Deadly Corpse

Chapter 211: Anti guest

"Husband !!!"

Meng Ling's whole person seemed to be struck by a thunder, and she was stunned and stunned. She only saw a man in his thirties who had just climbed in from outside, and she was of the Sven and temperament type, and the other person I was also stunned. After picking up her daughter, she looked at Meng Ling with tears in excitement.

"Lingling! Great, really great ..."

The man striding out was already in tears, and the hand that grabbed Meng Ling was almost crying, Meng Ling's tears burst instantly, and he suddenly went up to hug him and his daughter and wept in tears, and Wang Ziwei came over to surprise him. Cheers: "Wow! Come and see everyone, Brother Yang is reunited!"

"Lingling! Why are you here ..."

Meng Ling's husband released her tears with excitement, and Meng Ling choked and said, "Have you forgotten, I brought my daughter here to watch a movie. After the accident, we were trapped here. Fortunately, we met After Xia ... a lot of kind people, otherwise our mother and daughter would have died long ago! "

"Meng Ling! Congratulations, the family is reunited ..."

Feng Momo took the lead to applaud, and the girls also followed her applauding. Meng Ling, crying with joy, hurriedly introduced her husband: "This is my husband Yang Haiyang, he is the vice president of an insurance company, husband! They All my good sisters, this is Feng Momo, this is ... "

"No need to introduce, quickly take your husband to wash, he seems to have not taken a bath for a long time ..."

Feng Momo interrupted her with a smile, but Meng Ling was sensitive and found that the girls of the second team all stood behind Feng Momo. Although they still smiled on their faces, their eyes were indifferently scary. Meng Ling immediately realized that she was out and she was no longer her own.

"Ocean! Help your friends first, don't just care about yourself ..."

Meng Ling took her daughter away from Yang Haiyang. Unbeknownst Yang Haiyang nodded quickly, turned around and ran into the fast food restaurant to help, but Feng Momo came over and said sincerely: "Sister Ling! No Nothing is more important than family reunion. Forget our sisters to help you.

"What do you mean? Can't I be the captain if I have a husband, can't I play for the second brother ..."

Meng Ling stared at Feng Momo in anger. Who knew that Feng Momo just shook his head with a grin and smiled and retreated to Xia Fuer directly, but Xia Fuer also said, "Be good to you Good women, not everyone has such good luck, you should cherish it! "

"Second Brother! Don't let me out, I want to follow you ..."

Meng Ling was very excited and pleaded, but Xia Fuji still waved her hand and said, "Let ’s do it! Think about it before making a decision. It's not too late before we leave. Your husband has disclosed our situation, understand? "

"I see! Thank you brother ..."

Meng Ling nodded with pain in her face. The whole person was as frustrated as a deflated ball, but Xia Buer also understood her mood. Meng Ling was originally an indisputable housewife. Suddenly there was her own excitement, and then let her go back to be an ordinary wife, she must not be reconciled.

"Brother Xia! I'm Wang Ziwei ..."

Wang Ziwei came forward and waved a small hand, biting her red lips and looking at Xia Fuji shamefully. Wang Ziwei kept a black Qi Liu Hailong hair, although without Feng Momo, they are bright and charming, delicate little face But there is a sense of purity, giving a very clean and pure feeling.

"Xiao Wei! You call me summer ..."

Xia Buer stepped forward and smiled. It was not because he deliberately deceived the girl. It was because his name was too loud. Any crop peasant might have heard his name, but Wang Ziwei was sorry: "I'm sorry! I came here without saying hello. My dad kept it from me!"

"It's okay! Come here, come here, sit where you want, I won't say hello to you ..."

Xia Fuji waved his hands indifferently, went directly into the fast food restaurant and watched the martial arts people kill the dead body. Wang Ziwei was anxious to say something to the past, but Feng Momo grabbed her and yelled: "Have you grown up? You are so young, so dare to seduce my man to flatten your chest!"

"You lie! Brother Xia says he doesn't have a girlfriend ..."

Wang Ziwei covered her chest with an aggrieved face, Feng Momo immediately raised her kitchen knife, scared Wang Ziwei hurriedly ran into the fast food restaurant, at this time the battle had entered the degree of fever, and several red Martians were shot. It was about to come out, but everyone in the martial arts school looked at it with their hands copied.

"Wow! You are amazing ..."

The girls walked in to sell Meng applause, but they couldn't help sneering. The living corpse was not enough for their training. A dozen martial arts guys killed them for a long time and did not solve them. In their opinion, these people It's just a panic, there is no skill at all, at least it is better than ordinary people.

"That's for sure! We are from the martial arts school. Who can kill us?"

