Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 101: The big universe is crazy

The exchange meeting was very successful and closed in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere. As the winner of this grand meeting, Wang Xuan, the strongest lecturer, cordially communicated with various lecturers for a long time and took a final group photo.

As the strongest alien, Taoist Lao Zhang also went to associate with other alien boys and maids, etc., which attracted a lot of attention.

Although he has a sullen face, he is still very popular. For example, the follower of the Daoist Daoist - Mingxue, is stroking his head and pinching his small face to express his love.

Although Zhang Jiaozhu is a larva, he is very cold, even if he is liked by others, he never smiles at all.

In the end, Lao Zhang couldn't hold back anymore, and the shameless Mingxue Patriarch touched his head endlessly. After making a note in his mind, he hurried out of the crowd.

"Junior is willing to gamble and admit defeat." After Lao Zhang saw Li Dao, he said this, he wanted to get it back from Li Dao after he suffered a loss from the blood-smiling Patriarch of the Blood.

A group of people looked over immediately, and at the same time looked at Xu Jingyue, the number one beauty at the source of No. 3. Except for Wang Xuan, these two 6-breakers are considered the strongest aliens.

Whether it's Li Dao or Zhunsheng Xu Jingyue, they can't hold back their face, this little boy has so many things to do. Li Dao really wanted to grab him to death.

"Let's go." Fortunately, a true sage from the source of No. 3 came to call a group of aliens to leave the stage, otherwise the two 6-broken quasi-sages would not be able to get off the stage.

"I said that the people at the No. 3 source are really not particular! Wang Xuan's Taoist boy and maid, you just leave." Fu Ye, the single 6-breaker at the No. 2 source, shouted, and other people secretly echoed and laughed.

"Strictly speaking, Fairy Xu will come to our No. 1 Transcendent Source and report the name of Brother Wang Xuandao, and then he will be able to pass the customs smoothly and be able to enter. You are not considered an outsider."https://

A group of aliens at the source of No. 3, even Zhensheng, the leader of the team, didn't want to stay for a moment, and disappeared without a trace.

The general meeting ended in a peaceful atmosphere. After all, there were no casualties, and no violent conflicts broke out. However, the Chaofan Secret Online was the complete opposite. It could be called **** and bloody.

The main reason was that many people were furious in the No. 3 Great Earthquake of the Extraordinary World, and the key immortals of the New Mythical Great World were unreasonable, and their mouths were very poisonous. A cosmic battle broke out between the two sides.

Although the No. 3 source and the new mythical world are guarded against each other, and they cannot enter and exit at will, but the supernatural secret network is partly connected.

Of course, the main reason is that the connection between the underground mythical darknet and the regular Chaofannet has not yet been fully released.

Especially after the debate on the dark net was transferred to the normal Chaoyun net, it further fermented. An epic collision broke out between the No. 3 source and the new mythical world, and the online war reached a fever pitch.

Wang Xuan was once again bullied by the Internet. But in the New Mythology Great World, he is very respected and full of honor.

No. 3 supernatural source's verbal and verbal warfare has little effect. The New Mythology Great World summed up the experience here and responded with only two pictures, but the other side was so angry that the seven orifices were burning with smoke.

One picture shows Li Dao sitting on the futon given to him by the boy Lao Zhang with absent-minded eyes, where he is thinking blankly about life. The light shines in all directions.

There is also a picture that broke the defense of many people at the source of No. 3. Xu Jingyue showed Wang Xuan the tea art and personally made tea and served it with white and slender hands. What's more, there is an accompanying text, your goddess is my king maid.

On the 3rd, a group of radicals in the local area were stimulated to make a call for an expedition, and called the people from the 1st and 2nd extraordinary sources to come to a large-scale life-and-death confrontation.

In fact, due to Mu Qiang's mentality, even in No. 3, there are many extraordinary people who are less hostile to the mysterious Wang Xuan. The more they quarrel, the more they feel that this person is amazing.

After all, quasi-sages like Li Dao and Xu Jingyue, who had unrivaled 6-breakers, were manipulated and surrendered by the old king of the next-door universe. It really caused a huge shock in their homeland.

Wang Xuan of Huaguoshan Dojo rubbed the purple gold gourd in his hand. At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but he couldn't help getting angry when he touched it, and went to roast the golden holy sheep.

The upper echelons of Source No. 3 are really shameless, and all the good fortune in this authority has been absorbed. This is looking down on him. Ah, throw out a waste gourd.

It turns out that the wonder of the Great Way produced at the core of the No. 3 source is this kind of gourd, and Wang Xuan traced it in the field of great escape while gnawing on the holy-level lamb chops.

Now his fugue includes the Sutra of Cause and Effect, Sutra of Fate and Cicada, and the change of Wuyou Daokong, etc., which are becoming more and more unpredictable.

He vaguely saw a total of 14 ancient vines in the center of No. 3 source, including metal vines and stone vines, each bearing gourds.

