Deadly Doting Marriage

Chapter 56 - Forest of Death Part 1

Chapter 56: Forest of Death Part 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the darkroom, four police officers in uniform were playing cards on the table to keep themself awake!

The bearded police officer laughed loudly. “Haha, I am very lucky today. I won again!”

He opened his cards to reveal a straight flash!

The other police officers groan in defeat. “There is no way you are this lucky. I had lost so much money tonight!”

“Me too. I’ve lost three times in a row, and I’ve lost all my money for the month!”

The bearded officer shouted happily, “This is poker, and there will be winners and losers. Pay up!”

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A few people reluctantly handed the money to the bearded officer.

The bearded officer was just in the middle of his winning strike when the door creaked.

It had alerted one of the police officers who stood up and yelled, “Who is it!”

At this moment, the sound of a kitten meowing could be heard. Everyone laughed out loud. “It’s just a cat. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill!”

“Isn’t that right? This is the Hillford, after all. Who would dare to break into a prison!”

“I’ve worked in this police station for over twenty years and have never encountered such a thing!”

The four of them relaxed and prepared to continue their game of cards. At this moment, a black shadow appeared in front of them.

The bearded officer trembled slightly and was just about to speak when Kathleen took out her gun and pointed it at him. With a bang, he fell straight to the ground.

The other three felt that something was wrong and turned their heads.

Another three gunshots later, the three of them fell to the ground in a sorry state.

It was a tranquilizer gun, equipped with a silencer. It could silently knock them unconscious but not kill them.

In the cell, Jimmy and Alex saw this scene and said in shock, “Boss, why are you here?”

“I’m here to save you!” Kathleen walked forward and looked at the lock. “Where’s the key?” Kathleen asked.

“It’s on that big bearded man!”

Kathleen took the key from the bearded officer’s trouser belt and unlocked the prison door. She escaped with Alex and Jimmy.

After an unknown amount of time in the prison, the bearded officer woke up in a daze.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He suddenly thought of what happened last night.

He turned his head around and realized that the prisoners had disappeared!

His expression changed. He jumped up and kicked the three police officers. “Quickly get up. The prisoner had escaped!”

The other three prison officers rubbed their eyes and sat up. When they realized that the prisoners were gone, their faces turned pale with fright.

The four of them looked at each other and hurriedly got up before running out in a hurry.

Alex and Jimmy had offended the Smith family. They managed to escape from prison a day before the execution.

This incident caused a huge commotion in Hillford.

The police pulled up the surveillance footage and discovered a skinny woman wearing a hat and a mask had broken into the prison, dressed in a tight black outfit. She used an anesthetic gun to knock out the police officers and rescue the two prisoners.
The Chief of Police ordered the police to pursue these people with everything they got. Thus, the whole of Hillfordls police force began a sweeping operation.

Checkpoints were set up everywhere, including planes, cars, trains, even waterways, and steamships.

However, even with so many police officers working together, they could not locate the three of them.

Meanwhile, in the Lambert’s residential villa’s study, John received a phone call from Erwin.

The two of them were close friends and would often exchange pleasantries over the phone.

However, he went straight to the point and told John what had happened at Hillford Prison.

“John, I didn’t expect the adopted daughter of yours to be so capable as to break into the Hillford Prison and release two prisoners! This was not something an ordinary person could do.”

Erwin’s father was also furious about this incident. He had ordered Erwin to capture the two prisoners immediately!
Erwin’s voice was filled with mockery. “The world outside is in chaos. Everyone is looking for them.”

John looked at the video that Erwin sent him, and he saw the figure of the girl in black clearly.

Although Kathleen was wearing a hat and a mask, even Erwin could tell it was her, not to mention John.
John clenched his fists and hung up the phone.

He stood up and went straight to Kathleen’s room.

‘When I opened the door, the room was empty except for a note on the table.

John picked it up and looked at it. There was a sentence written on it. “Young Master, I will return to pay off my debt after I have dealt with something.”
John clutched the note tightly, full of murderous intent.

Those two men were so important to her life? She actually disregarded her life and went to the Hillford Prison to save them?
John’s black eyes were icy. Kathleen can only have him in her life. Anyone who tried to enter will die!

John turned around and entered the study. He switched on his laptop.

The police could not find the whereabouts of Kathleen and the two criminals, but John could.

He had placed a tracking device in the necklace he had given Kathleen.

It was a gift John had given Kathleen for her 19th birthday

John quickly typed on the keyboard and entered the code into the software.

Ared dot immediately appeared on the map showing Kathleen’s location.

John narrowed his eyes and zoomed in to take a look.

No wonder the police could not find the whereabouts of the three of them, they were in the forest at the borders of Hillford and Murica.
John’s entire body was filled with killing intent. He coldly said, “Prepare a helicopter!”

Karl immediately said, “Yes, Young Master.”

The wind was like a knife, cutting though the night sky.

Kathleen guided Alex and Jimmy as they walked through the ancient forest.

It was a large forest, and the pathways were windy and steep. There were tall towering trees.

The trees would block out any light from the night sky, leaving them in darkness.

Kathleen and the other two could not even see each other’s faces clearly. They could only hold hands as they walked slowly through the forest.
The night wind whistled, blowing the branches and leaves, making rustling sounds.

Through the light of the flashlight, Jimmy saw the python crawling on the tree. “Be careful. There’s a snake!”
His reminder frightened Alex as he hurriedly took a step back.

Alex pulled Kathleen and said in a deep voice, “Boss, you be careful too. Girls are usually afraid of snakes!”
Kathleen nodded and huddled together with Alex.

The ancient forest was different from regular forests. There were very wildlife around.

Snakes that live in a forest like this are usually highly poisonous.

Once someone is bitten, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Kathleen’s expression tensed up as she looked around and said, “Let’s go that way!”

The two of them nodded. Just as they were about to go over, a few other snakes slithered toward them at high speed.
Alex and Jimmy, the two men, were so frightened that their legs went soft.

“I’s not a single snake, but a group of snakes!”

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