Several male survivors all proudly raised their chests, as if they had also killed the enemy. One of the strong men was even more perplexed: "Beauties! Now that you know the benefits of men, you don't need to do it anymore Scared and afraid, my brothers will take good care of you! "

"Thank you, brothers ..."

The girls hid their mouths and laughed, and a group of saucy men were all irritated with laughter. Suddenly seeing so many beautiful young women and mature women, it was a normal man who had a male hormone burst, not even waiting for the living corpses outside. After killing them, they started to wander around the girls.

"Haha ~ I'm done ..."

Du Yao breathed back two steps. He seemed to be the head of a martial arts student. He directed the red stun gun and instructed everyone to re-block the obstacle. Wang Dana also hurriedly said, "Everyone go out, follow here Friends know each other! "

After the corpse was killed, the mood was naturally a lot easier. The feeling of picking up a large supermarket made the martial arts school full of joy. The crowd rushed outside the store. Women saw a wide range of cosmetics and jewelry, and they lived The corpse was as excited as seeing the living creature, and rushed forward like a swarm.

"Oh ~"

Feng Momo suddenly slashed on the counter, and the loud noise frightened everyone, and Feng Momo pointed at a group of women with a kitchen knife and yelled: "Do you understand the rules, everything here is Ours, whoever dares to move will chop his hand! "

"What fierce you are, this supermarket is not yours. Why should it be yours ..."

A group of women folded their arms unwillingly, and several men stared at Feng Momo fiercely. Wang Dana hurried up and said, "Everyone! The living corpses here were killed by others. We can't take advantage of them for nothing. Food must be exchanged to get something, I just promised people! "

"Principal Wang! You are too good to speak, they just bully you honestly ..."

A mean-looking woman took a few steps forward and patted the counter and said loudly: "We are not trying to grab their food to eat, so many jewellery and clothes they ca n’t use up at all, what can we do with some fun, more What's more, these unowned things have a share, why can they swallow them alone? "

"That's it! Don't be so overbearing, okay. Do a dozen of you use so much ..."

Several men shouted in disapproval, but Feng Momo looked at Wang Dana with a sneer and said, "Principal Wang! Are you a revenge? If we don't tell you how to escape, you might have been swallowed up. Go inside the corpse! "

"Everyone! We can't be so unconscience ..."

Wang Dana hurriedly said in a loud voice: "The lives of everyone were saved by them. This place is also provided by others. We ca n’t always take counter-offers. Anyway, we ca n’t take things in vain. We must exchange them with others. And I promised them Things must be done, this is my principle of being a man! "

Du Yao also came to helplessly and said, "Okay, everyone! Anyway, there are many shops near here. We will move out when we find a suitable place. There will be food and jewellery. Why bother with them? More, right! "

"Huh ~ these people are so selfish, what is it ..."

A group of people muttered and grunted, some people were still not clean, but Feng Momo said aloud: "If you are strong, don't stay here, you must abide by the rules if you want to stay here, do not pass us No one is allowed to go up to the second floor, and we must get our consent to get things! "

"Damn! You're going to force me to believe you and kill me, don't shame your face ..."

A dark-faced brave man rushed up in anger, and fisted his fist to stab Feng Momo. Wang Dana and others hurriedly stopped him, so that he was persuaded to leave, but a martial arts coach also Angrily said: "It's too bullying, even if there is no public morality, it's so ugly!"

"Please! It was you who broke in, not who we invited you to. Who has no public morality ..."

Feng Momo raised her arms and kept her mouth open, but her purpose was to anger the group, so that they could see what kind of virtue the group had, but Wang Dana's temper was not like a martial art. Man, he always acts as a lubricant between the two parties, and has extinguished the fire that Feng Momo ignited several times.

"Okay! For the time being, wait until they are familiar with the environment ..."

Xia Buer went to Feng Momo's side and whispered ~ ~ Feng Momo nodded and the survivors dispersed in twos and threes, but they didn't take their warnings seriously. When you walk into the store, you can take whatever you want, and some even open up what the girls collected, which is a blatant provocation.

"Huh ~ it's a bunch of wolf-hearted things, no gratitude at all ..."

Feng Momo and others all stood on the sidelines and watched coldly. Most of the survivors were unconscious, and they ate and ridiculed them continuously. Only the martial arts people were better, after all, Wang Dana was pressing on them. However, the trainees were still in a hurry, sneaking a lot of good things into their pockets.

"Second Brother! The gun was taken away ..."

Chang Guiling suddenly walked to Xia Fuer and whispered, "Both pistols were taken away, and it was found that they were two women. They told the guy who was about to hit Feng Momo, that guy Secretly hid the gun and prevented two women from telling anyone! "

Xia Fuer immediately sneered and said: "Wait! There must be some good show tonight!"

(Belated Love ...)

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