Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 461: Passing dogs are not spared

"What's your look, what's your expression?" The handsome old man Su Yun asked with a frown. No matter how he looked at him, he was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Wang Xuan rubbed his face, making his smile appear more natural, and said, "No, after hearing the news for the first time, I was shocked and stunned. I was really overjoyed."

"Forget it, I know that you have a knot in your heart, and you are making an injustice for your father." The old handsome man sighed softly.

Wang Xuan still doesn't know what his state is, whether it is the senior brother or the extension of the thoughts of the real saint in Yaoting, no one can tell.

"In the future, you have to change your words in private and call your uncle, don't be so rude." Wu Liuji reminded him, saying that several senior brothers had secretly tipped off his parents.

"I'm not used to it, I'd better call...Senior Su." Wang Xuan said.

"Our family's surname is Mei." Said the elder brother, whose temples were slightly white but still extremely handsome.

Wang Xuan finally knew that the surname of the true sage of the demon court was a plum tree in the mother universe who gained the Tao and eventually became the supreme creature in the transcendent center?

Then, he looked at Leng Mei again, there was a word Mei in the name, is it a homophonic of the word Mei? Could it be the true sage's little daughter?

"My original name is Mei Suyun, but I'm a little feminine, so I often use a pseudonym when I walk outside, and I'm used to being called over time." The senior brother really didn't treat Wang Xuan as an outsider.

Whether it is his appearance, his temperament and charm, etc., he is very outstanding. He is indeed an old handsome guy, but in Wang Xuan's opinion, this name is really not very good.

Wait a minute? He frowned, there was a cloud in the name, and he thought of his mother, Jiang Yun.

Immediately, Wang Xuan felt a little "superior". What kind of grudges are among the elders, shouldn't it be very "dog-blood"?

If it's just the name, it's actually far more outrageous than he imagined.

The big brother was originally named Mei Zesheng, but after a few months, the real saint of Yaoting faced this name.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I finally changed it for him.

"Be careful, it's better not to take risks." Wu Liuji said, because the depths of **** are too complicated, and experts in various fields may appear.

Soon, the handsome old men Mei Suyun and Wu Liuji left and traced half of the list, and the aliens from Wujie Mountain had long since disappeared.

In the distance, there are aliens fighting to the death, the divine chain of order is like a butterfly net, covering the sky, and someone found the "silk" stained with the breath of "half a list", belonging to the inner layer of the jade box.

Some super peers were wandering at high speed, haunting various ruins, and then, many true immortal disciples arrived and were responsible for the carpet search.

"Kong Xuan is there!" Someone whispered, and the current True Immortal disciples are in awe of him, seeing with his own eyes that he empties the True Immortal area, and never wants to confront him.

Along the way, Wang Xuan noticed at a glance that the people from the Ruins Dojo were fleeing into the distance, and there was nothing to say. He directly chased and killed, and focused on the Tengu.

This kind of creature has an extraordinary sense of smell and is very useful in searching for strange objects in hell. After being caught by Wang Xuan, there are just a few big mouths, and the heads of the dogs are all beaten.

"I greet his ancestors. The villain Kong Xuan is too cruel. You must avoid him and leave no one. He doesn't even let the dogs pass by."

For a time, Kong Xuan became "famous" and became even more fierce, and all the camps that entered the depths of **** knew of his various "evil deeds".

Leader Zhang and Leng Mei were speechless, not only Wang Xuan was "Qing Qi", but even the cow was very strange. When they saw the mechanical flying insects used by various sects to communicate, they would cut them off vertically.

"Crack!" "Ow..."

A Void Dog with extraordinary bloodline in the Paper Temple was swam out by Wang Xuan. After he slapped two big mouths, this divine dog was furious, recovered, and turned out to be a peerless one.

There is no way, if it does not violate the rules of **** balance, it will definitely die. How can it stop Kong Xuan who has emptied the True Immortal area?

In an instant, Wang Xuan fell into the mist and chose to wait and see, staring at this peerless Void Dog.

Everyone is saying that he doesn't even let the dogs pass by, but it's actually an illusion. He's mainly verifying something.

After the Void Dog violated the rules of hell, a vague figure rushed out of the city not far away, and then, the Void Dog was blown up with a punch!

Then, in the nearby area, the few true immortals of the Paper Temple were implicated and were quickly wiped out.

However, those slightly further away were not affected and were not targeted.

"In the depths of hell, it's a little different, and the balance rules are stronger." Wang Xuan ignored the other true immortals, feeling the subtle changes.

As he approached Tianshen Mountain, Mechanical Holy Temple and other places, at first he thought that there were more buildings, which led to stronger radiation of rules.

However, he found that the phenomenon of people in the same camp continued to weaken.

After many inspections, Wang Xuan suspected that the avenue of balance appeared in the depths of hell, which was even more terrifying. However, it is primarily aimed at individuals, not the entire camp.

When he went deeper, it really confirmed this speculation.

In the depths of hell, even in the wilderness, where there is no city, you need to follow the rules of balance, but if you violate it, it will no longer affect others.

"Run over to another dog!" Fu Dao Niu reminded that it was a little addicted. In the dangerous hell, when he saw an unpleasant opponent, he rushed over and chopped it, making it scream.

"That's a group of dogs, there are still far away!" Lao Zhang said.

"Yes...mechanical dog!" Leng Mei's heart throbbed, and she was strongly disturbed, reminding Wang Xuan that this might involve a supreme creature.

