Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 456: full of harvest

In the early morning, in hell, in the morning glow, divine light descended from the world, the "extreme" holy emperor among the massive monsters, his original head was like a rotten watermelon, and it was gone! The aftermath of that beam of light rippled, and the surrounding monsters were like crops being harvested by a sickle.

The Holy Emperor is indeed a bit "incomprehensible". The headless, blood-stained body is still tall. Just below the neck, there are splendid shards of rules and mountains and rivers, which are majestic and inviolable.

He was a little dazed himself, his right hand swiped above his neck, his head disappeared, and he didn't touch anything.

However, his consciousness was condensed and not scattered. After all, he was one of the strongest in the True Immortal area. The city lord who had broken the limit 5 times had to bow his head and surrender to him.

His instinct was still there, and the moment his head was shattered, he left the place like a ghost, changing his position one after another.

On his left and right shoulders, a small flag was planted, as if carrying a tangible Dao, fully activated, revived, and the dazzling veins expanded.

The bright red Juxian flag radiated power, emitting immortal light, and when the flag moved, it reunited his broken primordial spirit and completely disappeared head.

Wang Xuan nodded, the strongest man in the Holy Imperial City is well-deserved, he is indeed very strong, there is more than one epoch, and the master of the giant city who has surpassed the limit of 5 times! He had a hunch that he would probably not be able to kill the Holy Emperor with a single blow.

That's fine, he just weighed how powerful the gods and holy emperors in the depths of **** are, and he can be sure that they are all true immortals of the extreme way, and now he has a clue in his heart.

"It's best if you don't die, otherwise, it's a bit of a waste. I also hope to take you and wait, and go to the twilight wonders and replace some useful people!"

On the majestic mountains in the distance, and among the clouds in the sky, many supernatural beings watching the battle were puzzled at first, and before the battle was officially launched, the supreme ruler of the Holy Imperial City came with a "Boom first for respect".

"Holy Emperor!" The Awakened who had broken the limit 5 times shouted. Just as the battle was about to begin, his own supreme power was "beheaded"? Such a terrifying scene had too much impact on the nearby Hell Corps.

Just now, the hustle and bustle of the sky and the high morale situation were suddenly crushed by people with the momentum of the top of Mount Tai. This hunting scene is shocking.

"What are you shouting, aren't I fine? Charge, hunt and kill Kong Xuan!" On the shoulders of the Holy Emperor, two small flags were intertwined with light, and the whole world was overwhelmed by the brilliance of one red and one gold.

He stopped drinking like this, and the city lord who opened his mouth trembled in awe, and the riot quickly subsided, but where is the enemy? In other directions, the factions such as Tianshen Mountain, Ash Ridge, and Mechanical Holy Temple, and their respective rulers, all activated the sacred objects at the first time.

The **** example is right in front of you. The Holy Emperor, who is based in the realm of extreme realms, almost appeared in the final stage! All of this is just what happens during the ups and downs of mental thinking.

When Wang Xuan was restless in the Hell Legion, he had already shot again. Who would give the opponent sufficient time to prepare? Naturally, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

The two small flags on the Holy Emperor's body are indeed amazing. This is a sacred relic passed down from hell. It has changed more than one owner. It is a symbol of imperial power and supremacy.

The flag was unfolded, like two divine wings, hanging on both sides of his left and right shoulders, with billions of divine light, red glow and gold intertwined, setting off his majesty and unattainable.

The flag shook lightly, the sky and the earth were divided, the sky was dim, and the nearby void burst into pieces. He was looking for Wang Xuan, trying to force him out.

However, he miscalculated and couldn't reach the fog. It was a mysterious place beyond the world. Even Wang Xuan himself didn't analyze it thoroughly, so he couldn't get to the final place.

Boom...Wang Xuan was holding the super holy artifact - the short cannon, and he took the opportunity to fire again, and the divine light fell from the sky! Wang Xuan was holding the super holy artifact, the short cannon, and took the opportunity to open fire again, and the sky was shining!

Fortunately, this time, the two flags held by the Holy Emperor have been "resurrected". He is like a supreme God Emperor spreading his wings.

The twin flags shook, and the divine wings swept across, cutting off the dazzling beam of light, and then smashed it into pieces.

