Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 128: Supreme event

Final Chapter 128 The Supreme Goldman Meeting


Wang Xuan pondered, if he went to the source of the extraordinary now, the giant who ignored the saints would talk to him, right? Even, probably, buy him a cup of tea.

Of course, he didn't intend to take the initiative to expose and get close to the other party.

He is the only transcendent who has set foot in the realm of the true king in later generations. This kind of achievement has extraordinary significance. If it is spread, it will definitely cause shocks from the six transcendent sources.

Must~should*\\search/`select, day/net ^xs..-c~o, m.

Now he is not in a hurry at all, just sit back and watch the situation at the level of the true king, it would be best if he can stay out of it.

He does not cause trouble for the time being, but he is not afraid of trouble, if he does not move, there may be a **** battle between the real kings at every turn.

Wang Xuan wanders leisurely around the world of new mythology. No one knows that this is a real king traveling. He sees the magnificent rivers and mountains and wonders, and enters and exits famous cities with sultry nights.

He was checking for Miao Gu and Li Lin to see which avenue authority was suitable for them. He even looked at the No. 3 source, and there were still a few gourds there.

When Wang Xuan was drifting with the tide in a brightly lit city that never sleeps, and flying paper lanterns with many people on the Liuxia River passing through the city, Shou sent a message to him.

The Liuxia River shimmered, reflecting the sky, tens of thousands of paper lanterns, the sky and the river surface were full of Xiahuo, dimly illuminating Wang Xuan's face.

He was in a daze. Wasn't the so-called high-end meeting of the true saint level mentioned more than two hundred years ago? It's outrageous that it hasn't been held until now.

Shou Gan coughed and explained, mainly because the disagreement was too serious. Now the situation is different. Yunling and Hunyuan, who are most hostile to No. 3 source, and Hun Yuan, who came from No. 2 source, gradually changed their minds.

Wang Xuan frowned. The two big camps that used to fight for shopping are about to reconcile?

"It's no big deal, the Supreme Council is about to start, let's go and listen first." Shou is now in a calm state of mind, the ancestors have returned, his pressure has dropped sharply, and he has become more calm.

Later, he mentioned that the first Beastmaster and Madu tried to communicate with the self-locked giant under the No. 1 source again in secret, but the effect was still not satisfactory.

Wang Xuan relaxed the whole time, it's no big deal, there is no Giant True King in charge, and there is King True King.

He continued to travel in the lights of the world, as if he had returned to the past, drinking draft beer at the night market with his best friend and college classmate Qin Cheng, talking big about the future.

It's a pity that Qin Cheng died of old age in the mother universe, and he didn't wait for Gujin to appear, so he came to the end of his life amid gray hair.

Now, Wang Xuan is already the real king, but he is still nostalgic, as if returning to those years, Qin Cheng, Zhao Qinghan and many other figures appeared in front of him.

"Now I can reshape the universe that was destroyed by the catastrophe. In the future, I will go back to see you."

He withdrew his mind and compared with Yang, black gold centipede, giant, puppet, etc., he was not so much like a real king, and actually lingered in the sea of ​​people.

The other true kings have transcended themselves, and they rarely interact with the true saints on weekdays, watching everything with cold eyes, or dwelling in the wonderland of returning to trueness, or dormant under the extraordinary source.

"Junior brother, why don't you come to Chongtian 36 in 5 days." Only the second day, Shou contacted Wang Xuan again, asking him to attend this meeting.

Elder brother—Shou, this is to let Wang Xuan go to suppress the place. Right now Ma, Wu and others are retreating, hoping to completely break through that layer of window paper and enter the realm of returning to the true world three times.

As for the first Beast Emperor, he became used to being the sixth child, and didn't want to show his face, so he continued to lie dormant, and would not come out until the critical moment.

"Master Ma, Wu You Dao Kong and the others haven't made a breakthrough yet?" Wang Xuan was taken aback, he thought the so-called impromptu kick would not, how long would it take.

Shou was speechless for a moment, if Ma and Wuyou heard this, how embarrassing would it be? !

"Little brother, don't take your example as the norm. Master Ma and the others can break 6 for the third time, which is already an incredible miracle! In this field, how many people can we have at the No. 1 source since ancient times? There are less than one hand to count the creatures that may die in the world!" Shou Dui Ma and Wu still admired him immensely.

Wang Xuan really wanted to tell him that he had stepped into the realm of a real king, but considering that giants, puppets and other real kings had supernatural perceptions, he would not appear in front of others.

Afterwards he went directly to 36 Chongtian, met his senior brother, and said, "I have a pot of residual medicine here, which may be of great use to Master Ma and the others."

It is said to be a retreat, but in fact they are flipping through books, arguing, chatting, it is a normal leisure life, Hongxiu is still here to help them make tea.

"Master Ma, this is your retreat life? No wonder the progress is so slow, it's too relaxed." Wang Xuan said.

"It will take several years, or decades?" Wang Xuan asked.

Even the first generation of Beast Emperor who was here to teach the experience, his complexion was slightly dark, originally it was none of his business, but the speed with which this kid talked made him lose face.

"It's almost another hundred years." Hongxiu told.

Hearing this, Wang Xuan took out two crystal gourds, one of which was black inside, and told them that it was the dregs of medicine dug out from the ruins of Guizhen.

Then, he took out another small crystal bottle, in which was sealed a small amount of blood that was bright red but exuded holy ripples.

"This is a great medicine and some kind of true blood that I dug up from a certain ruin. You refine it carefully and break through it quickly!" Wang Xuan handed it to them.

The charred black bone **** that he grinds up is of the real king level, with lightning strike skin. Although the appearance is not good-looking, it does have amazing medicinal effects.

He felt very sorry, fearing that they would be impatient with him if they knew the truth in the future, so he injected some of his own blood in advance, which was actually not as effective as the lightning bone and skin that fell off during the crossing of the true king.

Because the "medicinal dregs" are the product left when he broke through the level, carrying some special transitional textures and dao rhymes during his transformation process.

Must~should*\\search/`select, day/net ^xs..-c~o, m.

"I still have more." Wang Xuan threw it to them.

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