However, he dimly sensed that three vines were empty. After the gourds were taken away, there were still 11 gourds left. The No. 3 extraordinary source is indeed very strong and even has more authority than No. 1 source.

The purple gold gourd in Wang Xuan's hand made clangs and clangs, and it belonged to the super banned main material. In terms of material alone, it is very rare and can be used as a treasure.

"The bear also wants to taste the taste of the golden holy sheep." The mechanical bear watched by the fire, holding his chin enviously and a little bit greedy.

"Then let's transform into a catastrophe and walk the road of flesh and blood." Wang Xuan suggested.

Wang Xuan casually threw the purple gold gourd to it, saying, "Actually, I want to eat this."

Wang Xuan said, "Well, when I turn around, I will pick a few gourds for you and combine them into one to help you refine a gourd holy object."

He really raised the bear as a child. Back then, it was it that grew up with its three children, and when thinking of it, the faces of the three children appeared.

Not far away, Lao Zhang was contacting the Patriarch of Mingxue to beat him, but Lao Ming was in charge of flirting, and refused to talk to him, so that Zhang's head was smoking.

I wanted to fight the Patriarch of the Dark Blood, but I couldn't find it. Finally, I went to study the causal hook with the great alchemist Xu Fu.

On the 3rd, because of the two pictures, many extraordinary people were scolded and even stern, and the goddess Xu Jingyue was slandered.

In fact, even the higher-ups felt aggrieved, but it was because the 6-broken quasi-sage on their side was suppressed by a brat in the extraordinary world.

Originally, he had to wait for a while before taking any action, but after being alarmed, Lu Po Da Neng was very interested and wanted to study Wang Xuan's situation as soon as possible.

Creatures who have reached this level are naturally very keenly aware that Wang Xuan is an anomaly, and they should take it over to take a closer look, so some big bosses with six broken hands took the initiative to go on the road.

The boss of Lu Po can only force his way in. His body is actually a prohibited item, a silver knife, and now it is blooming with 15 colors of brilliance.

It is precisely because of its particularity that it is invincible and can easily split the boundary wall of the big universe without causing any movement. Therefore, after he came out of the mountain and transformed into an old man, he looked like an old man with a fairy wind, bone beard, hair, and silvery white sleeves fluttering. Sure enough, there was no huge movement Enter the new world of mythology.

But here he acted under a lot of pressure, and he was not very smooth, and he was really rejected.

It’s just that I have to go out to catch a foreigner, a group of old guys are too cautious, even if there is Lu Breaker guarding him, so what, he can still protect him forever, always give me a chance, Xuanzi said to catch the foreigner People are not easy to grasp.

It's as simple as catching a chick. Of course, he has to be careful to avoid too much force and accidentally burst the pulp.

Xuan Yi was dressed in snow and rushed all the way to Huaguo Mountain, a place outside the world. He had already figured out the details and studied all kinds of maps and so on.

"Catch the chicken, let's see what kind of secrets you are hiding."

Without benefits, he naturally wouldn't come here in person. This kind of single-level boss is eager to go further and is naturally most interested in those odd numbers.

"Yeah, it's very fragrant." Xuan silently approached Huaguo Mountain—at first sight, he saw a fire pile with 14 golden horns as a barbecue grill.

"It's really extravagant, roasting creatures from the highest realm. I'm so hungry. Well, it looks familiar, Zheng's mount." Xuan's complexion changed slightly.

In his opinion, the Huaguo Mountain Dojo is really brave, just roasting and eating the mount of the most powerful person in the 6-breaking domain.

At the same time, he felt something was wrong, there were strong people in this dojo, otherwise why would he dare to be so extravagant, could it be that he was really waiting for the true sage from the No. 3 source to come to his door?

"I'm sorry, I'm a 6-breaker who is best at breaking through the big world. You can't catch up with me. Once you catch a little chicken, you will disappear without a trace." He said to himself.

"But what about people?" He clearly sensed why Wang Xuan's aura was gone, and he was led away by the strong here?

"He made a discovery!"

With a swipe he came and disappeared again. Decided to wait and see.

He sits in a place overlooking Huaguo Mountain in the distance.

Well, he turned his head and felt someone was peeping, and sure enough, a group of old guys expected that someone was really fishing and waiting for us to come over, so let's change it first and then come again.

He cut through the void of the other world and shifted again, but the next moment he turned back with horror, and there was someone behind him.

"This can be caught up, he didn't get rid of it at all, wait a minute, that's it?" His pupils constricted and he felt shocked and unbelievable, that face was too young, so familiar, wasn't it the target.

"Source No. 3, you guys made me angry, how contemptuous I was for giving a broken gourd, this is not over, and you are going to murder me yourself, **** it!"

Wang Xuan was annoyed. The powerhouse at the No. 3 source challenged his psychological bottom line again and again.

