Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Myth Formatting

The latest website: The supernatural world, the mythological factors are boiling, and the colorful lights are endlessly auspicious, all of which are transpiring and pouring into the outer universe.

All races, religions, and countless transcendents are all roaring and shouting, the most important moment of this era has arrived, and if they can't keep up with the pace, they will fall into decay forever.

Thousands of races are vying to be the first, and a large number of extraordinary people are crossing the sky. It seems to be flourishing and splendid, and the myth is flourishing. In fact, this is just an appearance

In an instant, in the sea of ​​stars, a large amount of dark red blood splashed across the universe on the sky.

The Extraordinary Center decided that this is not the time when a hundred flowers are in full bloom, but that hundreds of millions of extraordinary people are vying for the crossing, and they are all afraid of falling behind and unable to keep up with the rhythm of the mythological movement.

Massive dao rhyme surges, countless super matter transpires, and breaks away from the existing super center. Some universes quickly lose their mythological attributes, as if they suddenly dimmed.

Hanging high above the world, you can overlook this magnificent spectacle, and the birth and death of a galaxy seems to be completed with a snap of your fingers.

The real universe is actually harmless, but the "soul of the mythical universe" jointly constructed by Dao Yun and the extraordinary factors is indeed galloping, ebbing, born and dying, and the "soul of the mythical universe" begins to leave the body.

A large number of extraordinary people seem extremely small at this moment. They are afraid that they will be shaken out of the extraordinary river and sea, and will stay in the old universe forever. How can conflicts not break out in such a scramble?

In the extraterrestrial land of the universe, the uninhabited land where Lorraine has just triggered the catastrophe, the bodies of all the supreme beings are tense, and the holy light shoots out from the child's hole.

Everyone felt that this extraordinary change came at the wrong time. Lorraine's face turned pale. When she was going through the catastrophe, did the myths move away? It's hard to say whether this is good or bad, it's full of variables.

"Yunfei, Xueqing, Suyun, quickly lead the demon court to transfer!" She called her children Mei Yunfei, Mei Xueqing, Mei Suyun and others, and immediately traveled far away.

The other supreme beings are also taking action or giving orders, not daring to waste time, whether it is the real body or the incarnation walking around, they all start to close their own dojos.

The initial great migration of the supernatural center, for ordinary lands, is just a big breach of the Daoyun and supernatural factors, but for special places, this is a "restart", which is extremely dangerous.

Jedi everywhere, including the 36 heavens, the land outside the world, the land of origin beyond the world, etc., will rise up with the extraordinary changes, but they must be targeted by the key points!

For example, **** will be "formatted" during the process of extraordinary migration. The wanderers and wanderers in hell, some of whom were born with wisdom in this era, are no longer muddled, just like returning from rebirth, and when the era ends, they will be erased Lost all memories, still just a rotting corpse.

This is also the reason why **** is accumulating 5 broken wanderers in every era, and the giant cities are becoming more and more dangerous. Even those famous mechanical saints, gods, and emperors among the dead can't escape the final battle. Initialization, will be cleared and resurrected.

36 Chongtian and otherworldly places were considered Jedi in the very ancient past, but they were all surrendered one after another. However, after the end of the Transcendent Era, these places are still not suitable for disciples to live in, and they must leave, even if not To be fully "liquidated", more than 80% must be "formatted".

"Flee!" At this moment, explorers were fleeing on the shore of the Sea of ​​Origin, on the Cliff of Another World, and other Jedi.

In fact, in the past few decades, the various races and ashrams have been prepared for a long time, knowing that this scene will happen suddenly, they have already prepared for it.

However, there are still people who are dangerously grabbing the last supernatural object. Now, it is safest for superhumans to enter the star sea in this world, and they can travel far away with the tide of mythology.

Of course, the Mortal Realm, Immortal Realm, and Tianwaitian can gain a foothold temporarily, so they won't be as dangerous as the Jedi everywhere.

"Hell is empty!" Someone yelled, this dancer in the Hall of Yama must have reached the end of his extraordinary life, and he dared to go in, and fled in embarrassment.

Normal living people who stay here will also suffer the same fate, and their primordial consciousness will be erased.

36 Chongtian, the otherworldly place, all the supreme spiritual dojos, all rose from the ground, crashed into the outer sky, broke into the fairy world, and rushed to the sea of ​​stars in the present world.

In the real world, millions of races and orthodoxy are scrambling to escape from such a magnificent scene, and many extraordinary people

You can only see this once in your life.

There is no doubt that in such a great turmoil of mythology, most superhumans will fall behind, unable to keep up with the pace of migration, and will stay in the old universe.

Coupled with the action of the changer, there will also be a duel between the superpowers who liquidated each other at the end of the era. This will be the most turbulent and **** moment.

At this time, the passages of both Immortal World and Tianwaitian and other places have been opened, connecting with the major star fields in the present world.

In fact, on weekdays, the direct disciples of the major religions can also enter and leave the world outside the fairy world at any time.

