Death: No cheats, take refuge in Aizen

Chapter 109 108 The world built by virtuality

Chapter 109 108. The world built by virtuality


The elevator door opened and Higashino Shuichi was in a daze as he looked at the crowds of people filing out in front of him.

Why is he here?

This seems to be where he worked in his previous life?

When he turned around, he saw the crowded lobby on the first floor, and a long queue of people behind him.

Some people were looking down at their phones, some were holding bread in their mouths, some were flipping through the documents in their hands, and some were opening their makeup mirrors to touch up their makeup.

Everything feels so familiar yet so strange.

"Hey, can't you go up? If you don't want to go up, just get out of the way and don't get stuck here, okay? Others are going to be late for work, okay?!"

Suddenly, the urging voice of the building guard came from behind, and Higashino followed the crowd into the elevator subconsciously.

Is he here to work?

Higashino Shuichi was confused.

It seems like this. I get up at 6 o'clock every morning, squeeze into the earliest subway, and arrive downstairs at the company at 8:51. I wait in line for another eight minutes and wait for the elevator, which is just in time to catch up. Check in.

This is true every day, no exception.

Watching the elevator door gradually closing, the security guard outside the door was still cursing at him, but the lights inside the elevator suddenly flickered, followed by violent shaking, and without warning, the elevator fell directly downstairs. .

Countless screams instantly echoed in the elevator.

Had an accident? But shouldn't this be the first floor? .

In an instant, several questions appeared in Higashino Shuichi's mind, but for some reason, Higashino Shuichi did not feel the slightest panic in this situation.

Obviously the heartbeat has accelerated rapidly due to the weightlessness.

But Higashino Shuichi's brain still remained extremely clear-headed and calm.

And as if driven by his own subconscious, Higashino Shuichi quickly opened his right hand downwards, and at the same time chanted,

"Thirty-seven of the Binding Dao, the Hanging Star!"

After the words fell, outside the field of vision that could not be seen by the people in the elevator, in the dark elevator shaft, a spiritual subnet composed of spiritual power was instantly formed, just enough to catch the rapidly falling elevator and try to slow down its descent. speed so that it does not hit the ground at the speed of free fall.

But it didn't work, and the elevator finally landed on the ground.

The lights go out and darkness falls.

Hideyoshi Higashino felt that his body had suffered a violent impact, and then within his field of vision, there was blood, pieces of flesh, and his splattered brains.

Death has never come so quickly and powerlessly as this time.

When Higashino Shuichi regained consciousness again, he found that he was still in the elevator. There were people around him asking for help, praying, crying, and some were even turning on their mobile phones to record their last words.

But Higashino Shuichi raised his right hand in front of him, "Binding Road. Hanging Star"

Because of the sudden collapse of his body and his inexplicable recovery of consciousness, he seemed to remember that he traveled to the world of death, became a god of death, took refuge in Aizen, and became an undercover agent. After assisting Urahara Kisuke in his rebellion, he took the initiative to Entered a virtual state.

Therefore, he should be in the inner world created by the void in his body now.

Normally, he should not have amnesia when he entered this place, but Higashino thought that he entered the virtual state in a state of completely overdrawing his own power, which may be the reason for him.

But, what happened just now?

Is his memory confused again?

Or is it a fact that really happened?

Higashino Hideichi didn't have a clue for a while, because the memory in his brain had just been restored, so he couldn't judge whether the death scene that flashed just now was his illusion.

Because there was no blood or residual limbs in the elevator at this moment, it was as if nothing happened just now, and the entire elevator landed smoothly with the help of his hanging star.

Higashino Shuichi reached for his waist, and sure enough, his Zanpakutō was there too.

Just now, I just subconsciously ignored its existence.

Soon, amidst the noise and anxious sounds, the elevator door opened, and what came into view was the familiar and friendly orange uniform.

Higashino Shuichi did not choose to use the Zanpakutō to forcefully break the elevator open, nor did he choose to use Kidō to get out.

Because this world is very strange, no one is surprised that he carries a Zanpakutō, everyone seems to think it is a matter of course.

Moreover, the void in his body is also very strange.

Until now, Higashino Shuichi has not discovered his existence.

Although Higashino Shuichi knew that not all Zanpakutō swastikas had to fight against his own Zanpakutō.

