Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 310: ?The flower of eternal life

Wang Xuan's hand stretched out to the surface of the water, and the bright liquid slipped down, like a pool of life, bred with the first ray of vitality in the primitive era.

It's amazing, it brings new life to people!

"Has anyone been here before?" This was a question he had asked himself before he left.

Is there anyone like him who wants to find a real place and reach the source of the ethereal land?

Wang Xuan believes that the answer is yes, so many practitioners, there will always be some who are exploring the unknown just like him.

"However, it is estimated that many people have a sense of powerlessness, especially those of a similar level as me, who can't get here at all."

Without the God Slaying Banner to increase the speed tenfold, Wang Xuan would need to fly for more than ten years to leave the land of life, and there is no hope in the way, which is too boring.

"Newcomers" at this level will most likely not be able to hold on to it. How many people dare to abandon the mature mythological system and find another way in this extraordinary and splendid age?

Another point is particularly important. Three Heavenly Medicines were planted in the soil of his life. The medicinal properties and super-substances pervaded him, giving him enough support.

For a person of the same realm, even if he has great perseverance, his strength is not allowed. No matter how much time is wasted, he will probably not be able to get out of the land of death.

"Even I'm struggling. If there is a chance, I should plant one or two more celestial medicines." He whispered, but he could only think about it.

Since ancient times, how many people have been able to plant celestial medicine in the soil of life?

"But the general environment has changed, and it's not that there is no chance. This is the era of extinction. Maybe I still have a chance to get one or two more natural medicines."

Even the lost scriptures appear in piles, and even the rare treasures have become the cultural relics collection of the chaebols. In the future, it is not impossible that the natural medicine will fall into the real world.

"If my life soil becomes a medicine garden, it will make my spirit and energy more vigorous, and if my strength is more abundant, I will go farther."

Wang Xuan stared at the outside of the pond. In the depths of the pitch-black void, it was too quiet.

"When some people improve their strength, they may turn back and explore again, but I think it is difficult to get here." He was thinking.

Life soil is so "rich", if there is no spiritual eye, there will be a slight deviation in the orientation, and in the end, you will be completely lost.

This is terrifying. Locking yourself in the soil of your own life will never see the light of day. Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"In ancient times, there were some strong people who often wandered in spirits. They could go to the Guanghan Palace to attend meetings, or they could go to the Nether to visit friends, but some people walked and walked, and their primordial spirit was gone."

Wang Xuan believes that the masters who can wander are not necessarily killed by people outside. Some people may get lost while exploring their own life and become the living dead.

Without spiritual eyes, many people are likely to be trapped in the depths of life.

Wang Xuan believes that there is one kind of person who should be able to get here, and that is the peerless powerhouse among the immortals. If they go back and want to go deeper, there may be a way.

"However, it's not absolute. If the level of life soil's 'thickness' increases geometrically as the realm improves, then even Sakyamuni, Qi Yi, the ancestor of the demon, Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, want to come here. If so, the difficulty factor will be terrifying.”


This place is extremely full of vitality, as if it represents a new life!

However, the sparkling liquid is not a real thing.

Even this pool is not, it feels very rough, it is constructed with magical energy, forming a original pool of life, like carrying the vigor of the origin era.

Wang Xuan's mental strength has been greatly improved, his mind is clear and empty, and his state is unprecedentedly good.

"It's really a good place." He got up, the silver light was flowing, he was full of energy, and he could feel that he was getting stronger.

He stared at the pool and looked at it. He really wanted to take away a large amount of silver liquid, which was many times more precious than fairy juice and so on, and it was a priceless treasure.

But he didn't put it into action. He was thinking about a question. This empty place can be explored by everyone, or is it only his own?

If everyone's life and soil corresponds to a lonely place, and they are independent, then he really doesn't dare to move.

In that case, this place may correspond to the essence of his own life. If he takes away all the liquid in the pool and makes it dry, his body and spirit may experience extremely serious problems!

