Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 308: ? Change the world

The three medicines coexist with different origins, and there is a mysterious "medicine mist" floating in the soil of life.

Wang Xuan's heart gradually calmed down, and there was nothing to be excited about. In this era, even if he had three celestial medicines, he might not be able to stop the error correction in the world.

"It should be treated with a normal heart, and don't mess up my mood."

A piece of silver light swept across, like opening up the world, dispelling the fog in the life soil, illuminating the life soil, and then spreading out from here, baptizing his whole body.

"This big medicine that Zheng Yuantian picked is really amazing."

He saw the process of birth and death of this medicine in the highest spiritual world. Once a medicine is born, everything is exhausted, and a medicine is dead, and everything is revived.

When it was born, the heaven and the earth seemed to be split open. Outside the sky dome of the highest spiritual world, light and rain sprinkled down and watered its sprouting ground.

It was transformed into one gas, the silver ripples rippling, its first sprout grows, and it breaks through the ground upwards. It gradually becomes silent for an unknown number of miles, and everything seems to be dead.

A ray of silver light expands, and its growth seems to open up the spiritual world and interpret the original breath.

Until after a long time, it was bombarded by a supreme thunder outside the highest spiritual world, and the silver light exploded, and it quickly withered.

At this point, the entire land and the countless mountains have recovered, and all kinds of spiritual herbs have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, full of vitality.

There is no doubt that the silver celestial medicine has a huge influence in a region of the highest spirit.

Now, it was reborn in Wang Xuan's life soil, tender shoots emerged, and silver light curled up. Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eyes and saw all kinds of scenes of birth and death.

After a long time, the silver buds stabilized, and this celestial medicine plant was full of vitality, surrounded by a ray of primordial energy, permeating the life soil, the original place of all dharmas.

Every celestial medicine plant emits the most precious medicinal aura. It has the initial aura. After being successfully collected by Wang Xuan, he is extremely radiant from physical body to spirituality.

"Zheng Wu, thank you for giving me this celestial medicine!"

In a blur, he passed through this medicine and seemed to see the peerless powerhouse Zheng Yuantian, a man with black armor all over his body, standing outside the world and casting his eyes!

"It's been changed, it's already owned by me!" Wang Xuan said, after the first ray of medicinal energy was collected, the hazy old scenes of the past, the past, and so faded away, and they were rubbed away in the place where all methods began.

He began to pay attention to the seeds of the Nine Tribulations Lotus. After being watered by the immortal pulp, the most important thing was the nourishment of the two pieces of life soil, and with the attention of his spiritual will, it also sprouted.

This medicine is also very terrifying. In the highest spiritual world, it is rooted in the sea of ​​​​spirits, surrounded by behemoths swimming around, and it was born after nine eons.

After that, it withered away, leaving seeds behind. In the scenes recorded by the seeds, there seemed to be all kinds of great disasters, and there were unparalleled natural disasters.

Even with it in the new life, it has the power to kill tribulations.

Finally, it also sprouted, bursting out of the earth with a greenishness, rippling and vigorous vitality, the catastrophe in the endless and far-reaching places behind it loomed, and it resonated here.

Wang Xuan picked up the first ray of medicinal energy from its new green shoots, and vaguely, he saw an old monk watching from a distance.

Then, he saw a woman in white and a woman in red, all hazy, far away in the sky, staring here.

"This seed involves Sakyamuni, and the two medicinal soils involve the female alchemist and the banshee respectively, but now they are all in the past."

Those shadows dimmed, dissipated, and finally returned to nothingness.

The celestial medicine under the health stove surprised him the most. He thought it was a wooden box or a remnant wooden tray that carried the treasure, but now it has come back to life.

But it is also understandable, what is a health stove? It can improve the quality of all medicines, including natural medicine, and can stimulate the activity.

The exhausted wooden support, the root of some kind of plant, is in close contact with the health care furnace, and is pressed into the life soil, a mist rises up, and a plump bud grows, purple and sparkling, making the place peaceful.

This medicine is very mysterious. It is next to the health-preserving furnace. It does not show the old scene. Wang Xuan did not see any of its past.

He succeeded in collecting medicine!

Chen Yongjie was surprised. He saw that Wang Xuan actually had light passing from the deepest part of his body three times, baptizing his whole body and illuminating his spirit.

What's the situation?

In the end, Wang Xuan's spirit and body were consummated, he could no longer hold back, and he wanted to break into a higher realm.

In fact, a piece of medicinal soil is enough to support him to break through. Just like Chen Yongjie did before, after using a piece of medicinal soil, it will soon be in the late stage of collecting medicine.

In order not to break the barrier, Lao Chen tried his best to suppress himself every time, and his head was too big.

Let alone Wang Xuan's situation?

"The way is set, you are about to make a breakthrough soon, have you found a general direction?" Chen Yongjie asked.

Wang Xuan nodded. He has his own direction, but there are various variables and there may be dangers.

"How did you choose?" He asked Old Chen. After collecting the herbs, there are various paths to take. Some choose to accumulate Dan Qi, others to receive radiation, and some to build spiritual cores. In the universe, various life planets The paths are different.

After the fog, burning lamps, life soil, and herbs collection, the fifth realm will begin to part ways, and the paths of each system are completely different.

"I, condense the golden elixir with Buddha's light, I want to cultivate both Buddhism and Taoism, and I can't step into the depths of the Buddhist realm. I'm afraid that I will become a monk in the future!"

Wang Xuan looked at him and said, "A Taoist priest is also a monk."

"It's different. Some Taoist factions can marry and have children." Chen Yongjie shook his head, telling him that he was going to use the Buddha's light to alchemy elixir and set out on a grand road.

"Are you sure that it's not the relics that were made?" Wang Xuan doubted.