At this time, Lorraine was a little anxious, afraid that something would happen to the disciples.

"Don't mistake yourself, even if you are worried, can you control that much? Are you going to approach them with the most terrifying light of chaos and catastrophe, to help them migrate?" Shou reminded her not to mistake herself, there was a slight difference for her It is possible to die in this true holy catastrophe.

In fact, Mei Suyun, Mei Yunfei, Mei Yunteng and others were well organized, the Yaoting dojo rose from the ground, the supreme magic circle glowed, cut open the void, and migrated normally.

She was very worried, but there was nothing she could do, there was nothing she could do to help, she was afraid that they might be targeted by the supreme beings along the way.

"Don't worry, I'm watching!" Shou added, reassuring Lorraine.

Huang Shang, the old weasel, and He Sheng from the Yaotian Palace all frowned. They looked down at the sea of ​​stars in the present world, and what they saw was blood and chaos. Alien people led the way for their respective groups, which was extremely dangerous.

They were worried about their disciples, and had to disappear briefly to **** a section of the road.

While surviving the tribulation, Lorraine tore open the space, entered the outer world, and then came to the fairyland. Even she didn't dare to stay in the world for a long time.


After breaking free, a terrifying holy spear pierced over there, huge and boundless, coming from outside the pass, tearing apart the world, like a giant pillar propping up the world being pulled up, and hitting towards Lorraine.

At such a juncture, there are strong people from the Supreme Dojo to attack. They left for a short time, sent their disciples on the road, and then came back again to make trouble.

This is not a real spear but a manifestation of the supreme rune, but it is even more terrifying. It exploded during the approach, and it was guarding against it, forcibly intervening, with a blank face, and its hand was still clutching the previous holy spear. Arrow, because of the sudden outbreak of the Transcendent Migration, he didn't fight back against that person.

Now, there is another one, attacking Lorraine, he still just stretched out his right hand to grab the giant spear that burned the supreme rune and was destroying the fairyland.

The guard's big hand covered the sky, wherever it passed, the chaotic flames were extinguished, and the supreme runes were all recondensed, the giants did not explode, and their faces returned to one, forming a shiny holy spear. Grab it with your big hands and take it away.

"I've given you face, don't make mistakes!" Shou said calmly.

"Joke, can you give me the face of waiting?" Someone in the sky sneered, and at this moment, a big hand stuck out from there, with a bang, it exploded the fairyland and flew towards Lorraine who was crossing the catastrophe.

He didn't even care that Heavenly Tribulation was supremely strong, and he withstood part of the chaotic thunder to cover Lorraine, with supreme coercion and overwhelming power.

The fairy world is collapsing, coupled with the ebb tide of mythology, millions of races are fleeing, this moment is even more terrifying,

Facing it indifferently, his left hand held both the holy arrow and the long spear, while his right hand turned into a fist mark and blasted towards the giant palm.

With a puff, a terrifying rain of blood-colored light erupted above the sky, and the big hand of the true saint was smashed, blood and flesh were mutilated, and broken bones splashed.

Shou is so powerful, to injure the supreme being who is extremely arrogant and self-respecting in his heart, it is the real palm of the other party, not a materialization.

This scene moved all the sages of the Royal Dao!

It's so difficult to stay a true saint? They had estimated that Shou must be the ultimate true saint, but now it seems that he is stronger than they imagined.

"Heh!" Someone made a move again, but this time it was not against Lorraine, nor against the guard.

In the sky, a blurry figure bowed its bow and shot an arrow, aiming at the horses and horses fighting to cross the demon court with the tide of mythology, and shot past with one arrow


"Lorraine, come and see, can you survive the catastrophe with peace of mind?" someone said indifferently from outside the sky.

It can be said that at this level, it is indeed relatively rare to still use unscrupulous means to target the younger generation. He actually directly murdered Lorraine's children and disciples and others, messing his mind. Even if the arrow was shot in the past, even if it was guarded by the supreme magic circle, it was hard to say whether something happened.

After all, Mei Suyun, Mei Yunteng, etc. sometimes leave the Yaoting dojo to conduct inspections and so on.

"You" Lorraine's eyes trembled with desire.

"Spicy chicken!" Wang Xuan, who was watching the whole battle, immediately became angry. This supreme being is quite vile. In order to prevent the path of a new saint, he actually attacked his disciples.

"Meditation," Shou said flatly.

The holy arrow in his hand was thrown out at some point, and disappeared out of thin air, and then came first, and manifested in the deep space, chasing after the opponent shot the arrow.

With a sound of "bang", the holy arrow collided at the exit of the tearing fairyland, sending out the boundless royal road texture, the void was annihilated, and the fairyland collapsed.

"It's rude to come and go, do you think I don't know who you are if you completely suppress your anger? Ignorant and ignorant!" Shou said murderously.

Undoubtedly, he was also enraged. If the other party was so unruly, then he had nothing to hesitate.