"The divine power of the Holy Emperor is supreme!" Some awakened people shouted, and they rushed up into the sky according to the trajectory of the beam, wanting to go to the source to surround and kill Kong Xuan.

Boom! Boom...five beams in a row, like tireless, no exhaustion, coming at high speed, shaking the body of the real immortal of the holy imperial city, the two flags are violently intertwined with texture, hunting , to block the divine light.

After his own shock, he rushed up and killed the target.

Wang Xuan is quiet and indifferent, and it's not that he has never defeated the real immortals of the extreme way. In the world after the twilight wonders, he has met 13 people. He is too experienced to greet them silently. If so, he must be the one who killed the Holy Emperor in the end.

As for now, that's the same thing, he has no shortage of sacred relics, he silently emerged from the fog and swooped over.

Wang Xuan used the well-known grass vine to deal with the Juxian Banner, another hidden chaotic holy artifact, embodied as a simple tower, to deal with the Zhenshan film.

At this stage, it's okay for others to know that he has two sacred relics, because he is ready to fight the world and clear the real immortal area. This consequence and impact are even greater! The two sacred objects are in line with his current strength and status.

With his own palm, he met the Holy Emperor Fist, and a dazzling divine light erupted between the two.

"Wait for you to appear!" Nearby, the awakened city lords sneered, no matter what, it is impossible for the holy emperor of the real immortal realm to be quickly killed in a head-on confrontation with Kong Xuan.

As long as the time is delayed a little, a group of people will be killed, and will kill this madman from this world.

The gods, the lord of ashes, and the mechanical saints all tore open the void and came directly to kill Kong Xuan in an instant.

At the same time, by their side, they were all surrounded by real masters, divine envoys, commanders, mechanical beasts, etc.

This scene shocked all parties. It was a group of 5-time limit-breakers, and the leader was the True Immortal. Normally, if a single extraordinary person of the same realm is blocked, they will surely die.

Then, people saw that when Wang Xuan's palm collided with the Holy Emperor's fist, the latter's fist print dimmed, and it experienced dozens or hundreds of collisions in an instant.

There was blood splashing, and the Holy Emperor's fist showed his phalanx. This scene shocked everyone. In the frontal duel with Kong Xuan, the physical strength of a real immortal of the extreme way was not as strong as that of the latter.

The momentary picture is like eternity. Wang Xuan is very experienced in dealing with the real immortals of the extreme way. He has no "shortcomings" in his body. The ultimate, combined, is the supreme true immortal, that is, the ultimate true immortal.

Techniques, spirits, rhythms, etc. flowed out of him, blooming like immortal avenues of flowers swaying, he conquered the field of extreme Taoism that the Holy Emperor was best at - the magic light curtain.

A thud sounded and the light was infinite.

Everyone could see that the head of the Holy Emperor was slapped by Wang Xuan, causing the part to collapse. This picture was too shocking.

In front of the Allied Forces of Hell, Wang Xuan slapped the Holy Imperial City Jidao Zhenxian with three slaps, and his skull was partially opened, "brain fracture" and "death!"

die! The other Awakened were shouting, and they were already killed! There are also the gods, the lord of ashes, the mechanical saints, etc., all of whom have launched the most severe blow, even the real immortals of the extreme way can't withstand this siege!

With a swipe, Wang Xuan put his arms around the struggling Holy Emperor, and walked away, not in the fog, and completely disappeared.

"Where's the people?!" The Allied Forces of Hell blew up this void, turning the sky into a terrifying abyss, completely shattering the time and space, and all kinds of void traps were rummaged through, but they couldn't find him.

Go and remind them that Kong Xuan can disappear for a short time. If he defends that area, he will come out passively. With the absolute strength of the Hell Legion, he should be able to kill Kong Xuan many times! A super peerless person in the tattoo palace secretly told his disciples to deliver the news. He was so anxious that he would start with a defeat on the side of hell, which was incredible.

In fact, in the **** camp, there has long been research on Kong Xuan's tactics, knowing some of his magical powers, etc., but there is still a lot of chaos.

Because, the Holy Emperor was taken away by him and his skull was opened in front of everyone, and he disappeared with him, which further damaged morale.

"Don't panic, hold your ground, he can't disappear for a long time, all the city masters are gathered together, don't scatter." Someone shouted.

The Holy Emperor was covered in blood and had multiple fractures all over his body. This was a battle with no suspense. Wang Xuan once lost 13 Ji Dao True Immortals in a row.

