Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 546: hot to die

The Other Side of Deep Space Chapter 546

The place of the original **** battle - the Dead Star Sea, is no longer as dead, gloomy, and silent as it used to be.

Some of the elites from the Four Great True Sacred Dojos came, 28 soldiers with strong horses and strong horses, engulfed the starry sky, and the cold light of iron armor illuminated the cold universe.

In addition to them, various related personnel followed, because the Dead Star Sea ahead is destined to become the topic center for hundreds or even thousands of years, how could it not attract attention?

For example, some news platforms, extraordinary video sites, Internet giants, underground black markets, etc. have all emerged, and for them, this place has a promising future.

The bloodiest battle has not yet broken out, and the vanguard of all walks of life has appeared.

Everyone, do you see what's behind me? The 28 members of the Four Great True Sages, as well as the tragic Five Tribulations Mountain, all have blood and energy like a nebula, like a sea of ​​gods, turning into a tangible substance, where the stormy waves hit the shore!

Someone posted a post with a photo. Indeed, the bright red blood energy visible to the naked eye made the atmosphere of Xinghai heavy.

Did you see, I sacrificed the blood energy of dozens of members of the 5 Great True Saints to refine the treasures, and my spirituality skyrocketed. If you need it, you can contact me!

Fellow Daoists, I am refining alchemy at the edge of the Dead Star Sea. There is immeasurable death energy here, and there is even more anger from the massive army of the true saint camp. This is a rare coexistence of yin and yang, life and death. , Those who want to buy quickly place an order.

It can be seen that the situation here, the people who brought goods and sold Dali pills in the ancient times all appeared in different ways and participated in it.

In the current Xinghai, as well as in the otherworldly places, some large organizations have come forward together to ban some illegal organizations and jointly maintain the order here.

Soon, these large organizations took the lead to build corresponding strongholds here, which can sell corresponding special items, etc., for standardization.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Reporters from the frontier field showed up immediately and wanted to interview those who wanted to interview Five Tribulation Mountain, but did not get a corresponding response, and the overall atmosphere was dull.

There is a super news video platform, and I went to interview 28 people. These people are very cold, don't talk much, and don't want to expose anything in advance.

It took several months, and the observation stations in the Dead Star Sea were completed one after another. In the final stage, there were glaring textures flowing, and then they went out extremely quickly.

According to the evaluation of professionals, it should be a stronghold of imperial dao level, which is absolutely extremely strong, and it was personally refined by the supreme creature at the end of the final moment.

Although the 28 members of the Four Great Avenues did not disclose anything to the outside world, their morale was overwhelming. Every day, strong men rode prehistoric beasts in the starry sky, like a beast king patrolling the territory.

However, they waited and waited, everything was ready, but they couldn't enter the arena. Ah123z. Collection website sharing second more because, Wujie Zhensheng arranged a killing array in the center, for some reason it suddenly stopped, and there was no killing light to shine.

The 28 films were all showing off, but after two and a half years, there was still no progress. This kind of waiting was really long.

No one wants to patrol the Xinghai anymore. They have maintained a murderous look for more than two years, and they are coldly dressed in armor and overlooking their opponents. It is a bit numb to maintain this state.

The True Sage Wujie may be tired and needs to rest. After all, he will fight with the Four Great True Sages. According to the rules, he has the right to decide the day of the battle.

I think the old true sage wants his disciples to live for a few more years, to buy them time, and at the same time, he can't understand the strong posture of the 28 members, so he deliberately let them go, look, no one is arrogant recently. ?

However, no one thought that this wait would be 25 years! 5 Everyone was dizzy, and it lasted too long.

Later, a supreme being revealed the news that there is no violation of the rules so far, and it has just entered the countdown stage.

25 years ago, I began to pay attention to the original **** battle, and I was looking forward to it. At that time, I had just met my Taoist companion and hadn't established a relationship yet. Who knows, I have been waiting for so many years, and now I even have a grandson. Fuck me, the waiting time is 25 years, now it's all right, the three generations of our grandparents and grandchildren can watch the war together!

A middle-aged man posted a photo. As an extraordinary person, he married early and had children early. This feeling of passing time makes people feel emotional, and he is a little dazed. I don’t know if it is true or not. Many people joined the discussion, which aroused heated discussions.