After all, she came to know more from the True Holy Dojo.

Wang Xuan also shrank his flea hole, this time he didn't rush forward and slapped the dog's mouth.

One, two... There are hundreds of mechanical fairy dogs, roaring away, and then scattered, looking for half of the list.

Then, there was a mechanical dog that should be a foreigner, suppressing its own way in the distant mountains, and roared, shaking the world.

"The real holy-level mechanical tengu may have entered hell, this is its subordinate." Wang Xuan said with a solemn expression, he really can't make a mess, that dog is the most vengeful.

Then, he quickly communicated with the Yudao flag after life and told it not to come out.

Last time, when the mechanical tengu and the mothership of Taichu were competing for the supreme fire, Yudaoqi mixed in and robbed some of the fragments of the highest fire that the mechanical tengu liked. That dog was crazy. In one day, he used the secret technique dozens of times to trace the Yudao flag. He was too vengeful. In hell, he must not let it smell the Yudao flag.

"In this area, there is someone who even beats the dogs that pass by, let's look for it..." In the distance, the inhuman-level mechanical dog opened his mouth.

Its body is very huge, and it smashes a mountain with one foot and runs into the distance.

"It's none of your business!" Wang Xuan felt that the dog was a little bit loose. He was thinking about trying not to provoke the other party, but instead he wanted to meddle in his own business, but this has nothing to do with you.

What's the deal with the mechanical dog?


A light of divine punishment appeared, and at the end of the horizon, it smashed the mechanical dog, causing its huge body to emit blue smoke, tumbling out, and crushing many mountains.

"The frigate of the mothership in the beginning? Wang, you are here too, courting death!" The mechanical dog roared, rushed into the void, and rushed towards a huge warship.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the depths of hell, there is a dazzling light, and there is a mechanical war there.

"Deserved, kill this dog!" Wang Xuan was looking forward to the frigate to kill the dog, it was too much control!

"How much does the price match?" Master Zhang sighed, he was really convinced.

"I don't even know it, it's a disaster."

"This line has the most vengeance. It's nothing at present. This inhuman-level mechanical dog is just a little uncomfortable after hearing about your actions. Don't mess with it in the future." Leng Mei also said, she mentioned , Wu Liuji injured a mechanical dog, and as a result, a large group of mechanical dogs scolded him for two months in a place outside the world.

"What kind of weird dog is this!" Wang Xuan was stunned, feeling that he just hadn't cleaned up.

Next, he was still verifying some things, and did not immediately enter the Holy Emperor City, the Mechanical Holy Temple and other places. When he saw the people from Guixu, the Tattoo Palace, and Shi Shitian, he immediately went to provoke them to clean up each other.

Then, these dojos were provoked, new hatred and old hatred were added together, and a group of people formed a "removal team"!

Moreover, there are aliens who have given a big killer!

"This is a special item made by the true sage himself, but it has some flaws. It can be used three times, but if it is used properly, it is enough to kill him. The key is to be quick and accurate, and don't let him escape."

Obviously, these are all defective products, but if they are suddenly activated, the terrifying power will burst out, which is indeed enough to obliterate the ultimate true immortal.

Guixu, Paper Temple, Evil God's Mansion, etc. couldn't bear it anymore, and the disciples of the true immortals were repeatedly attacked and killed when they searched the must-kill list in a carpet-like manner.

Yiren had no time to clone, and was unwilling to use the cards in his hand, so he reluctantly gave the spare defective product to the peerless master and ordered them to hunt.

"Irregular-level fluctuations, special items made by the true saint!" When the first encounter happened, Master Zhang was taken aback and felt that Wang Xuan was playing with fire and should not be tested like this.

Leng Mei was hunting in black robes, her face was pale, and she was also greatly shocked. Just now, it was dangerous and dangerous. At the last moment, Wang Xuan led them into the mist.

"Scared the cow, it's only a little bit, there will be no calf!" Fu Dao Niu gasped.

Wang Xuan looked outside, instead of using the old zombie's six regular copper spears, he tried the black long knife given to him by Wu Kong, an old stranger from Wujie Mountain.

He activated this knife just now, but not to go shopping with the other party, but to touch the qi of the special items in the hands of the peerless.

"Are you experimenting with You Zi Jue?" Leng Mei asked him. Back then, she was the first person to experience being imprisoned by You Zi Jue.

"Yes, there seems to be no problem at the moment!" Wang Xuan nodded.

If you want to use the most powerful words to capture people or objects, you need to have contact with those people and objects first.

He took a deep breath, preparing for the final verification.

Outside, several super peers had gloomy faces. When they hunted just now, they were about to succeed, but they were still escaped by the other party.

"His means of is somewhat incomprehensible." "The main thing is that although we used special items, our Daoism was suppressed in the realm of immortals, which caused these big killers to not recover quickly enough. ."

They are reviewing.

Soon, those special items are dimmed and cannot always be activated.

"This is the moment!" Wang Xuan started, and he launched the "yes" tactic.

In the strange Dao rhyme, those people felt that their hands were light, and the big killer disappeared, as if they had disappeared into the underworld out of thin air.

"What?!" Their cold hair stood on end, their head was cold to their feet, but they reacted quickly and turned around and fled. This kind of change was too terrifying.

The big killer they held was actually taken away by the opponent!

Several weapons appeared in the fog, but they have not recovered.

"Since the effect is good, then I have a lot to do in the depths of hell!" He smiled and was very satisfied.

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