"Well, thank you, Ichigo." His face slowly softened, and Saeko then thanked Ichigo sincerely.

"Speaking of which, Saeko, the two of us are actually quite similar." Seeing Saeko's appearance, he should have almost let go of the burden in his heart, so at the next moment, Ichigo smiled lightly and said to Saeko, "So, if you can completely let go of the grudges in your heart, then you can definitely grow into a peerless powerhouse with the power to protect the people you care about!"

"Ichigo, do I look alike to you?" Hearing Ichigo's words, the moving smile on Saeko's pretty face became more and more obvious.The next moment, he muttered and whispered, and Saeko's eyes began to gradually become more and more gentle.

At this time, seeing Saeko's soft eyes and wearing purple pajamas, Ichigo felt a fire in his heart being stirred up.Slowly, the way Ichigo looked at Saeko changed.

As for Saeko, she seemed to have noticed the change in Ichigo's eyes, and a few touching blushes rose on her pretty face involuntarily.

"Saiko, I won't be leaving in your room tonight." After a while, Ichigo, who had been watching Saiko for a while, suddenly opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

At the moment, hearing such words from Ichigo's mouth, Saeko seemed to have predicted what would happen next, and the body sitting on the chair instantly trembled slightly.

"...En." After a few seconds, he lowered his head with a blushing face, and then Saeko hummed towards Ichigo and agreed.


Time passed by like a white horse, and in the snap of my fingers, another three years passed.

Three years later, Ichigo, who had temporarily returned to his youth because his body was tempered by the power of the wanderer's order, finally grew back to his original form.

Right now, Ichigo is bringing Akatsuki, Saeko and other girls to the Qingtong tree base located in the 24th underground area.

"Ichigo, that old guy from Kana Mingbo is not a dry cook. It took three years and finally got some results." At this moment, standing in front of Ichigo, Takatsuki Izumi smiled and said such words to Ichigo. Come.

"Well, take me to see Akihiro Kaana's research results." Nodding, Ichigo then gestured to Takatsuki Izumi.

Right now, Akatsuki and the others have already fully accepted the fact that Ichigo knew Takatsuki, the leader of Aotong Tree, and they were close. Although three years ago, when Ichigo brought Akatsuki and the others to Aotong Tree for the first time, Akatsuki, Heina, and Shiro, who used to be ghoul investigators, were somewhat surprised when they saw Ichigo walking so close to the one-eyed king Owl with their own eyes.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that, completely different from the original comic book "Tokyo Ghoul", Akatsuki's mother, Mato Wei, was not actually killed by the ghoul led by Taka Tsuki Izumi. She is still alive and well, but Because Mato Wei had already been transferred to Germany by CCG, Ichigo never saw her.

This fact really made Ichigo relieved. Originally, Ichigo thought that Takatsuki Izumi had killed Akatsuki's mother, Mato Wei, so he never let Akatsuki know that he was very close to Owl, the leader of the green tung tree.But now, all the worries Ichigo had in his heart were all unnecessary.


After a moment.

I walked into the secret room in the Qingtong tree base with Taka Tsuki-Izumi, which was specially provided for Chiana Mingbo to carry out various experiments. Show your secret weapon to Ichigo-kun."

He spoke to Akihiro Kano in a commanding tone, and at this moment, Takatsuki Izumi gave orders to Akihiro Kano as if he was under the command.

Although, three years ago, Jiana Mingbo joined Qingtongshu in a cooperative relationship, but in fact everyone understands that the so-called cooperation is just empty words.Entering the territory of Takatsuki Izumi, what kind of cooperation does Chiana Mingbo want to discuss alone?Just a joke.

Therefore, Akihiro Kaana is destined to exist only in this green tung tree as a subordinate who is dispatched by Takatsuki Izumi at any time. ..

Chapter 1150 Transforming ghouls, Yoshino

However, even if he was yelled at by Takatsuki Izumi, Akihiro Jiana didn't show any dissatisfaction, and he seemed to be used to it.On the contrary, hearing Takatsuki Izumi's mention of "secret weapon", Akihiro Kana's expression also showed some obvious excitement.

"I see." At the next moment, he replied towards Takatsuki Izumi, and Akihiro Kaana walked to the side on his own.

Right now, Ichigo could see that when Jiana Mingbo walked to the wall of the secret room, he just stretched out his hand and pushed the wall of the secret room away.

It turned out that there was another secret passage behind the walls of this secret room.

"Come out, Yoshino." The next moment, he looked forward a little and looked into the dark passage that appeared after the wall was removed, and Akira Jiana then shouted.

And not long after Jiana Mingbo's shouts fell, a figure slowly walked out from the dark passage.

