Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 131: true king

Final Chapter 131 The True King Comes to the World


"What, how is it possible? Ah...!" Holding the decree of the real king, the "relic" first turned pale, and then screamed, because his hands were burned.

Then, with a pop, his hands turned into ashes and disappeared.

He came from the No. 3 source of the miracle of returning to the true world. He can be called a great monster, and his own strength is extremely tyrannical. However, it is very miserable right now.

"Ah..." He shook his arms. After losing his palm, his forearm was also burning. It was visible to the naked eye, and black ash fell down.

"My God!" Beside him, even the other "remnants" from the Wonderland of Returning to Truth were terrified, and quickly distanced themselves from him.

Even if it is the great power with 6 breaks twice - Zheng, his hair stands on end, and he stays away decisively, because this monster should not be weaker than him.

During this process, the inexplicable fire spread to the ends of his arms, he gritted his teeth, he didn't even want his shoulders, he was cruel enough to himself, and exploded from his shoulder blades, accompanied by blood and flames, he groaned, Screaming, staggering away.

It's not as simple as the destroyed part of the body, and the corresponding part of his soul is also missing. Moreover, the most frightening thing is that even though he tried to recover and reshape his form and spirit, in the end he also lost some of the corresponding origin, and his Taoism directly declined! Even if it is a true saint, it is difficult to kill, and it takes many times.

However, right now after he suffered a trauma, he has been torn apart twice, and he has almost been cut down to a single 6-break level.

His scalp is numb, what kind of method is this? There is a high probability that the No. 1 master of the extraordinary source will do it himself, otherwise how can he burn the decree of the true king?

On the spot, in the void, the dharma decree burned violently, and the virtual body of the true king burst like a bubble, and scattered like a colorful mist.

Originally all the true saints were in their hearts, even trembling, and were suppressed by the decree of the real king's domain, but the incident suddenly turned, and now the decree was suddenly destroyed by an inexplicable external force, and burned as ordinary paper.

The texture of the realm of the true king between the heaven and the earth and the rhyme of Taoism, like the ocean breaking its embankment, collapsed, and then collapsed suddenly, there was an unpredictable mighty force stirring all this, breaking through the decree and burning it.

"My God!"

"There is a real king coming to the world and making a move!"

Many strong men finally came to their senses and couldn't help whispering that when the decree full of endless coercion was easily torn apart and ignited, it caused huge waves.

At this moment, all the saints are bowing down, their hearts are surging, they are all longing, so what if they step into this field by themselves? This is the supreme giant.

Generally speaking, the true king is the master of a transcendent source!

Obviously, the decree was not written casually by the real king, leaving his spiritual imprint, which is equivalent to officially "stamping" with the primordial spirit, with the unpredictable real king's aura. Otherwise, it's okay to write thousands of decrees at random?

Everyone heard it. In the time and space of the past, present, and future, there was a cold snort, which was the killing intent when the seal of the true king was burned.

However, it was useless, the mysterious true king's methods were tough and destructive, as if there were two eyes flashing across the void, and it seemed that two true king swords were shining, shattering and burning everything.

"How is it possible, that is my king's decree, and it just becomes ashes like this?" The big demon who lost his arms trembled there, his face was pale, and his lips were trembling. .

In the 36th heaven, the core member of the hot-blooded elderly group——, said, "It's really like a eunuch."

Although he didn't show up, the words came clearly. Originally, people were shocked, but when they heard his comment, they were stunned and couldn't help grinning.

In one In the entire world, everyone's eyes were directed in one direction.

"Pretty like it!" Ge stared at the "relic" who had lost both arms, and evaluated seriously.

Even in such a serious occasion, many strong people showed strange colors, the atmosphere was quite weird, and Shou, Shi and the others laughed unabashedly.

The big monster from No. 3 Return to the True Wonderland, his heart and lungs were about to explode, lost his arms, and was ridiculed as a palace man. This is naked humiliation.

The incident was not over yet, and the Dao Yun was boundless in the sky and the earth, and the moment the golden decree was burned to ashes, there was a deep roar from the No. 3 mainland.

Even though they are still separated by deep space and extremely far apart, at this moment, people all feel a sense of oppression originating from the soul.

And, at the first moment, a mass of light broke through time and space, like a condensed source of the universe. The sense of emptiness was overwhelmed.

The veteran true saints also had their hairs standing on end, it was too dangerous, they all retreated like a tide, their physical bodies could not be controlled by themselves, they shook slightly, and felt a biting chill.


A killing sound burst out from that ball of light, it was the dao rhyme roared out by the true king's consciousness, condensed into a symbol. It can be vaguely seen that a huge and boundless figure, uttering murderous words, launched this attack. "People were stunned. This is a one-word incantation uttered by the real king. The incantation has such power even without its body, and it can cut through the mythical universe.

Sha Zi slammed into the two "objects" that looked like fire and two real king swords in the void. In fact, those were the two gazes of the king, shining in the void, provoking the murderous intent of the real king on the opposite side, and offering a terrifying blow.


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