Are you there? Steal my daughter

What a sad “mother” this is.

When waiting for the child to be born, he was ruthlessly killed, and his own child was taken away, and he was trained to destroy his own existence.

No matter who heard the above story, they should scold the hateful woman who took the child, and the man who guided the way for the woman.

However, even if all this is true, even if all this has indeed become history, but Hei Yamato—the former Miss Ziyuan, is she really worthy of being a “mother”?

Cabot could not use words to describe his inner confusion and helplessness.

Hei Yamato’s words made her sure that Chiyuan and β-type Shenhai couldn’t get rid of their relationship, and what she had to do was clear at a glance.

Catch up with Chiyuan, and kill her before she has the desire to kill humans in her heart.

This is the mission of the ship girl.

Cabot stared at Kuro Yamato with a straight face, who was already preparing to go through the instructors’ defense line.

“You.” Cabot stopped Hei Yamato who was about to leave, “Why did you think of creating that child?”

Why would you think of creating this child under such circumstances?

No, what’s the problem? Isn’t the attitude of scientific researchers to pursue the truth of evolution, the truth of all things before death?

If you don’t have experimental equipment, you create experimental equipment—from an ethical point of view, you get your own genetic material. This experimental product—Chi Yuan—is naturally a “daughter”.

Hei Yamato thought it was reasonable.

“Controlled experiment, do you understand?” Hei Dahe asked back, “Humans drink 01 or grow from 01 culture fluid after adulthood…Which evolution would be more logical?”

“Although the various experimental data are not completely stable, I now know that both methods can lead to human evolution. In this ocean, my ‘daughter’ and I are both ‘gods’.”

Hei Dahe smiled happily. This was the first time since she woke up that she smiled from the bottom of her heart.

“But to be honest, I didn’t think of these things at first.” Hei Dahe reached out and tapped his head.

She turned to face Cabot, and poked her temple with her finger: “I just remembered that I should go to the North Pole, so I started the journey like this.

“However… I don’t dislike that unthinkable journey. It makes me feel lighter than before.” She smiled and opened her hands. Surrounded by the ship’s mother and the deep sea, she turned around.

At this time, she was like a young girl in her prime, alone on the stage, showing off her dancing posture and grace to everyone.

Hei Dahe liked that simple journey.

She didn’t remember anything, she didn’t need to think about anything, she was walking north on the sea, she was in a happy mood and her steps were brisk, and she didn’t need to worry about anything.

Until the same kind of deep sea breath attracted her and sent her to the United World Naval Academy, where she saw Chi Yuan, and then pierced Chi Yuan’s chest when she regained her memory.

Fear and excitement welled up in her brain, the child she pierced was her daughter, her kind, her enemy.

“Ah…haha, hahaha…hahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Kuro Yamato’s laughter erupted on the sea, she supported her cheek with one hand and pointed at Cabot, who was already looking very bad: “I know! I know! You are here to kill my daughter! Right? ”

Her sudden comprehension made Cabot take a step back in panic.

“Because she is my daughter, she must be like me…? Right? You think so, right?”

Hei Yamato’s words made Cabot speechless for a moment. She originally wanted to refute the other party’s words, but after thinking about it carefully, she was indeed doing such a thing.

Because Chiyuan and Hei Yamato have the same origin, and Hei Yamato is a β-type deep sea that cannot be handled. That Chiyuan…

Impossible not.

But at the same time, Cabot held the hope that Chi Yuan and she were not of the same kind, hoping to get this denial, hoping that Chi Yuan could return to him after this incident was over.

Cabot didn’t know how to make a choice, but her hand had already given the answer.

She shot Hei Yamato.

The bullet pierced Hei Yamato’s chest, and a black rose burst out of her pure white chest.

The flowers are fleeting and fall into the sea.

Hei Dahe smiled “huhu”. The bullets that were originally embedded in the body were gradually spit out by the muscles. Her skin recovered quickly, and everything was likeNothing happened.

“That’s right, that’s right, it’s really hot. I was burned.” Hei Dahe raised her eyes with a smile, and she looked at the pale-faced Cabot: “Such bullets must be able to pass through my daughter perfectly. Chest.”

“Enough!” Cabot stopped angrily.

“How can it be——? Don’t you want to kill her? Then go and meet her.” Seeing Cabot’s painful expression, Hei Dahe laughed loudly.

“Then I beg you to kill her quickly? If you look like that, maybe she will come back to me obediently. Although she doesn’t know who I am, she will agree with me.”

Hei Yamato had already lost her ability to think correctly. Perhaps when the “finished product” was taken away, her remaining human sanity had completely collapsed, and she was swallowed by endless hatred and became a deep sea.

Or in other words, she was originally like this.

Cabot’s hands were trembling, it was hard for her to imagine Chi Yuan getting out of the person in front of her, and it was also hard for her to imagine herself killing Chi Yuan.

That gentle child is not the unethical bastard in front of her, she…is not this person.

“I’m tired of talking to you, but I’m glad you can tell me about Chiyuan.”

Cabot replied calmly, and at the same time she pulled the trigger, a burst of bullets shattered Kuro Yamato’s chest.

This is not a ship-mounted shell, but a temporary bullet made by humans. Therefore, it can cause some damage to Hei Yamato, but the opponent’s recovery speed is still very fast.

“At first, I was very uneasy, thinking that she might cause accidents in the human-reformed ship as a β-type deep sea, but now I don’t think so.”

While talking, she loaded the new magazine. After reloading, she aimed the gun at Hei Yamato again.

“No one can blame others because of her birth. She has your blood and the damn Q virus 01 sample flowing in her body, but she is Chikite, not your test subject.”

Flames spewed from the muzzle of the gun, and Hei Yamato let out a sharp roar. Cooperating with Cabot’s suppression, other ship girls and the deep seas rushed forward.

Looking at Hei Dahe’s bloodshot eyes, Cabot raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

She popped out the magazine again, and the empty eggshell flashed in front of her eyes, and Hei Yamato saw her beautiful blue eyes.

“So, your daughter is mine, mother-in-law?”

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