Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 630: The end of the war

The person who spoke was an old-fashioned true saint, and he was also a name on the top half of the must-kill list, with a very high status.

His name is Zhaogu, and his identity is quite detached, but he has been watching the battlefield. He had joked earlier and called Wang Xuan Professor Wang.

"Well, it looks good to me." Another supreme being nodded.

The deceased was startled, and said in his heart, I'm still thinking about it, and I didn't recognize my relatives, but you guys are more interested?

He is very clear that such an extraordinary young man, in today's battle, really surpassed the standard, showing his excellence, and his future achievements may not be lower than "nothing" and "yes".

"Fellow Daoist, I have doubts about our relationship with him. I'm not sure about everything. We'll talk about this matter later." The deceased responded.

In the giant palace, Wang Zesheng was also present, with thunder flashing deep in his eyes, of course his face was calm, he really couldn't stand these people.

A prohibited item robbed his son, and someone wants to marry the deceased, have you asked him? Where to put him as a real pro-Lao Tzu.

In the arena, the inscriptions were shattered, and the creatures transformed from the aura of the Dao Mother completely fell into self-destruction, attacking their own world like crazy.

Wang Xuan said: "If you are sick, if you want to get rid of all your illnesses, the only way is to use mental chemotherapy. You can visualize the sea of ​​thunder and baptize the spiritual world with the supreme catastrophe, and you can reappear the light."

He is roughly fiddling with the fate of his deranged opponent through the Sutra of Truth, Sutra of Karma, Flower of Vision, etc., leaving him lost and self-destructive.

"Lei Zu came out to help him with his true form, and killed the demon in his heart!" Wang Xuan guided.

Then; the embodied body of Perishing Dao Remnant Wen did this, Wei Wei attracted dozens of hundreds of thunderbolts, but vigorously struck towards his head.

Many super peerless people were startled and a little apprehensive. What kind of method was this? Wang Xuan didn't do it himself, so he let his opponent poke himself.

Lu Yun's expression was complicated. She was defeated by the hand of Dao Canwen. Both her head and soul had been pierced by a stroke, but now it was suppressed by Wang Xuan to this point.

Ling Qingxuan's chest rose and fell, and she took a deep breath. She didn't know whether to be grateful or fearful. Back then, if Wang Xuan had done something like this to her, it would be unimaginable.

Looking at it this way, he really didn't do anything cruel. The so-called four black saps are relatively nothing. Afterwards... they are still friends.

The Perishing Dao Remnant Wen was destroyed again, but, in an instant, it appeared again, which changed everyone's complexion. Can this thing not be killed?

"Immortal Dao?" Some aliens were frowning. This kind of thing is too difficult. If the same level confronts them, the consequences will be disastrous.

"In a sense, he is the tangible embodiment of the 'New Dao'. If the Dao is not destroyed, he will last forever!" A very strange person said.

Wang Xuan reappeared the paper in his hand, without saying anything, he attacked directly, wanting to cut off the opponent, he didn't believe there was an immortal creature, let's see how many times it can survive.

On the withered yellow paper, this time it manifested the light of fists, with various fists, and in an instant, terrifying fists condensed one after another, from the Ninth Five-Year Daoquan to the Juefaquan, then to the Kaitianquan, and then to the Shengdaoquan, the spectacle is frightening.

A large fist flew out with a bang. This time it was even more straightforward, just for the purpose of destruction. With incomparable rage, it smashed the Remnant World in front of it.

"Reappearance?" At the next moment, Wang Xuan used the Hengzi Jue, but instead of standing in his own fog, he manifested it on the Taoist paper. What kind of "dispute" is there, should the past and the dead

Can you help him take care of it?

After all, the dead are ranked above "constant".

"This is... part of the true meaning of Heng, hey, he knows a lot, and it has something to do with Heng Ye, a forbidden item in super-transformation?" A true saint showed a strange look.

"Heng, it seems that something happened and I left temporarily, otherwise I have to ask."

"?" The deceased felt that some saints were really fickle, so he turned his head and stopped asking him.

Now, some people realized that Wang Xuan did have some tricks, maybe he followed the example of the ancients and figured out some prefaces of the Supreme Truth by himself, which is really remarkable.

Fortunately, he did not evolve "nothing" and "yes"

The supreme taboo rule.

Wang Xuan used the Hengzi Jue in this way mainly to try and see how it would change compared to the killer mace in the mist.

"Well, in fact, I can use the Hengzi Jue and the Shizi Jue together, and the Daoist paper I condense can accept more than one killer weapon at a time."

He is reflecting and studying his own various secret methods in battle.

"Let's stop here. You have been resurrected many times, and it should be terminated. The so-called perishing Tao is not the real new Tao after all, but just the incomplete Tao. Want to evolve another extraordinary center? It has already failed."

Wang Xuan decided to end this confrontation.

The simple Daoist paper appeared between his fingers, he was like a saint who was smiling with flowers, there were too many wonders on the paper, starry sky Dao net, cutting knife, Royal Dao gun, fist light, flower of vision , The worms transformed into causal silkworms that have changed their appearance... are all visions of the imperial way.

A piece of paper is the ultimate blow, the road to simplicity.

This time, more methods of Wang Xuan were condensed on the paper, and all the scriptures resonated, each interpreting different mythological scenes, and then they slightly blended with each other.


The sky and the earth are full of light, the holy sword is splitting, the dao net is looming, and the spear pierces the sky, making the highest spiritual world extremely gorgeous, and all kinds of extraordinary scenes are extremely wide.

The Dao Remnant Wen, the strongest existence among the six taboo sacred objects, was finally defeated, and the remnant text there was forever silent and never appeared again.

However, in the giant palace, "Nothing" actually moved at this moment, flicked towards the void, and unexpectedly appeared out of nothing.

Then, it took action by itself and restored the ruined text of the Dao to its original This method can be said to be something out of nothing, creating something out of thin air, which is quite against the sky.

It is precisely because of this that in the past, there was a true sage who suspected that "nothing" and "you" might be the same creature.

It was only later that evidence emerged that they probably each had a foot.

"Nothing" reappears the ruins of the Dao, so it is natural to study it, and understand the real supreme angler on the other side, which is of great use value.

This battle is over, and Wang Xuan alone suppressed the taboo holy relics that were reborn after the destruction of the Six Great Masters, which really caused a sensation and shocked the elites of all religions.

Leng Mei, Lao Zhang, Fang Yuzhu, Jian Xianzi, etc., while their hearts were shaking, they were naturally happy, either in high spirits, or with a smile on their faces.

36 Many true saint disciples in Chongtian and other places were greatly touched. They could not even match the golden scorpion ants and light snails among the six holy objects, not to mention the holy chapters of dreams and the fragments of Daoism. The gap with Wang Xuan is even more obvious.

Yiren Yuanlin's complexion is ugly, Wang Xuan is so domineering at this age, it's too out of line, what height will he go to in the future?

He hacked the other party's Primordial Sacred Object, and made other actions to force the other party to submit. Looking back now, he regretted it, and felt strongly disturbed.

However, it was too late to regret, he knew that he had already offended the other party, and he only hoped that this evildoer who turned out today would come soon!

"That's right, Xuan'er. This battle is finally over. No matter what the saints have planned, it's time for our family to reunite later." Jiang Yun secretly communicated with Wang Zesheng.

"It's time to open the curtain, everyone, and the situation will begin!" The supreme powerhouse Gu Sanming stood up. As the number one saint of the demon clan, his expression was extremely serious.

"Wu" and "You" appeared separately, and they both stood up and glanced at the saints.

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