Then, it became a hot topic on Chaofan.

The fastest update on the other side! .

There is also an old man who wrote: 25 years ago, I was going to sit down, just to see the primitive **** battle, and I survived. Many doctors said that I belonged to the miracle of life.

In the 27th year, the old man once again posted: Fellow Taoists, I was struggling, but unexpectedly broke through, and my illness was gone, and I lived a second life. Thank you for the long absence of the original **** battle, I am alive!

Everyone's eyes were straightened, is it true or not? Really speechless!

In the 30th year, people finally knew that the time had come. In the dojo of the deceased in the past, all the saints witnessed that the time limit for the true sage of Wujie was 30 years.

Counting it down now, there are not a few days left. Last time, it was counting backwards, but now it is counting backwards.

In the past 30 years, many things have happened. The two sides have continued to fight for people, and there have even been accidents, which belong to off-site accidents.

Relatively speaking, Wujieshan must have suffered a disadvantage, being targeted, and it is hard to beat four hands. Fortunately, there are still people monitoring to prevent the conflict from intensifying and not expanding the storm.

Over the past 30 years, Wang Xuan practiced and understood the Dharma. At the same time, he also made two transactions.

The agreement of the primordial sacred object of Kongling.

Under the introduction of Xuankong Ridge, he also reached a contract with a Sansheng disciple, and when the time comes, their observation point will also help Wang Xuan protect some people.

This was done just in case, and Wang Xuan was also afraid that some terrible accident would happen after entrusting everyone's lives to him.

Now, he is prepared with both hands, it is safer to save people separately.

In order to express his gratitude to Ling Qingxuan, he was going to send her the black iron rod that Sun Wukong used to smash Ling Qingxuan's skull four times in a row, to show his sincerity and tell her that he was in contact with the old grandson.

As for her reaction, whether she can bear it or be stimulated, he hasn't thought about it so much for the time being, so he should like it, right? After all, it was also a crime, and it finally fell into her hands.

And in the last few years, disciples of the 36th Heaven's Supreme Being took the initiative to contact Kong Xuan, wanting to trade holy objects with him.

In any era, primordial sacred objects are extremely rare and scarce items, even 5-break creatures may not necessarily be born, and the growth limit is too high.

Wang Xuan has contacts but is not willing to make a deal for the time being. Although he has extra sacred objects, he doesn't want to be too extravagant and wasteful. It depends on the follow-up situation.

The *** industry exploded, and after the countdown began, the business ushered in a blowout, and many extraordinary people bet to participate.

The most famous terrorist organizations in such a grand event as the millennium **** battle will definitely become big winners, and there are too many people participating.

The observatory stations of the various True Sage Dojos finally showed some clues. Someone at the VIP seat said that they could bring a small number of people to watch the shopping between the True Sage Dojos at close range.

As soon as this secret business appeared, it was immediately praised by Shenhao in a small area, and it was the first time to give praise.

The asylum attribute of the observatory has just begun to emerge, and people realize that there are many articles to be done, causing agitation in a small area.

The date has arrived, and you can officially enter the venue.

On this day, all parties paid attention to it, and the entire starry sky was watching. Some transcendents from the adjacent star field went to watch it live, and more transcendents were watching the live broadcast.

The people from Wujie Mountain entered in a low-key manner and split up. In the early days, transcendental beings of different realms had different areas. After shopping to a certain extent and meeting certain conditions, they would carry out random killings across realms. That was the cruelest moment.

For this reason, in the first ten days of entering the field, we will not do anything for the time being to avoid mistakes, give both parties sufficient time, and determine the venue.

Even so, people's emotions were ignited, and the millennium **** battle officially kicked off.

28 sections of the Four Avenues began to enter, and each section is led by a different person, which is a bit scary and amazing!

This is only part of their elite, and it has already involved 28 powerful aliens. After entering, they are in an orderly manner, and people of different realms go on the road separately, all full of murderous intent.

Ladies and gentlemen, I heard that some legendary wizards and epic characters in history may be born again, and they reverse ()

New Chapter 546

Death and life will cause an extremely shocking impact on the present world.

Someone revealed the news, vaguely pointing to the group of people who returned after the spectacle at dusk, but most of them didn't know it yet, so they were stunned.