In an instant, the giant spear that Shou Li was holding was shining, and he threw it out, piercing through the fairyland. The spear carried terrifying runes, fragments of time, and could not catch up with it. to the dojo,

"Fellow daoists, help me!" Mu Han was frightened, he was afraid that his disciples would suffer heavy losses, or even be completely wiped out if the spear fell.

He thought that he was hiding deep enough that the other party didn't spy out who he was, but he was still exposed.

On the way, there was indeed a supreme being who shot and blocked the giant spear to dim its light.

However, this spear was still accurate after all, and she caught up with the target's huge and boundless dojo fortress. Even though it was guarded by the supreme magic circle, part of it was still shattered under the fierce blow of "Guardian".

With a bang, the supreme magic circle was gorgeous, and the overlapping runes shone.

A quarter of the area of ​​the dojo that was undergoing the Great Migration collapsed.

Shou Han said, "I have shown mercy, otherwise, this dojo will be completely torn apart. If anyone attacks the Yaoting Dojo by any means, then I will make an exception and kill the extraordinary subordinates. You can't stop me, And I don’t have a dojo myself!”

Shou didn't kill all of them, avoiding intensifying the conflict, and making the other party jump over the wall. After all, he mainly defended Lorraine. If someone might sneak attack the Demon Court again, it would be wiped out.

Even afterward, he could still start killing, but it was too late and too tragic.

"You..." Mu Han's face was livid, and a quarter of the dojo disappeared, which means that there is a high probability that a quarter of the important disciples will be killed.

However, he couldn't attack, the other party recognized him, and if he dared to act recklessly, his dojo would cease to exist.

The deterrence and restraint of the defense really had a very good effect. No one would take action to threaten the disciples of the Yaoting dojo, unless they would not want the dojo in the first place.

At this time, Wang Xuan with a livid face was rushing in the mist. He experimented, and the supreme being did not see through the mist. He decisively put on the mother Yushen's first killing array map, and used the vortex secret method of the mobile phone to kill in the mythical tide Fighting for the passage of hundreds of millions of souls, he drove the array at an unimaginable speed to the outside of Mu Han's dojo, and came to a quarter of the collapsed area. Some people turned pale, looked here, and again hit the road.

Wang Xuan rushed past wearing a killing pattern, and in his hand, the blood-colored Broken Spear, a remnant weapon of the Royal Dao Saint, lifted the leader's skull flying with a puff.

At the same time, the killing array was scanned, and the soul of this person was wrapped and then strangled continuously!

The stranger who was attacked by Wang Xuan in the mist screamed. In the end, Wang Xuan ran away decisively without hesitation, hid in the mist and mixed into the sea of ​​hundreds of millions of souls, and then escaped again.

Mu Hansen's cold holy eyes scanned, with strong murderous intent, but he did not find the target, his eyes were cold, and his own dojo was attacked again, and a stranger died.

At this time, the Dao Rhyme of the entire universe is still

All the mythological factors have been transpired, and they are about to completely leave this old land that is doomed to decay.

You can see the magnificent tidal worms, with Jedi attached to the golden veins intertwined, and the brilliance shines, making the mythical tides come into shape.

That is the mysterious "Golden Book and Jade Book". Some people think it is the supreme prohibited item, but some people think it is not that simple.

Because if you have it, you can manage the immortal world, and the pages of each book also correspond to the Shushi piece Transcendent Star Sea and Immortal Dao Great Barrier.

Its front is connected to the present world, and its back is connected to the fairyland.

The thick gold book and jade book, with countless pages, are now scattered, corresponding to the tide of mythology, surging away together, and about to leave the old universe.

Wang Xuan gasped. This golden book and jade book was like the center of a myth. Standing in the mist with a detached posture, he used his spiritual eyes to see the truth clearly for the first time. It was extremely shocking.

"Let's stop, everyone. After the extraordinary migration leaves this universe, the myths may be frozen for a long time. Countless extraordinary people in the universe will fall into a deep sleep. When the new era will officially open, it is hard to tell. You and I are not suitable either. We did it when the Umbrella of Eternal Silence came down." Huang Shang, the weasel came, arranged for Dao Yang, and came back to protect Dao again.

Similarly, He Sheng, the true sage of Yaotian Palace, also reappeared.

"What are you~ If you say let it go, let it go 2" Someone sneered disdainfully in the sky of the fairy world.

Huang Shangdao: "Old wolf, I really don't have that much face, but what I said is the truth. It is not appropriate to do it again. During the process of supernatural transformation, no one knows what will happen."

"You're short-sighted, you've only lived a few centuries, and you dare to talk to me about the Great Migration of the Myth?" The leather is only related to rats.

This made Huang Shang's face darken, he shook the cloth bag in his right hand, and said, "You have to pay for what you said!"


Dao rhyme and extraordinary factors fluctuate violently, golden books and jade books become veins, extending to every boundary in the center of the entire mythology, with Jedi such as the sea of ​​origin, 36 heavens, hell, and 12 strange flowers that breed supreme authority Going out, it seems that the soul of myth has officially left the old universe.

The Great Migration of Transcendental Centers bid farewell to the past.


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