: 098 Scientific Research Base 04

Faced with the Long March 10 speculation, Shandong could not find a reason to refute it.

In her heart, she definitely hopes that all the accidents here come from the deep sea, rather than some conspiracy.

“…Wuhu, check the remains.”

Shandong avoided the gaze of Long March No. 10 as if evading. The latter folded his hips helplessly and sighed, watching the two men bent down and fiddled with the remains scattered in the room.

These regrets have long been turned into dead bones due to the immersion of sea water and the gnawing of marine organisms.

But none of their bones were cut by sharp weapons or injured by blunt objects, and they could all be spliced ​​together completely.

And each bone is not scattered too far away. It seems that the researchers here were not insulted after death, but were quietly placed here to return to nature.

Many of the worn and dirty white coats still had nameplates pinned to them. Unfortunately, after more than ten years of immersion, these nameplates had already lost their original appearance. Shandong could not tell who these people were.

It was quite quiet in the small scientific research base. Long March 10 knew that the two people in front of her were feeling a little depressed. She didn’t know how to comfort her, so she could only change the subject.

“Sir, why did you suddenly think of re-investigating here?” After thinking about it, Long March 10 asked: “A few days ago, you had a fight with Chief Liaoning. Is that because of this?”

Her words reminded Shandong of the blonde beauty in his memory who always wore a cloak against the cold.

Liaoning is her older sister, but most of the time, she is more like Snow in Moscow.

Although the two are sisters, Shandong always feels that sometimes Liaoning will never be able to understand his feelings.

When she applied to her superiors to investigate the 098 scientific research base, Liaoning did not agree with her.

She didn’t strongly object, but stared at herself very flatly.

“Going to investigate in that kind of place will only make yourself more miserable. Stop, Shandong, the question about Chi Yuan’s life experience, her mother is a researcher at the 098 scientific research base—it will only make you feel desperate.”

In her memory, before she set off, Liaoning did not have the same laughter as before. She warned herself very seriously,Even very rare, the tone is cold.

It shows that Liaoning knows about this, and that Lexington—the ship girl whom Chi Yuan regards as her love object, also acquiesced to this.

They all knew that they were the only ones who were messed around.

This kind of thing——

This kind of thing! ! !

“Boom!” In a rage, Shandong smashed his fist into the floor beside his feet, and the loud sound echoed throughout the scientific research base.

Wuhu and Long March 10 were taken aback, and they quickly surrounded Shandong. Wuhu was a little worried: “Sir, what’s wrong?”

“…Absurd! Everyone has no external injuries, how did they die here! There is no deep sea here!” Shandong stood up angrily. Her anger was burning in her chest, but she had nowhere to vent it.

Why did the man who called her for rescue more than ten years ago say it was a deep sea attack? And why——hang up the phone suddenly?

What exactly happened in the 098 scientific research base? Why didn’t the rescue capsule fall? Why is it filled with seawater when the drainage system is intact?

What exactly is here——

“Why! What do you know, Liaoning! Why don’t you tell me about this kind of thing! How many secrets does that child hide?!”

In desperation, Shandong kicked the desk. Her strength was so great that she directly kicked through this fragile piece of metal.

After venting his anger, Shandong finally calmed down.

She supported the table with both hands, panting heavily.

The unusually salty humidity in the air is probably because the seawater has just receded, and there is still a fishy smell unique to the ocean.

Shandong raised his head, staring blankly at the door he pushed open with force.

Outside the half-closed door is a bright corridor with LED lights on. It slopes straight to the sea, but if water pours in, it will be filtered by the mesh floor of the corridor, and then repressurized back to the sea.

But, what if, who shuts down the drainage cycle?

Thinking of this, Shandong couldn’t help shivering. She turned her head immediately: “Wuhu!”

“Yes! Sir! What are your orders?!” Wuhu immediately stood up straight when his name was called, watching Shandong nervously.

The officer had just lost his temper, and she wasn’t sure if Shandong would take a bad breath at her.

“Is there any place in the outside world that can close the drainage system here?” Shandong quickly stepped over the broken wooden boxes piled up in front of him and came to Wuhu.

Wuhu thought for a while, then shook his head: “There is no switch here that the outside world can control the drainage system.”

After finishing speaking, she came to another huge piece of equipment and patted it: “This is the console of the drainage system, and it is operated by a network cable laid on the seabed.”

Wait, the network cable…

Long March No. 10 was stunned for a moment, and then immediately made a rather terrifying assumption: “Could it be…someone hacked into this drainage system?!”

“Huh?” Wuhu, who was explaining seriously, was stunned.

“Think about it! If someone wants to backfill the drainage system, the gate cannot be opened by human abilities. Isn’t this a natural slaughterhouse!”

–This is it!

“Wuhu, can you investigate whether this device has ever been hacked?” Shandong strikes while the iron is hot.

However, Wuhu became embarrassed: “If you want to investigate this…it’s a little embarrassing for me. This machine is not a device like a smart computer. It is very difficult to hack into it, unless someone knows it.”

There are not many people who know about the 098 scientific research base. Except for the main government officials and ship girls of country C, basically no one knows about this matter.

This is why after the accident in the 098 scientific research base, no search team was organized to search for the remains of the researchers.

But, but knowing that the superiors of the 098 scientific research base can’t do things that endanger their own country, let alone the ship girls, who the hell is that?

Shandong, who was standing in front of the drainage equipment with his head bowed, was lost in thought, but a small plastic-encapsulated pendant hanging in the gap of the equipment caught her attention.

She thought for a while, then stretched out her hand and took out the pendant.

The red string of the pendant has been soaked in sea water, and it shattered into velvet powder with a light pinch, which made her a little displeased.

A small photo was sealed inside the plastic block, but most of the plastic block had been covered by seaweed. Shandong could only frown and forcefully unscrew the plastic block.

A small, intact photo landed on her wrist.

Shandong threw away the dirty plastic pieces on her hands. She wiped her hands clean, and then picked up the photo from her wrist.

The photo shows a group photo of a black-haired woman and a red-haired man.

The woman wears a pair of glasses. She is meticulous, and she looks like a typical scientific researcher; while the man smiles with his lips pursed, stretches out his hand and gently hugs his lover.

Shandong felt that the man looked familiar, and then she flicked through the back of the photo.

“To Lin Yiqing, my love.”


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