The Holy Emperor looked at this place in shock, his face full of bitterness, and he was speechless. He had realized that he was not a true immortal, but an ultimate true immortal! In hell, it's all legend! His strongest reliance at the moment is the two small flags, the supreme sacred artifact that can be passed down from generation to generation in the Holy Imperial City, but soon his scalp tingled because he saw that the other party was connected to the bright sacred artifact, and the vines were blooming. The Chaos Immortal Pagoda glowed, the hourglass turned, and Kong Xuan was still holding a short cannon in his hand.

He is the co-owner of the Giant City Alliance and the Holy Emperor of the True Immortal Realm. Today, he is not as good as the other party. Even carrying two sacred objects will be suppressed and surrounded by the other party's sacred objects.

In this battle, there was no trouble. The Holy Emperor was beaten to the bone, and the Yuanshen sang lightly. What puzzled him was that there was no room for Yu Wankai.

"The two flags are not bad. They should be inherited from the Holy Imperial City, right? What about your own sacred relic?" Wang Xuan asked.

"I sacrificed it to the Juxian Banner and Zhenxian Banner, so I can quickly refine them." The Holy Emperor sighed.

Then he added: "You don't need to use the idea of ​​two flags. In the past, there were people who penetrated the Holy Imperial City and took away the two flags, but they can only be used in hell, and they can't be brought to the world, the moment they leave. , they will disappear automatically and return to the Holy Imperial City.”

I'm more interested in what you say.

Wang Xuan really came to the spirit, deprived the past Juxian flag and Zhenxian flag, and studied it carefully.

They are densely textured, and the complexity makes him eyebrows. This is indeed a good thing. He estimates that it should be regarded as the highest-level sacred object.

Wang Xuan said: "I really don't believe in evil. When I left, I left it in this fog. I think it can escape and fly back to the Holy Imperial City?" Then he said again: "I'll give you a chance, You may not kill you, but you have to cooperate more quickly. If you quarrel with me and play tricks, I will kill you directly and permanently obliterate you, and you will not even have a chance to become a wandering wanderer.

The Holy Emperor was surprised, the other party would really leave his life behind? This really exceeded his expectations.

The longer he lives, the less he wants to die, because he sees the hope of returning to the world, and has been awakened for many years. If the end of the era comes, and he survives the catastrophe of **** becoming empty, and keeps his consciousness, then he is truly broken. After the shackles, you can return to the world! "Okay, I'll cooperate with you!" As a true immortal of the extreme way, as the supreme ruler of the Holy Imperial City, he was happy.

Next, Wang Xuan gained a lot. He got the complete "Xinghe Washing Nerve" from the Holy Emperor. From the physical body to the primordial spirit, the entire True Holy Cultivation Technique was completely completed.

This is also the first true scripture without missing that he got as a wild cultivator.

Then, he obtained a incomplete holy-level exercise from the Holy Emperor, which was very valuable and made him quite fascinated. If it wasn't for the environment, he would like to study it in depth.

The Juxian Flag and the Zhenxian Flag, one red and one yellow, hung on both sides of his body and were initially refined by him.

The main reason is that the Holy Emperor is very cooperative. Not only did he remove all the marks, but he also helped him refine it together. This way, the effect of capitalizing on the enemy was too obvious.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Xuan to trust him and let him let go of his primordial spirit, verifying various scriptures, etc., to ensure that they were correct.

I promise you won't die, and you're going to a better place than staying in the depths of hell.

Because, when **** is empty, a conscious creature like you can't stand it at all, and will eventually return to a state of ignorance!

After Wang Xuan sealed him and completely suppressed him, he looked out of the mist.

Now, his eyes are fiery, and there are gods and mechanical saints outside. These are all living treasures that are worth digging and must be captured alive. However, he is also frowning, this group of people has gathered and arranged Great array! "There are many real immortals of the extreme way, and the city owner who has broken the limit 5 times is united. It doesn't matter. I am the ultimate real immortal. I am here to suppress all of you!" The most important thing is that he is now standing in the fog and can choose The most suitable time to start.

He decided to completely end **** today - empty it! After this campaign, in a short period of time, there is a high probability that he will not come back.

He walked slowly, walked to the edge of the fog, looked down, and said to himself, "The final battle, start!"

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