Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Hot-blooded elderly group

Final Chapter 117 The Bloody Elderly Group


The ancestors returned, and the huge spacecraft broke through the shackles of time and space and approached the universe on the other side.

"Hey, I'm so timid to be close to my hometown. It's been so many years since I've been away, and my heart can't be calm." A patriarch said.

That's what he said, but no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look apprehensive. Instead, he was smiling all over his face, with a little excitement in his high spirits.

A small group of patriarchs stared at the youths on the big screen of the spaceship. They were already stretching their limbs and moving their muscles.

"I said, everyone, take it easy, don't scare the children for a while." Someone advised, but he was also rolling up his arms and sleeves.

"Haha, don't think so much, we're just testing that kid's practice results and spur him to make progress."

On the huge spaceship, a group of old guys are extremely energetic, as if a beast that has been imprisoned for a long time is about to be released.

Although it is very thrilling to explore the real remnants, and even **** battles are required, but the return journey is too monotonous, and they have not been done for a long time, and they are all rusty.

The main reason is that they were forced to participate in the war on the way to return to the true state. After conquering various places, they reawakened the **** spirit of the year. During this period of time, they had no opponents, and they were quite uncomfortable.

"Warmly welcome all the patriarchs to return to the present world, and the juniors welcome you!"

"The former sages participated in the creation of great powers, expeditions to foreign lands, benefited the common people and opened up new paths, and the disciples and disciples of later generations welcome the ancestors!"

Wang Xuan asked the temple to pull up a banner, very official, very formal, covered with flowers, and summoned a large group of people to welcome the saints here.

A group of patriarchs stepped out of the spaceship and grinned when they saw golden lotuses growing in the void, flowers all over the ground, and the colorful Shenguang Avenue. Isn't this too "formal"?

At this level, where would they value such superficial rituals? They just lacked an excuse, and this was not straightforward.

The other side of the universe, as well as the Transcendent planets and Divine Land that have been transformed nearby, etc. After hearing the news, a large number of Transcendents flew over by coincidence.

"Father, please forgive me for being late to greet you."

"It's actually the return of the Patriarch. Why didn't you tell me in advance, so that I can go to the depths of Eternal Silence to greet you in person."

In addition to Wang Xuan and Miaogu, the orthodoxy on the other side, as well as those big religions in the old supernatural center before the 24th century, are very good at "coming things", shouting that the ancestors are immortal, kneeling down in a large black, and the sky is full of people.

The ancestors came and stood in the sky, their eyes were very bright, and they were much more energetic than when they left, and they all carried a trace of iron and blood.

This surprised many people, compared with the statues they used to be enshrined in the holy temple, they are not so empty and dusty.

Wang Xuan looked at them, and almost said, good guys, a group of old monsters, this is... Eagle Watching Wolf Gu, must have experienced the baptism of blood, like a rusty old sword re-started.

Relatively speaking, a group of patriarchs is much more real than in the past. With the atmosphere of the world, the youth of the past seems to have returned again.

Wang Xuan pondered, it seems that the "Hot-Blooded Elderly Group" he planned doesn't need to be supported vigorously, but only needs to be guided.

After a group of patriarchs glanced at the large number of disciples, they suddenly touched Wang Xuan who was hiding behind the crowd, and their eyes suddenly changed.

"I've met you seniors!" Wang Xuan was very humble and low-key, and at the same time he was looking for his parents as he saluted from a long distance away.

"As an extraordinary person, you should pay attention to detachment and realize your true self. Why do you need this kind of form? You don't need to mobilize the crowd, let's go." "Yuan", one of the first three elders of the old sage, waved his hand.

Ma, Wu, Dao, Kong and others all appeared. The ancestors of the great evil spirits - Shan, the old **** master on the other side and a certain generation of beast emperors... The scene can be described as bright, and they are all famous figures in history, returning at the same time .

As for the deceased, Gujin, Mei Yukong, etc., they are all considered as the middle and young generations, while Mechanical King Kong, Longwenming, etc. can only be regarded as newcomers.

With this lineup and this kind of ostentation, it is enough to conquer an extraordinary source. Such a powerful team can be called the Heavenly Saints. If they roar past, who would not be afraid?

A quasi-sage like Miao Gu, who was single-minded and unreliable, could not bear the coercion after being casually glanced at by the ancestors, his legs were a little weak.

"Let's all disperse." Qi Ye, one of the three elders of the first generation of the old saint, said.

They are not "mascots". Besides, some old guys are going to educate future generations, and if they bully the younger, they are really not suitable to be watched.

However, many disciples said that they obeyed the decree, but how could they suppress the fanaticism in their eyes and the restlessness in their hearts?

The endless transcendental beings just retreated and landed on the nearby man-made planets and the land of gods, all watching the supreme real body of the patriarch.

Of course, all the ancestors have taken away the holy prestige, otherwise, the creatures at this level cannot look directly at them, and if the inferiors dare to look at them, the primordial spirit will blood will disappear and the flesh will explode.

"Come here." Apparently, the patriarch had a different view of his closest direct disciples. Some of them were summoned, including the Miaogu, low-key and introverted Xiao Wang.

Wang Xuan had already met with the ancestors, but he didn't see his parents, so he immediately sent a voice transmission to Wang Yusheng behind the Saints Heavenly Group: "Brother, where are our father and mother?"

Wang Yusheng was in a complicated mood. How many scapegoats did this careless younger brother make him bear? Don't you know that "catastrophe is imminent" now?

The king informed: "They practiced the "Nine Destroyers and Rebirth Sutra" at a critical moment, and the seniors specially arranged a 'secret cabin' for them in the spaceship. They have just returned and have not yet awakened them. "

Wang Xuan suddenly understood that a group of old monsters really thought carefully, and they didn't want to educate their children in front of their parents, they were dismissed.

He smiled immediately, it was better without his parents in front of him, no one stopped him, he was ready to relax and stretch his muscles.

Wang Yusheng wanted to say something, but he was afraid of being intercepted by a group of old men, after all, they had all contributed to good fortune.

Behind the saints, the newcomer Wu Liuji kept winking at Wang Xuan. The two of them were too close back then, and they really didn't want Xiao Wang to be beaten violently. He secretly reminded him.

However, Wang Xuan just smiled at him, as if he didn't understand the hint.

At this moment, although the patriarchs of each family are questioning some important direct disciples, in fact, many people are focusing on the kid surnamed Wang.

Wang Xuan saw the red sleeves of My Fair Lady, and also saw Ma beside her, that is, the strange thing of the mobile phone, and wanted to call Brother Ji very much. Obviously, Ma definitely didn't want him to call Brother Ji in public, and was looking at him majesticly. In fact, he was thinking about how to start a violent beating in his heart.

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