"If it only belongs to me, then next time I can transplant one or two celestial medicines to get closer to the real place, leave a mark, and support it with the celestial medicine, which can make me go further."

Wang Xuan stopped for a short time and set off on the road again. He felt that he might not be able to explore to the end, but he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

The road ahead is even darker, quieter, and has no end. It really seems to be traversing the vast universe. It is too vast.

"It's like the whole world has lost its voice, and I'm the only one left, exploring on the road alone."

During the period, he saw the red haze again, and felt that it was even more gorgeous, more and more brilliant, accompanied by clouds and mist, with a sacred beauty.

However, it became more and more dangerous. Wang Xuan was wrapped in the Slaying God Banner, his heart palpitated, and there was a sense of doomsday that he was about to be destroyed.

"In the void, there are clouds passing by, what is its essence?" While Wang Xuan was jealous, he also had a desire. If he could analyze that energy, it might be of great benefit to him.

He was even speculating whether the beautiful cloudy sky was completely different from the supermatter in the outside world, and could it bring about a fundamental change?

But he thought about it and had to shake his head. Yunxia was still not a real thing, and he still hadn't found the real area.

Wang Xuan looked at the red cloud, he was guessing, did the terrifying energy cloud radiate from the real place?

Three months after leaving the silver pool of life, his expression was solemn, and the red light that appeared from time to time became more and more intimidating.

"If there is a peerless powerhouse who has also come to find the source of the misty land, then it is estimated that it is almost the same to come here."

Because, even the peerless powerhouses behind the scenes warned their disciples to get the God Slaying Banner, which meant it was of great use to them.

Next, Wang Xuan was a little excited, the red glow, accompanied by the clouds and mist, actually had a slight sense of reality.

Of course, its power is even more terrifying. When it spreads over again, the Zhan Shenqi roars and bursts out with dazzling golden textures, fighting fiercely.

If he went further, it would be extremely dangerous, possibly killing Wang Xuan, he frowned.

He felt that he was very close to the truth, but now it was not safe enough to support him to go deeper.

"Go as far as you can!" He was doing his last effort, trying to find out a hope and a bright result.

Wang Xuan insisted, if he didn't take a look at the end, he would be very unwilling.

A few days later, his heart trembled, and the bright red light overturned, causing the Zhanshen Banner to soar on its own.

"Are you coming to the end?" Wang Xuan was both worried, looking forward and happy, and was very conflicted in his heart.

The sky is full of Ruixia, the clouds and mist are surging, and it is as red as blood, but the burning nothingness is resonating, and it is difficult to maintain eternal silence.

His soul was throbbing, and he was very uneasy. As he continued to move forward, he felt that he might die, like an insignificant snowflake encountering a hot summer day.

"Since the past dynasties, alchemists, Taoists, sword cultivators, etc., have emerged one after another, and the way of practice has changed and changed. In every era, people have emerged and are trying to find a way."

Some people have achieved something, rose up in their own era, and became a peerless powerhouse.

"But more people die when they are unknown, and I don't want to be the precursor to die on the road!" Wang Xuan warned himself to be more and more careful.

At this time, some of the clouds are not phantoms, not radiation, but real. Although there are not many, the results are terrible.

Wang Xuan's mental body was about to split, and he was being burned, as if he was crossing purgatory.

It was not until the cloud was gone that he breathed heavily, as if he was about to collapse. He felt that he was infinitely close to death.

Are you still going? He realized that he was reaching his limit.

"It has now been confirmed that all of Liexian's paths will not work. When the myths decay, they will all fall down. It is impossible for me to repeat their old paths!"

Wang Xuan pondered, maybe he could stick to the last leg, if there is no result, then he can only leave first, and must not put himself in.

In front, it was pitch black. After the red clouds disappeared, the whole world seemed to freeze, cold and lonely, giving a negative feeling of despair.

