it didn't end until the next morning.

Not to mention all the demons in the camp of Qi Yi, the demon ancestor, were almost wiped out. They suffered a devastating blow!

Behind the big screen, deep in a tall mountain range, blood clouds rise and fall, covering the sky and the earth.

His breathing changes the color of the world every time.

Outside the mountain, the second son of the demon ancestor learned of the bloodbath that happened in the world, his face was extremely gloomy, his eyes opened and closed, and there was a terrifying thunder burst, which was almost like a calamity.

"Using the ancestral blood in the demon pond to send a group of talented people, but the result is such a miserable defeat? A shame like never before!" He was angry.

"Send out some more famous demons!"

"Also dispatched? When the blood of the ancestors in the demon pool is a last resort, the demon ancestor led me to use it when we cross the border. How many drops can I squander? A bunch of trash!" The second son of the demon ancestor was furious and murderous.

As time goes on, the old date keeps loosening, and the later it is, the easier it is to cross the border, and the less the price is paid.


Xinxing, outer space, Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie saw off their acquaintances, Zhao Zejun, Wu Chenglin and others are going to go far and enter the deep space of the universe.

After we say goodbye, I don't know if we can see each other again. Some people may not come back.

In fact, this time, the big organizations are almost going to leave more than half of them, but all the factions that attacked the demons will be resolutely launched this time and will leave Nova.


"Take care of yourself!"

Wang Xuan looked at the fleet with his spiritual eyes, there was no problem, they were separated in outer space.

Zhao Zejun and others gave Wang Xuan a large warship, which was parked in outer space.

Guan Lin, Qin Cheng, and some members of Lao Chen's secret road organization were picked up by a small spaceship, and they could set sail at any time and return to the old land.

"There is still some finishing work." Wang Xuan said, he and Chen Yongjie took a small spaceship and returned to the surface of Nova.

The small and medium-sized battleship he exchanged for Dixianquan was going to be taken away, and the large battleship that Lao Zhong had sent him could not be left here. In addition, he was going to find some people in the Argonne consortium to collect debts.

Three days ago, when he and Chen Yongjie wanted to use the battleship to fight the demon, Zhou Yun urgently reminded him that the demon colluded with people and was ready to hunt him down.

Now, Wang Xuan already knew who wanted to ambush him. Grant of the Argonne consortium colluded with the demon, and prepared several small and medium-sized warships in outer space.

"Christine and Han Solo stole my invitation to go to Yuanchi Mountain to go to the meeting, but the Sun family razed it to the ground, and the people who attended the meeting died tragically. Grant is taking anger at me and wanting to avenge his granddaughter Christine. ?"

Grant hadn't left Central Continent yet. Several small warships he left in outer space were smashed into scum by Zhao Zejun and Wu Chenglin!

He is one of the senior leaders of the Argonne Consortium, and he cannot mobilize all important resources frequently. He needs to negotiate, and the power directly belonging to him is almost wiped out.

"You can go on your way!" Wang Xuan snapped his fingers, and a ball of fire flew out and fell on him. In an instant, he screamed and turned into ashes.

"There is still the handwriting of the Sun family. They bombed and killed Christine, but they compensated Grant and urged him to seek revenge from me?"

Surprised, Wang Xuan captured some of Grant's last spiritual thoughts with a powerful spiritual field, and further clarified the truth.

Chen Yongjie said: "Just right, old hatred, new hatred, go to the Sun family for settlement, and let out all the evil before leaving Xinxing!"

In the early days of the Sun family, they often targeted them. Even Lao Chen was bombarded by warships and hit by spaceships. He and the Sun family once fought outside Mucheng.

As for Wang Xuan, not to mention, he fought with the Sun family several times.

"It's very insidious. They didn't do anything this time, but they hinted and encouraged Grant to get rid of me, begging for mercy, begging for mercy, and satisfying you!"

When Wang Xuan came, he quietly entered the Sun's house and broke into the important place. Chen Yongjie followed with a black sword.

The people of the Sun family were shocked and immediately understood what was going on. They wanted to summon Robot No. 5, but they couldn't get in touch with him for a long time.

During the battle at Jindingshan, Lie Xian from Huang Kun's camp wanted to cross the border and set up a great formation, and many people were trapped.

Robot No. 5 "Cut Hu" fishing line and hook ran over, and was trapped badly. Most of his body was melted and lost, and his spiritual fire was partially extinguished.

He fled back to the mothership behind the scenes, and it was silent for a long time.

The Sun family wanted to activate the mothership directly, but naturally it was too late.

Wang Xuan started, holding the Pre-Qin Jade Dragon Saber, waving constantly, beheading Sun Rongsheng, Sun Chengqian and others, both physically and mentally!

Old Chen swung the black sword, even more directly, killing people here.

This part of the high-level people left behind by the Sun family was completely destroyed. As for people from other places, Wang Xuan and Lao Chen did not insist on looking for them.

Holding the golden tree, Wang Xuan violently broke the restrictions of the secret vault. No matter who he is eyeing here, whether there is a master or not, he doesn't care now.

Here, he and Lao Chen selected sacred objects, exotic treasures, scriptures, etc., and took away the most valuable things!

Not to mention exotic treasures, just in terms of classics, their collections today are far more abundant than any of the top sects in ancient times, and the value of their collections is much higher.

Because, this is a collection of past dynasties, the Liexian Cave Mansion in different periods has fallen from the void to this era!

"Let's go!" The two of them brushed off their clothes and asked Lao Chen's organization to start the other two into outer space.

Wang Xuan held the dark golden flying boat and was cautiously guarding.

Everything went smoothly without incident.

The three warships started their warp engines, entered the wormhole, and disappeared into this vast sky. They set out on their way home.

"The old land is more violent. There is no pure land in this world." Chen Yongjie said in the battleship.

"I want to bring the Sword Fairy out of the big screen!" Wang Xuan said.

However, he is also frowning, is the sword fairy in the big screen and the broken primordial spirit left in the world the same character?

In that cruel world, she fought for thousands of years as a sword fairy, even if she used to be very soft and arrogant, now she will be very sharp with her sword, right?

This made Wang Xuan a little worried and said, "What really needs strength is ourselves!"

He wanted to find a way to explore the void again, walk through the death level of the "crater", and find the real place. If he rose strongly, who would he be afraid of?

I'm back, I'm asking everyone for a monthly pass for the double period, thank you.

Thanks: Three Lives Predestined Hunter, Miss Jia Ran, Cheers on the Other Side of Deep Space, Three Lives Predestined Cat, I O An Nian, Dark Moon Wubai, Heavenly Emperor Who Stealed Underwear, Butterfly Dance 1, thank you all for your support !

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