"I said, old man, how long do I have to stay in that dark place?" I saw that walking out of the dark passage was a young man who looked about twenty years old. The eyes are like Heyan, obviously this young man is a one-eyed ghoul.At this moment, when Fu Yi walked out of the dark passage, the one-eyed ghoul, who was called "Yoshino" by Akira Kaana, asked him impatiently.

"You have to stay for a while, after all, all the functions of your body are still unstable." Looking at the young Yoshino, Akihiro Kaana then said cheerfully.Since Yoshino is a "work" created by Akihiro Kaana in three years, it can be said that Akihiro Kaana is very caring for Yoshino now.

"Ah, it's really troublesome." Yoshino immediately complained when he heard Akihiro Kaana said he would stay for a while longer.

"Owl, is this the secret weapon you're talking about?" Looking at Yoshino at this time, Ichigo looked up and down this young man who didn't seem to have anything special except that he had one eye. With a smile of interest, he asked towards Takatsuki Izumi.

In the past three years, although Ichigo came to the green tung tree from time to time, he never went to the secret room where Akira Kaana was experimenting.Ichigo thought that if there was a breakthrough in Akihiro Kaana's experiment, then Takatsuki Izumi would definitely tell him right away, so he didn't need to pay special attention.

Therefore, this one-eyed ghoul, Yoshino, who appeared in front of Ichigo now, Ichigo had never seen before.

"That's right, Ichigo-kun, this one-eyed ghoul named Yoshino was transformed from an ordinary human in three years by Akihiro Kaana combining his own and the skills of Dixingjia and B." Nodding, Takatsuki Izumi then replied to Ichigo, "Different from the half-ghoul transformation that simply transplants Heko into the body of an ordinary person, Yoshino, the one-eyed ghoul, is a modified ghoul that incorporates the power of four powerful ghouls into his body."

"Xiao, shouldn't the power of the four ghouls be the power contained in the four kinds of Hezi, Jiahe, Yuhe, Linhe, and Weihe?" With a slight movement in his heart, Ichigo then asked towards Takatsukiquan.

"Well, there are a total of four types of Heiko, and Yoshino, who was transformed by Akihiro Kaana, has all of them." Takatsuki Izumi then smiled and replied to Ichigo, "In addition, Yoshino also has more than ten Hebao in his body, so his strength is It has definitely surpassed the average ghoul."

"However, there are too many types of Hebao and Hezi, and the side effects are obvious." After a short pause, Takatsuki Izumi turned the conversation and added to Ichigo, "The most direct side effect is that even if Yoshino has already He has become a one-eyed ghoul, and his current body is not strong enough to continue to use the power far exceeding that of ordinary ghouls for too long."

"Owl, do you mean that Yoshino's body will collapse if he fights for too long?" Nodding in understanding, Ichigo said to Takatsuki Izumi.

"That's right, that's it." Takatsuki Izumi responded immediately towards Ichigo.

"To be able to exert the strength that the one-eyed ghoul has overwhelmed his body, Yoshino seems to have a good level." With a slight smile, Ichigo said to Takatsuki Izumi in the next second.

"Hey, old man, this place is so boring, why didn't you think of going out for a walk?" At this moment, just as Ichigo and Takatsuki Izumi were having a "judgement" with Yoshino, the young man named Yoshino Suddenly, he asked Jiana Mingbo such words.

"Yoshino, don't be unreasonable! Facing the one-eyed king Xiao, your attitude should be more correct." Listening to Yoshino's casual words, Jiana Mingbo's old face froze, and then he rushed Glancing at Yoshino, he shouted.

Yoshino was still an ordinary person when he was caught here three years ago.And in the past three years, Yoshino has been staying in this secret room, accepting the constant transformation of Jiana Mingbo.Therefore, Yoshino, who has been in a coma most of the time, has never seen the cold side of Takatsuki Izumi, who is the one-eyed king Owl, so he dares to act a little presumptuous now.

In addition, Yoshino can clearly feel the strength of his own power now, which makes his self-confidence expand unprecedentedly, and the whole person becomes a little conceited because of this.

"Old man, don't be so serious, although we are in someone else's territory now, but if we want to leave, we can do it casually, right?" So, the arrogant Yoshino did not mention the one-eyed one because of Kana Mingbo. Wang Xiao restrained himself, and then still just casually spread his hands and said.

"Owl, this so-called secret weapon seems a little disobedient." Looking at Yoshino's arrogant side, Ichigo just smiled lightly, and then said to Takatsuki Izumi next to him.

"Well, it seems that there is indeed a small problem." Ichigo's words made Takatsuki Izumi silent for a while, and then when the gaze revealed in the eye that was never wrapped in the bandage became indifferent, Takatsuki Izumi lightly Nodding lightly, he said to Ichigo, "But it's okay, I'll let him know how to position himself right away."

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