Because mastering swastika is essentially the process of allowing the Shinigami to deeply understand his own power.

Just like Higashino Shuichi's own Zanpakuto, he can complete the final liberation through trial after trial.

But Higashino Shuichi didn't expect that mastering virtualization could be like this.

In other words, whether it is the Zanpakutō's first interpretation, swastika interpretation, or Hollow transformation, it is essentially the process of recognizing one's own power.

And this process never sticks to formality.

Therefore, Higashino Shuichi also wanted to know what the Hollow in his body was, and what he wanted to do to him.

Higashino Hideichi had a vague guess.

It's not that half a piece of broken jade can't make the god of death complete the final and perfect virtualization, but that half a piece of broken jade can't directly make the god of death directly recognize and fully understand the full power of his own virtualization.

Because the essence of Arrancar Return is to return to one's original form.

For a Shinigami, this is actually equivalent to the process of realizing the full power of his Zanpakutō during the process of swastika.

Therefore, as long as Higashino Shuichi can complete this process of cognition and understanding, even if he is currently using half a piece of Bengyu to achieve virtualization, he should eventually have the opportunity to achieve perfect virtualization without relying on the power of a complete Bengyu.

That is to master the return blade of the void.

Adhering to this suspicion, Higashino Shuichi decided to have a good play with the virtual one in his body here.

He wanted to see what kind of character that Xu was.

"Give me your hand!"

Looking at the right hand offered to him by the man in orange uniform in front of him, Higashino Shuichi stretched out his hand to hold it.

With some force, he got out of the trapped elevator in no time.

The accident was neither too big nor too small, but because it caused no casualties and too serious economic losses, the police unexpectedly just made some notes at the scene and let Higashino Shuichi and the others leave.

As for where can Higashino Shuichi go after leaving?

Naturally, I go to work in the company.

The evil capitalist still did not allow rest under such circumstances, and even deducted Higashino Hideichi's full attendance for one day because he was late to clock in.

Fortunately, Higashino Shuichi knew that this was just his inner world, not the real world.

Otherwise he would really be grateful.

"In the just-concluded Ti6 International Invitational Tournament in Seattle, the Wings team from China overcame all obstacles and won the world championship."

"In the just-concluded human-machine Go competition, the latest generation artificial intelligence machine produced by xx company, AlphaGo, successfully defeated the current world No. 1 Go player."

"In the just-concluded 20th World Cup, the German team won the world championship."

Sitting at his work station, Higashino Shuichi was very comfortable fishing while checking the world's information.

As he expected, this was a false world built by the Hollow in his body based on Higashino Shuichi's own memories.

Therefore, in this world, it is impossible for information beyond Higashino Shuichi's own memory to appear.

Therefore, this information is chaotic and disorderly.

"So what does he want to do?"

After realizing this clearly, Higashino Shuichi became even more confused.

The logic of the behavior of this void in his body is really unreasonable.

But soon, Higashino Shuichi thought of another explanation.

Could it be that the logic of this behavior contains Xu's ability to return to the edge?

The reason why Higashino Shuichi has this consideration is not unfounded, because his own Zanpakuto Swastika is like this.

But if that's the case.

Higashino Hideichi looked around at his colleagues who seemed to be busy working, and silently pulled out his Zanpakutō.

"Attack, soldiers! Control the troops and control the people!"

The knife stabbed into the body of the colleague next to him.

Then, nothing happens.

Not only did no Reiko appear, but the colleague who was stabbed through the chest by Higashino Shuichi didn't seem to notice it at all. He just calmly raised his head and asked Higashino Shuichi,

"Is something wrong with you standing here?"

Higashino Shuichi shook his head and drew his knife.

The colleague instantly fell to the ground and disappeared.

But soon, a new and identical colleague appeared again and continued the work of the previous one.

"So, is this a world that operates entirely according to established rules?"

Seeing this scene, Higashino Shuichi had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

In this world built by the Hollow in his body, Higashino Shuichi's own abilities cannot destroy its own operating rules. Only when the world tries to force him, an outsider who does not belong to the world's operating scope, to When he comes in, he can briefly affect the world.

It's just this impact.

Higashino Hideichi thought of some possibilities, but more events were needed to verify them.

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