After the 28 people went in, there were still people in the four avenues.

For example, one of the group of people is all archers, covered with tinted armor, and holding a big bow. When they appear, they arouse discussions.

At the beginning, someone from the smoke team shot the wolverine near the other courtyard of Wujie Mountain. In the early battles, they also shot and killed many people in Wujie Mountain, and even shot and exploded the extraordinary planet.

They appeared, which aroused the hatred of the people in Wujie Mountain. Because, not long ago, during the robbery battle, there were archers who attacked and shot their people to pieces.

Now this group of people don't hide it, they come from Time Heaven. Then, a group of black dragon knights appeared, all of them used knives, and they had smashed through many cities in Wujie Mountain. They came from the Tattoo Palace.

Then there was a group of blood phoenix knights, all armed with long spears. Someone once picked up a huge section of the Black Peacock Mountain, causing many old peacocks to die tragically.

They can now be identified, from the Paper Temple.

There is also a group of people wearing blue armored stomachs appearing, carrying a space vortex, surrounded by electric light, they come from Guixu, and the leader among them once held a lightning hammer and smashed a good fortune in Wujie Mountain, severely damaging the clear sky of retreat , nearly died.

The four teams can be regarded as four special troops. This kind of organization is for acting alone. They are good at raiding and killing. The meaning of hunting is obvious. Some people competed in the action of killing them all in public.

This aroused the indignation of the people in Wujie Mountain, and conflicts almost broke out directly on the scene.

36 There was a ray of coercion from the supreme beings in Chongtian, which finally suppressed both sides and let them enter the arena separately.

People from some news organizations and video platforms are very excited and happiest. They are the most depressed in the past 30 years. The two sides will not explode blood and fight decisively. They have to wait until their children are born, but there are not so many materials needed.

Immediately, they intervene. Baidu search: The fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

After reaching this step, the four avenues cooperated very well. The **** archer of Shi Guangtian, the black dragon knight of the tattoo palace, the blood phoenix knight of the paper temple, and the Thunder blue armor hunter of Guixu all had representatives stayed and accepted the interview .

Someone asked, is it too much for them to cause many tragedies in the past 30 years?

I think it's inevitable, it's nothing, it will happen sooner or later, now it's just a preview. The weak will only howl, we are more willing to act directly, just like not long ago, I seemed to shoot a master on the opposite side, and it was simple and effective to shut him up


Shi Guangtian, the archer with a big bow on his back, was quite rude, and said indifferently there.

People from Paper Temple and Tattoo Palace also responded calmly, not caring about the blood eucalyptus caused.

It can be seen that everyone is full of confidence and does not feel unreasonable ~ ~ does not sympathize with the opponent who was hunted down in advance. Of course, everyone in the entire starry sky knows that the four major dojos have all the advantages, and 70% to 80% of the people can survive. You teams are big favorites. ***The company pays special attention and constantly adjusts the odds to see which team is the most lethal and the scariest. I want to ask...

The hunter with the green armor in the Guixu Taoist field, carrying the Thunder Hammer, was very powerful, interrupted the questioner, and said: "The hottest one?" It doesn't matter. Killing some opponents in advance, I really think it's nothing. My master hammered the good fortune of the Five Tribulations Mountain, causing some of the retreaters to explode. They refused to accept it and wanted revenge, so come here. It's not a big deal, is it? Confrontation means immortality, both on and off the field. Even if someone wants to do something to me now, I can continue. I will never ask someone to complain or judge like the weak. In this world, the strong are always strong, and the weak can only cry and howl.

The four representatives of the Four Great Dao Fields, dressed in ice-cold armor, were all talking freely, without paying attention to the people from Wujie Mountain.

After Wang Xuan sent the black iron rod to Ling Qingxuan through Xingkong Logistics Company, he set out on the road and came to the Sea of ​​Dead Stars.

In the distance, in the mist, his face was cold, holding a big bow with chaotic air flowing, four divine arrows were attached to the bowstring, and the Dao rhyme flowed violently!

Then, at the edge of the Death Star Sea, four radiant rainbows shattered the void of the universe!

The four representatives who were being interviewed exploded at the same time, blood splashed everywhere in an instant, and the camera was wet!

New Chapter 546

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