Six months after he left the Pool of Life, he came to a strange place. There was a terrifying aura in front of him, floating vaguely, and at the same time, there was a yearning call.

Very close!

He set out from the land of life, and until now, he estimates that it has been about two years.

After arriving here, the fog became thicker and thicker. Wang Xuan held the flag of the God of Slaying in his hand and waited in earnest. He finally took the last step. He wanted to try it!

He could see clearly that in addition to the surging mist, there were even more splendid clouds. There seemed to be a "crater" embedded in the darkness.

However, from Wang Xuan's point of view, it hangs on the dome of the sky, the sky and the earth are overturned and turned upside down.

He looked up and saw that in the "crater", the haze continued to pour out, expanding in all directions, and going away, the mist was transpiring every moment.

"Meteor Crater" is not real, and part of the haze is real material. Under Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes, there are real crystal particles in the haze, which are dazzling red.

The crater is very deep, like a passage, connected to a strange place behind it!

"Will you be able to see the truth through this place?" Wang Xuan was not sure. There were various signs that he wanted to find a feasible way outside the mythological system. It was not that simple.

When he got here, he would be killed at any time.

He got a little closer to the crater and wanted to walk in as far as possible. However, for a moment, he was horrified.

The God-killing flag burst into flames, and the golden veins spread, almost boiling, blocking the erosion of those real haze particles. Wang Xuan felt the pain that his body was about to disintegrate, and he saw that there were some scorch marks on the flag.

This shocked him. In the past, nothing could damage the Divine Banner, and he encountered it here!

He quickly retreated, but he also raised his head, staring at the deep crater, which seemed to be a huge passage.

"I saw it, deep in the passage... there are actually flowers growing?!"

Wang Xuan's pupils shrank. In the huge crater, deep in the passage, there were pure white flowers blooming, swaying in the red clouds like fire and blood. It was truly beautiful and holy.

There are sacred plants growing on the side walls of the deep crater passage, which are like eternal flowers that never wither, tempting to go.

It is indeed splendid and sacred, and even Liexian seems to have a mortal air in front of it, and it is not so otherworldly.

That kind of plant is not afraid of red clouds, it is difficult to erase it, swaying in the red light, the flowers do not fall, and there are a large number of bright light rain.

Wang Xuan smelled a very faint fragrance, and the severe pain that seemed to be disintegrating suddenly relieved, and then improved and recovered.

"It gives people infinite hope, and I can't wait to step in and explore immediately, but it is difficult to get close, and it will make people completely perish at every turn." He stared at the "crater".

At this stage, this is the end, and there is no way to cross it.

Wang Xuan looked at the scorched blackness on the flag, he felt helpless, couldn't even such a divine creature, second only to the most precious treasure, help this place?

"Even if there is a peerless strong person who has passed the life of the, they can only stop here, and it will be difficult to advance."

He watched here for a long time, and even ventured twice again to observe the white and holy flower of immortality.

The flower is still born from nothingness, not real, but the breath of life it contains is extremely strong, giving people a sense of immortality.

"I really want to cross this passage and take a look at the real place over there!"

But Wang Xuan turned around resolutely, he had to withstand the temptation, otherwise, he would definitely die here.

Cultivation cannot be accomplished overnight, especially outside the mature mythological system, it is not so easy to find another feasible way.

Because, this is no less than re-opening the world!

Even if he didn't reach that real place, Wang Xuan's harvest was huge. He felt that this kind of exploration was a form of cultivation.

After experiencing the Pool of Life and coming here again, his spiritual power has improved and his Taoism has grown. This is to open up a path and move forward with a heavy load.

"Huh?" What surprised him was that the scorch marks on the Zhanshen Banner were slowly disappearing, and finally recovered, as expected of a peerless treasure!

"Next time, if I can come again, I will transplant the heavenly medicine to connect with the real place, and I will also bring the most precious treasure - the health stove!" Wang Xuan left quickly.

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