"Everyone said it again and again, but you snatched a little flower I was looking for, and perfunctory me with a broken gourd, and now you are here to attack me, it is unforgivable."

Xuan was a little confused. Is this young man exuding the aura of a big devil really that target?

The villain-like young man in front of him was surrounded by fragments of the avenue and burned with fierce flames, and he came over like a tiger stalking and reaching for a chicken!

Xuan felt that it was too far away, and everything was reversed. The other party wanted to grab him by the neck.

Until now, he couldn't figure out how a foreigner could become a 6-broken boss.

Even if the other party has a different number of talents and has become a new saint prematurely, it is impossible for him to compete with a 6-break field powerhouse like him.

He also attacked, his right hand was like a blade, but after colliding with the opponent's five fingers, his own sparks scattered and did not move.

This is bizarre, he is a 6-breaking power in the form of a silver knife. Unexpectedly, he couldn't move this weird latecomer.

Xuan felt that it was absurd and unbelievable, and at the same time, the throbbing situation in his heart seemed to be very bad, it is better to go first, to avoid being surrounded by the 6-breakers in this world.

However, after he cut through the void and broke through, the goosebumps on his neck suddenly grew cold, and the opponent's fingers almost poked his neck.

"I..." Xuan was shocked.

The opponent's speed was even faster than him, surpassing him in a field he was proud of.

At this moment, Wang Xuan used all kinds of means, even his real body was exposed. Naturally, he didn't intend to let him go, the master of the Great Escape, the real health care master, held Xuan down to make him escape.

"我#" Xuan's three views were impacted, he was about to be taken down, and Fang hit him with his bare hands until the body of his knife was about to come out!

He didn't get too close, mainly because he had confidence in Wang Xuan!

Sure enough, the people from the No. 3 source were really shameless and really ran over to make trouble. He saw Wang Xuan chasing the enemy and followed him.

But when the senior brother arrived, his heart was beating wildly, this little junior brother was so fierce, he could really wrestle with the Lu Breaker by wrestling with his wrists.

There was no big commotion because Xuan was trapped by Wang Xuan's true meaning of breaking the realm.

A hazy curtain covered him and locked him in, unable to escape

As for Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand into the big screen and smashed and chopped him like iron clanging.

"What kind of monster are you?" Xuan's voice trembled. How could there be such a perverted young powerhouse of later generations, how many great realms did he break through in a row?

When he saw Shou coming, Xuan was completely desperate and there was no suspense, he couldn't escape at all.

He had some doubts that he was captured alive by everyone as soon as he entered the No. 1 extraordinary source. But Lu Po boss was caught by a boy and an old boy.

Naturally, there were no accidents, Wang Xuan and Shou went back to the Huaguo Mountain dojo together soon after, and he invited the senior brother to eat the golden holy sheep.

Two brothers and sisters use a small silver knife to cut the mutton and spread the seasoning sauce, etc. The drink cups are delicious

"I'm the 6-break power of No. 3 source, you can't do this to me!" Xuan felt humiliated and he became a sheep-cutting knife, just a tableware.

"Shut up." Wang Xuan's fingers made the silver knife tremble and his voice was lingering. He had already torn off most of Qi Lingxuan's primordial spirit in the knife and sealed it in a Chengdao bottle. Now it's easy to handle This knife.

If the outside world finds out that the pair of senior brothers are breaking 6 prohibited items in the a powerful body is cutting up the holy sheep and roasting it, it will definitely cause an uproar and shock.

Especially the supernatural beings from the No. 3 source, if they knew about it, they would probably be petrified and dumbfounded, and maybe some people would be killed and would not believe it.

"Do you really want to go to Source No. 3 to catch the supreme authority there?" Shou was a little worried.

The two of them didn't care that he heard this kind of secret and said it directly, and hoped to see Tianyou again.

However, the brothers and sisters ignored him and studied all kinds of problems that might arise when going to the No. 3 source.

In the end, Wang Xuan and Shoucai looked busy and decided to use it again.

"Senior brother, you detain him, a ray of breath turned into a phantom, turned back and called Shang Ge and Shi to chase Xuan's phantom into the No. 2 source, you better make a big noise, so that No. the sword to steal their supremacy."

Shou nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, I have a sense of propriety, and try to alert the source of No. 3 so that they can misunderstand and send someone to the source of No. 2 to rescue this broken knife, and you can take advantage of the distraction of those shameless powerhouses on No. 3." Hurry up and act!"

In Xuan's heart, there was a national quintessence of prohibited items, who the **** is shameless, those two people are plotting like this and he is so miserable that he will be used again.

Wang Xuan meanderingly set out on the road. When the No. 3 source and the new world of mythology faced massive supernatural and fierce confrontations, and the online **** trend was inextricably linked, he had to start from the real world.

"I don't know what's wrong with Xuan, I'm already close to the target. It's not easy to capture a small alien, I should be back soon." On the 3rd, there were 6 broken bosses talking about it.

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