"How is it possible, I have already re-trained the supreme scriptures of the Taoist ancestral court, this is the avenue of golden elixir that integrates the Buddha's light!" Chen Yongjie seemed very confident.

"Furthermore, I want to cultivate nine golden pills and cultivate nine Nascent Souls, which is unprecedented." Chen Yongjie said his thoughts.

"You not only want to have a baby, but also a litter?" Wang Xuan looked at him with a strange look.

"How do you say it, this is Yuying. What you said is not sacred at all!" Chen Yongjie looked at him with a bad expression.

"But the transcendent world has collapsed, and there will be no one who will have babies in the future, and the immortals will degenerate." Wang Xuan reminded him that it was useless to think so much.

Let alone forming nine golden elixir, even one is difficult to succeed in this world. It is necessary to break the board and enter Xiaoyaoyou in order to form a golden elixir.

Chen Yongjie sighed and said, "If people don't set a lofty ideal and a grand goal for themselves, then the road under their feet will be more difficult to walk, and they will lack motivation."

However, he has come to the spirit again. Now, his body is full of energy and energy, rolling up, and is extremely exuberant.

In this era, he gathered Dan Qi so violently, far surpassing others, this is indeed the treasure of the peerless ancestors of ancient times.

Therefore, his belief is very strong, he is full of motivation, and he wants to go all the way.

He asked, "I see you, there seem to be three rays of light drawn from the earth of life, from form to god, you have been baptized three times, your blood is steaming, and your flesh is roaring. What's going on?"

Wang Xuan told him very succinctly, causing Lao Chen to widen his eyes and feel speechless. Can this work?

"Three celestial medicines, I've never heard of it, maybe someone in ancient times kept it secret, but I haven't seen it in an ancient book anyway, is there any reason for this?" He was really lost in thought.

The secret repositories of each family, all kinds of scriptures were almost translated by him and Wang Xuan. I haven't seen any scriptures, and all kinds of secrets have gradually come into contact with them. There was really no such person in ancient times.

"So, Xiao Chen, you have to be humble and don't call yourself the godfather." Wang Xuan smiled.

Chen Yongjie glared at him immediately, who of us is floating, Xiao Chen, did you call it out?

"Look at your physical body outside, you're young again, I'm complimenting you!" Wang Xuan pursed his lips, motioning him to look out.

Indeed, nourished by the mysterious factor of "Thirty Years", Chen Yongjie has become more youthful, no longer close to thirty, but has become a young man in his twenties.

He opened the interior scene, and then made a breakthrough to set a path for himself. These are the most important time points in life, so he raised the upper limit of life essence, and his face was tender again!

After Chen Yongjie was in a daze for a while, he regained his calm, looked at Wang Xuan again, and said, "Your spirit is so strong that it is about to rise into the sky like a wolf's smoke, right?"

He seriously doubted that after Wang Xuan's body and spirit were unified, there would be amazing visions accompanying him.

Then, he became serious again and said, "One celestial medicine, there is a ray of primordial qi transpiring, and three medicines coexist. You are in line with the supreme meaning of ancient classics. From the beginning, the three give birth to all things..."

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't follow the path of the ancients. Lie Xian proves that in the end, dust returns to dust, the curtain goes out, and the strong become mortals."

Chen Yongjie suggested: "You have so much vitality now, why don't you learn from me? Maybe you will be able to refine the supreme golden elixir soon. This path is very suitable for you."

Wang Xuan didn't accept it, and said, "The road now has been traversed by Lie Xian. Even with minor adjustments or integration, I don't think there is a way out."

He wanted to take risks and speak his mind.

"The place of life is very strange. It can't be found in the flesh and blood of reality. It seems that there is nothingness, it is born in the mist, and it attracts super-substances and gives birth to myths."

Chen Yongjie was stunned, then nodded and said, "Indeed, it's not in flesh and blood, otherwise, there's no way to plant a heavenly medicine."

"Myths are going to decay, and the traces of the extraordinary are going to be erased, which means that our life soil may gradually disappear within a year."

"Is it that pessimistic?" Chen Yongjie became serious.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, in the end, maybe only a very few people can save their lives, and only part of their extraordinary power remains."

According to the current systems, the world has a consensus that the land of life is the initial place of all dharmas, the place where extraordinary life is nourished, and the source of the birth of myths.

If we really want to correct mistakes in this world, we must let this place decay!

Wang Xuan believes that maybe only a few people who hold the treasure can hold it, but it can only be regarded as surviving.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Yongjie asked.

"Is there really only one strange place like Life I'll look for it. It's very ethereal and corresponds to nothingness. Is there a place, very real, that exists independently?"

Chen Yongjie was in a daze, this is really going to take a different path. To give up the whole big system based on life and soil is to let go of everything.

"It just needs to be changed, everything that exists really won't work." Wang Xuan said.

Chen Yongjie looked solemn and said, "Although you have a lot of ideas, I don't think it's realistic. It's too difficult. Where can you find it? Maybe it doesn't exist at all."

"Since there can be multiple pieces of the big screen, and there is more than one place in the fairy world, and the land of life was born from nothingness and was born in the misty land, why can there be only one place?"

Speaking of which, Wang Xuan added, "Besides, what I'm looking for is definitely not the second place of life. I hope to find a real and strange place."

"I'm skeptical, I don't think there is." Chen Yongjie disagreed.

"Since flesh and blood correspond to spirit, day corresponds to night, and yin and yang correspond, does the life-earth from nothing also correspond to something? There is a more real one, and that's what I'm looking for."

"You wouldn't be serious, would you, if not?" Old Chen warned him that such an attempt was dangerous.

"I'm going to give it a try. If I break the level in a while, I'll dash along that ethereal land and explore the source of the birth of the earth with my spiritual eyes!"

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